========================================================================= Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 20:44:35 -0400 Reply-To: Lionel Smith Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Lionel Smith Subject: Saidov and Cunnington, eds., Contract Damages In-Reply-To: <6D07011F8E7B5E4586A5C42BC4BBA204BC69DF@hartp01.hartpub.co.uk> Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="B_3296580277_965693" > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --B_3296580277_965693 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="B_3296580277_929069" --B_3296580277_929069 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit RDG members may be interested in Saidov and Cunnington, eds., Contract Damages, recently published by Hart. Details are at http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=9781841137414 The book has several chapters on gain-based responses to breach of contract, by Andrew Burrows, Stephen Waddams and Ralph Cunnington. Lionel ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . --B_3296580277_929069 Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Saidov and Cunnington, eds., Contract Damages RDG m= embers may be interested in Saidov and Cunnington, ed= s., Contract Damages, recently published by Hart.

Details are at http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=3D9781841137414

The book has several chapters on gain-based responses to breach of contract= , by Andrew Burrows, Stephen Waddams and Ralph Cunnington.


____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. --B_3296580277_929069-- --B_3296580277_965693 Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="Contract Damages Order Form.rtf" Content-disposition: attachment; filename="Contract Damages Order Form.rtf" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 e1xydGYxXGFuc2lcYW5zaWNwZzEyNTJcdWMxXGRlZmYwXHN0c2hmZGJjaDBcc3RzaGZsb2No MFxzdHNoZmhpY2gwXHN0c2hmYmkwXGRlZmxhbmcxMDMzXGRlZmxhbmdmZTEwMzN7XGZvbnR0 Ymx7XGYwXGZyb21hblxmY2hhcnNldDBcZnBycTJ7XCpccGFub3NlIDAyMDIwNjAzMDUwNDA1 MDIwMzA0fVRpbWVzIE5ldyBSb21hbjt9e1xmMVxmc3dpc3NcZmNoYXJzZXQwXGZwcnEye1wq XHBhbm9zZSAwMjBiMDYwNDAyMDIwMjAyMDIwNH1BcmlhbDt9DQp7XGYzNVxmcm9tYW5cZmNo YXJzZXQwXGZwcnEye1wqXHBhbm9zZSAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMH1CYWtlclNpZ25l dDt9e1xmMzZcZnN3aXNzXGZjaGFyc2V0MFxmcHJxMHtcKlxwYW5vc2UgMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAw MDAwMDAwMDB9TVMgU2FucyBTZXJpZjt9e1xmMzlcZnN3aXNzXGZjaGFyc2V0MFxmcHJxMntc KlxwYW5vc2UgMDIwYjA1MDIwMjAxMDQwMjAyMDN9R2lsbCBTYW5zIE1UO30NCntcZjQwXGZy 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Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Justice Douglas In-Reply-To: A MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C8D107.8B3B29D0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C8D107.8B3B29D0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The High Court of Australia has just delivered its reasons in Lumbers v W C= ook Builders Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [2008] HCA 27 - http://www.austlii.edu= .au/au/cases/cth/HCA/2008/27.html - where a restitutionary claim made by a builder's "subcont= ractor" against the owner of land on which a house was built was rejected. = The precise legal relationship between the builder and the "subcontractor", = which were related companies, was not made clear by the "exiguous" evidence.= There was a contract between the owner and the builder but the builder did= not pursue any claim for the money sought by the subcontractor, nor had the= subcontractor continued its action against the builder nor had the owner re= quested the subcontractor to perform the work. That request to perform the w= ork was made by the owner to the builder. =0D=0A =0D=0AAt paras 78-81 the f= ollowing was said:=0D=0A =0D=0A"78. The application of a framework for analy= sis expressed only at the level of abstraction adopted in this case, by refe= rence to "benefit", "expense" and "acceptance" coupled with considerations o= f unconscionability, creates a serious risk of producing a result that is di= scordant with accepted principle, thus creating a lack of coherence with oth= er branches of the law[33]. There are two reasons of particular relevance to= this case why that is so. They may be identified by reference to two questi= ons which, although expressed separately, will later be seen to intersect in= several ways. First, does applying the posited framework for analysis to th= e facts of the present case extend the availability of recovery beyond the c= ircumstances in which a claim for work and labour done (or money paid) for a= nd at the request of the defendant would be available? Secondly, and no less= importantly, how is the result of applying this framework for analysis cons= istent with the obligations relevant parties undertook by their contractual = arrangements?=0D=0A =0D=0A79. The doing of work, or payment of money, for an= d at the request of another, are archetypal cases in which it may be said th= at a person receives a "benefit" at the "expense" of another which the recip= ient "accepts" and which it would be unconscionable for the recipient to ret= ain without payment. And as is well apparent from this Court's decision in S= teele v Tardiani[34], an essential step in considering a claim in quantum me= ruit (or money paid) is to ask whether and how that claim fits with any part= icular contract the parties have made. It is essential to consider how the c= laim fits with contracts the parties have made because, as Lord Goff of Chie= veley rightly warned in Pan Ocean Shipping Co Ltd v Creditcorp Ltd[35], "ser= ious difficulties arise if the law seeks to expand the law of restitution to= redistribute risks for which provision has been made under an applicable co= ntract". In a similar vein, in the Comments upon =A729 of the proposed Resta= tement, (3d), "Restitution and Unjust Enrichment"[36], the Reporter says= :=0D=0A =0D=0A "Even if restitution is the claimant's only recourse, a cl= aim under this Section will be denied where the imposition of a liability in= restitution would overturn an existing allocation of risk or limitation of = liability previously established by contract." =0D=0A =0D=0A80. Likewise, it= is essential to consider whether the facts of the present case yield to ana= lysis as a claim for work and labour done, or money paid, because where one = party (in this case, Builders) seeks recompense from another (here the Lumbe= rs) for some service done or benefit conferred by the first party for or on = the other, the bare fact of conferral of the benefit or provision of the ser= vice does not suffice to establish an entitlement to recovery. As Bowen LJ s= aid in Falcke v Scottish Imperial Insurance Company[37]:=0D=0A =0D=0A "Th= e general principle is, beyond all question, that work and labour done or mo= ney expended by one man to preserve or benefit the property of another do no= t according to English law create any lien upon the property saved or benefi= ted, nor, even if standing alone, create any obligation to repay the expendi= ture. Liabilities are not to be forced upon people behind their backs any mo= re than you can confer a benefit upon a man against his will." (emphasis add= ed) =0D=0A =0D=0AThe principle is not unqualified. Bowen LJ identified[38] s= alvage in maritime law as one qualification. Other cases, including other ca= ses of necessitous intervention, may now be seen as further qualifications t= o the principle but it is not necessary to examine in this case how extensiv= e are those further qualifications or what is their content. For the purpose= s of this case the critical observations to make are first that Builders' re= stitutionary claim does not yield to analysis as a claim for work and labour= done or money paid and secondly, that Builders' restitutionary claim, if al= lowed, would redistribute not only the risks but also the rights and obligat= ions for which provision was made by the contract the Lumbers made with Sons= ."=0D=0A =0D=0AIn distinguishing Pavey & Matthews v Paul, the principal judg= ment went on to say at [84]-[85]:=0D=0A =0D=0A"84. It is important to recogn= ise two points about Pavey & Matthews. First, there was no issue in that cas= e about whether the plaintiff, a builder, had a claim for work and labour do= ne and materials supplied. The issue in the case was whether that claim was = defeated by a statutory provision[42] analogous to s 4 of the Statute of Fra= uds 1677 (UK) ("no action shall be brought upon any agreement ... unless the= agreement upon which such action shall be brought or some memorandum or not= e thereof shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewit= h or some other person thereunto by him lawfully authorized"). In particular= , the issue was whether the builder's action on a quantum meruit was a direc= t or indirect enforcement of the oral contract the parties had made. The maj= ority in Pavey & Matthews held[43] that because "the true foundation of the = right to recover on a quantum meruit does not depend on the existence of an = implied contract" the action was not "one by which the plaintiff seeks to en= force the oral contract".=0D=0A =0D=0A85. The second point to be noted is th= at unjust enrichment was identified as a legal concept unifying "a variety o= f distinct categories of case"[44]. It was not identified as a principle whi= ch can be taken as a sufficient premise for direct application in particular= cases. Rather, as Deane J emphasised[45] in Pavey & Matthews, it is necessa= ry to proceed by "the ordinary processes of legal reasoning" and by referenc= e to existing categories of cases in which an obligation to pay compensation= has been imposed. "To identify the basis of such actions as restitution and= not genuine agreement is not to assert a judicial discretion to do whatever= idiosyncratic notions of what is fair and just might dictate."[46] On the c= ontrary, what the recognition of the unifying concept does is to assist "in = the determination, by the ordinary processes of legal reasoning, of the ques= tion whether the law should, in justice, recognise such an obligation in a n= ew or developing category of case" (emphasis added)[47]."=0D=0A =0D=0A= =0D=0AJames Douglas=0D=0A=0D=0A =0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A*************************= ***************************************=0D=0APlease think about the environm= ent before you print this message.=0D=0A=0D=0AThe information contained in t= he above e-mail message or messages (which includes any attachments) is conf= idential and may be legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of t= he person/s or entity to which it is addressed and to be used in an authoris= ed way. As such, the information in it and its attachments may not be used o= r disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are n= ot the addressee any form of disclosure, copying, modification, distribution= , printing, re-transmitting, storage or any action taken or omitted in relia= nce on the information is unauthorised. Opinions contained in the message(s)= do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Judiciary. Any legal privile= ge or confidentiality is not waived because it was sent to you by mistake. I= f you received this communication in error, please notify the sender immedia= tely, destroy any hard copies of the e-mail and delete it from your computer= system network.=0D=0A******************************************************= **********=0D=0A=0D=0A ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . ------_=_NextPart_001_01C8D107.8B3B29D0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =0D=0ASaidov and Cunnington, eds., Contract Damages=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A<= BODY>=0D=0A
The High Court of Australia has just del= ivered its reasons in =0D=0ALumbers v W Cook Builders Pty Ltd (in liquid= ation) [2008] HCA 27 - http://www.austlii.edu= .au/au/cases/cth/HCA/2008/27.html - where =0D=0Aa resti= tutionary claim made by a builder's "subcontractor" against the owner of= =0D=0Aland on which a house was built was rejected.  The precise legal= =0D=0Arelationship between the builder and the "subcontractor", which were = related =0D=0Acompanies, was not made clear by the "exiguous" evidence.=   There was a =0D=0Acontract between the owner and the builder but the = builder did not pursue any =0D=0Aclaim for the money sought by the subc= ontractor, nor had the subcontractor =0D=0Acontinued its action against the = builder nor had the owner requested the =0D=0Asubcontractor to perform the w= ork. That request to perform the work was =0D=0Amade by the owner to th= e builder. 
<= /FONT> 
At paras 78- 8= 1 the following was said:
"78. The application= =0D=0Aof a framework for analysis expressed only at the level of abstractio= n adopted =0D=0Ain this case, by reference to "benefit", "expense" and "acce= ptance" coupled with =0D=0Aconsiderations of unconscionability, creates a se= rious risk of producing a =0D=0Aresult that is discordant with accepted prin= ciple, thus creating a lack of =0D=0Acoherence with other branches of the la= w[33]. There are two reasons of =0D=0Aparticular relevance to this case why = that is so. They may be identified by =0D=0Areference to two questions which= , although expressed separately, will later be =0D=0Aseen to intersect in se= veral ways. First, does applying the posited framework =0D=0Afor analysis to= the facts of the present case extend the availability of =0D=0Arecovery bey= ond the circumstances in which a claim for work and labour done (or =0D=0Amo= ney paid) for and at the request of the defendant would be available?= =0D=0ASecondly, and no less importantly, how is the result of applying this= framework =0D=0Afor analysis consistent with the obligations relevant parti= es undertook by their =0D=0Acontractual arrangements?=0D=0A
79. The doing of work, = or payment of money, =0D=0Afor and at the request of another, are archetypal= cases in which it may be said =0D=0Athat a person receives a "benefit" at t= he "expense" of another which the =0D=0Arecipient "accepts" and which it wou= ld be unconscionable for the recipient to =0D=0Aretain without payment. And = as is well apparent from this Court's decision in =0D=0ASteele v Tardiani[34= ], an essential step in considering a claim in quantum =0D=0Ameruit (or mone= y paid) is to ask whether and how that claim fits with any =0D=0Aparticular = contract the parties have made. It is essential to consider how the =0D=0Acl= aim fits with contracts the parties have made because, as Lord Goff of= =0D=0AChieveley rightly warned in Pan Ocean Shipping Co Ltd v Creditcorp Lt= d[35], =0D=0A"serious difficulties arise if the law seeks to expand the law = of restitution to =0D=0Aredistribute risks for which provision has been made= under an applicable =0D=0Acontract". In a similar vein, in the Comments upo= n =A729 of the proposed =0D=0ARestatement, (3d), "Restitution and Unjust Enr= ichment"[36], the Reporter =0D=0Asays:
=0D=0A    = "Even if =0D=0Arestitution is the claimant's only recourse, a claim under th= is Section will be =0D=0Adenied where the imposition of a liability in resti= tution would overturn an =0D=0Aexisting allocation of risk or limitation of = liability previously established by =0D=0Acontract." =0D=0A
 <= /DIV>=0D=0A
80. Likewise, it is essential= to consider =0D=0Awhether the facts of the present case yield to analysis a= s a claim for work and =0D=0Alabour done, or money paid, because where one p= arty (in this case, Builders) =0D=0Aseeks recompense from another (here the = Lumbers) for some service done or =0D=0Abenefit conferred by the first party= for or on the other, the bare fact of =0D=0Aconferral of the benefit or pro= vision of the service does not suffice to =0D=0Aestablish an entitlement to = recovery. As Bowen LJ said in Falcke v Scottish =0D=0AImperial Insurance Com= pany[37]:
    "The =0D=0Ageneral principle = is, beyond all question, that work and labour done or money =0D=0Aexpended b= y one man to preserve or benefit the property of another do not =0D=0Aaccord= ing to English law create any lien upon the property saved or benefited,= =0D=0Anor, even if standing alone, create any obligation to repay the expen= diture. =0D=0ALiabilities are not to be forced upon people behind their back= s any more than =0D=0Ayou can confer a benefit upon a man against his will."= (emphasis added) =0D=0A
The principle is not =0D=0Aunquali= fied. Bowen LJ identified[38] salvage in maritime law as one =0D=0Aqualifica= tion. Other cases, including other cases of necessitous intervention,= =0D=0Amay now be seen as further qualifications to the principle but it is = not =0D=0Anecessary to examine in this case how extensive are those further = qualifications =0D=0Aor what is their content. For the purposes of this case= the critical =0D=0Aobservations to make are first that Builders' restitutio= nary claim does not =0D=0Ayield to analysis as a claim for work and labour d= one or money paid and =0D=0Asecondly, that Builders' restitutionary claim, i= f allowed, would redistribute =0D=0Anot only the risks but also the rights a= nd obligations for which provision was =0D=0Amade by the contract the Lumber= s made with Sons."=
In = distinguishing =0D=0APavey & Matthews v Paul, the principal jud= gment went on to say at =0D=0A[84]- [85]:
"84. It is =0D=0Aimportant to recognise two points about Pa= vey & Matthews. First, there was =0D=0Ano issue in that case about wheth= er the plaintiff, a builder, had a claim for =0D=0Awork and labour done and = materials supplied. The issue in the case was whether =0D=0Athat claim was d= efeated by a statutory provision[42] analogous to s 4 of the =0D=0AStatute o= f Frauds 1677 (UK) ("no action shall be brought upon any agreement ...= =0D=0Aunless the agreement upon which such action shall be brought or some = memorandum =0D=0Aor note thereof shall be in writing and signed by the party= to be charged =0D=0Atherewith or some other person thereunto by him lawfull= y authorized"). In =0D=0Aparticular, the issue was whether the builder's act= ion on a quantum meruit was a =0D=0Adirect or indirect enforcement of the or= al contract the parties had made. The =0D=0Amajority in Pavey & Matthews= held[43] that because "the true foundation of =0D=0Athe right to recover on= a quantum meruit does not depend on the existence of an =0D=0Aimplied contr= act" the action was not "one by which the plaintiff seeks to =0D=0Aenforce t= he oral contract".
85. The =0D=0Asecond point to be noted is that unjust enrichment was i= dentified as a legal =0D=0Aconcept unifying "a variety of distinct categorie= s of case"[44]. It was not =0D=0Aidentified as a principle which can be take= n as a sufficient premise for direct =0D=0Aapplication in particular cases. = Rather, as Deane J emphasised[45] in Pavey =0D=0A& Matthews, it is neces= sary to proceed by "the ordinary processes of legal =0D=0Areasoning" and by = reference to existing categories of cases in which an =0D=0Aobligation to pa= y compensation has been imposed. "To identify the basis of such =0D=0Aaction= s as restitution and not genuine agreement is not to assert a judicial= =0D=0Adiscretion to do whatever idiosyncratic notions of what is fair and j= ust might =0D=0Adictate."[46] On the contrary, what the recognition of the u= nifying concept does =0D=0Ais to assist "in the determination, by the ordina= ry processes of legal =0D=0Areasoning, of the question whether the law shoul= d, in justice, recognise such an =0D=0Aobligation in a new or developing cat= egory of case" (emphasis =0D=0Aadded)[47]."
James =0D=0ADouglas


**************************************= **************************
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The information contained in the above e-mail me= ssage or messages (which includes any attachments) is confidential and may b= e legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the person/s or ent= ity to which it is addressed and to be used in an authorised way. As such, t= he information in it and its attachments may not be used or disclosed except= for the purpose for which it has been sent.=A0 If you are not the addressee= any form of disclosure, copying, modification, distribution, printing, re- t= ransmitting, storage or any action taken or omitted in reliance on the infor= mation is unauthorised. Opinions contained in the message(s) do not necessar= ily reflect the opinions of the Judiciary. Any legal privilege or confidenti= ality is not waived because it was sent to you by mistake. If you received t= his communication in error, please notify the sender immediately, destroy an= y hard copies of the e-mail and delete it from your computer system network.=

