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I do not believe there is any blog devoted wholly or even mainly to restitution (prove me wrong!), though there are regular restitution-related posts in cearta, Rule of Law and skepticlawyer. There is also the excellent multi-national-contributor Conflict of Laws .Net. On restitution of cultural property, see Elginism.


VSC case on restitution and good faith change of position (10 October 2011, Skepticlawyer)

Farah Constructions Pty Ltd v Say-Dee Pty Ltd [2007] HCA 22; (2007) 81 ALJR 1107 (24 May 2007) (13 September 2011, Faris QC – The Uniform Evidence Acts)

Getting It Right (12 September 2011, slaw)

Defending a Foreclosure – Unjust Enrichment by Lenders and also Servicers (2 September 2011, FHA Home Loans)

Smokers Lose Unjust Enrichment Class Action (26 August 2011, Courthouse News Service)

New edition – Restatement of the law third, Restitution and unjust enrichment (10 August 2011, Social Law Library Collection Blog)

Dagan on Restitution & Relationships (9 August 2011, Legal Theory Blog)

Canadian Court Finds Housekeeper has no Claim For Unjust Enrichment or Quantum Meruit (4 August 2011, Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog)

Hicks and disgorging profits II (23 July 2011, SkepticLawyer)

Supreme Court Issues Significant ERISA Remedies Decision (22 July 2011, The Benefits and Employment Observer)

Prof. Rendleman on Restitution (12 July 2011, Washington and Lee Law Faculty Scholarship Blog)

Rendleman on Restitution & Measuring Damages (8 July 2011, Legal Theory Blog)

Supreme Court of Canada decisions in Kerr v. Baranow & Vanasse v. Seguin - Part 2 of 3 (7 July 2011, Toronto Estate Law Blog)

Unjust Enrichment (3 July 2011, TheCPLRblog)

Another Court Sets an Example for "Neutral Principles" (17 June 2011, Anglican Curmudgeon)

Can Unjust Enrichment Be Used To Justify An Injunction Against Competitors During The Patent Opposition Period? (6 June 2011, The IP Factor)

Fiduciary obligations – why and when? (23 May 2011, Jotwell)

Should Law Schools Teach Restitution? (17 May 2011, The Conglomerate)

The Tangles of Restitution (28 February 2011, Art Market Monitor)

R3RUE (26 February 2011, Pryor Thoughts)

Trusts and common law spouses (18 February 2011, Morton's Musings)

A Victory for the principled development of the law (10 February 2011, Cearta)

Symposium: The Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment (21 January 2011, Cearta)

Update on Madoff Mutual Mistake Case: NY Appellate Division Reverses (5 January 2011, ContractsProf Blog)

Chancery Allows Claims for Fraudulent Inducement and Unjust Enrichment but Not Implied Covenant of Good Faith (30 December 2010, Delaware Corporate and Commercial Litigation Blog)

Analysis: Secretary of State cannot recover benefits overpaid by mistake (9 December 2010, UK Human Rights Blog)

Restitution (a legal remedy for unjust enrichment) (9 December 2010 , Our Windowsill)

Dependent Relief and Unjust Enrichment (1 December 2010, Krofchick Valuations)

Can you recover taxes and charges from airlines when you don’t travel? (16 November 2010, Cearta)

Macomb Woman Obtains Divorce From the Grave (12 November 2010, The Law Blogger)

Class action filed over online advertising to smart phones (12 November 2010, South East Texas Record)

Have older people in private nursing homes received a fair deal from the State? (10 November 2010, Cearta)

Court Dismisses Two of Three Claims Involving Unpaid Brokerage Commission (10 November 2010, The Insurance and Reinsurance Report)

Littlewoods questions (9 November 2010, Cearta)

Complete fraud justifies class action certification (2 November 2010, Rebecca Tushnet's 43(B)log)

Unjust enrichment - not applic. where there is express contract (2 November 2010, PLAN Legal Update)

Disgorgement of profits and David Hicks (30 October 2010, Skepticlawyer)

Unjust enrichment: The law revisited (29 October 2010, Law-in-Perspective)

Restitution: The Indian Contract Act and Common Law Principles (28 October 2010, Law and Legal developments)

FYI: 5th Cir Says Differing State Laws Precluded Class Certification Against FNMA (28 October 2010, Consumer Lending Law Developments)

Packard v. OCA Inc., No. 09-41004 (27 October 2010, US Fifth Circuit)

Subrogation, shipping, and unjust enrichment (18 October 2010, Cearta)

