From: Robert Stevens <>
Sent: Tuesday 16 January 2024 12:17
To: Jason W Neyers; obligations
Subject: RE: Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
Yes. But
that is not this case.
From: Jason W Neyers <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 12:13 PM
To: Robert Stevens <>;
obligations <>
Subject: RE: Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
Dear Rob:
But your analysis only works in a situation of true
nonfeasance (failure to act) not in a situation of misfeasance (acting). So if
the Doctor was performing a surgery and was negligent, leading to a gruesome
death then there should/could be liability. The fact that there was an
undertaking only to the patient would be irrelevant just as the fact that there
was only an undertaking by a builder to their employer for the construction of
a house would not preclude a claim by a third party injured when the building
collapsed on them (since the third party claim is a DvS one, an
interference with a primary right through action, rather than a HBvH
The judgments in Paul v Royal Wolverhampton seem to skirt around that issue or
worse perhaps even deny it on some readings.
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
From: Robert Stevens <>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 5:54 AM
To: obligations <>
Subject: Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
interesting decision on psychiatric injury in Paul v Royal Wolverhampton [2024]
in all three cases a doctor or health authority fail to diagnose a
life-threatening medical condition, leading to the patient s death. The
claimants are relatives who suffer psychiatric injury as a result of the death.
hold (rightly) no duty of care owed.
majority decision is long, but on a quick fisking through, we find the right
reason (Lords Leggatt and Rose giving the main substantive judgment, with which
Lord Briggs, Sales and Richards agree, with a short concurrence by Lord
Carloway) at [138]. Lord Burrows dissents.
I do not
owe you a duty to protect you from illness. A fortiori I do not owe third
parties who might be impacted by your illness a duty of care.
however, you attend a hospital clinic, a (special) duty of care is assumed
towards you. The doctor who treats you comes under a duty to protect you from
harm. If you are then sent home and die, when careful treatment would have
cured you, the hospital is potentially liable.
question is whether the hospital assumes a duty not only towards the patient
but towards third parties who might possibly be impacted?
One way of
thinking about this is that there would be a contract with the patient if they
provided any consideration for the treatment. To whom is that (special) duty
And the
answer is: to the patient only.
oddly, it seems that the case was not argued on this basis (see Lord Burrows
There is
muchr more in the judgments than the above but I am doubtful as to whether
making it more complex than that assists.