=0D=0A=0D=0A ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C8D107.8B3B29D0-- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:20:34 +1000 Reply-To: Neil Foster Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Neil Foster Subject: High Court decision in Lumbers v Cook Comments: To: obligations@uwo.ca MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Boundary_(ID_JQENUYUdPw2gOQUPARo6BQ)" This is a MIME message. If you are reading this text, you may want to consider changing to a mail reader or gateway that understands how to properly handle MIME multipart messages. --Boundary_(ID_JQENUYUdPw2gOQUPARo6BQ) Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Dear Colleagues; The High Court of Australia has handed down its decision in Lumbers v W Cook Builders Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [2008] HCA 27 (18 June 2008)http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/2008/27.html. All the members of the Court (5-0, Gleeson CJ in one judgment, Gummow, Hayne, Crennan and Kiefel JJ in a separate joint judgment) agreed that the decision of the majority of the Full Court of the South Australian Supreme Court to allow recovery on the basis of "unjust enrichment" should be overturned. The facts are a bit complex but as analysed by the High Court they seem to come down to this: the Lumbers contracted with a company called W Cook & Sons ("Sons") to build a fancy house for them; Sons then engaged the (related) firm of W Cook Builders (the respondent here, "Builders") to do the work. Some time after the house was finished Builders claimed they had not been paid all they were owed for the project. The litigation ends up being about whether, when a subcontractor (B) cannot recover from a head contractor (S), they can recover the value of what they have provided in accordance with the terms of the B-S contract, from the client L. I guess when you formulate it that way it seems uncontroversial that the claim should fail. All the members of the HC criticised the majority below for choosing to ignore the fact that there was a contract between B and S. The presence of that contract reflected the "allocation of risk" between the various parties- eg Gleeson CJ, at [46], a factor Lord Goff had referred to in Pan Ocean Shipping Co. There was no "benefit" conferred on L by B, they were simply carrying out a contractual obligation they owed to S. Nor was there "free acceptance" since the L's never had choice- they did not even know that B were doing the work. I find Gleeson CJ's judgment easier to follow than the joint judgment, but they basically say similar things. There are, as no doubt would be expected, a few more comments in the joint judgment taking swipes at some discussions of unjust enrichment as being "top-down reasoning" [77] and creating "incoherence with accepted principle" [78]. The judgment makes it clear that acceptance of a benefit, in the absence of a request, does not itself give a right to a remedy- [82]ff. "Unjust enrichment" is characterised as a "legal concept" (quoting Dean J in Pavey & Matthews) but not a principle "which can be taken as a sufficient premise for direct application in particular cases" [85]. If there had been a request by L for the work to be done recovery would have been possible under "long- established principles" of quantum meruit. But there was not. In the end the case was not very promising for a clear statement of the current law on unjust enrichment in Australia, and while there are a number of hints there are still a lot of questions remaining. Regards Neil F Neil Foster Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor Newcastle Law School Faculty of Business & Law MC158, McMullin Building University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA ph 02 4921 7430 fax 02 4921 6931 ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . --Boundary_(ID_JQENUYUdPw2gOQUPARo6BQ) Content-type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-description: HTML

Dear = Colleagues;
The High Court of Australia has handed down its decision in =
Lu= mbers v W Cook Builders Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [2008] HCA 27
(18 June = 2008)
= http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/2008/27.htm = l . = All the members of the Court (5-0, Gleeson CJ in one judgment, Gummow, = Hayne, Crennan and Kiefel JJ in a separate joint judgment) agreed that the = decision of the majority of the Full Court of the South Australian Supreme = Court to allow recovery on the basis of "unjust enrichment" should be = overturned.
The facts are a bit complex but as analysed by the High = Court they seem to come down to this: the Lumbers contracted with a = company called W Cook & Sons ("Sons") to build a fancy house for them; = Sons then engaged the (related) firm of W Cook Builders (the respondent = here, "Builders") to do the work. Some time after the house was finished = Builders claimed they had not been paid all they were owed for the = project. The litigation ends up being about whether, when a subcontractor = (B) cannot recover from a head contractor (S), they can recover the value = of what they have provided in accordance with the terms of the B-S = contract, from the client L.
I guess when you formulate it that way it = seems uncontroversial that the claim should fail. All the members of the = HC criticised the majority below for choosing to ignore the fact that = there was a contract between B and S. The presence of that contract = reflected the "allocation of risk" between the various parties- eg Gleeson = CJ, at [46], a factor Lord Goff had referred to in
Pan Ocean Shipping = Co. = There was no "benefit" conferred on L by B, they were simply carrying out = a contractual obligation they owed to S. Nor was there "free acceptance" = since the L's never had choice- they did not even know that B were doing = the work.
I find Gleeson CJ's judgment easier to follow than the joint = judgment, but they basically say similar things. There are, as no doubt = would be expected, a few more comments in the joint judgment taking swipes = at some discussions of unjust enrichment as being "top-down reasoning" = [77] and creating "incoherence with accepted principle" [78]. The judgment = makes it clear that acceptance of a benefit, in the absence of a request, = does not itself give a right to a remedy- [82]ff. "Unjust enrichment" is = characterised as a "legal concept" (quoting Dean J in
Pavey & = Matthews)= but not a principle "which can be taken as a sufficient premise for = direct application in particular cases" [85]. If there had been a request = by L for the work to be done recovery would have been possible under = "long-established principles" of quantum meruit. But there was not.<= /DIV>
In the end = the case was not very promising for a clear statement of the current law = on unjust enrichment in Australia, and while there are a number of hints = there are still a lot of questions remaining.
Neil = F

Neil Foster
Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor
Newcastle Law School
Facul= ty of Business & Law
MC158, McMullin Building
University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW = 2308
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921 6931
= ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. --Boundary_(ID_JQENUYUdPw2gOQUPARo6BQ)-- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 11:00:19 -0400 Reply-To: Lionel Smith Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Lionel Smith Subject: Lumbers In-Reply-To: Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="B_3296631619_329842" > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --B_3296631619_329842 Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Although the majority, in the passages quoted by Justice Douglas, attempt t= o present their ruling as one that rejects unjust enrichment reasoning, to my mind their decision is perfectly in line with the law of unjust enrichment as understood by most commentators, including the late Peter Birks. The HCA has accepted a principle that is most clearly expressed in the German law o= f unjust enrichment, and which many commentators have suggested should be accepted into the common law. One thorough recent analysis of the question, somewhat sceptical however that the subcontractor should always be denied a claim, is in D. Rendleman, =B3Quantum Meruit for the Subcontractor: Has Restitution Jumped Off Dawson=B9s Dock?=B2 (2001) 79 Texas L. Rev. 2055. The ordinary processes of legal reasoning ... no, I only smile and resist comment. Lionel On 18/6/08 01:52, "Justice Douglas" wrote: > The High Court of Australia has just delivered its reasons in Lumbers v W= Cook > Builders Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [2008] HCA 27 - > http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/2008/27.html > - where a > restitutionary claim made by a builder's "subcontractor" against the owne= r of > land on which a house was built was rejected. The precise legal relation= ship > between the builder and the "subcontractor", which were related companies= , was > not made clear by the "exiguous" evidence. There was a contract between = the > owner and the builder but the builder did not pursue any claim for the mo= ney > sought by the subcontractor, nor had the subcontractor continued its acti= on > against the builder nor had the owner requested the subcontractor to perf= orm > the work. That request to perform the work was made by the owner to the > builder. =20 > =20 > At paras 78-81 the following was said: > =20 > "78. The application of a framework for analysis expressed only at the le= vel > of abstraction adopted in this case, by reference to "benefit", "expense"= and > "acceptance" coupled with considerations of unconscionability, creates a > serious risk of producing a result that is discordant with accepted princ= iple, > thus creating a lack of coherence with other branches of the law[33]. The= re > are two reasons of particular relevance to this case why that is so. They= may > be identified by reference to two questions which, although expressed > separately, will later be seen to intersect in several ways. First, does > applying the posited framework for analysis to the facts of the present c= ase > extend the availability of recovery beyond the circumstances in which a c= laim > for work and labour done (or money paid) for and at the request of the > defendant would be available? Secondly, and no less importantly, how is t= he > result of applying this framework for analysis consistent with the obliga= tions > relevant parties undertook by their contractual arrangements? > =20 > 79. The doing of work, or payment of money, for and at the request of ano= ther, > are archetypal cases in which it may be said that a person receives a > "benefit" at the "expense" of another which the recipient "accepts" and w= hich > it would be unconscionable for the recipient to retain without payment. A= nd as > is well apparent from this Court's decision in Steele v Tardiani[34], an > essential step in considering a claim in quantum meruit (or money paid) i= s to > ask whether and how that claim fits with any particular contract the part= ies > have made. It is essential to consider how the claim fits with contracts = the > parties have made because, as Lord Goff of Chieveley rightly warned in Pa= n > Ocean Shipping Co Ltd v Creditcorp Ltd[35], "serious difficulties arise i= f the > law seeks to expand the law of restitution to redistribute risks for whic= h > provision has been made under an applicable contract". In a similar vein,= in > the Comments upon =A729 of the proposed Restatement, (3d), "Restitution and > Unjust Enrichment"[36], the Reporter says: > =20 > "Even if restitution is the claimant's only recourse, a claim under t= his > Section will be denied where the imposition of a liability in restitution > would overturn an existing allocation of risk or limitation of liability > previously established by contract." > =20 > 80. Likewise, it is essential to consider whether the facts of the presen= t > case yield to analysis as a claim for work and labour done, or money paid= , > because where one party (in this case, Builders) seeks recompense from an= other > (here the Lumbers) for some service done or benefit conferred by the firs= t > party for or on the other, the bare fact of conferral of the benefit or > provision of the service does not suffice to establish an entitlement to > recovery. As Bowen LJ said in Falcke v Scottish Imperial Insurance > Company[37]: > =20 > "The general principle is, beyond all question, that work and labour = done > or money expended by one man to preserve or benefit the property of anoth= er do > not according to English law create any lien upon the property saved or > benefited, nor, even if standing alone, create any obligation to repay th= e > expenditure. Liabilities are not to be forced upon people behind their ba= cks > any more than you can confer a benefit upon a man against his will." (emp= hasis > added)=20 > =20 > The principle is not unqualified. Bowen LJ identified[38] salvage in mari= time > law as one qualification. Other cases, including other cases of necessito= us > intervention, may now be seen as further qualifications to the principle = but > it is not necessary to examine in this case how extensive are those furth= er > qualifications or what is their content. For the purposes of this case th= e > critical observations to make are first that Builders' restitutionary cla= im > does not yield to analysis as a claim for work and labour done or money p= aid > and secondly, that Builders' restitutionary claim, if allowed, would > redistribute not only the risks but also the rights and obligations for w= hich > provision was made by the contract the Lumbers made with Sons." > =20 > In distinguishing Pavey & Matthews v Paul, the principal judgment went on= to > say at [84]-[85]: > =20 > "84. It is important to recognise two points about Pavey & Matthews. Firs= t, > there was no issue in that case about whether the plaintiff, a builder, h= ad a > claim for work and labour done and materials supplied. The issue in the c= ase > was whether that claim was defeated by a statutory provision[42] analogou= s to > s 4 of the Statute of Frauds 1677 (UK) ("no action shall be brought upon = any > agreement ... unless the agreement upon which such action shall be brough= t or > some memorandum or note thereof shall be in writing and signed by the par= ty to > be charged therewith or some other person thereunto by him lawfully > authorized"). In particular, the issue was whether the builder's action o= n a > quantum meruit was a direct or indirect enforcement of the oral contract = the > parties had made. The majority in Pavey & Matthews held[43] that because = "the > true foundation of the right to recover on a quantum meruit does not depe= nd on > the existence of an implied contract" the action was not "one by which th= e > plaintiff seeks to enforce the oral contract". > =20 > 85. The second point to be noted is that unjust enrichment was identified= as a > legal concept unifying "a variety of distinct categories of case"[44]. It= was > not identified as a principle which can be taken as a sufficient premise = for > direct application in particular cases. Rather, as Deane J emphasised[45]= in > Pavey & Matthews, it is necessary to proceed by "the ordinary processes o= f > legal reasoning" and by reference to existing categories of cases in whic= h an > obligation to pay compensation has been imposed. "To identify the basis o= f > such actions as restitution and not genuine agreement is not to assert a > judicial discretion to do whatever idiosyncratic notions of what is fair = and > just might dictate."[46] On the contrary, what the recognition of the uni= fying > concept does is to assist "in the determination, by the ordinary processe= s of > legal reasoning, of the question whether the law should, in justice, reco= gnise > such an obligation in a new or developing category of case" (emphasis > added)[47]." > =20 > =20 > James Douglas > =20 >=20 > **************************************************************** > Please think about the environment before you print this message. >=20 > The information contained in the above e-mail message or messages (which > includes any attachments) is confidential and may be legally privileged. = It is > intended only for the use of the person/s or entity to which it is addres= sed > and to be used in an authorised way. As such, the information in it and i= ts > attachments may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which= it > has been sent.=A0 If you are not the addressee any form of disclosure, copy= ing, > modification, distribution, printing, re-transmitting, storage or any act= ion > taken or omitted in reliance on the information is unauthorised. Opinions > contained in the message(s) do not necessarily reflect the opinions of th= e > Judiciary. Any legal privilege or confidentiality is not waived because i= t was > sent to you by mistake. If you received this communication in error, plea= se > notify the sender immediately, destroy any hard copies of the e-mail and > delete it from your computer system network. > **************************************************************** >=20 > ____________________________________________________________________ This > message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an > international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unju= st > enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a me= ssage > to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" = to > the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to > . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill > University, . ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . --B_3296631619_329842 Content-type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Lumbers Altho= ugh the majority, in the passages quoted by Justice Douglas, attempt to pres= ent their ruling as one that rejects unjust enrichment reasoning, to my mind= their decision is perfectly in line with the law of unjust enrichment as un= derstood by most commentators, including the late Peter Birks. The HCA has a= ccepted a principle that is most clearly expressed in the German law of unju= st enrichment, and which many commentators have suggested should be accepted= into the common law.

One thorough recent analysis of the question, somewhat sceptical however th= at the subcontractor should always be denied a claim, is in D. Rendleman, &#= 8220;Quantum Meruit for the Subcontractor: Has Restitution Jumped Off Dawson= ’s Dock?” (2001) 79 Texas L. Rev. 2055.

The ordinary processes of legal reasoning ... no, I only smile and resist c= omment.


On 18/6/08 01:52, "Justice Douglas" <Justice.JSDouglas@COURTS.= QLD.GOV.AU> wrote:

The High Court of Australia has just delivered its reasons in Lumbers v = W Cook Builders Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [2008] HCA 27 - http://www.austlii.edu.a u= /au/cases/cth/HCA/2008/27.html <http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/200 8= /27.html>  - where a restitutionary claim made by a builder's &q= uot;subcontractor" against the owner of land on which a house was built= was rejected.  The precise legal relationship between the builder and = the "subcontractor", which were related companies, was not made cl= ear by the "exiguous" evidence.  There was a contract between= the owner and the builder but the builder did not pursue any claim for the = money sought by the subcontractor, nor had the subcontractor continued its a= ction against the builder nor had the owner requested the subcontractor to p= erform the work. That request to perform the work was made by the owner to t= he builder.  

At paras 78-81 the following was said:

"78. The application of a framework for a= nalysis expressed only at the level of abstraction adopted in this case, by = reference to "benefit", "expense" and "acceptance&q= uot; coupled with considerations of unconscionability, creates a serious ris= k of producing a result that is discordant with accepted principle, thus cre= ating a lack of coherence with other branches of the law[33]. There are two = reasons of particular relevance to this case why that is so. They may be ide= ntified by reference to two questions which, although expressed separately, = will later be seen to intersect in several ways. First, does applying the po= sited framework for analysis to the facts of the present case extend the ava= ilability of recovery beyond the circumstances in which a claim for work and= labour done (or money paid) for and at the request of the defendant would b= e available? Secondly, and no less importantly, how is the result of applyin= g this framework for analysis consistent with the obligations relevant parti= es undertook by their contractual arrangements?

79. The doing of work, or payment of money, fo= r and at the request of another, are archetypal cases in which it may be sai= d that a person receives a "benefit" at the "expense" of= another which the recipient "accepts" and which it would be uncon= scionable for the recipient to retain without payment. And as is well appare= nt from this Court's decision in Steele v Tardiani[34], an essential step in= considering a claim in quantum meruit (or money paid) is to ask whether and= how that claim fits with any particular contract the parties have made. It = is essential to consider how the claim fits with contracts the parties have = made because, as Lord Goff of Chieveley rightly warned in Pan Ocean Shipping= Co Ltd v Creditcorp Ltd[35], "serious difficulties arise if the law se= eks to expand the law of restitution to redistribute risks for which provisi= on has been made under an applicable contract". In a similar vein, in t= he Comments upon §29 of the proposed Restatement, (3d), "Restituti= on and Unjust Enrichment"[36], the Reporter says:

   "Even if restitution i= s the claimant's only recourse, a claim under this Section will be denied wh= ere the imposition of a liability in restitution would overturn an existing = allocation of risk or limitation of liability previously established by cont= ract."

80. Likewise, it is essential to consider whet= her the facts of the present case yield to analysis as a claim for work and = labour done, or money paid, because where one party (in this case, Builders)= seeks recompense from another (here the Lumbers) for some service done or b= enefit conferred by the first party for or on the other, the bare fact of co= nferral of the benefit or provision of the service does not suffice to estab= lish an entitlement to recovery. As Bowen LJ said in Falcke v Scottish Imper= ial Insurance Company[37]:

   "The general principle= is, beyond all question, that work and labour done or money expended by one= man to preserve or benefit the property of another do not according to Engl= ish law create any lien upon the property saved or benefited, nor, even if s= tanding alone, create any obligation to repay the expenditure. Liabilities a= re not to be forced upon people behind their backs any more than you can con= fer a benefit upon a man against his will." (emphasis added)

The principle is not unqualified. Bowen LJ ide= ntified[38] salvage in maritime law as one qualification. Other cases, inclu= ding other cases of necessitous intervention, may now be seen as further qua= lifications to the principle but it is not necessary to examine in this case= how extensive are those further qualifications or what is their content. Fo= r the purposes of this case the critical observations to make are first that= Builders' restitutionary claim does not yield to analysis as a claim for wo= rk and labour done or money paid and secondly, that Builders' restitutionary= claim, if allowed, would redistribute not only the risks but also the right= s and obligations for which provision was made by the contract the Lumbers m= ade with Sons."