Taylor Swift Sued by First Manager (17 October 2010, Winding Forward)

Pennsylvania Court Decision Limits Unjust Enrichment Claims for Subcontractors (14 October 2010, Construction Law Signal)

Unjust Enrichment in the Ethiopian Civil Code (13 October 2010, EthioLaw)

Shipping and subrogation (13 October 2010, Cearta)

Child Voice of 'Dora the Explorer' Says MTV Took her for Millions (11 October 2010, Courthouse News Service)

Restitution of Illicit Assets Act passed by Swiss Parliament (9 October 2010, Zeropoint Field)

Tory Island and Unjust Enrichment – the judgment (5 October 2010, Cearta)

MGA Sued for Copying Innovation First’s HEXBUG® Nano™ Toy (5 October 2010, HexBug)

ECJ says VAT should not be due on music industry samples (4 October 2010, OUT-LAW)

‘Stargate’ video game fraud case heads to court (2 October 2010, East Valley Tribune)

Are the alleged over-payments to university staff recoverable? (1 October 2010, 9th Level Ireland)

Mistake of Fact Exception To The Voluntary Payment Doctrine Is Not Available To Plaintiff Who Failed To Investigate (30 September 2010, In Their Opinion)

Judge Allows 2 Claims in 'Web-Scraping' Case (24 September 2010, Courthouse News Service)

New chapter in restitution opened as Catholic manuscript is sent home (21 September 2010, Jewish Chronicle Online)

No Unjust Enrichment Won’t Let You Off the Hook for Reasonable Royalties under California Trade Secrets Act (19 September 2010, Trade Secrets Blog)

Irish Universities – Comptroller and Auditor General’s report (18 September 2010, Ninth Level Ireland)

Failure of consideration and food poisoning (17 September 2010, SkepticLawyer)

Pleading Unjust Enrichment in Construction Litigation (15 September 2010, Jimeron and Wilson PA)

Restitution for Holocaust crimes (15 September 2010, Bill's 'Faith Matters' Weblog)

Jousting Continues After Medieval Wedding (10 September 2010, Courthouse News Service)

Appointed Police Commissioner Has A Duty Of Loyalty To The Town (9 September 2010, In Their Opinion)

Northern District Notes That Trade Secret Law Allows Recovery of Saved Development Costs (9 September 2010, California Trade Secrets)

Licari on Punitive Damages (7 September 2010, Conflict of Laws .net)

A right to restitution upon a future event may accrue immediately upon evasion (6 September 2010, Ng Ariss Fong)

Threads of doom (6 September 2010, SkepticLawyer)

The Stig’s identity and gain based damages (2 September 2010, SkepticLawyer)

California Court of Appeal Permits Royalty Damages Claim to Proceed Against E*Trade (Ajaxo v. E*Trade Financial) (2 September 2010, Legal Developments In Non-Competition Agreements)

The Latest on Councillor Decker’s Real Estate Travails - Part II (2 September 2010, Cambridge Community Television)

California Bill Could Alter the Restitution of Nazi-Looted Art (1 September 2010, Yahoo! News)

Sixth District Holds That Reasonable Royalties Available When a Defendant Has Not Realized a Profit or Other Calculable Benefit (30 August 2010, California Trade Secrets)

Be Kind to the Debtor: Tips on Writing Collection Letters (28 August 2010, TellAllMarketing)

Former Stargate Dev's Shareholders Warp to Court (27 August 2010, The Escapist)

Home might be a castle, but not an identity (26 August 2010, Rebecca Tushnet's 43(B)log)

Equitable Remedies under the Home Repair and Remodeling Act (25 August 2010, Northern Law Blog)

Huntington National sues Hurricane woman for breach of contract, unjust enrichment (25 August 2010, West Virginia Record)

Is Hairtech’s Paris Hilton Complaint a Joke? (24 August 2010, Concurring Opinions)

Egon Schiele artwork stolen by Nazis returned to Austria (23 August 2010, Daily Telegraph)

Unjust Enrichment and Public Law (6 July 2010, Cearta)

The Low-down on Hastings-Bass (1 July 2010, Restitution of Overpaid Tax)

When a corrupt enrichment is not necessarily unjust (25 June 2010, Cearta)

Recovering excess payments from pensioners: What about the lawyers? (14 June 2010, Irish Law Forum)

Could London be an example for cultural restitution? (12 June 2010, Elginism)

From Mansfield to Kull: constructing the Law of Restitution (26 May 2010, Cearta)

