From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues <ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA>
Date: 14/12/2009 16:25:32 UTC
Subject: [RDG] Hunt, Unjust Enrichment Understood as Absence of Basis

The Oxford University Comparative Law Forum has just published an article which discusses unjust factors v absence of basis:

Chris Hunt, Unjust Enrichment Understood as Absence of Basis: a Critical Evaluation with Lessons from Canada

OUCLF, which runs a free subscription service, has previously published the following articles on unjust enrichment:

Peter Birks: At the Expense of the Claimant: Direct and Indirect Enrichment in English Law

Mindy Chen-Wishart: In Defence of Unjust Factors: a study of rescission for duress, fraud and exploitation

Thomas Krebs: In Defence of Unjust Factors

Gerhard Dannemann: Illegality as Defence Against Unjust Enrichment Claims

William Swadling: The Role of Illegality in the English Law of Unjust Enrichment

Lionel Smith: Property, Subsidiarity, and Unjust Enrichment

Simon Whittaker: Performance of Another's Obligation: French and English Law Contrasted

Francesco Giglio: Restitution for Wrongs: a Comparative Analysis

Peter Schlechtriem: Privacy, Publicity and Restitution of Wrongful Gains: Another New Economy?

Armin Hadjiani: Duress and Undue Influence in English and German Contract Law: a comparative study on vitiating factors in common and civil law

Duncan Sheehan, Unjust Factors or Restitution of Transfers Sine Causa

Happy reading!

Gerhard Dannemann
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dannemann
Centre for British Studies
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Mohrenstr. 60
10117 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 2093 99048
Fax +49 30 2093 99055

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