In distinguishing Pavey & Matthews v Paul<= /I>, the principal judgment went on to say at [84]-[85]:

"84. It is important to recognise two poi= nts about Pavey & Matthews. First, there was no issue in that case about= whether the plaintiff, a builder, had a claim for work and labour done and = materials supplied. The issue in the case was whether that claim was defeate= d by a statutory provision[42] analogous to s 4 of the Statute of Frauds 167= 7 (UK) ("no action shall be brought upon any agreement ... unless the a= greement upon which such action shall be brought or some memorandum or note = thereof shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewith = or some other person thereunto by him lawfully authorized"). In particu= lar, the issue was whether the builder's action on a quantum meruit was a di= rect or indirect enforcement of the oral contract the parties had made. The = majority in Pavey & Matthews held[43] that because "the true founda= tion of the right to recover on a quantum meruit does not depend on the exis= tence of an implied contract" the action was not "one by which the= plaintiff seeks to enforce the oral contract".

85. The second point to be noted is that unjus= t enrichment was identified as a legal concept unifying "a variety of d= istinct categories of case"[44]. It was not identified as a principle w= hich can be taken as a sufficient premise for direct application in particul= ar cases. Rather, as Deane J emphasised[45] in Pavey & Matthews, it is n= ecessary to proceed by "the ordinary processes of legal reasoning"= and by reference to existing categories of cases in which an obligation to = pay compensation has been imposed. "To identify the basis of such actio= ns as restitution and not genuine agreement is not to assert a judicial disc= retion to do whatever idiosyncratic notions of what is fair and just might d= ictate."[46] On the contrary, what the recognition of the unifying conc= ept does is to assist "in the determination, by the ordinary processes = of legal reasoning, of the question whether the law should, in justice, reco= gnise such an obligation in a new or developing category of case" (emph= asis added)[47]."

James Douglas

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The information contained in the above e-mail message or messages (which in= cludes any attachments) is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is= intended only for the use of the person/s or entity to which it is addresse= d and to be used in an authorised way. As such, the information in it and it= s attachments may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which = it has been sent.=A0 If you are not the addressee any form of disclosure, copy= ing, modification, distribution, printing, re-transmitting, storage or any a= ction taken or omitted in reliance on the information is unauthorised. Opini= ons contained in the message(s) do not necessarily reflect the opinions of t= he Judiciary. Any legal privilege or confidentiality is not waived because i= t was sent to you by mistake. If you received this communication in error, p= lease notify the sender immediately, destroy any hard copies of the e-mail a= nd delete it from your computer system network.

____________________________________________________________________ This m= essage was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an internatio= nal internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment= . To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a messa= ge to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff e= nrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members,= send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith= of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>.

____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. --B_3296631619_329842-- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 15:07:00 -0400 Reply-To: Doug Rendleman Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Doug Rendleman Subject: Re: Lumbers Comments: To: Lionel Smith In-Reply-To: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=__PartE1C8FDC4.0__=" This is a MIME message. If you are reading this text, you may want to consider changing to a mail reader or gateway that understands how to properly handle MIME multipart messages. --=__PartE1C8FDC4.0__= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by torrent.cc.mcgill.ca id m5IJ7Iex023874 Thanks to the High Court of Australia for its scrupulous review of restitution and contract principles in Lumbers v. Cook and to Justice James Douglas and to Neil Foster for commenting and bringing the court=E2= =80=99s judgment to our attention. =20 =20 A thoughtful contribution is Hanoch Dagan, The Law and Ethics of Restitution, Chapter 8 C. at 289-96 (2004). Thanks also to Lionel Smith for remembering my piece in the Texas Law Review. =20 =20 Lumbers v. Cook clamors for scholars=E2=80=99 measured attention because= it lies athwart a major fault line in restitution. Because of the parties=E2= =80=99 informal business practices, their cryptic and incomplete evidence, the shifting grounds between trial and appeal, and the differences in civil procedure and bankruptcy-insolvency I found it difficult to discern what ultimate justice requires in the particular dispute. =20 With respect, however, the statements in the opinions=E2=80=99 paragraph= s 54 and 125-26 emphasize contract at the expense of restitution principles in a way that may foreshadow incorrect decisions in future disputes. =20 =20 Doug Rendleman Washington and Lee=20 June 18, 2008 >>> Lionel Smith 6/18/2008 11:00 AM >>> Although the majority, in the passages quoted by Justice Douglas, attempt to present their ruling as one that rejects unjust enrichment reasoning, to my mind their decision is perfectly in line with the law of unjust enrichment as understood by most commentators, including the late Peter Birks. The HCA has accepted a principle that is most clearly expressed in the German law of unjust enrichment, and which many commentators have suggested should be accepted into the common law. One thorough recent analysis of the question, somewhat sceptical however that the subcontractor should always be denied a claim, is in D. Rendleman, =E2=80=9CQuantum Meruit for the Subcontractor: Has Restitution= Jumped Off Dawson=E2=80=99s Dock?=E2=80=9D (2001) 79 Texas L. Rev. 2055. The ordinary processes of legal reasoning ... no, I only smile and resist comment. Lionel On 18/6/08 01:52, "Justice Douglas" wrote: The High Court of Australia has just delivered its reasons in Lumbers v W Cook Builders Pty Ltd (in liquidation) [2008] HCA 27 - http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/2008/27.html ( http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/2008/27.html ) - where a restitutionary claim made by a builder's "subcontractor" against the owner of land on which a house was built was rejected. The precise legal relationship between the builder and the "subcontractor", which were related companies, was not made clear by the "exiguous" evidence.=20 There was a contract between the owner and the builder but the builder did not pursue any claim for the money sought by the subcontractor, nor had the subcontractor continued its acti on against the builder nor had the owner requested the subcontractor to perform the work. That request to perform the work was made by the owner to the builder. =20 At paras 78-81 the following was said: "78. The application of a framework for analysis expressed only at the level of abstraction adopted in this case, by reference to "benefit", "expense" and "acceptance" coupled with considerations of unconscionability, creates a serious risk of producing a result that is discordant with accepted principle, thus creating a lack of coherence with other branches of the law[33]. There are two reasons of particular relevance to this case why that is so. They may be identified by reference to two questions which, although expressed separately, will later be seen to intersect in several ways. First, does applying the posited framework for analysis to the facts of the present case extend the availability of recovery beyond the circumstances in which a claim for work and labour done (or money paid) for and at the request of the defendant would be available? Secondly, and no less importantly, how is the result of applying t his framework for analysis consistent with the obligations relevant parties undertook by their contractual arrangements? 79. The doing of work, or payment of money, for and at the request of another, are archetypal cases in which it may be said that a person receives a "benefit" at the "expense" of another which the recipient "accepts" and which it would be unconscionable for the recipient to retain without payment. And as is well apparent from this Court's decision in Steele v Tardiani[34], an essential step in considering a claim in quantum meruit (or money paid) is to ask whether and how that claim fits with any particular contract the parties have made. It is essential to consider how the claim fits with contracts the parties have made because, as Lord Goff of Chieveley rightly warned in Pan Ocean Shipping Co Ltd v Creditcorp Ltd[35], "serious difficulties arise if the law seeks to expand the law of restitution to redistribute risks for which provision has been made under an applicable contract". In a similar vein, in the Comments upon =C2=A729 of the proposed Restatement, (3d), "Restitution and Unjust Enrichment"[36], the Reporter says: "Even if restitution is the claimant's only recourse, a claim under this Section will be denied where the imposition of a liability in restitution would overturn an existing allocation of risk or limitation of liability previously established by contract."=20 80. Likewise, it is essential to consider whether the facts of the present case yield to analysis as a claim for work and labour done, or money paid, because where one party (in this case, Builders) seeks recompense from another (here the Lumbers) for some service done or benefit conferred by the first party for or on the other, the bare fact of conferral of the benefit or provision of the service does not suffice to establish an entitlement to recovery. As Bowen LJ said in Falcke v Scottish Imperial Insurance Company[37]: "The general principle is, beyond all question, that work and labour done or money expended by one man to preserve or benefit the property of another do not according to English law create any lien upon the property saved or benefited, nor, even if standing alone, create any obligation to repay the expenditure. Liabilities are not to be forced upon people behind their backs any more than you can confer a benefit upon a man against his will." (emphasis added)=20 The principle is not unqualified. Bowen LJ identified[38] salvage in maritime law as one qualification. Other cases, including other cases of necessitous intervention, may now be seen as further qualifications to the principle but it is not necessary to examine in this case how extensive are those further qualifications or what is their content. For the purposes of this case the critical observations to make are first that Builders' restitutionary claim does not yield to analysis as a claim for work and labour done or money paid and secondly, that Builders' restitutionary claim, if allowed, would redistribute not only the risks but also the rights and obligations for which provision was made by the contract the Lumbers made with Sons." In distinguishing Pavey & Matthews v Paul, the principal judgment went on to say at [84]-[85]: "84. It is important to recognise two points about Pavey & Matthews. First, there was no issue in that case about whether the plaintiff, a builder, had a claim for work and labour done and materials supplied. The issue in the case was whether that claim was defeated by a statutory provision[42] analogous to s 4 of the Statute of Frauds 1677 (UK) ("no action shall be brought upon any agreement ... unless the agreement upon which such action shall be brought or some memorandum or note thereof shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewith or some other person thereunto by him lawfully authorized"). In particular, the issue was whether the builder's action on a quantum meruit was a direct or indirect enforcement of the oral contract the parties had made. The majority in Pavey & Matthews held[43] that because "the true foundation of the right to recover on a quantum meruit does not depend on the existen ce of an implied contract" the action was not "one by which the plaintiff seeks to enforce the oral contract". 85. The second point to be noted is that unjust enrichment was identified as a legal concept unifying "a variety of distinct categories of case"[44]. It was not identified as a principle which can be taken as a sufficient premise for direct application in particular cases. Rather, as Deane J emphasised[45] in Pavey & Matthews, it is necessary to proceed by "the ordinary processes of legal reasoning" and by reference to existing categories of cases in which an obligation to pay compensation has been imposed. "To identify the basis of such actions as restitution and not genuine agreement is not to assert a judicial discretion to do whatever idiosyncratic notions of what is fair and just might dictate."[46] On the contrary, what the recognition of the unifying concept does is to assist "in the determination, by the ordinary processes of legal reasoning, of the question whether the law should, in justice, recogni se such an obligation in a new or developing category of case" (emphasis added)[47]." =20 James Douglas **************************************************************** Please think about the environment before you print this message. The information contained in the above e-mail message or messages (which includes any attachments) is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended only for the use of the person/s or entity to which it is addressed and to be used in an authorised way. As such, the information in it and its attachments may not be used or disclosed except for the purpose for which it has been sent. If you are not the addressee any form of disclosure, copying, modification, distribution, printing, re-transmitting, storage or any action taken or omitted in reliance on the information is unauthorised. Opinions contained in the message(s) do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Judiciary. Any legal privilege or confidentiality is not waived because it was sent to you by mistake. If you received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately, destroy any hard copies of the e-mail and delete it from your computer system network. **************************************************************** ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment.. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . !SIG:485926c594831864816899! ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, .=20 ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . --=__PartE1C8FDC4.0__= Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Description: HTML Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 PEhUTUw+PEhFQUQ+DQo8TUVUQSBodHRwLWVxdWl2PUNvbnRlbnQtVHlwZSBjb250ZW50PSJ0ZXh 0 L2h0bWw7IGNoYXJzZXQ9dXRmLTgiPg0KPE1FVEEgY29udGVudD0iTVNIVE1MIDYuMDAuNjAwMC4 x NjY3NCIgbmFtZT1HRU5FUkFUT1I+PC9IRUFEPg0KPEJPRFkgc3R5bGU9Ik1BUkdJTjogNHB4IDR w eCAxcHg7IEZPTlQ6IDEwcHQgVGFob21hIj4NCjxESVY+Jm5ic3A7VGhhbmtzIHRvIHRoZSBIaWd o IENvdXJ0IG9mIEF1c3RyYWxpYSBmb3IgaXRzIHNjcnVwdWxvdXMgcmV2aWV3IG9mIHJlc3RpdHV 0 aW9uIGFuZCBjb250cmFjdCBwcmluY2lwbGVzIGluIEx1bWJlcnMgdi4gQ29vayBhbmQgdG8gSnV z dGljZSBKYW1lcyBEb3VnbGFzIGFuZCB0byBOZWlsIEZvc3RlciBmb3IgY29tbWVudGluZyBhbmQ g YnJpbmdpbmcgdGhlIGNvdXJ04oCZcyBqdWRnbWVudCB0byBvdXIgYXR0ZW50aW9uLiZuYnNwOyA 8 L0RJVj4NCjxESVY+Jm5ic3A7PC9ESVY+DQo8RElWPiZuYnNwO0EgdGhvdWdodGZ1bCBjb250cml i dXRpb24gaXMgSGFub2NoIERhZ2FuLCBUaGUgTGF3IGFuZCBFdGhpY3Mgb2YgUmVzdGl0dXRpb24 s 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YWNlPSJWZXJkYW5hLCBIZWx2ZXRpY2EsIEFyaWFsIj48QlI+PC9GT05UPjwvU1BBTj4hU0lHOjQ 4 NTkyNmM1OTQ4MzE4NjQ4MTY4OTkhIF9fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19 f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fIFRoaXMgbWVzc2FnZSB3YXMgZGVsaXZ l cmVkIHRocm91Z2ggdGhlIFJlc3RpdHV0aW9uIERpc2N1c3Npb24gR3JvdXAsIGFuIGludGVybmF 0 aW9uYWwgaW50ZXJuZXQgTElTVFNFUlYgZGV2b3RlZCB0byBhbGwgYXNwZWN0cyBvZiB0aGUgbGF 3 IG9mIHVuanVzdCBlbnJpY2htZW50LiBUbyBzdWJzY3JpYmUsIHNlbmQgInN1YnNjcmliZSBlbnJ p Y2htZW50IiBpbiB0aGUgYm9keSBvZiBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgdG8gJmx0O2xpc3RzZXJ2QGxpc3RzLm1 j Z2lsbC5jYSZndDsuIFRvIHVuc3Vic2NyaWJlLCBzZW5kICJzaWdub2ZmIGVucmljaG1lbnQiIHR v IHRoZSBzYW1lIGFkZHJlc3MuIFRvIG1ha2UgYSBwb3N0aW5nIHRvIGFsbCBncm91cCBtZW1iZXJ z LCBzZW5kIHRvICZsdDtlbnJpY2htZW50QGxpc3RzLm1jZ2lsbC5jYSZndDsuIFRoZSBsaXN0IGl z IHJ1biBieSBMaW9uZWwgU21pdGggb2YgTWNHaWxsIFVuaXZlcnNpdHksICZsdDtsaW9uZWwuc21 p dGhAbWNnaWxsLmNhJmd0Oy4gPC9CT0RZPjwvSFRNTD4= --=__PartE1C8FDC4.0__=-- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 21:44:26 +0200 Reply-To: Gerhard Dannemann Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Gerhard Dannemann Subject: Sheehan, Unjust Factors or Restitution of Transfers Sine Causa MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit RDG member Duncan Sheehan has today published in the Oxford University Comparative Law Forum an article which discusses unjust factors v absence of basis:

Duncan Sheehan, Unjust Factors or Restitution of Transfers Sine Causa

OUCLF, which runs a free subscription service, has previously published the following articles on unjust enrichment:

Peter Birks: At the Expense of the Claimant: Direct and Indirect Enrichment in English Law

Mindy Chen-Wishart: In Defence of Unjust Factors: a study of rescission for duress, fraud and exploitation

Thomas Krebs: In Defence of Unjust Factors

Gerhard Dannemann: Illegality as Defence Against Unjust Enrichment Claims

William Swadling: The Role of Illegality in the English Law of Unjust Enrichment

Lionel Smith: Property, Subsidiarity, and Unjust Enrichment

Simon Whittaker: Performance of Another's Obligation: French and English Law Contrasted

Francesco Giglio: Restitution for Wrongs: a Comparative Analysis

Peter Schlechtriem: Privacy, Publicity and Restitution of Wrongful Gains: Another New Economy?

Armin Hadjiani: Duress and Undue Influence in English and German Contract Law: a comparative study on vitiating factors in common and civil law

Happy reading!

Gerhard Dannemann

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dannemann 

Centre for British Studies 

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 

Mohrenstr. 60 

10117 Berlin 

Tel. +49 30 2093 5334 

Fax  +49 30 2093 5370 

____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 10:17:26 -0400 Reply-To: Lionel Smith Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Lionel Smith Subject: Subjective Devaluation in tax law In-Reply-To: Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="B_3296715446_277744" > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --B_3296715446_277744 Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Yesterday=B9s Globe and Mail ran a story about a guy whose employer required him to have a membership at a golf club. The fees were paid by the employer. The tax man included the annual fee as part of the employee=B9s income, as a taxable benefit. The employee successfully argued in the Tax Court of Canada that he did not like golf, he did not play golf, and he held the membership only because he was required to; hence, there was no benefit to him, but only to his employer. Bowman J. held that there is a taxable benefit only if the taxpayer ... benefited. > http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080617.wbenefit17/BN= Story > /Front/home > =20 Lionel ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . --B_3296715446_277744 Content-type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Subjective Devaluation in tax law Yeste= rday’s Globe and Mail ran a story about a guy whose employer required = him to have a membership at a golf club.
The fees were paid by the employer. The tax man included the annual fee as = part of the employee’s income, as a taxable benefit.
The employee successfully argued in the Tax Court of Canada that he did not= like golf, he did not play golf, and he held the membership only because he= was required to; hence, there was no benefit to him, but only to his employ= er. Bowman J. held that there is a taxable benefit only if the taxpayer ... = benefited.

http://www.theglobeandmail.com /= servlet/story/RTGAM.20080617.wbenefit17/BNStory/Front/home
____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. --B_3296715446_277744-- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 10:50:01 -0400 Reply-To: Lionel Smith Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Lionel Smith Subject: Mason P retirement In-Reply-To: <005a01c8c444$6c41c910$44c55b30$@rush@vicbar.com.au> Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="B_3297063004_365820" > This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. --B_3297063004_365820 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="B_3297063004_367528" --B_3297063004_367528 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Following the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may be interested in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his farewell speech and a short article in the ALJ. Lionel ____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . --B_3297063004_367528 Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Mason P retirement Follo= wing the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may be interested= in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his farewell speech and = a short article in the ALJ.

