From: Jason W Neyers
Sent: Thursday 14 November 2024
To: obligations
Subject: ODG: Subrogation and
Marshalling by Gregson
Attachments: Subrogation and
Marshalling Flyer (003).pdf
Congratulations go
out to Rory Gregson on the publication of his monograph Subrogation
and Marshalling (Hart 2024).
From the
publisher s site:
and marshalling are legal rules which give a person new rights with prima facie
the same content as someone else's extinguished rights. There is little
examination of why the law does this. This book argues that the key to
understanding subrogation is the distinctive form of the rights that it
creates. The form of rights created reflects a particular role in ensuring
interpersonal justice: subrogation's role is to properly distribute the burden
of debts. Taking this model, the book goes on to resolve persistent
controversies in the case law, including when subrogation should occur, what
rights it should create, the relationship between subrogation and marshalling,
and whether subrogation is a remedy for unjust enrichment.
The attached flyer gives a code for a 20% discount.
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
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