From: Jason W
Neyers <>
Sent: Wednesday
28 August 2024 19:27
To: obligations
Subject: ODG: Just
Many of you
will be interested in the following books just released by Hart.
Congratulations to their respective authors, editors and contributors!
and Risk in Commercial Law
Edited by Paul S Davies and Hans Tjio
This book provides an analysis of key contemporary issues on the theme
of fraud and risk in commercial law, including: technology and fraud, secondary
liability and failure to prevent economic crime, abuse of business entities,
insolvency and creditor protection, injunctions and other orders, cross-border
issues, the relationship between regulation and private law, and the solutions
policy makers can use for instance, mandatory as opposed to disclosure rules,
or rules as opposed to standards. With contributions by leading experts, this
book is essential reading for both academics and practitioners across the
common law world.
Paul S Davies is Professor of Commercial Law at UCL Faculty of
Laws, UK.
Hans Tjio is the CJ Koh Professor of Law at the NUS Faculty of
Law and is Director of its EW Barker Centre for Law and Business, Singapore.
Aug 2024 | 9781509970759
| 408pp | Hbk
| RRP: 110
Discount Price: 88
Order online at
use the code GLR BD8 to get 20% off!
Sign up to our email list to receive updates
about our new titles.
Shipping and Shipping Carbon
Contracts in Context
Edited by Stephen Girvin and Vibe Ulfbeck
This book explores the private law implementation of the new
international and EU regulatory framework targeting decarbonisation in the
shipping industry.
The book is intended to pave the way for understanding how core shipping
contracts can work in this new context and the extent to which the new types of
clauses will profoundly transform contracts. It presents contributions by
experienced and younger academics and practitioners from Asian, European, and
Scandinavian legal systems.
Stephen Girvin is MPA Professor of Maritime Law and Director of the
Centre for Maritime Law at the National University of Singapore.
Vibe Ulfbeck is Professor of Private Law and Head of the CEPRI
Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Aug 2024 | 9781509972630
| 416pp | Hbk
| RRP: 95
Discount Price: 76
Order online at
use the code GLR BD8 to get 20% off!
Sign up to our email list to receive updates
about our new titles.
A Contract Governance Approach to Achieving Decarbonisation in the
Shipping Sector
Pia Rebelo
This book evaluates the ways in which maritime transactions can achieve
global decarbonisation targets in accordance with contract governance theory.
The chapters cover a wide spectrum of considerations and external influences on
shipping contracts to enhance the effectiveness of green terms. In a
transnational sector such as shipping, where contracts can exert greater
influence on corporate decarbonisation efforts than international regulation,
the book challenges the traditional limitations of contract law and calls for
deeper integration of green principles into private relationships.
Pia Rebelo is Lecturer at The City Law School, London, UK.
Aug 2024 | 9781509967926
| 224pp | Hbk
| RRP: 85
Discount Price: 68
Order online at
use the code GLR BD8 to get 20% off!
Sign up to our email list to receive updates
about our new titles.
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
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