From: Jason W
Neyers <>
Sent: Tuesday
17 September 2024 14:12
To: obligations
Subject: ODG:
Torts on Three Continents: Honouring Jane Stapleton
go out to honouree Jane Stapleton and to editors Kylie Burns, Jodie Gardner,
Jonathan Morgan, and Sandy Steel on the publication of Torts on Three
Continents: Honouring Jane Stapleton (OUP, 2024):
the Table of Contents is not available on the OUP website but here is the
tantalizing description:
Professor Jane Stapleton is one of the world's
leading experts on causation and has had a profound impact on tort law
scholarship, both in terms of the incredible range of topics she has
contributed to, and across the multiple countries she has worked in. Torts on
Three Continents: Honouring Jane Stapleton brings together a group of scholars
from Stapleton's 'home' country Australia, from the United Kingdom, where she
spent much of her professional career, and the United States, where she has
made such a significant contribution, to celebrate and honour her work.
Torts on Three Continents reveals the impressive and enviable breadth of
Jane Stapleton's scholarship while contributing to many of the ongoing and
traditional debates in tort. The volume is split into four parts. The first
part focuses on general themes that arise in Stapleton's work, including the
academic influence on judges, the role of insurance in compensation, the impact
of vulnerability on tort law and liability of public authorities. The second
part considers aspects of liability in the tort of negligence, including duties
of care for psychiatric harm. The third part is dedicated completely to
causation, with three chapters from authors in three different countries
reflecting on the impact of Stapleton's work in this area. The final section
covers a variety of different aspects of tort law and compensation systems,
including harms committed in the public interest, damage in economic torts,
statutory product liability reforms and alternative compensation scheme design.
Powerful and thought-provoking, this book will provide its readers with an
appreciation of the magnitude of Jane Stapleton's contribution across the
common law world, and a novel perspective on some of the more modern challenges
faced in tort law.
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)
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