Thu, 3 Jul 2003 18:11:36 +1000
Harold Luntz
Torts Law Journal
Torts Law Journal is published in Australia. It is now in its eleventh
year of publication. The following description of its subject matter appears
in each issue:
Torts Law Journal aims to be of service both to the academic community
and to practitioners, and high-quality contributions are sought from any
quarter. The Journal publishes articles, notes, comments and reviews
dealing with tort law and alternative compensation systems, and with other
legal areas and topics that are related to or have implications for tort
law and compensation systems. Analytical, theoretical and empirical approaches
are all welcome, as are contributions detailing and analysing recent developments
or dealing with issues of policy and law reform.
Journal is not limited in its coverage to Australian law. Contributions
dealing with the law of other jurisdictions or which take a comparative
approach are encouraged.
is a refereed journal and the content is controlled by an editorial board
following a formal process of peer review. Each annual volume consists
of three issues. Notes on the appropriate form and style of manuscripts
submitted for publication may be found in the Style Guidelines in this
The Table of Contents of each current issue is available at <>
Volume 11(1) is there at present. 11(2) is in the press now. It contains
a case note on the decision of the High Court of Australia in New
South Wales v Lepore [2003] HCA 4; (2003) 195 ALR 412 and three
articles on different aspects of the law of medical negligence.
addition to the hard copies sent to subscribers, the TLJ is available
on Lexis, under Legal > Legal (excluding U.S.) > Australia >
Journals. People with access to LexisNexis Butterworths on-line are able
to download articles in pdf format through <>
General Editor of the TLJ, I would be happy to answer questions
from prospective contributors.
Professorial Fellow,
Law School,
The University of Melbourne,
Victoria, 3010,
+61 3 8344-6187
Home phone: +61 3 9387-4662
Fax: +61 3 9347-2392
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