From: Jason W Neyers <>

Sent: Tuesday 15 October 2024 13:19

To: obligations

Subject: ODG: Borderlines in Private Law and Book Launch

Attachments: Day Grower's Borderlines in Private Law 9780198888710 DC (1)8.pdf


Dear Colleagues:


Congratulations go out to ODGers William Day and Julius Grower on the publication by OUP of their edited collection Borderlines in Private Law (


From the blurb:


Mapmaking analogies are a longstanding hallmark of private law scholarship, but the boundaries between subject areas are not always neat and tidy. Can lines be drawn between property and obligations, or common law and equity? Should tort and unjust enrichment be subordinate to the law of contract? Should equity enforce agreements that contract does not? Are equitable wrongs meaningfully different from torts? Where do these borders sit, and what does one do with areas that intersect?

In this collection of essays, several of the UK's leading academic lawyers discuss these borderlines and intersections. Covering five broad topics contract, tort, unjust enrichment, property, and equity the contributors take varied approaches. Some argue for distinct categories and the careful maintenance of borders, while others celebrate cross-border  exchanges, or say that any attempt to draw and maintain borders is a futile endeavour.


From the Table of Contents:

1:Borderlines in Private Law: An Introduction, Lord Sales
2:Contract's Borderlines, Mrs Justice Cockerill
3:Contract and Tort, Janet O'Sullivan
4:Contract and Equity, Julius AW Grower
5:Tort's Borderlines, Lady Chief Justice, Lady Carr
6:Tort and Equity, Nicholas J McBride
7:Tort and Unjust Enrichment, Rory Gregson
8:Unjust Enrichment's Borderlines, Mr Justice Foxton
9:Unjust Enrichment and Contract, William Day
10:Unjust Enrichment and Equity, Graham Virgo
11:Equity's Borderlines, Mr Justice Marcus Smith
12:Property and Equity, Ben McFarlane
13:Property and Contract, Sarah Worthington
14:Property's Borderlines, Mr Justice Fancourt
15:Property and Tort, Alexander Waghorn
16:Property and Unjust Enrichment, Helen Scott
17:Borderlines in Private Law: A Response, Robert Stevens


The attached flyer gives you a 30% discount on the book.


Those who are or will be in London on 17 October, 17h30-19h30, there will be a panel discussion in the Inner Temple of the book with the editors and Lord Sales and Professor Dame Sarah Worthington, followed by drinks; for info,


For those at a distance, on 21 October, 17h00-18h30 British Standard Time, there will be a presentation of the book in Oxford featuring Jordan English, Ciara Kennefick and Robert Stevens. This will be a hybrid event that can be joined online. Anyone interested who does not have the details should write to to get them.


Happy reading,



Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)





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