From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues <ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA>
Date: 18/03/2009 17:14:56 UTC
Subject: [RDG] AIG bonuses

Here is a story on the AIG bonuses and whether they can be recovered:

"The government's best hope‹although still a long shot‹may be a legal

concept called "unjust enrichment." Unjust enrichment belongs to a set of

principles called equity law, which nonlawyers might just refer to as

fairness. It basically says that you can sue someone if he took your money

unfairly. ... Unjust enrichment usually applies in the absence of a

contract. But, as part of equity law, it could also override a contract if

the existing law is deemed insufficient."

Comments to the writer, not to me ...



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