From: Jason W Neyers
Sent: Saturday 30 November 2024
To: obligations
Subject: ODG: Just Published
to Ruiqiao Zhang and Anthony Gray on the publication of their new books with
Hart. Descriptions and ordering information is below:
Rethinking the Traditional Approach
Ruiqiao Zhang
This book provides a systematic and critical analysis of the role trusts
play in modern commercial markets. Commercial trusts are complex and
ever-evolving, and a reassessment of the traditional legal norms relating to
them is much needed in order to provide new doctrinal insights. The book does
just that: focusing on trusts in the UK, while drawing on developments in
European jurisdictions and in China. It presents a thought-provoking assessment
and a unified understanding of commercial trusts.
Ruiqiao Zhang is Senior Lecturer at the School of Law, University
of Edinburgh, UK.
Oct 2024 | 9781509974054
| 208pp | Hbk
| RRP: 85
Discount Price: 68
Order online at
use the code GLR BD8 to get 20% off!
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about our new titles.
Good Faith and Relational Contracts
Theory, Practice and Future Developments
Anthony Gray
This book explores the use of the doctrine of good faith in the common
law when interpreting contracts and resolving disputes. This doctrine is
well-accepted in civil law, is reflected in international commercial law, and
is a fundamental aspect of private law in the USA. However, its use in the UK
is extremely limited. Inconsistent application has given rise to confusion and
uncertainly. This innovative book brings clarity to the question, going further
by suggesting how the field should develop in the future. This will be welcomed
by contract lawyers in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.
Anthony Gray is Professor of Law at Bond University, Australia.
Oct 2024 | 9781509973057
| 296pp | Hbk
| RRP: 90
Discount Price: 72
Order online at
use the code GLR BD8 to get 20% off!
Sign up to our email list to receive updates
about our new titles.
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
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