From: Zoe Sinel
Sent: Wednesday
8 May 2024 13:08
To: obligations
Subject: Tort Law
and Social Equality project speakers series: Hanoch Dagan and Avihay Dorfman,
May 17 at 12pm (Zoom)
Attachments: Dagan
& Dorfman.pdf
Dear colleagues:
Next Friday (May 17) at 12pm, for the Tort Law and Social Equality
project, Hanoch Dagan (Berkeley) and Avihay Dorfman (Tel Aviv) will present
their paper "The Value of Personal Rights of Action."
The paper claims claim that contemporary champions of personal
rights of action do not explain why and when these rights matter. Moreover,
contemporary critics of these rights do not explain why all such rights should
be replaced with other alternatives to the traditional system of common-law
litigation, such as collective litigation. Their core thesis is that some
personal rights of action can be valuable in and of themselves that is, they
carry freestanding value, beyond their contribution to vindicating plaintiffs
substantive rights. On other cases, personal rights of action are legal
technologies that are rightly dispensable with others if these replacements can
better ensure the vindication of private plaintiffs rights. The key question,
therefore, is not only whether personal rights of action are intrinsically
valuable, but rather when. Dagan and Dorfman employ the normative framework of
relational justice to address these questions.
Please see attached poster for further details including the Zoom
link. These details and the link can also be found on the TLSE website here.
I hope to see many of you there. Please share the details and
poster widely to those you think might be interested.
Associate Professor
and Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies)
of Law, University of Western Ontario
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