____________________________________________________________________ This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. --B_3297063004_367528-- --B_3297063004_365820 Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="Mason farewell.pdf" Content-disposition: attachment; filename="Mason farewell.pdf" Content-transfer-encoding: base64 JVBERi0xLjMKJcTl8uXrp/Og0MTGCjQgMCBvYmoKPDwgL0xlbmd0aCA1IDAgUiAvRmlsdGVy IC9GbGF0ZURlY29kZSA+PgpzdHJlYW0KeAHFndlyHMl1hu/rKSp8YyCCbKEXNADfUfQoxPFQ i4nwhEPhC5CcobYZcYZaLD+9/7N8uVQXGtUwIUsKlqoq8+RZ/rPkUo0fxl+PP4zrjf63utB/ 9uPl9fV4tb8ef/xm/Hr8fvzJy0/r8d2n8cL/++mdWl+sNjtrG4/q3dVm3F6v9nq3H959N/70 dryMJnm5/W78yc/Wq4txPd5+O56N5+Pt78cvbsWB8bC92KjvuN0nH/vV1UZjrMf1drW/Hk5n B4LJ0jjD0jBhaX0KSxMNDQs0tL24WW33RUtzLI233w1HtPTZLHV1cb26wU67S7duXlwpgkPY 6Tfj2c/Ox8vx7MX5+HyzG8/+Xdf19Xj2ha778exre+y3g91+pduruGwv3Mh698babMezX2Uf u1ifl7rejGc/Px//a7z9smJhRspHAGB97doOSVPXnaRh/iLpFJEzXExsXrxiOOoV+5vL1eVm jgNZWz6xRdfiYGh94gQOjvvl/nqz2m4u1umXnRYmPMjetzKLTPlbXdbr8ezOrKXr9+fjWib9 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NTUxNjkgMDAwMDAgbiAKMDAwMDA1NTczNCAwMDAwMCBuIAowMDAwMDU2NDk1IDAwMDAwIG4g CjAwMDAwNTcyODIgMDAwMDAgbiAKMDAwMDA1NzkwNCAwMDAwMCBuIAp0cmFpbGVyCjw8IC9T aXplIDc3IC9Sb290IDEgMCBSIC9JbmZvIDIgMCBSCi9JRCBbKBVLrdFHil3v6uFs6JUOWtop KBVLrdFHil3v6uFs6JUOWtopXQo+PgpzdGFydHhyZWYKNTk5OTcKJSVFT0YK --B_3297063004_365820-- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 16:02:11 +0100 Reply-To: Hector MacQueen Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Hector MacQueen Subject: Re: Mason P retirement Comments: To: Lionel Smith In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes"; format="flowed" Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The idea, never mind the fact, of judicial yoga sessions is a deeply =20 fascinating one ... H --=20 Hector L MacQueen Professor of Private Law Co-Director, AHRC Research Centre Intellectual Property and Technology Law Edinburgh Law School University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH8 9YL UK Tel: (0)131-650-2060; Fax: (0)131-662-6317 Quoting Lionel Smith : > Following the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may be > interested in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his farewell > speech and a short article in the ALJ. > > Lionel > > > ____________________________________________________________________ > This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, > an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law > of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in > the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, > send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to > all group members, send to . The list is > run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . > --=20 The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 17:10:07 +0100 Reply-To: Robert Stevens Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Robert Stevens Subject: Re: Mason P retirement In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit I assume that Mason P's remarks in his farewell speech are, in part, referring to the harsh words of the High Court of Australia in Farah Constructions v Say-Dee. One thing which puzzles me, and I am sorrry if this goes off the topic of restitution somewhat, is why he thinks that the statements in Say-Dee (at [78]) have altered the rules of precedent? (Say-Dee is here http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/high_ct/2007/22.html ) The High Court of Australia seem to state that intermediate courts of appeal are bound to follow 'seriously considered dicta' of the High Court. However that statement was itself necessarily obiter dicta. Any statement made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should consider binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the outcome of the case before the High Court. Indeed, the High Court's decision appears to me, as an outsider, to be somewhat inconsistent. If an intermediate appellate court refuses to follow serious considered dicta of the High Court of Australia, its power to ignore such dicta forms part of the ratio of that decision of the intermediate court. It will be necessary for the outcome of the case (as it was before the NSW Court of Appeal in Farah) and therefore ratio. If, as is stated by the HC of A at[135] in Farah, intermediate appellate courts are bound to follow earlier decisions of intermediate appellate courts, they are bound to conclude that they have the power to ignore seriously considered dicta of the High Court of Australia. They are bound to ignore obiter statements, even those from the High Court, to the contrary. Further, I wholeheartedly agree with the High Court that courts should only authoritatively pronounce on issues which have been tested in argument before them [132]. Court should not embark upon frolics of their own. However, this is one of the reasons why the High Court cannot authoritatively pronounce upon what the intermediate courts should consider binding. Such a question is never of relevance before the High Court itself, and counsel will not have addressed the court on the question (as they did not in Say-Dee). Before an intermediate appellate court, by contrast, such a question can be of relevance to the outcome, can and will be the subject of submissions by counsel, and can be authoritatively resolved. The logic of the High Court's position seems to me to indicate that courts in the position of the Supreme Court of New South Wales should consider themselves bound by their own earlier decisions both as to what counts as binding precedent for themselves and as to their own power to develop the law. Statements from the High Court on these matters are just obiter dicta given without the benefit of argument and, insofar as inconsistent with prior NSW Court of Appeal practice, must necessarily be ignored. (For what it is worth, I think the High Court were clearly right in the result reached in Say-Dee on the substantive issue.) Robert Stevens > Following the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may be > interested in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his farewell > speech and a short article in the ALJ. > > Lionel > > > ____________________________________________________________________ > This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, > an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law > of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in > the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, > send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to > all group members, send to . The list is > run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . > -- Robert Stevens Professor of Commercial Law University College London This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 10:26:29 +1000 Reply-To: Neil Foster Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Neil Foster Subject: Re: Mason P retirement Comments: To: Robert Stevens In-Reply-To: <2811.> MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Boundary_(ID_PmKhDGrYYk0Trkybd7CENw)" This is a MIME message. If you are reading this text, you may want to consider changing to a mail reader or gateway that understands how to properly handle MIME multipart messages. --Boundary_(ID_PmKhDGrYYk0Trkybd7CENw) Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Dear Rob; I hesitate to do this but I think I have to disagree with you on this comment: >Any statement >made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should consider >binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the >outcome of the case before the High Court. If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then their role must include formulating principles about the law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary for them in coming to a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), and hence it will indeed be binding on future intermediate courts. It is important in any case to note what the High Court actually said in Say-Dee at [135]: "Intermediate appellate courts and trial judges in Australia should not depart from decisions in intermediate appellate courts in another jurisdiction on the interpretation of Commonwealth legislation or uniform national legislation unless they are convinced that the interpretation is plainly wrong[1] ( about:blank#_ftn1 ). Since there is a common law of Australia rather than of each Australian jurisdiction, the same principle applies in relation to non-statutory law." [1] ( about:blank#_ftnref1 ) Australian Securities Commission v Marlborough Gold Mines Ltd (1993) 177 CLR 485 at 492 per Mason CJ, Brennan, Dawson, Toohey and Gaudron JJ. The first sentence relating to Commonwealth legislation or "uniform" national legislation, as the footnote demonstrates, has long been accepted. It is the extension of the principle to the common law which is controversial. And even there the principle is now that there ought not generally to be departure, but that there can be if the intermediate appellate court in question is "convinced" that the earlier judgement is "plainly wrong". There is something odd about the new rule, however, which is illustrated by Say-Dee itself. Interestingly it does not come up in the main discussion of the Court of Appeal's mistake in its attempt to decide the case on unjust enrichment principles (which is resolved by the rule about intermediate courts in future following "seriously considered" dicta, in reference to Consul.) The second limb of the new rules as to precedent comes up in the concluding paragraphs of the discussion, on the topic of indefeasibility. The background is that there were three previous decisions of intermediate courts of appeal on the question of whether the rule in Barnes v Addy could be an in personam exception to statutory indefeasibility under the Torrens system. Two of the decisions said it could not: Macquarie Bank Ltd v Sixty- Fourth Throne Pty Ltd [1998] 3 VR 133 at 156-157 and LHK Nominees Pty Ltd v Kenworthy (2002) 26 WAR 517; one of the decisions said that it could: Tara Shire Council v Garner [2003] 1 Qd R 566. In effect the NSWCA here followed the decision in Tara rather than the other two. What were they meant to do according to the High Court? Say-Dee at [196] says they ought to have followed Macquarie Bank and LHK. I happen to agree with the High Court (and did so even before Say-Dee) that these are correct and that Tara is wrong on the indefeasibility point. But was the NSWCA meant to follow Macquarie Bank simply because it was first in time? I suppose this is what they are saying, in which case Tara was in any event wrong to have also followed the earlier case. I suppose the logic of the HC is that if the issue is up to whichever intermediate appellate court gets it first, then it will avoid some of the problems for trial courts knowing who to follow (unless someone is "convinced" of the wrongness of the earlier one.) The other odd thing is that in fact this issue is hard to describe as one of "common law". It is really a question of statutory interpretation. The Torrens statutes around Australia perhaps ought to be a "uniform" scheme of national legislation (the rule previously accepted), but they are not (I take it that in Australia what we mean by a uniform scheme is one where all the States have formally agreed on a model and agree to keep the local versions in step with each other, as we had with the Corporations scheme before a formal reference of Constitutional power.) So even if the principle of State intermediate appellate courts deferring to each other on common law was intended to be part of the ratio of Say-Dee (as a reason offered by the High Court why the CA was wrong), it was not actually applied in Say-Dee itself! Regards Neil Foster . Neil Foster Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor Newcastle Law School Faculty of Business & Law MC158, McMullin Building University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA ph 02 4921 7430 fax 02 4921 6931 >>> Robert Stevens 24/06/08 2:10 >>> I assume that Mason P's remarks in his farewell speech are, in part, referring to the harsh words of the High Court of Australia in Farah Constructions v Say-Dee. One thing which puzzles me, and I am sorrry if this goes off the topic of restitution somewhat, is why he thinks that the statements in Say-Dee (at [78]) have altered the rules of precedent? (Say-Dee is here http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/high_ct/2007/22.html) The High Court of Australia seem to state that intermediate courts of appeal are bound to follow 'seriously considered dicta' of the High Court. However that statement was itself necessarily obiter dicta. Any statement made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should consider binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the outcome of the case before the High Court. Indeed, the High Court's decision appears to me, as an outsider, to be somewhat inconsistent. If an intermediate appellate court refuses to follow serious considered dicta of the High Court of Australia, its power to ignore such dicta forms part of the ratio of that decision of the intermediate court. It will be necessary for the outcome of the case (as it was before the NSW Court of Appeal in Farah) and therefore ratio. If, as is stated by the HC of A at[135] in Farah, intermediate appellate courts are bound to follow earlier decisions of intermediate appellate courts, they are bound to conclude that they have the power to ignore seriously considered dicta of the High Court of Australia. They are bound to ignore obiter statements, even those from the High Court, to the contrary. Further, I wholeheartedly agree with the High Court that courts should only authoritatively pronounce on issues which have been tested in argument before them [132]. Court should not embark upon frolics of their own. However, this is one of the reasons why the High Court cannot authoritatively pronounce upon what the intermediate courts should consider binding. Such a question is never of relevance before the High Court itself, and counsel will not have addressed the court on the question (as they did not in Say-Dee). Before an intermediate appellate court, by contrast, such a question can be of relevance to the outcome, can and will be the subject of submissions by counsel, and can be authoritatively resolved. The logic of the High Court's position seems to me to indicate that courts in the position of the Supreme Court of New South Wales should consider themselves bound by their own earlier decisions both as to what counts as binding precedent for themselves and as to their own power to develop the law. Statements from the High Court on these matters are just obiter dicta given without the benefit of argument and, insofar as inconsistent with prior NSW Court of Appeal practice, must necessarily be ignored. (For what it is worth, I think the High Court were clearly right in the result reached in Say-Dee on the substantive issue.) Robert Stevens > Following the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may be > interested in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his farewell > speech and a short article in the ALJ. > > Lionel > > > ____________________________________________________________________ > This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, > an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law > of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in > the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, > send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to > all group members, send to . The list is > run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . > -- Robert Stevens Professor of Commercial Law University College London This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . --Boundary_(ID_PmKhDGrYYk0Trkybd7CENw) Content-type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Content-description: HTML
Dear = Rob;
I hesitate to do this but I think I have to disagree with you on = this comment:

>Any statement
>made by the High Court on = what a Court at a lower level should consider
>binding is necessarily= obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the
>outcome of the case = before the High Court.
&nbs= p;
If the = role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether = the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then = their role must include formulating principles about the law of precedent = which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are entitled to say that an = intermediate appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be = regarded as "dicta" from previous decisions of the High Court, and (2) = follow previous decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when = they say that, it will be part of the ratio of the High Court decision = (necessary for them in coming to a view on whether the intermediate court = was correct), and hence it will indeed be binding on future intermediate = courts.
&nbs= p;
It is = important in any case to note what the High Court actually said in = Say-Dee at [135]:
"Intermediate appellate courts and trial = judges in = Australia should not depart from = decisions in intermediate appellate courts in another jurisdiction on the = interpretation of Commonwealth legislation or uniform national legislation = unless they are convinced that the interpretation is plainly wrong[1].  Since there is a common law of Australia rather than of each Australian jurisdiction, the same principle applies = in relation to non-statutory law."

= [1]  &n= bsp;     Australian Securities Commission v = Marlborough Gold Mines Ltd (1993) 177 CLR 485 at 492 per Mason CJ, = Brennan, Dawson, Toohey and Gaudron JJ. 

The first sentence relating to Commonwealth legislation or "uniform" = national legislation, as the footnote demonstrates, has long been = accepted. It is the extension of the principle to the common law which is = controversial. And even there the principle is now that there ought not = generally to be departure, but that there can be if the intermediate = appellate court in question is "convinced" that the earlier judgement is = "plainly wrong".
There is something odd about the new rule, however, which is = illustrated by Say-Dee itself. Interestingly it does not come up = in the main discussion of the Court of Appeal's mistake in its attempt to = decide the case on unjust enrichment principles (which is resolved by the = rule about intermediate courts in future following "seriously considered" = dicta, in reference to Consul.) The second limb of the new rules = as to precedent comes up in the concluding paragraphs of the discussion, = on the topic of indefeasibility.
The background is that there were three previous decisions of = intermediate courts of appeal on the question of whether the rule in = Barnes v Addy could be an in personam exception to = statutory indefeasibility under the Torrens system. Two of the decisions = said it could not: Macquarie Bank Ltd v Sixty-Fourth Throne Pty Ltd = [1998] 3 VR 133 at 156-157 and LHK Nominees Pty Ltd v = Kenworthy (2002) 26 WAR 517; one of the decisions said that it = could:  Tara Shire = Council v Garner [2003] 1 Qd R 566. In effect = the NSWCA here followed the decision in Tara rather than the = other two.
What were they meant = to do according to the High Court? Say-Dee at [196] says they = ought to have followed Macquarie Bank and LHK. I happen = to agree with the High Court (and did so even before Say-Dee) = that these are correct and that Tara is wrong on the indefeasibili= ty point. But was the NSWCA meant to follow Macquarie Bank simply = because it was first in time? I suppose this is what they are saying, in = which case Tara was in any event wrong to have also followed the = earlier case. I suppose the logic of the HC is that if the issue is up to = whichever intermediate appellate court gets it first, then it will avoid = some of the problems for trial courts knowing who to follow (unless = someone is "convinced" of the wrongness of the earlier one.)<= /SPAN>
The other odd thing = is that in fact this issue is hard to describe as one of "common law". It = is really a question of statutory interpretation. The Torrens statutes = around Australia perhaps ought to be a "uniform" scheme of national = legislation (the rule previously accepted), but they are not (I take it = that in Australia what we mean by a uniform scheme is one where all the = States have formally agreed on a model and agree to keep the local = versions in step with each other, as we had with the Corporations = scheme before a formal reference of Constitutional power.)
So even if the = principle of State intermediate appellate courts deferring to each other = on common law was intended to be part of the ratio of Say-Dee (as = a reason offered by the High Court why the CA was wrong), it was not = actually applied in Say-Dee itself!
Neil Foster




Neil Foster
Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor
Newcastle Law School
Facul= ty of Business & Law
MC158, McMullin Building
University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW = 2308
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921 6931

>&= gt;> Robert Stevens <robert.stevens@UCL.AC.UK> 24/06/08 2:10 >>>
I= assume that Mason P's remarks in his farewell speech are, in part,
refe= rring to the harsh words of the High Court of Australia in Farah
Constru= ctions v Say-Dee. One thing which puzzles me, and I am sorrry if
this = goes off the topic of restitution somewhat, is why he thinks that = the
statements in Say-Dee (at [78]) have altered the rules of precedent?=
(Say-Dee is here
http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases = /cth/high_ct/2007/22.html )

The High Court of Australia seem to state = that intermediate courts of
appeal are bound to follow 'seriously = considered dicta' of the High Court.
However that statement was itself = necessarily obiter dicta. Any statement
made by the High Court on what = a Court at a lower level should consider
binding is necessarily obiter = dicta as it cannot be necessary for the
outcome of the case before the = High Court.

Indeed, the High Court's decision appears to me, as an = outsider, to be
somewhat inconsistent.

