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Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 18:25:29 +1100

From: Harold Luntz

Subject: Torts Law Journal


The latest issue of the Torts Law Journal, Vol 12(1), is about to be published. Its table of contents is as follows:

Editorial Comment
Round-up of cases in the High Court of Australia in 2003- Harold Luntz 1

Case Notes
Increased risk, causation and speeding: Van den Heuvel v Tucker - John Keeler 20
Time for the High Court of Australia to apply self-restraint? Dovuro Pty Ltd v Wilkins - Martin Vranken 33

Is Ms Donoghue's snail in mortal peril? - Peter Underwood 39
The line between sickness and accidental injury in New Zealand's Accident Compensation Scheme - Judith Ferguson 61

Correspondent's Report
Insurance and intentional torts: The case of 'sexual battery' - Denise G Re´aume 76

For those people with access to Butterworths on-line, it will be available in full text at <http://www.butterworthsonline.com/ lpBin20/lpext.dll/bw/L34/108/btlj/1?f=templates&fn=bwaltmain-h.htm&contents=yes&szPath=/bw/L34/108/btlj/1>

I'm not sure how long it takes to reach Lexis, but when it does it can be found under Legal > Legal (excluding U.S.) > Australia > Journals > Torts Law Journal (Australia)


Happy reading!

Harold Luntz.

Professorial Fellow,
Law School,
The University of Melbourne,
Victoria, 3010,

Home address: 191 Amess St,
North Carlton
Vic 3054

Phone (office): +61 3 8344-6187
Phone (home): +61 3 9387-4662
Fax: +61 3 9347-2392



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