=============================================================== ========== Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 11:46:18 +0100 Reply-To: Lionel Smith Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Lionel Smith Subject: New book: Comparative Unjust Enrichment Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v619.2) Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-8-629476068 --Apple-Mail-8-629476068 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed I pass on the following news from Jacques du Plessis: One of the sessions of the September 2003 conference of the German=20 Society for Comparative law in Dresden dealt with the basic structure=20 of a European enrichment law. The proceedings of this session, which were conducted in German and=20 English, were edited by Reinhard Zimmermann and have now been published=20= by Mohr Siebeck under the title Grundstrukturen eines Europ=E4ischen=20 Bereicherungsrechts (ISBN 3161485475; 289 pages, 49 euro). See http://www.mohr.de/r/n4154_e.htm The title contains the following contributions: 1. Reinhard Zimmermann =96 Bereicherungsrecht in Europa: Eine Einf=FChrung= 2. Christiane Wendehorst: Die Leistungskondiktion und ihre=20 Binnenstruktur in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive 3. Thomas Krebs: Eingriffskondiktion und Restitution for Wrongs im=20 englischen Recht 4. Jacques du Plessis: Towards a Rational Structure of Liability for=20 Unjustified Enrichment: Thoughts from Two Mixed Jurisdictions 5. Hugo van Kooten: The Structure of Liability for Unjustified=20 Enrichment in Dutch Law, with References to German, French and Italian=20= Law 6. Mark P Gergen, Self-interested Intervention in the Law of Unjust=20 Enrichment 7. Stephen Swann, The Structure of Liability for Unjustified=20 Enrichment: First Proposals of the Study Group on a European Civil Code Lionel =A0= --Apple-Mail-8-629476068 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/enriched; charset=WINDOWS-1252 ArialI pass on the following news from Jacques du Plessis: One of the sessions of the September 2003 conference of the German Society for Comparative law in Dresden dealt with the basic structure of a European enrichment law. The proceedings of this session, which were conducted in German and English, were edited by Reinhard Zimmermann and have now been published by Mohr Siebeck under the title Grundstrukturen eines Europ=E4ischen Bereicherungsrechts (ISBN 3161485475; 289 pages, 49 euro). See=20 http://www.mohr.de/r/n4154_e.htm The title contains the following contributions: 1. Reinhard Zimmermann =96 Bereicherungsrecht in Europa: Eine Einf=FChrung= 2. Christiane Wendehorst: Die Leistungskondiktion und ihre Binnenstruktur in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive 3. Thomas Krebs: Eingriffskondiktion und Restitution for Wrongs im englischen Recht 4. Jacques du Plessis: Towards a Rational Structure of Liability for Unjustified Enrichment: Thoughts from Two Mixed Jurisdictions 5. Hugo van Kooten: The Structure of Liability for Unjustified Enrichment in Dutch Law, with References to German, French and Italian Law 6. Mark P Gergen, Self-interested Intervention in the Law of Unjust Enrichment 7. Stephen Swann, The Structure of Liability for Unjustified Enrichment: First Proposals of the Study Group on a European Civil Code Lionel =A0= --Apple-Mail-8-629476068-- ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, .