From: Anthony Sangiuliano <>

Sent: Monday 11 November 2024 14:44


Subject: David Wasserman on "Prenatal Damages for Parental Negligence" - 12pm, November 15, 2024 (Zoom)

Attachments: Wasserman.pdf


Dear colleagues:


I'm writing to give notice of the next session of the Tort Law and Social Equality Project Speakers Series, taking place this Friday, November 15 at 12:00-1:30 pm EST over Zoom. Our speaker will be David Wasserman of the Department of Bioethics at the US National Institutes of Health. David will speak on moral issues raised by parental liability for negligence causing prenatal injury to a fetus. He will speak for about 45 minutes after which there will be a Q&A period.


The Zoom link is copied below, and a poster for the talk is attached with further information. Please share this notice widely, and I hope many of you are able to attend! 


Zoom link:


All the best,



Anthony Sangiuliano, J.D., Ph.D.

Phone: +1 (647) 540-6149