Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:14:43 +1300
Barry Allan
Exemplary Damages
New Zealand Court of Appeal (Paper Reclaim Ltd v Aotearoa International
CA 70/04 - available on
in a month or two) has today ruled decisively that exemplary damages
have no part at all to play in the law of contract. Not that this
case was ever a suitable one for even thinking about exemplary damages,
but it is nice to have clarity. This finally brings us into line
with most of the Commonwealth jurisdictions after a long period
of uncertainty. I think this leaves Canada as the one place where
a form of exemplary damages are available.
Court refused to even keep the possibility open by suggesting that
they might be available in very rare cases, saying that having such
a possibility would lead to unsuccessful strike out actions, unnecessary
trials and that it would be "quite wrong to give plaintiffs
a powerful weapon with which they can harass defendants and, perhaps,
extract large settlements because the costs of defending even an
unmeritorious claim may be huge".
Barry Allan
Faculty of Law
University of Otago
PO Box 56
New Zealand
phone: ++(64) (03) 479 8830. fax:(03) 479 8855
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