If an intermediate = appellate court refuses to follow serious considered
dicta of the High = Court of Australia, its power to ignore such dicta
forms part of the = ratio of that decision of the intermediate court. It
will be necessary = for the outcome of the case (as it was before the NSW
Court of Appeal = in Farah) and therefore ratio. If, as is stated by the HC
of A at[135] = in Farah, intermediate appellate courts are bound to follow
earlier = decisions of intermediate appellate courts, they are bound to
conclude = that they have the power to ignore seriously considered dicta of
the = High Court of Australia. They are bound to ignore obiter statements,
eve= n those from the High Court, to the contrary.

Further, I wholehearte= dly agree with the High Court that courts should
only authoritatively = pronounce on issues which have been tested in
argument before them = [132]. Court should not embark upon frolics of
their own. However, this = is one of the reasons why the High Court cannot
authoritatively = pronounce upon what the intermediate courts should
consider binding. = Such a question is never of relevance before the High
Court itself, and = counsel will not have addressed the court on the
question (as they did = not in Say-Dee). Before an intermediate appellate
court, by contrast, = such a question can be of relevance to the outcome,
can and will be the = subject of submissions by counsel, and can be
authoritatively resolved.<= BR>
The logic of the High Court's position seems to me to indicate that = courts
in the position of the Supreme Court of New South Wales should = consider
themselves bound by their own earlier decisions both as to = what counts as
binding precedent for themselves and as to their own = power to develop the
law. Statements from the High Court on these = matters are just obiter dicta
given without the benefit of argument = and, insofar as inconsistent with
prior NSW Court of Appeal practice, = must necessarily be ignored.

(For what it is worth, I think the = High Court were clearly right in the
result reached in Say-Dee on the = substantive issue.)

Robert Stevens

> Following = the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may be
> = interested in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his = farewell
> speech and a short article in the ALJ.
> = Lionel
> ____________________________________________= ________________________
>  This message was delivered through = the Restitution Discussion Group,
>  an international internet = LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law
>  of unjust = enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in
>  the = body of a message to <
listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe,
>  send = "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to
> = ; all group members, send to <
enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list = is
>  run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <
lionel.smith@mcgill.ca= >.=

Robert Stevens
Professor of Commercial = Law
University College London

This message was delivered through = the Restitution Discussion Group,
an international internet LISTSERV = devoted to all aspects of the law
of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, = send "subscribe enrichment" in
the body of a message to <
listserv@lists.mcgil= l.ca&= gt;. To unsubscribe,
send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To = make a posting to
all group members, send to <
enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The = list is
run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <
lionel.smith@mcgill.ca= >.=
This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>.

--Boundary_(ID_PmKhDGrYYk0Trkybd7CENw)-- ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 09:36:27 +0100 Reply-To: Robert Stevens Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Robert Stevens Subject: Re: Mason P retirement Comments: To: Neil Foster In-Reply-To: <4860CBD5.7C79.00F0.0@newcastle.edu.au> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Test it this way. Has there ever been an appellate decision, from any jurisdiction in the common law world, where the sole reason for allowing the appeal was that the lower court was wrong in its views as to the precedents binding upon it, even though those precedents were not binding on the appellate court? The answer is surely no. If these precedents are not binding on the appellate court, it must go further and decide whether they are right or wrong. So I don't accept that "the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then their role must include formulating principles about the law of precedent which bind the intermediate court." The reason is that the High Court is not a re-constituted NSWCA, attempting to mimic what should have happened. The High Court of Australia is not bound by the same rules of precedent binding upon the NSWCA. Therefore, such questions as whether the NSWCA is bound to follow its own previous decisions, or whether the NSWCA is bound to follow seriously considered dicta of the HCofA, can never be in issue before the HCofA. These statements on this question are not ratio, however forcefully expressed they may be. They could only be ratio if they could be necessary or sufficient for the outcome, and they are not. We had the same story in England in the 70s. Lord Denning would rule, in the Court of Appeal, that he was not bound to follow earlier Court of Appeal decisions. The House of Lords would tell him that he was so bound. In subsequent cases Denning would thank the House of Lords for its opinion, but explain that what they had said was necessarily obiter, and that even if they were right the most recent Court of Appeal decision on this question of precedent was the last one by himself. If he was bound by his own earlier decision, he was bound to say that he was not bound. He was bound to be free. This reasoning, although in my view unimpeachable, provoked the impotent fury of the House of Lords. All of the leading decisions of the precedental force of decisions of the English Court of Appeal for the Court of Appeal itself are, necessarily, decisions of the English Court of Appeal. The House of Lords cannot authoritatively rule on this issue, however much they may stamp their feet. (To get away with this sort of behaviour it might be said that you have to be Lord Denning. He had no ambition to go back to the House of Lords, and cared not a fig what the likes of Viscount Simmonds thought.) What is the current position of the NSWCA on what it must do faced with two earlier inconsistent intermediate appellate court decisions? If the answer is 'follow the most recent', then they were bound to follow Tara Shire Council v Garner [2003] 1 Qd R 566. The HCofA's statements on the precedental effect of intermediate appellate court decisions in Say-Dee are just obiter, and cannot have changed the law. The only bodies which can authoritatively rule on the precedental effect for the NSWCA of earlier intermediate appellate court decisions are the NSWCA and the legislature. Even if the NSWCA ruled that they are bound by 'seriously considered dicta' of the HCofA, statements such as those in Say-Dee on the rules of precedent for the NSWCA cannot qualify as 'seriously considered.' The reason is that they have not been tested in the 'firey furnace' of argument by counsel. (For some forceful statements on this see D Heydon 'Judicial Activisim and the Death of the Rule of law' (2004) 10 Otago LR 493). This issue of precedent won't have been tested in argument, and was not in Say-Dee if you read the transcript, because it cannot be in issue before the HCofA. RS This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 09:50:17 +0100 Reply-To: Duncan.Sheehan@uea.ac.uk Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: "Duncan Sheehan (LAW)" Organization: University of East Anglia Subject: Re: Mason P retirement Comments: To: Neil Foster In-Reply-To: <4860CBD5.7C79.00F0.0@newcastle.edu.au> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0010_01C8D5DF.B58B07B0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0010_01C8D5DF.B58B07B0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear all, Neil said, "If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then their role must include formulating principles about the law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary for them in coming to a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), and hence it will indeed be binding on future intermediate courts." Surely not. The English Court of Appeal (not sure whether the High Court of Australia gets to overrule itself; I assume it can though) make a decision in a case - A. That decision is appealed to the House of Lords on the basis that the HL had previously said B - ie the CA ignored a HL decision exactly on point. The HL (and by extension any final appellate court) has to decide what the substantive law is - is it A or B. To decide that they do not need to decide whether the CA was or was not bound by statements in the previous HL decision; they only need decide whether they are going to follow that HL decision. If they do, they overrule the CA; if they don't they don't. If they overrule it - it's because the CA was substantively wrong on the merits- not because they failed to follow the rules of precedent; if they don't want to follow the prior HL decision, they won't overrule the CA - irrespective of whether the CA says about following HL decisions. The Court of Appeal may get a ticking-off, but it will make no difference to the decision on the merits, and cannot be ratio. As it happens, it seems to me that what Say-Dee says at [135] is a reasonably sensible rule, but but not one the HCA can lay down as ratio, any more than they can lay down a ratio rule about "seriously considered dicta" which is one reason why I wish they'd actually done the question justice rather than simply trying to slap the NSWCA down, and put together a proper argument for their conclusion that knowing receipt is nothing to do with unjust enrichment. In the end though I also agree with Neil about the rather peculiar application of the rule (and the correctness of Macquarie). Duncan Dr Duncan Sheehan Senior Lecturer in Law Director of Research Norwich Law School University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Papers at http://ssrn.com/author=648495 _____ From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Neil Foster Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:26 AM To: ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P retirement Dear Rob; I hesitate to do this but I think I have to disagree with you on this comment: >Any statement >made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should consider >binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the >outcome of the case before the High Court. If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then their role must include formulating principles about the law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary for them in coming to a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), and hence it will indeed be binding on future intermediate courts. It is important in any case to note what the High Court actually said in Say-Dee at [135]: "Intermediate appellate courts and trial judges in Australia should not depart from decisions in intermediate appellate courts in another jurisdiction on the interpretation of Commonwealth legislation or uniform national legislation unless they are convinced that the interpretation is plainly wrong[1]. Since there is a common law of Australia rather than of each Australian jurisdiction, the same principle applies in relation to non-statutory law." _____ [1] Australian Securities Commission v Marlborough Gold Mines Ltd (1993) 177 CLR 485 at 492 per Mason CJ, Brennan, Dawson, Toohey and Gaudron JJ. The first sentence relating to Commonwealth legislation or "uniform" national legislation, as the footnote demonstrates, has long been accepted. It is the extension of the principle to the common law which is controversial. And even there the principle is now that there ought not generally to be departure, but that there can be if the intermediate appellate court in question is "convinced" that the earlier judgement is "plainly wrong". There is something odd about the new rule, however, which is illustrated by Say-Dee itself. Interestingly it does not come up in the main discussion of the Court of Appeal's mistake in its attempt to decide the case on unjust enrichment principles (which is resolved by the rule about intermediate courts in future following "seriously considered" dicta, in reference to Consul.) The second limb of the new rules as to precedent comes up in the concluding paragraphs of the discussion, on the topic of indefeasibility. The background is that there were three previous decisions of intermediate courts of appeal on the question of whether the rule in Barnes v Addy could be an in personam exception to statutory indefeasibility under the Torrens system. Two of the decisions said it could not: Macquarie Bank Ltd v Sixty-Fourth Throne Pty Ltd [1998] 3 VR 133 at 156-157 and LHK Nominees Pty Ltd v Kenworthy (2002) 26 WAR 517; one of the decisions said that it could: Tara Shire Council v Garner [2003] 1 Qd R 566. In effect the NSWCA here followed the decision in Tara rather than the other two. What were they meant to do according to the High Court? Say-Dee at [196] says they ought to have followed Macquarie Bank and LHK. I happen to agree with the High Court (and did so even before Say-Dee) that these are correct and that Tara is wrong on the indefeasibility point. But was the NSWCA meant to follow Macquarie Bank simply because it was first in time? I suppose this is what they are saying, in which case Tara was in any event wrong to have also followed the earlier case. I suppose the logic of the HC is that if the issue is up to whichever intermediate appellate court gets it first, then it will avoid some of the problems for trial courts knowing who to follow (unless someone is "convinced" of the wrongness of the earlier one.) The other odd thing is that in fact this issue is hard to describe as one of "common law". It is really a question of statutory interpretation. The Torrens statutes around Australia perhaps ought to be a "uniform" scheme of national legislation (the rule previously accepted), but they are not (I take it that in Australia what we mean by a uniform scheme is one where all the States have formally agreed on a model and agree to keep the local versions in step with each other, as we had with the Corporations scheme before a formal reference of Constitutional power.) So even if the principle of State intermediate appellate courts deferring to each other on common law was intended to be part of the ratio of Say-Dee (as a reason offered by the High Court why the CA was wrong), it was not actually applied in Say-Dee itself! Regards Neil Foster . Neil Foster Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor Newcastle Law School Faculty of Business & Law MC158, McMullin Building University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA ph 02 4921 7430 fax 02 4921 6931 >>> Robert Stevens 24/06/08 2:10 >>> I assume that Mason P's remarks in his farewell speech are, in part, referring to the harsh words of the High Court of Australia in Farah Constructions v Say-Dee. One thing which puzzles me, and I am sorrry if this goes off the topic of restitution somewhat, is why he thinks that the statements in Say-Dee (at [78]) have altered the rules of precedent? (Say-Dee is here http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/high_ct/2007/22.html ) The High Court of Australia seem to state that intermediate courts of appeal are bound to follow 'seriously considered dicta' of the High Court. However that statement was itself necessarily obiter dicta. Any statement made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should consider binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the outcome of the case before the High Court. Indeed, the High Court's decision appears to me, as an outsider, to be somewhat inconsistent. If an intermediate appellate court refuses to follow serious considered dicta of the High Court of Australia, its power to ignore such dicta forms part of the ratio of that decision of the intermediate court. It will be necessary for the outcome of the case (as it was before the NSW Court of Appeal in Farah) and therefore ratio. If, as is stated by the HC of A at[135] in Farah, intermediate appellate courts are bound to follow earlier decisions of intermediate appellate courts, they are bound to conclude that they have the power to ignore seriously considered dicta of the High Court of Australia. They are bound to ignore obiter statements, even those from the High Court, to the contrary. Further, I wholeheartedly agree with the High Court that courts should only authoritatively pronounce on issues which have been tested in argument before them [132]. Court should not embark upon frolics of their own. However, this is one of the reasons why the High Court cannot authoritatively pronounce upon what the intermediate courts should consider binding. Such a question is never of relevance before the High Court itself, and counsel will not have addressed the court on the question (as they did not in Say-Dee). Before an intermediate appellate court, by contrast, such a question can be of relevance to the outcome, can and will be the subject of submissions by counsel, and can be authoritatively resolved. The logic of the High Court's position seems to me to indicate that courts in the position of the Supreme Court of New South Wales should consider themselves bound by their own earlier decisions both as to what counts as binding precedent for themselves and as to their own power to develop the law. Statements from the High Court on these matters are just obiter dicta given without the benefit of argument and, insofar as inconsistent with prior NSW Court of Appeal practice, must necessarily be ignored. (For what it is worth, I think the High Court were clearly right in the result reached in Say-Dee on the substantive issue.) Robert Stevens > Following the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may be > interested in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his farewell > speech and a short article in the ALJ. > > Lionel > > > ____________________________________________________________________ > This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, > an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law > of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in > the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, > send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to > all group members, send to . The list is > run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . > -- Robert Stevens Professor of Commercial Law University College London This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . ------=_NextPart_000_0010_01C8D5DF.B58B07B0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Dear all, =
Neil said, =
"If the role of the = High Court=20 on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether the intermediate = appellate=20 court made a legally correct decision, then their role must include = formulating=20 principles about the law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. = Hence=20 they are entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) = now=20 observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous = decisions of=20 the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other intermediate=20 appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part of the ratio = of the=20 High Court decision (necessary for them in coming to a view on whether = the=20 intermediate court was correct), and hence it will indeed be binding on = future=20 intermediate courts."
Surely not. The English Court of Appeal (not = sure=20 whether the High Court of Australia gets to overrule itself; I assume it = can=20 though) make a decision in a case - A. That decision is appealed to the = House of=20 Lords on the basis that the HL had previously said B - ie the CA ignored = a HL=20 decision exactly on point. The HL (and by extension any final appellate = court)=20 has to decide what the substantive law is - is it A or B. To decide that = they do=20 not need to decide whether the CA was or was not bound = by statements in the=20 previous HL decision; they only need decide whether they are going to = follow=20 that HL decision. If they do, they overrule the CA; if they don't they = don't. If=20 they overrule it - it's because the CA was substantively wrong on the = merits-=20 not because they failed to follow the rules of precedent; if they don't = want to=20 follow the prior HL decision, they won't overrule the CA - irrespective = of=20 whether the CA says about following HL decisions. The Court of=20 Appeal may get a ticking-off, but it will make no = difference to=20 the decision on the merits, and cannot be ratio.
As it happens, it seems to me that what = Say-Dee says at=20 [135] is a reasonably sensible rule, but but not one the HCA can lay = down as=20 ratio, any more than they can lay down a ratio rule about "seriously = considered=20 dicta" which is one reason why I wish they'd actually done the = question=20 justice rather than simply trying to slap the NSWCA down, and put = together a=20 proper argument for their conclusion that knowing receipt is nothing to = do with=20 unjust enrichment. In the end though I also agree with Neil about the = rather=20 peculiar application of the rule (and the correctness of=20 Macquarie).

Dr Duncan Sheehan
Senior Lecturer in = Law
Director of=20 Research
Norwich Law School
University of East Anglia
Norwich = NR4=20 7TJ
United Kingdom

Papers at http://ssrn.com/author=3D648495<= /A>


From: Enrichment - Restitution = & Unjust=20 Enrichment Legal Issues [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On = Behalf Of=20 Neil Foster
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:26 = AM
Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P=20 retirement

Dear = Rob;
I=20 hesitate to do this but I think I have to disagree with you on this=20 comment:

>Any statement
>made by the High Court on = what a=20 Court at a lower level should consider
>binding is necessarily = obiter=20 dicta as it cannot be necessary for the
>outcome of the case = before the=20 High Court.
If the = role of=20 the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether the=20 intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then = their role=20 must include formulating principles about the law of precedent which = bind the=20 intermediate court. Hence they are entitled to say that an = intermediate=20 appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be regarded = as=20 "dicta" from previous decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow = previous=20 decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when they say = that, it=20 will be part of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary for = them in=20 coming to a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), and = hence it=20 will indeed be binding on future intermediate courts.
It is = important=20 in any case to note what the High Court actually said in = Say-Dee at=20 [135]:
"Intermediate appellate courts and trial judges in = Australia=20 should not depart from decisions in intermediate appellate courts in = another=20 jurisdiction on the interpretation of Commonwealth legislation or = uniform=20 national legislation unless they are convinced that the interpretation = is=20 plainly wrong[1].  Since there = is a common=20 law of Australia rather than of = each=20 Australian jurisdiction, the same principle applies in relation to=20 non-statutory law."

[1]       =20 Australian Securities Commission v Marlborough Gold Mines = Ltd=20 (1993) 177 CLR 485 at 492 per Mason CJ, Brennan, Dawson, Toohey and = Gaudron=20 JJ. =20

The first sentence relating to Commonwealth legislation or = "uniform"=20 national legislation, as the footnote demonstrates, has long been = accepted. It=20 is the extension of the principle to the common law which is = controversial.=20 And even there the principle is now that there ought not generally to = be=20 departure, but that there can be if the intermediate appellate court = in=20 question is "convinced" that the earlier judgement is "plainly = wrong".
There is something odd about the new rule, however, which is = illustrated=20 by Say-Dee itself. Interestingly it does not come up in the = main=20 discussion of the Court of Appeal's mistake in its attempt to decide = the case=20 on unjust enrichment principles (which is resolved by the rule about=20 intermediate courts in future following "seriously considered" dicta, = in=20 reference to Consul.) The second limb of the new rules as to=20 precedent comes up in the concluding paragraphs of the discussion, on = the=20 topic of indefeasibility.
The background is that there were three previous decisions of=20 intermediate courts of appeal on the question of whether the rule in=20 Barnes v Addy could be an in personam exception to = statutory=20 indefeasibility under the Torrens system. Two of the decisions said it = could=20 not: Macquarie=20 Bank Ltd v Sixty-Fourth Throne Pty Ltd [1998] 3 VR 133 at = 156-157=20 and LHK Nominees Pty Ltd v Kenworthy (2002) 26 WAR 517; = one of the=20 decisions said that it could:  Tara = Shire Council v=20 Garner [2003] 1 Qd R 566. In effect the = NSWCA here=20 followed the decision in Tara rather than the other=20 two.
What were they meant to do according to the High Court?=20 Say-Dee at [196] says they ought to have followed = Macquarie=20 Bank and LHK. I happen to agree with the High Court (and = did so=20 even before Say-Dee) that these are correct and that = Tara is=20 wrong on the indefeasibility point. But was the NSWCA meant to follow=20 Macquarie Bank simply because it was first in time? I suppose = this is=20 what they are saying, in which case Tara was in any event = wrong to=20 have also followed the earlier case. I suppose the logic of the HC is = that if=20 the issue is up to whichever intermediate appellate court gets it = first, then=20 it will avoid some of the problems for trial courts knowing who to = follow=20 (unless someone is "convinced" of the wrongness of the earlier=20 one.)
The other odd thing is that in fact this issue is hard to = describe as=20 one of "common law". It is really a question of statutory = interpretation. The=20 Torrens statutes around Australia perhaps ought to be a "uniform" = scheme of=20 national legislation (the rule previously accepted), but they are not = (I take=20 it that in Australia what we mean by a uniform scheme is one where all = the=20 States have formally agreed on a model and agree to keep = the local=20 versions in step with each other, as we had with the Corporations = scheme=20 before a formal reference of Constitutional power.)=20
So even if the principle of State intermediate appellate = courts=20 deferring to each other on common law was intended to be part of the = ratio of=20 Say-Dee (as a reason offered by the High Court why the CA was = wrong),=20 it was not actually applied in Say-Dee=20 itself!
Neil Foster



  = .

Neil Foster
Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor
Newcastle Law = School
Faculty=20 of Business & Law
MC158, McMullin Building
University of Newcastle
Callaghan = NSW=20 2308
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921=20 6931

>>> Robert Stevens <robert.stevens@UCL.AC.UK> 24/06/08 = 2:10=20 >>>
I assume that Mason P's remarks in his farewell speech = are, in=20 part,
referring to the harsh words of the High Court of Australia = in=20 Farah
Constructions v Say-Dee. One thing which puzzles me, and I am = sorrry=20 if
this goes off the topic of restitution somewhat, is why he = thinks that=20 the
statements in Say-Dee (at [78]) have altered the rules of=20 precedent?
(Say-Dee is here
http= ://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/high_ct/2007/22.html )

The = High Court of=20 Australia seem to state that intermediate courts of
appeal are = bound to=20 follow 'seriously considered dicta' of the High Court.
However that = statement was itself necessarily obiter dicta. Any statement
made = by the=20 High Court on what a Court at a lower level should consider
binding = is=20 necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the
outcome = of the=20 case before the High Court.

Indeed, the High Court's decision = appears=20 to me, as an outsider, to be
somewhat inconsistent.

If an=20 intermediate appellate court refuses to follow serious = considered
dicta of=20 the High Court of Australia, its power to ignore such dicta
forms = part of=20 the ratio of that decision of the intermediate court. It
will be = necessary=20 for the outcome of the case (as it was before the NSW
Court of = Appeal in=20 Farah) and therefore ratio. If, as is stated by the HC
of A at[135] = in=20 Farah, intermediate appellate courts are bound to follow
earlier = decisions=20 of intermediate appellate courts, they are bound to
conclude that = they have=20 the power to ignore seriously considered dicta of
the High Court of = Australia. They are bound to ignore obiter statements,
even those = from the=20 High Court, to the contrary.

Further, I wholeheartedly agree = with the=20 High Court that courts should
only authoritatively pronounce on = issues=20 which have been tested in
argument before them [132]. Court should = not=20 embark upon frolics of
their own. However, this is one of the = reasons why=20 the High Court cannot
authoritatively pronounce upon what the = intermediate=20 courts should
consider binding. Such a question is never of = relevance=20 before the High
Court itself, and counsel will not have addressed = the court=20 on the
question (as they did not in Say-Dee). Before an = intermediate=20 appellate
court, by contrast, such a question can be of relevance = to the=20 outcome,
can and will be the subject of submissions by counsel, and = can=20 be
authoritatively resolved.

The logic of the High Court's = position=20 seems to me to indicate that courts
in the position of the Supreme = Court of=20 New South Wales should consider
themselves bound by their own = earlier=20 decisions both as to what counts as
binding precedent for = themselves and as=20 to their own power to develop the
law. Statements from the High = Court on=20 these matters are just obiter dicta
given without the benefit of = argument=20 and, insofar as inconsistent with
prior NSW Court of Appeal = practice, must=20 necessarily be ignored.

(For what it is worth, I think the High = Court=20 were clearly right in the
result reached in Say-Dee on the = substantive=20 issue.)

Robert Stevens

> Following the recent = retirement of President Mason, RDG members may be
> interested = in some=20 of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his farewell
> speech = and a=20 short article in the ALJ.
> = Lionel
>=20 = ____________________________________________________________________
&= gt; =20 This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion=20 Group,
>  an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all = aspects=20 of the law
>  of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send = "subscribe=20 enrichment" in
>  the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To=20 unsubscribe,
>  send "signoff enrichment" to the same = address. To=20 make a posting to
>  all group members, send to = <
enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca= >. The list=20 is
>  run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, = <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca<= SPAN=20 style=3D"FONT: 12pt Times New Roman; COLOR: = #000000">>.

Robert Stevens
Professor of Commercial Law
University = College=20 London

This message was delivered through the Restitution = Discussion=20 Group,
an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of = the=20 law
of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" = in
the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To=20 unsubscribe,
send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make = a=20 posting to
all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca= >. The list = is
run by=20 Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca<= SPAN=20 style=3D"FONT: 12pt Times New Roman; COLOR: = #000000">>.
This=20 message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an=20 international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of = unjust=20 enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a = message=20 to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff = enrichment"=20 to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to=20 <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of = McGill=20 University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>.=20

This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>.

------=_NextPart_000_0010_01C8D5DF.B58B07B0-- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:48:06 +1200 Reply-To: Geoff McLay Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Geoff McLay Subject: Re: Mason P retirement Comments: To: Duncan.Sheehan@UEA.AC.UK In-Reply-To: A<000f01c8d5d7$53c69fb0$3198de8b@UEA.AC.UK> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C8D643.FC599C74" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C8D643.FC599C74 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I don't necessarily want to add anything about what are very peculiar Australian constitutional arrangements , but my reading of the Mason comments reflects my very crude understanding of Australian federalism - that what we in England and New Zealand might think is a very simple matter of judicial hierarchy is for them a matter of federalism and that it is very problematic in formal terms to claim that there is an Australian common law , although the jurisdiction of the High Court to decide common law cases makes that less problematic than to say that there is a US common law. This often seems especially so to me in equity cases where one has to be aware of the very different equity traditions in NSW and Victoria for instance. Mason's court has had a number of significant battles with the High Court most famously in the tort context and his comments perhaps reflect a "why don't you just leave us alone" feeling that judges in England or New Zealand might also feel about their superiors but which they lack constitutional standing to express. =20 Geoff =20 =20 =20 ________________________________ From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Duncan Sheehan (LAW) Sent: Tuesday, 24 June 2008 8:50 p.m. To: ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P retirement =20 Dear all,=20 =20 Neil said,=20 =20 "If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then their role must include formulating principles about the law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary for them in coming to a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), and hence it will indeed be binding on future intermediate courts." =20 Surely not. The English Court of Appeal (not sure whether the High Court of Australia gets to overrule itself; I assume it can though) make a decision in a case - A. That decision is appealed to the House of Lords on the basis that the HL had previously said B - ie the CA ignored a HL decision exactly on point. The HL (and by extension any final appellate court) has to decide what the substantive law is - is it A or B. To decide that they do not need to decide whether the CA was or was not bound by statements in the previous HL decision; they only need decide whether they are going to follow that HL decision. If they do, they overrule the CA; if they don't they don't. If they overrule it - it's because the CA was substantively wrong on the merits- not because they failed to follow the rules of precedent; if they don't want to follow the prior HL decision, they won't overrule the CA - irrespective of whether the CA says about following HL decisions. The Court of Appeal may get a ticking-off, but it will make no difference to the decision on the merits, and cannot be ratio. =20 As it happens, it seems to me that what Say-Dee says at [135] is a reasonably sensible rule, but but not one the HCA can lay down as ratio, any more than they can lay down a ratio rule about "seriously considered dicta" which is one reason why I wish they'd actually done the question justice rather than simply trying to slap the NSWCA down, and put together a proper argument for their conclusion that knowing receipt is nothing to do with unjust enrichment. In the end though I also agree with Neil about the rather peculiar application of the rule (and the correctness of Macquarie). =20 Duncan =20 Dr Duncan Sheehan Senior Lecturer in Law Director of Research Norwich Law School University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Papers at http://ssrn.com/author=3D648495 =20 =20 =09 ________________________________ From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Neil Foster Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:26 AM To: ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P retirement Dear Rob; I hesitate to do this but I think I have to disagree with you on this comment: =09 >Any statement >made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should consider >binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the >outcome of the case before the High Court. =20 If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then their role must include formulating principles about the law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary for them in coming to a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), and hence it will indeed be binding on future intermediate courts. =20 It is important in any case to note what the High Court actually said in Say-Dee at [135]: =20 "Intermediate appellate courts and trial judges in Australia should not depart from decisions in intermediate appellate courts in another jurisdiction on the interpretation of Commonwealth legislation or uniform national legislation unless they are convinced that the interpretation is plainly wrong[1][1]. Since there is a common law of Australia rather than of each Australian jurisdiction, the same principle applies in relation to non-statutory law."=20 =09 =09 =09 ________________________________ =20 The first sentence relating to Commonwealth legislation or "uniform" national legislation, as the footnote demonstrates, has long been accepted. It is the extension of the principle to the common law which is controversial. And even there the principle is now that there ought not generally to be departure, but that there can be if the intermediate appellate court in question is "convinced" that the earlier judgement is "plainly wrong". =20 There is something odd about the new rule, however, which is illustrated by Say-Dee itself. Interestingly it does not come up in the main discussion of the Court of Appeal's mistake in its attempt to decide the case on unjust enrichment principles (which is resolved by the rule about intermediate courts in future following "seriously considered" dicta, in reference to Consul.) The second limb of the new rules as to precedent comes up in the concluding paragraphs of the discussion, on the topic of indefeasibility. The background is that there were three previous decisions of intermediate courts of appeal on the question of whether the rule in Barnes v Addy could be an in personam exception to statutory indefeasibility under the Torrens system. Two of the decisions said it could not: Macquarie Bank Ltd v Sixty-Fourth Throne Pty Ltd [1998] 3 VR 133 at 156-157 and LHK Nominees Pty Ltd v Kenworthy (2002) 26 WAR 517; one of the decisions said that it could: Tara Shire Council v Garner [2003] 1 Qd R 566. In effect the NSWCA here followed the decision in Tara rather than the other two. What were they meant to do according to the High Court? Say-Dee at [196] says they ought to have followed Macquarie Bank and LHK. I happen to agree with the High Court (and did so even before Say-Dee) that these are correct and that Tara is wrong on the indefeasibility point. But was the NSWCA meant to follow Macquarie Bank simply because it was first in time? I suppose this is what they are saying, in which case Tara was in any event wrong to have also followed the earlier case. I suppose the logic of the HC is that if the issue is up to whichever intermediate appellate court gets it first, then it will avoid some of the problems for trial courts knowing who to follow (unless someone is "convinced" of the wrongness of the earlier one.) The other odd thing is that in fact this issue is hard to describe as one of "common law". It is really a question of statutory interpretation. The Torrens statutes around Australia perhaps ought to be a "uniform" scheme of national legislation (the rule previously accepted), but they are not (I take it that in Australia what we mean by a uniform scheme is one where all the States have formally agreed on a model and agree to keep the local versions in step with each other, as we had with the Corporations scheme before a formal reference of Constitutional power.)=20 So even if the principle of State intermediate appellate courts deferring to each other on common law was intended to be part of the ratio of Say-Dee (as a reason offered by the High Court why the CA was wrong), it was not actually applied in Say-Dee itself! =20 Regards Neil Foster =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 . =09 =20 =20 Neil Foster Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor Newcastle Law School Faculty of Business & Law MC158, McMullin Building University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA ph 02 4921 7430 fax 02 4921 6931 =09 =09 >>> Robert Stevens 24/06/08 2:10 >>> I assume that Mason P's remarks in his farewell speech are, in part, referring to the harsh words of the High Court of Australia in Farah Constructions v Say-Dee. One thing which puzzles me, and I am sorrry if this goes off the topic of restitution somewhat, is why he thinks that the statements in Say-Dee (at [78]) have altered the rules of precedent? (Say-Dee is here http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/high_ct/2007/22.html ) =09 The High Court of Australia seem to state that intermediate courts of appeal are bound to follow 'seriously considered dicta' of the High Court. However that statement was itself necessarily obiter dicta. Any statement made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should consider binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the outcome of the case before the High Court. =09 Indeed, the High Court's decision appears to me, as an outsider, to be somewhat inconsistent. =09 If an intermediate appellate court refuses to follow serious considered dicta of the High Court of Australia, its power to ignore such dicta forms part of the ratio of that decision of the intermediate court. It will be necessary for the outcome of the case (as it was before the NSW Court of Appeal in Farah) and therefore ratio. If, as is stated by the HC of A at[135] in Farah, intermediate appellate courts are bound to follow earlier decisions of intermediate appellate courts, they are bound to conclude that they have the power to ignore seriously considered dicta of the High Court of Australia. They are bound to ignore obiter statements, even those from the High Court, to the contrary. =09 Further, I wholeheartedly agree with the High Court that courts should only authoritatively pronounce on issues which have been tested in argument before them [132]. Court should not embark upon frolics of their own. However, this is one of the reasons why the High Court cannot authoritatively pronounce upon what the intermediate courts should consider binding. Such a question is never of relevance before the High Court itself, and counsel will not have addressed the court on the question (as they did not in Say-Dee). Before an intermediate appellate court, by contrast, such a question can be of relevance to the outcome, can and will be the subject of submissions by counsel, and can be authoritatively resolved. =09 The logic of the High Court's position seems to me to indicate that courts in the position of the Supreme Court of New South Wales should consider themselves bound by their own earlier decisions both as to what counts as binding precedent for themselves and as to their own power to develop the law. Statements from the High Court on these matters are just obiter dicta given without the benefit of argument and, insofar as inconsistent with prior NSW Court of Appeal practice, must necessarily be ignored. =09 (For what it is worth, I think the High Court were clearly right in the result reached in Say-Dee on the substantive issue.) =09 Robert Stevens =09 =09 =09 > Following the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may be > interested in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his farewell > speech and a short article in the ALJ. > > Lionel > > > ____________________________________________________________________ > This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, > an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law > of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in > the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, > send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to > all group members, send to . The list is > run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . > =09 =09 --=20 Robert Stevens Professor of Commercial Law University College London =09 This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, .=20 ________________________________ =20 This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, .=20 This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . ------_=_NextPart_001_01C8D643.FC599C74 Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I don’t necessarily want to = add anything about what are very peculiar Australian constitutional = arrangements , but my reading of the Mason comments reflects my very crude = understanding of Australian federalism – that what we in England and New Zealand = might think is a very simple matter of judicial hierarchy is for them a matter = of federalism and that it is very problematic in formal terms to claim that = there is an Australian common law , although the jurisdiction of the High = Court to decide common law cases makes that less problematic than to say that = there is a US common law.  This often seems especially so to me in equity = cases where one has to be aware of the very different equity traditions in NSW and = Victoria for instance.  Mason’s court has had a number of significant = battles with the High Court most famously in the tort context and his comments = perhaps reflect a “why don’t you just leave us alone” =  feeling that judges in England or New Zealand might also feel about their = superiors but which they lack constitutional standing to = express.






From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Duncan Sheehan (LAW)
Sent: Tuesday, 24 June = 2008 8:50 p.m.
Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason = P retirement


Dear all, =


Neil said, =


"If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in = part at least, to decide whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then their role must include formulating principles = about the law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are = entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous decisions of = the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part of the ratio of the High = Court decision (necessary for them in coming to a view on whether the = intermediate court was correct), and hence it will indeed be binding on future = intermediate courts."


Surely not. The English Court of Appeal (not sure whether the High Court of = Australia gets to overrule itself; I assume it can though) make a decision in a = case - A. That decision is appealed to the House of Lords on the basis that the HL = had previously said B - ie the CA ignored a HL decision exactly on point. = The HL (and by extension any final appellate court) has to decide what the = substantive law is - is it A or B. To decide that they do not need to decide whether = the CA was or was not bound by statements in the previous HL decision; = they only need decide whether they are going to follow that HL decision. If they = do, they overrule the CA; if they don't they don't. If they overrule it - it's = because the CA was substantively wrong on the merits- not because they failed to = follow the rules of precedent; if they don't want to follow the prior HL = decision, they won't overrule the CA - irrespective of whether the CA says about following HL decisions. The Court of Appeal may get a ticking-off, but it will make no difference to the decision on the = merits, and cannot be ratio.


As it happens, it seems to me that what Say-Dee says at [135] is a = reasonably sensible rule, but but not one the HCA can lay down as ratio, any more = than they can lay down a ratio rule about "seriously considered = dicta" which is one reason why I wish they'd actually done the question = justice rather than simply trying to slap the NSWCA down, and put together a = proper argument for their conclusion that knowing receipt is nothing to do with = unjust enrichment. In the end though I also agree with Neil about the rather = peculiar application of the rule (and the correctness of Macquarie).


