From:                                                       Christopher Essert <>

Sent:                                                         Wednesday 12 June 2024 14:14

To:                                                            Obligations

Subject:                                                   CFP: Legal Personhood in Private Law

Attachments:                                         CFP Legal Personhood.pdf


Dear Colleagues,


Perhaps to the interest of some list members, I attach below a call for papers for a conference and volume, Legal Personhood in Private Law. The conference will take place at Notre Dame’s Global Gateway Campus in Rome, in November 2025. The volume, which will be edited by Paul Miller (Notre Dame), Eva Micheler (LSE), and me, will include chapters from solicited contributors as well as two chapters from the call for papers. Authors whose papers are selected will be invited to present the papers at the conference; Notre Dame will cover reasonable travel and accommodation expenses. There are more details below; (along with the other co-editors) I am happy to try to answer any questions about the workshop or volume.



Christopher Essert
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto