From: Jason W Neyers <>

Sent: Friday 8 September 2023 14:12

To: obligations

Subject: ODG: The Law of Loyalty

Attachments: Smith The Law of Loyalty 97801976645824.pdf


Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to ODGer Lionel Smith on the publication of his much anticipated new book, The Law of Loyalty with OUP which is the culmination of years of work on fiduciary duties and duties of loyalty.


From the description:


The Law of Loyalty is a study of the principles governing the use of legal powers that are held for other-regarding ends. It addresses both public law and private law, and examines both the common law and the civil law. It aims to provide a theory of how Western law regulates the situations in which we hold legal powers, not for ourselves, but for and on behalf of others.


The attached flyer provides directions on how to get a 30% discount from OUP.


Happy Reading,




Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)





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