From: Moore,
Marcus <>
Sent: Tuesday 8
October 2024 03:46
To: Angela
Swan; Matthew Hoyle; Mitchell McInnes;; Me
Subject: Re:
Canada's Chief Justice
They don't make 'em like
they used to.
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From: Angela Swan <>
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2024 7:46 AM
To: Matthew Hoyle <>;
Mitchell McInnes <>; <>
Subject: Canada's Chief Justice
Email] |
Well, that s a relief! Jakub Adamski and I are in the final stages
of editing a new edition of our Contracts text. If we ditch all the cases
more than 5 say 6, to be on the safe side years old, it will be a very much
shorter book! What we could say to explain the law is, of course, another
thing altogether.
I am reminded of a story I heard many years ago. A Court of Appeal
judge is said to have said, Though the learned judge s language is far from
clear, I cannot believe he meant what he appears to have said .
Angela Swan, O.C. (she/her) |
Counsel |
T 416.865.4643 |
Aird & Berlis LLP |
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From: Matthew Hoyle <>
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2024 8:48 AM
To: Mitchell McInnes <>;
Subject: Re:
To me that appears to be a repudiation not only of
the entire doctrine of precedent and stare decisis, but of the entire
judicial method.
I cannot fathom how a judge in any legal tradition
could say that.
Matthew Hoyle
One Essex Court
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Mitchell McInnes <>
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2024 1:41:15 PM
To: <>
Steven Elliott wrote: "The CJ s comment cannot
have been made with private law in mind."
That's what I thought when I initially heard about the
story. But it turns out that the Chief Justice did have
private law in mind. He is quoted in one of Canada's newspapers as
"The judicial landscape has changed completely, and a decision five years old is often, in commercial or civil matters, already a very old decision. To make a long story short, I am simply telling you that the legal interest in these historical decisions is very minimal"
Mitchell McInnes
Faculty of Law
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H5
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