Duncan =  

Dr Duncan Sheehan
Senior Lecturer in Law
Director of Research
Norwich Law School
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United = Kingdom

Papers at http://ssrn.com/author=3D648495<= /a>



From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Neil Foster
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, = 2008 1:26 AM
Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason = P retirement

Dear Rob;
I hesitate to do this but I think I have to disagree with you on this = comment:

>Any statement
>made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should = consider
>binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for = the
>outcome of the case before the High = Court.


If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide = whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct decision, then = their role must include formulating principles about the law of precedent = which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are entitled to say that an = intermediate appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous decisions of the High Court, and (2) = follow previous decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when they = say that, it will be part of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary = for them in coming to a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), = and hence it will indeed be binding on future intermediate = courts.


It is important in any case to note what the High Court actually said in = Say-Dee at = [135]:



The first sentence relating to Commonwealth legislation or = "uniform" national legislation, as the footnote demonstrates, has long been = accepted. It is the extension of the principle to the common law which is = controversial. And even there the principle is now that there ought not generally to be = departure, but that there can be if the intermediate appellate court in question is "convinced" that the earlier judgement is "plainly = wrong".


There is something odd about the new rule, however, which is illustrated by = Say-Dee itself. Interestingly = it does not come up in the main discussion of the Court of Appeal's mistake in = its attempt to decide the case on unjust enrichment principles (which is = resolved by the rule about intermediate courts in future following = "seriously considered" dicta, in reference to Consul.) The second limb of the new rules as to precedent comes up in the = concluding paragraphs of the discussion, on the topic of = indefeasibility.

The background is that there were three previous decisions of intermediate = courts of appeal on the question of whether the rule in Barnes v Addy could be an = in personam exception to = statutory indefeasibility under the Torrens = system. Two of the decisions said it could not: Macquarie Bank Ltd v Sixty-Fourth Throne Pty Ltd [1998] 3 VR = 133 at 156-157 = and LHK = Nominees Pty Ltd v Kenworthy (2002) 26 WAR 517; one of the decisions said that = it could:  Tara Shire Council v Garner = [2003] 1 Qd R 566. In effect = the NSWCA here followed the decision in Tara rather than = the other two.

What were they meant to do according to the High Court? Say-Dee at [196] says they = ought to have followed Macquarie = Bank and LHK. I happen to = agree with the High Court (and did so even before Say-Dee) that these are correct and that Tara is wrong on = the indefeasibility point. But was the NSWCA meant to follow Macquarie Bank simply because = it was first in time? I suppose this is what they are saying, in which case = Tara was in any event wrong to have also followed the earlier case. I suppose = the logic of the HC is that if the issue is up to whichever intermediate = appellate court gets it first, then it will avoid some of the problems for trial = courts knowing who to follow (unless someone is "convinced" of the = wrongness of the earlier one.)

The other odd thing is that in fact this issue is hard to describe as one of "common law". It is really a question of statutory = interpretation. The Torrens statutes around Australia perhaps ought to be a = "uniform" scheme of national legislation (the rule previously accepted), but they = are not (I take it that in Australia what we mean by a uniform scheme is one = where all the States have formally agreed on a model and agree to keep = the local versions in step with each other, as we had with the Corporations = scheme before a formal reference of Constitutional power.) =

So even if the principle of State intermediate appellate courts deferring = to each other on common law was intended to be part of the ratio of Say-Dee (as a reason offered by = the High Court why the CA was wrong), it was not actually applied in Say-Dee = itself!



Neil Foster

          = .



Neil Foster

Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor
Newcastle Law School
Faculty of Business & Law

MC158, McMullin Building
University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW 2308
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921 6931

>>> Robert Stevens <
robert.stevens@UCL.AC.UK> 24/06/08 2:10 = >>>
I assume that Mason P's remarks in his farewell speech are, in part,
referring to the harsh words of the High Court of Australia in Farah
Constructions v Say-Dee. One thing which puzzles me, and I am sorrry = if
this goes off the topic of restitution somewhat, is why he thinks that = the
statements in Say-Dee (at [78]) have altered the rules of precedent?
(Say-Dee is here
http= ://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/high_ct/2007/22.html= )

The High Court of Australia seem to state that intermediate courts = of
appeal are bound to follow 'seriously considered dicta' of the High = Court.
However that statement was itself necessarily obiter dicta. Any = statement
made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should = consider
binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for = the
outcome of the case before the High Court.

Indeed, the High Court's decision appears to me, as an outsider, to = be
somewhat inconsistent.

If an intermediate appellate court refuses to follow serious = considered
dicta of the High Court of Australia, its power to ignore such dicta
forms part of the ratio of that decision of the intermediate court. = It
will be necessary for the outcome of the case (as it was before the = NSW
Court of Appeal in Farah) and therefore ratio. If, as is stated by the = HC
of A at[135] in Farah, intermediate appellate courts are bound to = follow
earlier decisions of intermediate appellate courts, they are bound = to
conclude that they have the power to ignore seriously considered dicta = of
the High Court of Australia. They are bound to ignore obiter statements,
even those from the High Court, to the contrary.

Further, I wholeheartedly agree with the High Court that courts = should
only authoritatively pronounce on issues which have been tested in
argument before them [132]. Court should not embark upon frolics of
their own. However, this is one of the reasons why the High Court = cannot
authoritatively pronounce upon what the intermediate courts should
consider binding. Such a question is never of relevance before the = High
Court itself, and counsel will not have addressed the court on the
question (as they did not in Say-Dee). Before an intermediate = appellate
court, by contrast, such a question can be of relevance to the = outcome,
can and will be the subject of submissions by counsel, and can be
authoritatively resolved.

The logic of the High Court's position seems to me to indicate that = courts
in the position of the Supreme Court of New South Wales should = consider
themselves bound by their own earlier decisions both as to what counts = as
binding precedent for themselves and as to their own power to develop = the
law. Statements from the High Court on these matters are just obiter = dicta
given without the benefit of argument and, insofar as inconsistent = with
prior NSW Court of Appeal practice, must necessarily be ignored.

(For what it is worth, I think the High Court were clearly right in = the
result reached in Say-Dee on the substantive issue.)

Robert Stevens

> Following the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may = be
> interested in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his = farewell
> speech and a short article in the ALJ.
> Lionel
> = ____________________________________________________________________
>  This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion = Group,
>  an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of = the law
>  of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in
>  the body of a message to <
listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe,
>  send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To = make a posting to
>  all group members, send to <
enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca= >. The list is
>  run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, = <
lionel.smith@mcgill.ca<= /font>>.

Robert Stevens
Professor of Commercial Law
University College London

This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group,
an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law
of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe = enrichment" in
the body of a message to <
listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe,
send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a = posting to
all group members, send to <
enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca= >. The list is
run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, = <
lionel.smith@mcgill.ca<= /font>>.

This message = was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international = internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To = subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group = members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel = Smith of McGill = University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>.


This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To = unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list = is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, = <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>.

This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>.

------_=_NextPart_001_01C8D643.FC599C74-- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 10:52:28 +1000 Reply-To: Katy Eloise Barnett Sender: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues From: Katy Eloise Barnett Subject: Re: Mason P retirement MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Boundary_(ID_5gibPP5i3rLA7L0zTCcI9w)" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_5gibPP5i3rLA7L0zTCcI9w) Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable Poor old Mason gets a serve from the mainstream media in The Australian = newspaper today: =20 http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/janetalbrechtsen/index.php/theaust= ralian/comments/above_the_law/ = =20 =20 He has had a rough trot. =20 I would agree that federalism complicates the picture - the NSWCA is not = entirely analogous with the English CA, because there are 5 other State = Courts of Appeal also making law (which might be different to that of = NSW). =20 I think Mason's comments about the role of the High Court also have to = be understood in the context of an earlier NSWCA decision on which he = and Heydon JA were at odds (when Heydon was still on the NSWCA): Harris = v Digital Pulse Pty Ltd [2003] NSWCA 10 = . In Harris, Heydon JA had this to say about the role of creativity and = the judiciary at [456] - [458]: As to Sir George Jessel MR's account of the development of equity in Re = Hallett's Estate, it is true that the rules of equity have changed from = time to time, and true that individual Chancellors - and Masters of the = Rolls, Lord Keepers and Vice Chancellors - have effected these changes. = It is also true that the rules can be changed in future. But those deeds = of single judges were done when there was no appellate jurisdiction in = the House of Lords, or very limited access to it, at a time before = modern parliamentary democracy had developed, and members of parliaments = consisted largely of wealthy men who in turn supported Cabinets composed = largely of aristocratic oligarchs whom it was difficult to interest in = the details of private law. What individual judges did in those = constitutional and forensic conditions is not a sound guide to what = modern Australian courts, at least at levels below the High Court, can = do. A single equity judge in the time of Sir George Jessel MR had the = power, the competence, the authority and the capacity to compel = acceptance from other judges which only the High Court has now, at least = where the change goes beyond the application of existing principles in a = new way or marginal extensions of the law. In In re Diplock. Diplock v Wintle [1948] Ch 465 at 481-2 Lord Greene = MR, Wrottesley and Evershed LJJ said of the equitable claim made in that = case by next-of-kin against persons who had wrongly received the = testator's assets under an invalid bequest: "if the claim in equity exists it must be shown to have an ancestry = founded in history and in the practice and precedents of the courts = administering equity jurisdiction. It is not sufficient that because we = may think that the 'justice' of the present case requires it, we should = invent such a jurisdiction for the first time." The defendants relied on those words. That is a sound modern approach, = at least for courts below the High Court, and at least where anything = more than non-radical change is involved. Sir George Jessel MR's judicial life coincided with the time when = democracy in a modern form was beginning and the responsiveness of = Parliament to social or legal ills was starting to develop. It was a = time when the judiciary was small, highly skilled and united. It is now = large, less skilled, and far from entirely united. For courts below the = High Court to act in the manner of the single judges sitting in Chancery = who made modern equity is to invite the spread of a wilderness of single = instances, a proliferation of discordant and idiosyncratic opinions, and = ultimately an anarchic "system" operating according to the forms, but = not the realities, of law. As I read it, his Honour is essentially saying that no judge except one = who is on the High Court can develop a new doctrine of law or equity in = new circumstances. Anything else is "judicial activism". Lower court = judges (particularly trial judges) just have to apply "the law".=20 Yes, it is important to decide like cases in a like manner. But not all = cases will be exactly like a case which went before. I think it could = result in great inflexibility and injustice if a trial court cannot = deviate from principle which has gone before even though the = circumstances are different to anything which has gone before and = require a different response. Of course, this was one of the reasons why = the law of equity arose and Heydon JA's judgment seems to me to be out = of touch with the spirit and genesis of equity.=20 What happens if I have a novel legal situation, but I cannot afford to = appeal all the way to the High Court (as Heydon JA seems to think = necessary)? In that circumstance, it is up to the trial judge to make = the best and fairest decision that he or she can in the light of = principle that has gone before, and perhaps to show some creativity. = But we can't all afford to take litigation up to the High Court and hire = silks: it is an unrealistic and elitist proposition. Katy Barnett University of Melbourne ________________________________ From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues on = behalf of Geoff McLay Sent: Wed 25/06/2008 7:48 AM To: ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P retirement I don't necessarily want to add anything about what are very peculiar = Australian constitutional arrangements , but my reading of the Mason = comments reflects my very crude understanding of Australian federalism - = that what we in England and New Zealand might think is a very simple = matter of judicial hierarchy is for them a matter of federalism and that = it is very problematic in formal terms to claim that there is an = Australian common law , although the jurisdiction of the High Court to = decide common law cases makes that less problematic than to say that = there is a US common law. This often seems especially so to me in = equity cases where one has to be aware of the very different equity = traditions in NSW and Victoria for instance. Mason's court has had a = number of significant battles with the High Court most famously in the = tort context and his comments perhaps reflect a "why don't you just = leave us alone" feeling that judges in England or New Zealand might = also feel about their superiors but which they lack constitutional = standing to express. =20 Geoff =20 =20 =20 ________________________________ From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues = [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Duncan Sheehan (LAW) Sent: Tuesday, 24 June 2008 8:50 p.m. To: ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P retirement =20 Dear all,=20 =20 Neil said,=20 =20 "If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide = whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct = decision, then their role must include formulating principles about the = law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are = entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) now = observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous = decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other = intermediate appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part = of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary for them in coming to = a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), and hence it will = indeed be binding on future intermediate courts." =20 Surely not. The English Court of Appeal (not sure whether the High Court = of Australia gets to overrule itself; I assume it can though) make a = decision in a case - A. That decision is appealed to the House of Lords = on the basis that the HL had previously said B - ie the CA ignored a HL = decision exactly on point. The HL (and by extension any final appellate = court) has to decide what the substantive law is - is it A or B. To = decide that they do not need to decide whether the CA was or was not = bound by statements in the previous HL decision; they only need decide = whether they are going to follow that HL decision. If they do, they = overrule the CA; if they don't they don't. If they overrule it - it's = because the CA was substantively wrong on the merits- not because they = failed to follow the rules of precedent; if they don't want to follow = the prior HL decision, they won't overrule the CA - irrespective of = whether the CA says about following HL decisions. The Court of Appeal = may get a ticking-off, but it will make no difference to the decision on = the merits, and cannot be ratio. =20 As it happens, it seems to me that what Say-Dee says at [135] is a = reasonably sensible rule, but but not one the HCA can lay down as ratio, = any more than they can lay down a ratio rule about "seriously considered = dicta" which is one reason why I wish they'd actually done the question = justice rather than simply trying to slap the NSWCA down, and put = together a proper argument for their conclusion that knowing receipt is = nothing to do with unjust enrichment. In the end though I also agree = with Neil about the rather peculiar application of the rule (and the = correctness of Macquarie). =20 Duncan =20 Dr Duncan Sheehan Senior Lecturer in Law Director of Research Norwich Law School University of East Anglia Norwich NR4 7TJ United Kingdom Papers at http://ssrn.com/author=3D648495 =20 =20 =09 ________________________________ From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues = [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Neil Foster Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:26 AM To: ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P retirement Dear Rob; I hesitate to do this but I think I have to disagree with you on this = comment: =09 >Any statement >made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should = consider >binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the >outcome of the case before the High Court. =20 If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to decide = whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct = decision, then their role must include formulating principles about the = law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are = entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) now = observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous = decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other = intermediate appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part = of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary for them in coming to = a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), and hence it will = indeed be binding on future intermediate courts. =20 It is important in any case to note what the High Court actually said = in Say-Dee at [135]: =20 "Intermediate appellate courts and trial judges in Australia should not = depart from decisions in intermediate appellate courts in another = jurisdiction on the interpretation of Commonwealth legislation or = uniform national legislation unless they are convinced that the = interpretation is plainly wrong[1] = [1]. Since there is a common law = of Australia rather than of each Australian jurisdiction, the same = principle applies in relation to non-statutory law."=20 =09 =09 =09 ________________________________ =20 The first sentence relating to Commonwealth legislation or "uniform" = national legislation, as the footnote demonstrates, has long been = accepted. It is the extension of the principle to the common law which = is controversial. And even there the principle is now that there ought = not generally to be departure, but that there can be if the intermediate = appellate court in question is "convinced" that the earlier judgement is = "plainly wrong". =20 There is something odd about the new rule, however, which is = illustrated by Say-Dee itself. Interestingly it does not come up in the = main discussion of the Court of Appeal's mistake in its attempt to = decide the case on unjust enrichment principles (which is resolved by = the rule about intermediate courts in future following "seriously = considered" dicta, in reference to Consul.) The second limb of the new = rules as to precedent comes up in the concluding paragraphs of the = discussion, on the topic of indefeasibility. The background is that there were three previous decisions of = intermediate courts of appeal on the question of whether the rule in = Barnes v Addy could be an in personam exception to statutory = indefeasibility under the Torrens system. Two of the decisions said it = could not: Macquarie Bank Ltd v Sixty-Fourth Throne Pty Ltd [1998] 3 VR = 133 at 156-157 and LHK Nominees Pty Ltd v Kenworthy (2002) 26 WAR 517; = one of the decisions said that it could: Tara Shire Council v Garner = [2003] 1 Qd R 566. In effect the NSWCA here followed the decision in = Tara rather than the other two. What were they meant to do according to the High Court? Say-Dee at = [196] says they ought to have followed Macquarie Bank and LHK. I happen = to agree with the High Court (and did so even before Say-Dee) that these = are correct and that Tara is wrong on the indefeasibility point. But was = the NSWCA meant to follow Macquarie Bank simply because it was first in = time? I suppose this is what they are saying, in which case Tara was in = any event wrong to have also followed the earlier case. I suppose the = logic of the HC is that if the issue is up to whichever intermediate = appellate court gets it first, then it will avoid some of the problems = for trial courts knowing who to follow (unless someone is "convinced" of = the wrongness of the earlier one.) The other odd thing is that in fact this issue is hard to describe as = one of "common law". It is really a question of statutory = interpretation. The Torrens statutes around Australia perhaps ought to = be a "uniform" scheme of national legislation (the rule previously = accepted), but they are not (I take it that in Australia what we mean by = a uniform scheme is one where all the States have formally agreed on a = model and agree to keep the local versions in step with each other, as = we had with the Corporations scheme before a formal reference of = Constitutional power.)=20 So even if the principle of State intermediate appellate courts = deferring to each other on common law was intended to be part of the = ratio of Say-Dee (as a reason offered by the High Court why the CA was = wrong), it was not actually applied in Say-Dee itself! =20 Regards Neil Foster =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 . =09 =20 =20 Neil Foster Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor Newcastle Law School Faculty of Business & Law MC158, McMullin Building University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA ph 02 4921 7430 fax 02 4921 6931 =09 =09 >>> Robert Stevens 24/06/08 2:10 >>> I assume that Mason P's remarks in his farewell speech are, in part, referring to the harsh words of the High Court of Australia in Farah Constructions v Say-Dee. One thing which puzzles me, and I am sorrry if this goes off the topic of restitution somewhat, is why he thinks that = the statements in Say-Dee (at [78]) have altered the rules of precedent? (Say-Dee is here http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/high_ct/2007/22.html ) =09 The High Court of Australia seem to state that intermediate courts of appeal are bound to follow 'seriously considered dicta' of the High = Court. However that statement was itself necessarily obiter dicta. Any = statement made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level should consider binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be necessary for the outcome of the case before the High Court. =09 Indeed, the High Court's decision appears to me, as an outsider, to be somewhat inconsistent. =09 If an intermediate appellate court refuses to follow serious considered dicta of the High Court of Australia, its power to ignore such dicta forms part of the ratio of that decision of the intermediate court. It will be necessary for the outcome of the case (as it was before the NSW Court of Appeal in Farah) and therefore ratio. If, as is stated by the = HC of A at[135] in Farah, intermediate appellate courts are bound to = follow earlier decisions of intermediate appellate courts, they are bound to conclude that they have the power to ignore seriously considered dicta = of the High Court of Australia. They are bound to ignore obiter = statements, even those from the High Court, to the contrary. =09 Further, I wholeheartedly agree with the High Court that courts should only authoritatively pronounce on issues which have been tested in argument before them [132]. Court should not embark upon frolics of their own. However, this is one of the reasons why the High Court = cannot authoritatively pronounce upon what the intermediate courts should consider binding. Such a question is never of relevance before the High Court itself, and counsel will not have addressed the court on the question (as they did not in Say-Dee). Before an intermediate appellate court, by contrast, such a question can be of relevance to the outcome, can and will be the subject of submissions by counsel, and can be authoritatively resolved. =09 The logic of the High Court's position seems to me to indicate that = courts in the position of the Supreme Court of New South Wales should consider themselves bound by their own earlier decisions both as to what counts = as binding precedent for themselves and as to their own power to develop = the law. Statements from the High Court on these matters are just obiter = dicta given without the benefit of argument and, insofar as inconsistent with prior NSW Court of Appeal practice, must necessarily be ignored. =09 (For what it is worth, I think the High Court were clearly right in the result reached in Say-Dee on the substantive issue.) =09 Robert Stevens =09 =09 =09 > Following the recent retirement of President Mason, RDG members may = be > interested in some of his trenchant insights, as reflected in his = farewell > speech and a short article in the ALJ. > > Lionel > > > ____________________________________________________________________ > This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, > an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law > of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in > the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, > send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to > all group members, send to . The list is > run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . > =09 =09 --=20 Robert Stevens Professor of Commercial Law University College London =09 This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an = international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of = unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body = of a message to . To unsubscribe, send = "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group = members, send to . The list is run by Lionel = Smith of McGill University, .=20 ________________________________ =20 This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an = international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of = unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body = of a message to . To unsubscribe, send = "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group = members, send to . The list is run by Lionel = Smith of McGill University, .=20 This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an = international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of = unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body = of a message to . To unsubscribe, send = "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group = members, send to . The list is run by Lionel = Smith of McGill University, .=20 This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to . To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to . The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, . --Boundary_(ID_5gibPP5i3rLA7L0zTCcI9w) Content-type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A=

