From: Jason W Neyers
Sent: Friday 12 January 2024
To: obligations
Subject: ODG: Landmark Cases in
Consumer Law
go out to Jodi Gardner and Iain Ramsay on the publication of their edited
collection, Landmark Cases in Consumer Law with Hart:
Here is the
Table of Contents
1. Key Themes in Landmark
Consumer Law Cases, Iain Ramsay (University of Kent, UK) and Jodi Gardner
(University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Part One: Common Law Foundations of Consumer Law
2. Earl of Chesterfield v Janssen: Equitable Foundations, Benjamin Douglas
(University College London, UK)
3. Gardiner v Gray, David Ibbotson (University of Cambridge, UK)
4. Incorporation and Exemption Clauses in Consumer Contracts: Parker v South
Eastern Railway Company, Stelios Tofaris (University of Cambridge, UK)
5. Quackery and Contract Law: The Case of the Carbolic Smoke Ball, AWB
Simpson (Late of University of Michigan, USA)
6. Helby v Matthews: The 'Great Test Case'? Iain Ramsay (University of Kent,
7. Blacker v Lake and Elliot: (closing and opening) a Path for Injured
Consumers in Tort before Donoghue, Emily Gordon (University College London,
8. Jarvis v Swans Tours: Can Holidays be a Human Right? Jodi Gardner
(University of Auckland, New Zealand)
9. The Foundations of Corporate Criminal Responsibility in Consumer Law: Tesco
Supermarkets Ltd v Nattrass in Perspective, Peter Cartwright (University of
Nottingham, UK)
10. Lloyds Bank Ltd v Bundy: The Influence of the Omnibus Principle of Unequal
Bargaining Power, Jeannie Marie Paterson (University of Melbourne,
Australia) and Elise Bant (University of Western Australia)
11. Erven Warnink Besloten Vennootschap v J Townend & Sons (Hull) Ltd:
Consumer Welfarism by the Back Door? John Murphy (Hong Kong University)
Part Two: Rethinking the Role of Consumer Law
12. Of Marginal Gains and Opportunities Missed: The Lost Landmark of
Constantine v Imperial Hotels Ltd, Toni Williams (University of Cambridge,
13. Abortion and the 'Right To Choose': The Consumer Rights Implications of Roe
V Wade, Stevie Martin (University of Cambridge, UK)
14. Virginia State Board of Pharmacy v Virginia Consumer Citizens Council, Inc:
Commercial Speech: Advancing the Rights of Consumers or Enhancing the Rights of
Corporations? Mary Spector (SMU Dedman School of Law, USA)
15. A v National Blood Authority: An Experiment in Radical Consumer-centric
Strict Liability for Products, Jacob Eisler (Florida State University, USA)
16. Failure to Protect the Vulnerable: Office of Fair Trading (Respondents) v
Abbey National Plc & Others (Appellants), Christine Riefa (University of
Reading, UK)
17. Bankruptcy, Housing, 'Have Nots', and the Limits of Legal Landmarks: Places
for People Homes Ltd v Sharples, Joseph Spooner (London School of Economics,
18. European Integration after Mohammed Aziz, Irina Domurath (Universidad
Adolfo Iba ez, Chile) and Hans-W Micklitz (European University Institute,
19. Plevin v Paragon: Undisclosed PPI Commissions Give Rise to an Unfair Credit
Relationship, Nicola J Howell (Queensland University of Technology,
20. Cake, Conflict and Consumer Law: The Significance of Masterpiece Cakeshop v
Colorado Civil Rights Commission and Lee v Ashers Baking Company Ltd, Sarah
Brown (University of Leeds, UK)
21. Small Claims, Big Challenges: Merricks v Mastercard, Simone Degeling
(University of New South Wales, Australia), Jodi Gardner (University of
Auckland, New Zealand) and Josh McGeechan (Australian Securities and
Investments Commission, Australia)
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Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
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