From:                                                       Zoe Sinel <>

Sent:                                                         Thursday 17 October 2024 16:50

To:                                                            obligations

Cc:                                                             Anthony Sangiuliano

Subject:                                                   Fw: Tort Law and Social Equality Speakers Series: October 18, 2024 (12pm EST)


Dear colleagues,


I post on behalf of Anthony Sangiuliano. Hope to see many of you there!




From: Anthony Sangiuliano <>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2024 11:48
To: Zoe Sinel <>
Subject: Fwd: Tort Law and Social Equality Speakers Series: October 18, 2024 (12pm EST)




---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Anthony Sangiuliano <>
Date: Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 10:21
Subject: Tort Law and Social Equality Speakers Series: October 18, 2024 (12pm EST)
To: <>


Hello everyone,


I'd like to announce the next session of the Tort Law and Social Equality Speaker Series, featuring monthly presentations from scholars around the world who work on topics situated at the intersection of torts and social justice. On October 18, 2024, at 12:00 PM EST, we will host Tsachi Keren-Paz, Professor of Private Law at the University of Sheffield, who will speak about "Egalitarian Digital Privacy: Image-Based Abuse and Beyond." 

Here is the link to Tsachi's talk And here is Tsachi's abstract:


In the presentation, I will apply a tort law and social justice approach to the case study of non-consensual intimate images. Time permitting, I will refer to a second case study of FemTech apps and wearables.

In the NCII context, I argue that both hosts and viewers should (and could) be strictly liable for breach of privacy for hosting and viewing NCIIs. Such strict liability is justified based on the notion of ‘NCII exceptionalism’ and the concomitant critique of the ‘inverted hierarchy’ of rights; on the unjustifiable regulatory gap between the way child pornography and NCII are regulated, and on analogy with the rules governing conflicts over title and the concomitant ’inalienability paradox’.

In the Femtech context, I argue that Femtech wearables implicate not only informational privacy harms but also embodied harms in a narrow sense (of undermining bodily integrity), that existing regulatory frameworks are ill-equipped to respond to that harm, and that an egalitarian privacy law might come to the rescue.

For more information about the Speaker Series, click here:


We hope to see many of you there!

Anthony Sangiuliano, J.D., Ph.D.

Phone: +1 (647) 540-6149




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