Poor old = Mason gets a serve from the mainstream media in The Australian = newspaper today:
=0A= =0A=
He has had a rough = trot.
I would agree that federalism = complicates the picture - the NSWCA is not entirely analogous with the = English CA, because there are 5 other State Courts of Appeal also = making law (which might be different to that of NSW).
I think Mason's = comments about the role of the High Court also have to be understood in = the context of an earlier NSWCA decision on which he and Heydon JA were = at odds (when Heydon was still on the NSWCA): Harris v Digital Pulse = Pty Ltd [2003] NSWCA = 10.

In Harris, Heydon JA = had this to say about the role of creativity and the judiciary at [456] = - [458]:


As to Sir George Jessel MR’s = account of the development of equity in Re Hallett’s = Estate, it is true that the rules of equity have changed from time = to time, and true that individual Chancellors - and Masters of the = Rolls, Lord Keepers and Vice Chancellors - have effected these changes. = It is also true that the rules can be changed in future. But those deeds = of single judges were done when there was no appellate jurisdiction in = the House of Lords, or very limited access to it, at a time before = modern parliamentary democracy had developed, and members of parliaments = consisted largely of wealthy men who in turn supported Cabinets composed = largely of aristocratic oligarchs whom it was difficult to interest in = the details of private law. What individual judges did in those = constitutional and forensic conditions is not a sound guide to what = modern Australian courts, at least at levels below the High Court, can = do. A single equity judge in the time of Sir George Jessel MR had the = power, the competence, the authority and the capacity to compel = acceptance from other judges which only the High Court has now, at least = where the change goes beyond the application of existing principles in a = new way or marginal extensions of the law.


In In re Diplock. Diplock v = Wintle [1948] Ch 465 at 481-2 Lord Greene MR, Wrottesley and = Evershed LJJ said of the equitable claim made in that case by = next-of-kin against persons who had wrongly received the = testator’s assets under an invalid bequest:


“if the claim in equity exists it = must be shown to have an ancestry founded in history and in the practice = and precedents of the courts administering equity jurisdiction. It is = not sufficient that because we may think that the ‘justice’ = of the present case requires it, we should invent such a jurisdiction = for the first = time.”


The defendants relied on those words. = That is a sound modern approach, at least for courts below the High = Court, and at least where anything more than non-radical change is = involved.


Sir George Jessel MR’s judicial = life coincided with the time when democracy in a modern form was = beginning and the responsiveness of Parliament to social or legal ills = was starting to develop. It was a time when the judiciary was small, = highly skilled and united. It is now large, less skilled, and far from = entirely united. For courts below the High Court to act in the manner of = the single judges sitting in Chancery who made modern equity is to = invite the spread of a wilderness of single instances, a proliferation = of discordant and idiosyncratic opinions, and ultimately an anarchic = “system” operating according to the forms, but not the = realities, of law.


As I read it, his Honour is = essentially saying that no judge except one who is on the High = Court can develop a new doctrine of law or equity in new circumstances. = Anything else is “judicial activism”. Lower court judges = (particularly trial judges) just have to apply “the law”. =


Yes, it is important to decide = like cases in a like manner. But not all cases will be exactly like = a case which went before. I think it could result in great inflexibility and injustice if a trial = court cannot deviate from principle which has gone before even though = the circumstances are different to anything which has gone before and = require a different response. Of course, this was one of the reasons why = the law of equity arose and Heydon JA’s judgment seems = to me to be out of touch with the spirit and genesis of = equity. 


What happens if I have a novel = legal situation, but I cannot afford to appeal all the way to the High = Court (as Heydon JA seems to think necessary)? In that circumstance, it = is up to the trial judge to make the best and fairest decision that he = or she can in the light of principle that has gone before, and perhaps = to show some creativity.  But we can’t all afford to = take litigation up to the High Court and hire silks: it is an = unrealistic and elitist proposition.


Katy Barnett


University of = Melbourne


=0A= From: Enrichment - Restitution & = Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues on behalf of Geoff McLay
Sent: = Wed 25/06/2008 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P = retirement


I don’t = necessarily want to add anything about what are very peculiar Australian = constitutional arrangements , but my reading of the Mason comments = reflects my very crude understanding of Australian federalism – = that what we in England and New Zealand might think is a very simple = matter of judicial hierarchy is for them a matter of federalism and that = it is very problematic in formal terms to claim that there is an = Australian common law , although the jurisdiction of the High Court to = decide common law cases makes that less problematic than to say that = there is a US common law.  This often seems especially so to me in = equity cases where one has to be aware of the very different equity = traditions in NSW and Victoria for instance.  Mason’s court = has had a number of significant battles with the High Court most = famously in the tort context and his comments perhaps reflect a = “why don’t you just leave us alone”  feeling that = judges in England or New Zealand might also feel about their superiors = but which they lack constitutional standing to express.












From: Enrichment - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues = [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Duncan Sheehan (LAW)
Sent: Tuesday, 24 June 2008 8:50 = p.m.
Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P = retirement




Dear all, =




Neil said, =




"If the role of the High Court = on appeal is, in part at least, to decide whether the intermediate = appellate court made a legally correct decision, then their role must = include formulating principles about the law of precedent which bind the = intermediate court. Hence they are entitled to say that an intermediate = appellate court must (1) now observe what would otherwise be regarded as = "dicta" from previous decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow = previous decisions of other intermediate appellate courts. And when they = say that, it will be part of the ratio of the High Court decision = (necessary for them in coming to a view on whether the intermediate = court was correct), and hence it will indeed be binding on future = intermediate courts."




Surely not. The English Court of Appeal (not sure whether the = High Court of Australia gets to overrule itself; I assume it can though) = make a decision in a case - A. That decision is appealed to the House of = Lords on the basis that the HL had previously said B - ie the CA ignored = a HL decision exactly on point. The HL (and by extension any final = appellate court) has to decide what the substantive law is - is it A or = B. To decide that they do not need to decide whether the CA was or was = not bound by statements in the previous HL decision; they only need = decide whether they are going to follow that HL decision. If they do, = they overrule the CA; if they don't they don't. If they overrule it - = it's because the CA was substantively wrong on the merits- not because = they failed to follow the rules of precedent; if they don't want to = follow the prior HL decision, they won't overrule the CA - irrespective = of whether the CA says about following HL decisions. The Court of = Appeal may get a ticking-off, but it will make no = difference to the decision on the merits, and cannot be = ratio.




As it happens, it seems to me that what Say-Dee says at [135] is = a reasonably sensible rule, but but not one the HCA can lay down as = ratio, any more than they can lay down a ratio rule about "seriously = considered dicta" which is one reason why I wish they'd actually = done the question justice rather than simply trying to slap the NSWCA = down, and put together a proper argument for their conclusion that = knowing receipt is nothing to do with unjust enrichment. In the end = though I also agree with Neil about the rather peculiar application of = the rule (and the correctness of Macquarie).






Dr Duncan Sheehan
Senior Lecturer in Law
Director of = Research
Norwich Law School
University of East Anglia
Norwich = NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom

Papers at http://ssrn.com/author=3D648495<= /A>






From: Enrichment = - Restitution & Unjust Enrichment Legal Issues = [mailto:ENRICHMENT@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of Neil Foster
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:26 = AM
Subject: Re: [RDG] Mason P = retirement


Dear Rob;
I hesitate to do this but I think I have to disagree = with you on this comment:

>Any statement
>made by the = High Court on what a Court at a lower level should = consider
>binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be = necessary for the
>outcome of the case before the High = Court.




If the role of the High Court on appeal is, in part at least, to = decide whether the intermediate appellate court made a legally correct = decision, then their role must include formulating principles about the = law of precedent which bind the intermediate court. Hence they are = entitled to say that an intermediate appellate court must (1) now = observe what would otherwise be regarded as "dicta" from previous = decisions of the High Court, and (2) follow previous decisions of other = intermediate appellate courts. And when they say that, it will be part = of the ratio of the High Court decision (necessary for them in coming to = a view on whether the intermediate court was correct), and hence it will = indeed be binding on future intermediate courts.




It is important in any case to note what the High Court actually = said in Say-Dee at = [135]:






The first sentence relating to Commonwealth legislation or = "uniform" national legislation, as the footnote demonstrates, has long = been accepted. It is the extension of the principle to the common law = which is controversial. And even there the principle is now that there = ought not generally to be departure, but that there can be if the = intermediate appellate court in question is "convinced" that the earlier = judgement is "plainly wrong".




There is something odd about the new rule, however, which is = illustrated by Say-Dee itself. Interestingly it does not come up = in the main discussion of the Court of Appeal's mistake in its attempt = to decide the case on unjust enrichment principles (which is resolved by = the rule about intermediate courts in future following "seriously = considered" dicta, in reference to Consul.) The second limb of the new rules as to = precedent comes up in the concluding paragraphs of the discussion, on = the topic of indefeasibility.


The background is that there were three previous decisions of = intermediate courts of appeal on the question of whether the rule in = Barnes v Addy = could be an in = personam exception to statutory indefeasibility under = the Torrens system. Two of the decisions said it could not: = Macquarie Bank = Ltd v Sixty-Fourth Throne Pty Ltd [1998] 3 VR 133 at 156-157 and LHK Nominees Pty Ltd v = Kenworthy (2002) 26 WAR 517; one of the decisions said that = it could:  Tara = Shire Council v Garner [2003] 1 Qd R 566. In effect the NSWCA here = followed the decision in Tara rather than the other = two.


What were they meant to do according to the High Court? = Say-Dee at [196] = says they ought to have followed Macquarie Bank and LHK. I happen to agree with the High Court (and = did so even before Say-Dee) that these are correct and that = Tara is wrong on = the indefeasibility point. But was the NSWCA meant to follow = Macquarie Bank = simply because it was first in time? I suppose this is what they are = saying, in which case Tara was in any event wrong to have also followed = the earlier case. I suppose the logic of the HC is that if the issue is = up to whichever intermediate appellate court gets it first, then it will = avoid some of the problems for trial courts knowing who to follow = (unless someone is "convinced" of the wrongness of the earlier = one.)


The other odd thing is that in fact this issue is hard to = describe as one of "common law". It is really a question of statutory = interpretation. The Torrens statutes around Australia perhaps ought to = be a "uniform" scheme of national legislation (the rule previously = accepted), but they are not (I take it that in Australia what we mean by = a uniform scheme is one where all the States have formally agreed on a = model and agree to keep the local versions in step with each = other, as we had with the Corporations scheme before a formal reference = of Constitutional power.)


So even if the principle of State intermediate appellate courts = deferring to each other on common law was intended to be part of the = ratio of Say-Dee = (as a reason offered by the High Court why the CA was wrong), it was not = actually applied in Say-Dee itself!






Neil Foster




           = .






Neil Foster


Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor
Newcastle Law = School
Faculty of Business & Law


MC158, McMullin Building
University of Newcastle
Callaghan = NSW 2308
ph 02 4921 7430
fax 02 4921 = 6931


>>> Robert Stevens <
robert.stevens@UCL.AC.UK> = 24/06/08 2:10 >>>
I assume that Mason P's remarks in his = farewell speech are, in part,
referring to the harsh words of the = High Court of Australia in Farah
Constructions v Say-Dee. One thing = which puzzles me, and I am sorrry if
this goes off the topic of = restitution somewhat, is why he thinks that the
statements in Say-Dee = (at [78]) have altered the rules of precedent?
(Say-Dee is = here
http= ://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/high_ct/2007/22.html= )

The High = Court of Australia seem to state that intermediate courts of
appeal = are bound to follow 'seriously considered dicta' of the High = Court.
However that statement was itself necessarily obiter dicta. = Any statement
made by the High Court on what a Court at a lower level = should consider
binding is necessarily obiter dicta as it cannot be = necessary for the
outcome of the case before the High = Court.

Indeed, the High Court's decision appears to me, as an = outsider, to be
somewhat inconsistent.

If an intermediate = appellate court refuses to follow serious considered
dicta of the = High Court of Australia, its power to ignore such dicta
forms part of = the ratio of that decision of the intermediate court. It
will be = necessary for the outcome of the case (as it was before the NSW
Court = of Appeal in Farah) and therefore ratio. If, as is stated by the = HC
of A at[135] in Farah, intermediate appellate courts are bound to = follow
earlier decisions of intermediate appellate courts, they are = bound to
conclude that they have the power to ignore seriously = considered dicta of
the High Court of Australia. They are bound to = ignore obiter statements,
even those from the High Court, to the = contrary.

Further, I wholeheartedly agree with the High Court = that courts should
only authoritatively pronounce on issues which = have been tested in
argument before them [132]. Court should not = embark upon frolics of
their own. However, this is one of the reasons = why the High Court cannot
authoritatively pronounce upon what the = intermediate courts should
consider binding. Such a question is never = of relevance before the High
Court itself, and counsel will not have = addressed the court on the
question (as they did not in Say-Dee). = Before an intermediate appellate
court, by contrast, such a question = can be of relevance to the outcome,
can and will be the subject of = submissions by counsel, and can be
authoritatively = resolved.

The logic of the High Court's position seems to me to = indicate that courts
in the position of the Supreme Court of New = South Wales should consider
themselves bound by their own earlier = decisions both as to what counts as
binding precedent for themselves = and as to their own power to develop the
law. Statements from the = High Court on these matters are just obiter dicta
given without the = benefit of argument and, insofar as inconsistent with
prior NSW Court = of Appeal practice, must necessarily be ignored.

(For what it is = worth, I think the High Court were clearly right in the
result = reached in Say-Dee on the substantive issue.)

Robert = Stevens

> Following the recent retirement of President = Mason, RDG members may be
> interested in some of his trenchant = insights, as reflected in his farewell
> speech and a short = article in the ALJ.
> Lionel
> = ____________________________________________________________________
&= gt;  This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion = Group,
>  an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all = aspects of the law
>  of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, = send "subscribe enrichment" in
>  the body of a message to = <
listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To = unsubscribe,
>  send "signoff enrichment" to the same = address. To make a posting to
>  all group members, send to = <
enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca= >. = The list is
>  run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, = <
lionel.smith@mcgill.ca<= /FONT>>.

Robert Stevens
Professor of = Commercial Law
University College London

This message was = delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group,
an international = internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law
of unjust = enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in
the body of = a message to <
listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To = unsubscribe,
send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a = posting to
all group members, send to <
enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca= >. = The list is
run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, = <
lionel.smith@mcgill.ca<= /FONT>>.


This message was = delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international = internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust = enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a = message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send = "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group = members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by = Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. =


=0A= =0A=


This message was delivered = through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet = LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To = subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to = <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff = enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, = send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel = Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. =0A=

This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, = an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of = unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body = of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send = "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group = members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by = Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>. =0A=

= This message was delivered through the Restitution Discussion Group, an international internet LISTSERV devoted to all aspects of the law of unjust enrichment. To subscribe, send "subscribe enrichment" in the body of a message to <listserv@lists.mcgill.ca>. To unsubscribe, send "signoff enrichment" to the same address. To make a posting to all group members, send to <enrichment@lists.mcgill.ca>. The list is run by Lionel Smith of McGill University, <lionel.smith@mcgill.ca>.