Purchasing restitution from the Littlewoods catalogue (25 May 2010, Restitution of Overpaid Tax)

Unjust Enrichment: B.C. Court of Appeal Sets Out Analytic Framework in Common Law Relationships (21 May 2010, Rule of Law)

ALI, Unjust Enrichment and Prescription Drugs (20 May 2010, Drug and Device Law)

Tort journal; and unjust enrichment (8 April 2010, Cearta)

Finders keepers? (6 April 2010, SkepticLawyer)

An Insight into the Complicated Topic of Proprietary Estoppel (6 April 2010, Lanyon Bowdler Solicitors Blog)

Saving us from ourselves: Reforming the fiduciary duty of loyalty (30 March 2010, Jotwell)

Wanna Get Rich? Become a Lawyer! (26 March 2010, Irish Law Forum)

Recovery on quantum meruit for legal services rendered (17 March 2010, NJ Family Issues)

Deposit on 14 $million house has to be returned if sold for $15 mil (20 February 2010, Law Bear)

Claim Over Eighty Year Old Stock Certificate Dismissed Based On Laches (10 February 2010, North Carolina Business Litigation Report)

Espionage is a serious business: freedom of speech and restitutionary remedies (2 February 2010, Cearta)

NJ Supreme Court Holds That The Estate Of A Deceased Spouse May Assert Equitable Claims Against Surviving Spouse (1 February 2010, Law Office of Donald D Vanarelli Blog)

Sotheby’s Brokers a Restitution Deal (8 January 2010, Art Market Monitor)

Lloyd Webber Restitution Issue Resolved (7 January 2010, Art Market Monitor)

Holocaust Survivors' Suit Against Vatican Bank Dismissed By 9th Circuit (30 December 2009, Religion Clause)

The Madoff mess and the finality of divorce resolutions (29 December 2009, Linda's Law Blog)

Division of Property in Common Law Relationships (1 December 2009, The Court)

Tesco's blunder over £1m bike bill (26 November 2009, Metro)

Holocaust (Stolen Art) Restitution Act takes effect (16 November 2009, Illicit Cultural Property)

Proceeds of crime in trouble (15 November 2009, SkepticLawyer)

Legal Malpractice and Nazi-confiscated Art (10 November 2009, New York Attorney Malpractice Blog)

Tory Island and Unjust Enrichment – the conclusion (9 November 2009, Cearta)

O Mistress Mine! (9 November 2009, SkepticLawyer)

Israel - Israeli Banks Still Fighting Heirs of Holocaust Restitution (2 November 2009, Vos Iz Neias?)

Trademark Claims Sounding in Unjust Enrichment Not Entitled to a Trial by Jury (26 October 2009, Chicago IP Litigation Blog)

When is a trust not a trust? (19 October 2009, SkepticLawyer)

Subrogation and unjust enrichment in the High Court of Australia (19 October 2009, Cearta)

After Klimt, Vienna museum fears restitution of stolen Vermeer (18 October 2009, Expatica)

The NJ Supreme Court justices ponder the effect of a litigant’s untimely demise on his right to assert equitable remedies (16 October 2009, NJ Family Issues)

Hefty profits in trade mark infringement case (7 October 2009, IP Now)

Saxe-Coburg hits back in land restitution row (5 October 2009, Sofia Echo)

Share and share alike: restitution on overpaid stamp duty reserve tax (2 October 2009, Cearta)

When is a tax illegal? (2 October 2009, Tax Research UK)

Royal Property Restitution: new documents submitted by Simeon of Bulgaria (30 September 2009, Valentin Mandache's weblog)

Interesting times for restitution claims (28 September 2009, Cearta)

The Increasing Importance of Breach of Fiduciary Duty in Legal Malpractice (15 September 2009, New York Attorney Malpractice Blog)

Swiss Law Prevents Restitution (14 September 2009, Art Market Monitor)

Two Restitution Cases Advance (10 September 2009, Art Market Monitor)

ECJ says online retailers can almost never charge for use made of returned goods (10 September 2009, OUT-LAW)

Patton Boggs Wins Back Bank Payment (4 September 2009, The BLT)

The Surprising Virtues of Treating Trade Secrets as IP Rights (4 September 2009, Stanford Law Review)

Peter Birks and unjust enrichment (25 August 2009, Law Management)

Case throws up injustices in the tenancy deposit scheme legislation (13 August 2009, The Landlord Law Blog)

Nazi Plundered Art and the Fight for Restitution (6 August 2009, The End is Coming)

