From: St phane S rafin <>

Sent: Friday 4 October 2024 14:06

To: Matthew Hoyle; Mitchell McInnes;

Subject: Re: Re:


"I cannot fathom how a judge in any legal tradition could say that."


Quite right. While it's an especially bizarre attitude when referring to an uncodified, precedent-based system, I can't even imagine a civil law-trained lawyer in Quebec pretending that the French Code Civil has no bearing on how to interpret the CCQ. (Well, apart from the Chief Justice, anyway...)

From: Matthew Hoyle <>
Sent: October 4, 2024 8:48 AM
To: Mitchell McInnes <>; <>
Subject: Re:


Attention : courriel externe | external email

To me that appears to be a repudiation not only of the entire doctrine of precedent and stare decisis, but of the entire judicial method. 


I cannot fathom how a judge in any legal tradition could say that. 


Matthew Hoyle


One Essex Court


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From: Mitchell McInnes <>
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2024 1:41:15 PM
To: <>


Steven Elliott wrote: "The CJ s comment cannot have been made with private law in mind."


That's what I thought when I initially heard about the story. But it turns out that the Chief Justice did have private law in mind. He is quoted in one of Canada's newspapers as saying: 


"The judicial landscape has changed completely, and a decision five years old is often, in commercial or civil matters, already a very old decision. To make a long story short, I am simply telling you that the legal interest in these historical decisions is very minimal" 





Mitchell McInnes

Faculty of Law

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H5



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