From: Kayleen
Manwaring <>
Sent: Wednesday
14 August 2024 11:11
To: Matthew
Hoyle; Jeannie Paterson; Neil Foster;
Subject: Re: HCA
on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
does, Matthew, but this is not a criminal remedy under the ACL, rather it's a
civil penalty.
from my brain
From: Matthew Hoyle <>
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 7:39:38 pm
Jeannie Paterson <>;
Neil Foster <>; <>
RE: HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
Does s.224 not permit the imposition of “pecuniary penalties” for breach of s.21, as a provision of Part 2-2?
Matthew Hoyle
One Essex Court
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From: Jeannie Paterson <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 10:15 AM
To: Matthew Hoyle <>;
Neil Foster <>;
Subject: Re: HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
Jeannie Marie Paterson | The University of Melbourne
Professor of Law (Consumer Protection and Emerging Technology)
Fairness, Transparency and Coherence (FTC) in Consumer and Credit Protection Project | Melbourne Law School
Director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ethics | Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
The University of Melbourne
From: Matthew Hoyle <>
Date: Wednesday, 14 August 2024 at 7:04 PM
To: Neil Foster <>,
Subject: [EXT] Re: HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
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Thanks Neil. Even by the standards of consumer statutes, criminal and civil liability by reference to “unconscionability” is pretty radical! Our legislation is slightly more specific, prohibiting “misleading” and “aggressive” practices.
On the “knowingly concerned” element, one might compare it to the English decision on unlawful means conspiracy in Racing Partnership [2020] EWCA Civ 1300. The CA, relying on both civil and criminal cases, held that it was not necessary for the defendants to know the means they had agreed to deploy were unlawful in order for them to be liable, provided they know all the facts which make the acts unlawful. There is also no defence of honestly believing (eg based on legal advice) that the steps you have agreed to take are lawful.
Matthew Hoyle
One Essex Court
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Neil Foster <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 3:03:12 AM
Subject: ODG: HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
Dear Colleagues;
I thought some might be interested in this decision from the High Court
of Australia today: Productivity Partners Pty Ltd v Australian Competition
and Consumer Commission; Wills v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
[2024] HCA 27 (14 August 2024)
The issues concern a statutory prohibition on unconscionable conduct (s
21 of the Australian Consumer Law("ACL") provides that
persons must not, in trade or commerce, in connection with supply of services,
"engage in conduct that is, in all the circumstances,
unconscionable"), and the accessory liability of a director/manager where
a company is found to have engaged in such conduct. The facts involve an
education provider in effect deliberately taking on students who it knew would
probably not succeed, for the purpose of getting funding for those students.
There are a number of different decisions from members of the court on
these issues (apart from a joint judgment from Gageler CJ and Jagot J, all the
other 5 members of the court write separately), which range over how to define
“unconscionable” in terms of social norms, to the extent of the knowledge
required for a company officer to be an accessory, and issues around how a
“system” may be unconscionable. The work of colleague Elise Bant is extensively
cited, and other ODG colleagues Rachel Leow and Jeannie-Marie Paterson also are
For my part I found of particular interest the reference of Steward J to
the historical origins of equity’s standards in the background of Christianity
– see para [297], while acknowledging of course that “religious-based concepts
of conscience have since the seventeenth century been
replaced with particular written rules, based on precedent” ([300]). I
discuss the background of the Western legal system in the Christian world-view
in my course on “Law and Religion”.
That to one side, there are lots of interesting things in the judgments
about how to apply a statutory standard of unconscionability in the modern
Professor, School of Law and Justice
of Human and Social Futures,
of Newcastle, NSW
T: +61 2
publications: ,
University of Newcastle
Hunter St & Auckland St, Newcastle NSW 2300
Top 200
University in the world by QS World University Rankings 2021
acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land in which the University
resides and pay my respect to Elders past, present and emerging.
I extend this acknowledgement to the Worimi and Awabakal people of the land
in which the Newcastle City campus resides and which I work.
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