Theft and unjust enrichment (30 July 2009, House on a hill)

Quantifying damages for unjust enrichment (29 July 2009, Morton's Musings)

A way for newspapers to make sure others don’t unfairly profit from their work - without erecting a pay wall (26 July 2009, Temple Talk)

Restitution of overpaid VAT – clouds and silver linings (23 July 2009, Cearta)

Why all restitution cases should be treated on their own unique merits (22 July 2009, Elginism)

Unjust Enrichment - Equitable Relief for the Creditor (20 July 2009, Ohio Construction and Commercial Law Blog)

Tory Island and Unjust Enrichment – continued (18 July 2009, Cearta)

Restitution of art looted by the Nazis takes on new urgency (6 July 2009, MinnPost)

Court of Chancery Grants Summary Judgment on Claims for Unjust Enrichment and Conversion in Embezzlement Case (3 July 2009, Delware Coprorate and Commercial Litigation Blog)

Declaration aims to ease Holocaust property restitution (29 June 2009, JTA)

The Slavers of Wall Street: Investment Banks and Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade – OguEjiOfo Annu (28 June 2009, Rasta Livewire)

Unjust Enrichment in Legal Malpractice (26 June 2009, New York Attorney Malpractice Blog)

Pressure on the British Museum (25 June 2009, Maximos' Blog)

Court may impose constructive trust on basis of unjust enrichment alone (22 June 2009, Wills, Trusts and Estates Prof Blog)

A New Payment Remedy For Suppliers and Subcontractors (19 June 2009, Marty’s Blog)

What is unjust enrichment? is it comedy? (5 June 2009, Cearta)

Ooops, too many zeros … (22 May 2009, SkepticLawyer)

NZ hunts accidental millionaires (21 May 2009, BBC News)

It’s not Smart, it’s unjust enrichment (12 May 2009, Cearta)

Are firms overbilling for online research? (8 May 2009, Professional Responsibility)

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak ... (6 May 2009, SkepticLawyer)

Museum in Britain returns 454 Egyptian artefacts (1 May 2009, Elginism)

Chancery Dismisses Fiduciary and Unjust Enrichment Claims Based on Terms of Contract (30 April 2009, Delaware Corporate and Commercial Litigation Blog)

Klimt Moves Toward Restitution (20 April 2009, Art Market Monitor)

D&O Insurance: Knowledge, Renewal and Rescission (20 April 2009, The D&O Diary)

Madoff Victims Join Together In Support to Work Toward Restitution (20 April 2009, 1888 Press Release)

MoMA Sued in Nazi-era Restitution Suit (14 April 2009, Illicit Cultural Property)

Ruling delivers a big blow to Windows Vista Capable suit (14 April 2009, TechFlash)

Unlike Madoff, European Insurers Remain At Large (10 April 2009, Horiwood’s Blog)

Shuttered Liberty Title sued for embezzling funds (10 April 2009, Long Island Business News)

Germany Reaffirms Commitment to Restitution of Nazi-Looted Art (9 April 2009, ArtInfo)

An end to restitution of Nazi looted art? (9 April 2009, NRC Handelsblad)

Heartbreak (8 April 2009, If I had time, I'd Blog)

Employee bonuses as "unjust enrichment" (7 April 2009, ContractsProf Blog)

Tory Island and Unjust Enrichment (5 April 2009, Cearta)

Controversies over restitution claims (5 April 2009, Elginism)

Art Restitution Ruling Sets New Standard in Austria (2 April 2009, ArtsBeat)

Auto Dealership Entitled to New Trial Over Compensation Under Quantum Meruit, Seventh Circuit Decides (1 April 2009, Chicago Business Litigation Lawyer Blog)

Comcast seeks to crush innovation, technology, customers, American Way (1 April 2009, Copyrights and Campaigns)

Plan for art looted by Nazis to be returned to owners (28 March 2009, Guardian)

Art looted by Nazis to be returned to owners (28 March 2009, Daily Telegraph)

Getty Ex-Curator Testifies in Rome Antiquities Trial (20 March 2009, New York Times)

Lawsuit Against Swift and D12 Rejected (20 March 2009, Rap Worlds)

The Strange and Amazing Thoughts of Sir Norman Rosenthal on Ending Restitution of Nazi Looted Art (19 March 2009, Modern Ghana)

MacMichael v. Strocel (18 March 2009, Rule of Law)

Is Ruth Madoff shopping for a divorce lawyer? (18 March 2009, Divorce Saloon)

