From: Jason W Neyers
Sent: Monday 22 January 2024
To: obligations
Subject: ODG: The Law of Nuisance: From Victoria Park to
the Tate Gallery
Harrington and I are organizing a workshop (of about 15 people) on the law of
nuisance entitled The Law of Nuisance: From Victoria Park to the Tate Gallery
to be held in the Barbados and co-hosted by the University of the West Indies
on Friday Feb 23 and Saturday Feb 24, 2024. The proceeds of the workshop will
be published as a stand-alone issue of the Journal of Commonwealth Law. Final
versions of the papers will be due June 1.
As things
have turned out, we still have 2-3 more spots available for those who might
want to participate in the workshop. Speakers will be expected to fund
their own travel and accommodation but meals will be provided. (Alternatively,
if you just wished to attend as a commentator or participant, please let us
know. Non-paper participants will be expected to contribute a small amount
(C$100) towards to the costs of workshop).
Here is
our slate of speakers so far:
If you
might be interested please let me know ASAP.
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
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