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Mitchell McInnes
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 11:34:26 MUT
Restitution Text


A quick notice to advertise a new collection of essays entitled Restitution: Developments In Unjust Enrichment M McInnes (ed). The book is published by LBC Information Services (previously known as Law Book Company), which can be contacted at:

50 Waterloo Road
North Ryde, New South Wales
Australia, 2113

Phone: (02) 9936 6444
Fax: (02) 9888 7240

The table of contents reads as follows:

1. Searching for Restitution In Australia
      Keith Mason QC

2. The Structure & Challenges of Unjust Enrichment
      Dr Mitchell McInnes

3. Change of Position: The Nature of the Defence
      Prof Peter Birks

4. Change of Position: A Commentary
      Dr Michael Bryan

5. Benefits - For Services Rendered
      Justice David Byrne

6. Benefits - For Services Rendered: Commentary
      Michael Garner

7. Restitutionary Recovery of Taxes After Royal Insurance
      JD Merralls QC

8. Restitutionary Recovery of Taxes: Commentary
      John Glover

9. Restitution & Contract Risk
      Prof JW Carter

10. Restitution & Contract Risk: Commentary
      Kwai-Lian Liew

Most of the titles are sufficiently self-explanatory. I'll note simply that (i) Justice Byrne's paper examines the difficulties associated with restitutionary claims for services, (ii) Garner's paper focuses on the concept of free acceptance and the relationship between the nature and valuation of benefits, and (iii) Liew's paper primarily deals with the provision of services under anticipated contracts which fail to materialise.

Finally, it may be worth mentioning that while the text is based on a recent conference held in Melbourne, the papers certainly are not limited to an examination of Australian law.


Mitchell McInnes

Faculty of Law
University of Melbourne

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" These messages are all © their authors. Nothing in them constitutes legal advice, to anyone, on any topic, least of all Restitution. Be warned that very few propositions in Restitution command universal agreement, and certainly not this one. Have a nice day! "

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