Unjustly Enriched - Can Obama take back the AIG bonuses? (17 March 2009, Slate)

More on Madoff Mistake Case (17 March 2009, ContractsProf Blog)

Sorry, Ashamed and Guilty - Bernie Madoff (13 March 2009, Write where you are)

The Amazing Disappearing Assets (12 March 2009, SkepticLawyer)

Services and overpayments (11 March 2009, Cearta)

Should Britain return the Koh-i-noor diamond? (6 March 2009, Elginism)

Man can recover neighbor’s taxes (6 March 2009, Wisconsin Law Journal)

Chancery Court Grants Summary Judgment on Claims of Reformation of a Merger Agreement and Unjust Enrichment (4 March 2009, Delaware Corporate and Commercial Litigation blog)

Right the wrongs of ill-gotten gains (3 March 2009, Guardian)

First Circuit Weighs in on the Law of Unjust Enrichment in Massachusetts (3 March 2009, Mass Law Blog)

Perpetuating the Nazi confiscation (28 February 2009, Museum Security Network)

The difficulties of recovering looted artefacts (27 February 2009, Elginism)

New Acropolis Museum means a new excuse will be needed by the British Museum (25 February 2009, Elginism)

UK Drops 'Unjust Enrichment' Defence On VAT Reclaims (20 February 2009, Tax-News.Com)

Football and fiduciaries (19 February 2009, Cearta)

Google Street View Case Dismissed – Boring v. Google (17 February 2009, Free for a Fee)

Proprietary Restitution (7 February 2009, Cearta)

This is not just a VAT case (4 February 2009, Cearta)

Spider-Man creator sued for $750m (27 January 2009, BBC News)

Investment scheme collapses give rise to equitable and restitutionary claims (25 January 2009, SkepticLawyer)

More on Madoff, O’Brien, and Restitution (24 January 2009, Cearta)

US couple leg it with 'gift from God' bank error (23 January 2009, The Register)

Restitution Ruling in Germany (20 January 2009, Art Market Monitor)

Are the Lawyers Ruining Restitution? (19 January 2009, Art Market Monitor)

MA Eye & Ear Infirmary v. QLT Phototherapeutics, Inc. (19 January 2008, Intellectual Property and Tech Law Reports)

Adam Zamoyski: Restitution will benefit the public more than the heirs (9 January 2009, Independent)

Lord Elgin’s great great great grandson on the Marbles (8 January 2009, Elginism)

ESB, Xafinity, Madoff: Restitution in the news! (7 January 2009, Cearta)

Equity in family law - unmarried couples do not have rights in Equity similar to those of married couples (6 January 2009, Morton's Musings)

In California, an attorney assisting the originating attorney with a case cannot sue the client for an unpaid fee absent a signed written agreement ... (25 December 2008, Ear to the Ground)

More Madoff "Feeder Fund" Lawsuits (22 December 2008, The D&O Diary)

Madoff-Related Class Action Filed Against Fairfield Greenwich Group in NY State Court (22 December 2008, Securities Docket)

Imobilari Pty Ltd v Opes Prime Stockbroking Ltd [2008] FCA 1920 (21 December 2008, Peter A Clarke)

Raiders of the Lost Art (18 December 2008, 1800Blogger)

Restitution and Provenance - a Reaction to Sir Norman Rosenthal (17 December 2008, Art Theft Central)

Systemic Problems of Romanian Restitution (16 December 2008, ECHR Blog)

Jewish Cultural Treasures in Europe after the Holocaust - Restitution and Relocation (16 December 2008, H Soz u Kult)

Should ancient art be given back? (13 December 2008, Elginism)

Peru sues Yale for disputed Inca artifacts (10 December 1008, The Huffington Post)

EU Salami-slicing (7 December 2008, Scottish Libertarians)

Can we condemn contemporary looting of artefacts without condemning colonial loot and plunder? (4 December 2008, AfricaNet)

“Provenance is Everything”: Restitution of Plundered Art (26 November 2008, Venetian Red)

Restitution lawyers of Australia, be on notice (25 November 2008, SkepticLawyer)

Get set for Kirby unplugged (23 November 2008, Janet Albrechtsen Blog)

Unjust Enrichment – Viable Alternative To A Fraudulent Transfer Claim (22 November 2008, Indiana Commercial Foreclosure Law)

Kirby J takes a parting shot at Equity gurus on High Court (22 November 2008, SkepticLawyer)

Conference on punitive damages at Vienna (20 November 2008, Conflict Of Laws .net)

