From: Jason W
Neyers <>
Sent: Monday 16
December 2024 16:40
To: obligations
Subject: ODG: Just
working on the interplay of human rights and private law should find the
following interesting:
The European Convention on Human Rights and Private
Comparative Perspectives from South-Eastern Europe
Edited by Mateja Durovic and Cristina Poncibò
In this book a team of expert contributors address challenging issues
concerning the relationship between private law and the rule of law and human
rights, with specific focus on case studies from South-Eastern Europe. The book
examines the broadening application of human rights to the private law fields
and the resulting effects. Contributors offer a truly interdisciplinary
perspective drawn from comparative law, civil law, procedural law and public
law. By so doing, for the first time, they offer insights into the fascinating
questions the region poses for private law and human rights.
Mateja Durovic is Reader in Contract and Commercial Law at Dickson
Poon School of Law and Co-Director of the Centre for Technology, Ethics, Law
and Society at King's College London, UK.
Cristina Poncibò is Professor of Comparative Private Law at the
Law Department of the University of Turin, Italy.
Nov 2024 | 9781509958085
| 270pp | Hbk
| RRP: 85
Discount Price: £68
Order online at
use the code GLR BD8 to get 20% off!
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about our new titles.
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
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