From: Jason W Neyers <>

Sent: Friday 25 August 2023 00:09

To: obligations

Subject: ODG: Just Published - The Law of Civil Penalties

Attachments: FP_Kayis_Law of Civil Penalties__ODG_members13.pdf


Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to Deniz Kayis, Eloise Gluer and ODGer Samuel Walpole on the publication of their edited collection, The Law of Civil Penalties with Federation Press.


From the description:


This collection of essays considers the purpose of civil penalties, the principles underpinning their imposition, and their deployment in different areas of the law as important tools of regulation and enforcement. The collection features a variety of different perspectives judges, barristers, solicitors, academics, regulators, policy-makers and NGOs from which it examines the doctrine of the law of civil penalties and reflects upon potential further development in this critical area of regulatory law and practice.


The Federation Press has prepared a flyer with a discount code for the ODG, which you will find attached to this email.


Happy Reading!



Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)





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