From: Jason W Neyers <>
Sent: Wednesday 6 September 2023 20:05
To: obligations
Subject: ODG: Justice in Private Law
Attachments: Jaffey_flyer.pdf
Dear Colleagues:
Congratulations go out to ODGer Peter Jaffey on the publication of his
newest book, Justice in Private Law with Hart (2023).
From the description:
This book discusses the dominant corrective justice and distributive
justice approaches to private law and identifies their strengths and
weaknesses. It goes on to propose a general approach to private law, including
contract, tort and private property, and explains how it can provide solutions
to some longstanding problems. Two general ideas inform this approach: the
standpoint limitation and remedial consistency . The standpoint limitation
explains the distinctive character of private law, that is to say why it is
focussed mainly, though not exclusively, on particular individual interests
rather than the common welfare. Remedial consistency explains the way in which
remedies depend on and give effect to primary rights. The book also discusses
the nature of common law legal reasoning and its relationship to the suggested
understanding of private law.
A discount of 20% is available by following
the directions on the attached flyer.
Happy Reading,
Jason Neyers
Professor of
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
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