Michael Jackson and Resulting Trusts … (20 November 2008, SkepticLawyer)

Damages: Restitution and effective date of interest (16 November 2008, Kentucky Court Report - SCOKY & COAKY)

“Subjective devaluation” (5 November 2008, SkepticLawyer)

Constructive Trusts: Barred by Laches? Prejudgment Interest? Elements of? How to Determine Amount of Constructive Trust? (4 November 2008, The Bankruptcy Bulletin)

Restitution lawyers of Australia, be on notice (25 November 2008, SkepticLawyer)

The ethics of museum acquisitions (27 October 2008, Elginism)

Equitable Subrogation: Muddy Waters (21 October 2008, Hugh Wood)

New legislation to allow return of Nazi loot (20 October 2008, Elginism)

What can be learnt from the Egyptian approach to restitution (18 October 2008, Elginism)

When is a non-operator entitled to a constructive trust over the operator’s own assets? (11 October 2008, ABlawg.ca)

Restitution: Jewish Museum of Prague to Return Art Collection (8 October 2008, Samuel Gruber's Jewish Art & Monuments)

Just Enrichment? (2 October 2008, Dirt Diggers Digest)

Restitution from Corporate Slave Owners (21 September 2008, Mystic Tongue 3 Weblog)

Jewish Owned Cultural Artifacts at the Jewish Museum Berlin (20 September 2008, FineArtPublicity.com)

Payless to pay less (18 September 2008, Rebecca Tushnet's 43(B)log)

Smith on Gordley on Private Law (15 September 2008, Legal Theory Blog)

Unjust Enrichment and Laches (14 September 2008, LawStack)

Exhibition: Looting and Restitution: Jewish-Owned Cultural Artifacts from 1933 to the Present at the Jewish Museum Berlin (8 September 2008, Samuel Gruber's Jewish Art & Monuments)

Non-compensatory damages again (1 September 2008, Neil Cadwallader Property Law)

Chancery Rejects Claims of Promissory Estoppel and Oral Modification of Agreement (30 August 2008, Delaware Corporate and Commercial Litigation Blog)

Restitution Blog Posts (25 August 2008, skepticlawyer)

Blog posts on Restitution - featuring Skippy, the Bush Kangaroo! (25 August 2008, cearta)

Extended discussion of restitution by Second Circuit (21 August 2008, Sentencing Law and Policy)

Unjust Enrichment through Economic Duress: High Court Decision Reversed (17 August 2008, Kenya Law)

Hand over the money, Skippy (16 August 2008, skepticlawyer)

The fight against the tombaroli (11 August 2008, Elginism)

"Reparations" are Out; "Compensation" and "Restitution" Are In! (5 August 2008, The Francis L Holland Blog)

Restitution (4 August 2008, antyx)

Private law oils the wheels of society (4 August 2008, skepticlawyer)

The same damages the jury found on her breach-of-contract claim, which was the value of her uncompensated services, resulting in a double recovery (30 July 2008, Quantum Meruit)

The Goals of Private Law (28 July 2008, skepticlawyer)

Gain From Criminal Activity Not Proper Measure for Restitution (22 July 2008, Fourth Circuit Blog)

What happens when parties operate an oil battery without a formal agreement? (17 July 2008, ABlawg.ca)

Judges Making Law (7 July 2008, Law Management)

Is Quasi-Contract Really Dead? (7 July 2008, Pith and Substance)

Poor old Keith Mason (25 June 2008, skepticlawyer)

Nature abhors a vacuum … (19 June 2008, skepticlawyer)

Dagan on Just & Unjust Enrichment (18 June 2008, Legal Theory Blog)

Class Action Defense Cases – Van Zanen v. Qwest (10 June 2008, Class Action Defense Blog)

$6.9 Million Teacake Dispute (16 May 2008, VeeTea Blog)

Unjust enrichment (7 May 2008, The Truth Serum)

Opes investors fail at first hurdle (3 May 2008, skepticlawyer)

B.M.P. Global Distribution Inc. v. Bank of Nova Scotia: Another Step in the Development of Unjust Enrichment? (30 April 2008, The Court)

New Papers: Jan Smits on European Private Law (23 April 2008, Comparative Law Blog)

Peter Birks remembered (8 April 2008, Law Bod Blog)  

Costs under a void costs agreement (14 February 2008, skepticlawyer)

School District, seeking to recover under breach of implied contract and quantum meruit (9 February 2008, Quantum Meruit)

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