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Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 17:24:12 +0100

From: Hector MacQueen

Subject: Sir Robert Megarry


Interesting. Alf was a great raconteur, as befitted a parliamentary draftsman, and the story may have developed a little over the years!



Hector L MacQueen
Professor of Private Law
Director, AHRC Research Centre Intellectual Property and Technology Law Edinburgh Law School University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH8 9YL UK
Tel: (0)131-650-2060; Fax: (0)131-662-6317


Quoting Charles Mitchell:

Dear Hector

You'll see that the Telegraph obituarist quotes him as saying that:

"One of the examiners congratulated me on my economy of effort," he recalled. "If I'd got one mark less I'd have failed. As it was I came away with a Third."

I wonder about this, though: would he not have got a Fourth if he'd got one mark less? I don't know how the degree classification rules worked at Cambridge in the 30s.




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