This page gives
access to the raw logfiles, for those who wish to consult the raw
archive of discussion on RDG, rather than the edited version. It
also contains technical information on list administration,including
location of other copies of the logfiles.
contents of the files are fairly garbled at times. The messages
may have passed through a number of machines, working under various
different operating systems. Further, mail messages generally are
very varied in their format, with some using plain text, others
HTML, and yet others proprietary codes which vary more or less from
HTML. The occasional participant has sent WORD or WORDPERFECT documents
to the list, which after encoding typically result in substantial
quantities of ASCII code. I have found that this code is usually
(thought not invariably) recoverable with UUDeview or similar utilities.
Copies of the raw
logfiles held on this server (in ASCII) are as follows:
information, and location of other copies
was set up by Lionel Smith in September 1995. From the point of
view of most of those who have participated in it, its running has
been very smooth, and the infrequent administrivia messages could
mostly be sent to the recycle bin in short order. However, the technical
story is more complicated. Lionel has globetrotted somewhat, and
everywhere that Lionel went, the list was sure to go. The technical
history of the list therefore has 4 chapters so far:
1. Lionel
started the list while he was in Alberta. It ran under MAJORDOMO
on a UNIX machine. No automated archive was made, but Lionel preserved
most of those messages as e-mails. Evidently a few messages have
gone astray, though not I think very many. The messages on this
server are an edited version of Lionel's record.
2. On
his move to Oxford in 1996 Lionel transferred the list to a similar
UNIX system there.
3. Automated
archiving started in February 1997. Those ASCII files are still
(at the time of writing) held on the Oxford server, though I'm not
sure they are publicly accessible. If you wish to retrieve them
from Oxford, try sending a message to
The files are monthly, on the pattern restitution.yymm. So
to get the logfile for August 1999, the body of your message should
read: get restitution restitution.9908.
4. Lionel
has now headed back to an even more prestigious Canadian position
(at McGill), and in October 2000 he took the list with him. It now
runs (under the new name "enrichment") under LISTSERV.
Logfiles are weekly, on the pattern logyymmx. So to get the
logfile for the 4th week of October 2000 (the first one) send a
message to, with message body saying:
get enrichment log0010d . (From November 2004, this changed
to a monthly file, so lose the last letter.) You can alternatively
look at the log via the web, at
These files are searchable on the McGill server.
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