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These teaching materials are very various. I have divided the links into course sites, examination papers, and reading lists, handouts, outlines, etc. For more basic materials see the introductory materials page.

Course sites - there is a separate page which lists courses, some of which may contain reading lists etc. The sites here are substantial archives of materials, accessible to the whole world.

Introduction to Private Law Relationships (Michael MacNeil, Carleton)

Law of Contract II (Hazel Dawe, London Metropolitan)

Legal Remedies (Craig Smith, Santa Barbara)

Proprietary estoppel (Martin Dixon, Cambridge)

Restitution (Hazel Dawe, London Guildhall)

Examination papers

Aberystwyth Equity and the law of trusts Exam 1999

Adelaide Restitution Examination 1998

Contract Remedies and Torts Associated with Contracts - Multiple Choice (Prentice-Hall)

Idaho Remedies Exam 2000

London Restitution Exams for 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2004

Macquarie Remedies Exam 2002

Macquarie - Remedies - Final Assignment, 2000

Remedies Exam 2002 (Craig Smith, Santa Barbara)

West Indies Restitution Exams for May 1999, July 1999, April 2000, July 2000, and April 2001 PDF

Reading lists, handouts, outlines, etc - some of these are conventional reading lists, others link to resources on-line. Note that contracts and property outlines are two-a-penny on the web, and I have only included ones which seem especially interesting to restitution lawyers!

A Chronological Summary of California Palimony Law Since Marvin (Jared Laskin)

Coercion (Penelope Watson)

Cohabitation Agreements in Connecticut - A Guide to Resources in the Law Library (2000)

Constructive Trusts (Chang on Equity and Trusts)

Contract Law – Capacity (Universität Bayreuth)

Contract remedies in Ohio law: Outline (Brian D Wassom and Peter B Friedman) (also here)

Contracts II: case list: Avoiding Enforcement

Duties Owed by Resigning Directors (Robert Dean)

Equity's Response To Property Injustices: Resulting And Constructive Trusts

Illegality and immorality as grounds of redress and defences (Niall Whitty, Edinburgh)

Important Canadian Family Law Cases (duhaime.org)

Law of Contract II (Hazel Dawe, London Metropolitan)

Law of obligations - Outline of lectures (Linda Macpherson, Heriot Watt)

Remedies (Berenson)

Remedies (Gegen)

Remedies - Constructive trust and equitable lien hypotheticals (Nova Southeastern)

Remedies for Breach of Contract (Collins, NYU)

Remedies Law (Megalaw.com)

Remedies outline

Remedies outline (David Case)

Remedies outline (Downing) (1999)

Restitution (Macquarie)

Restitution (Martyn Hanmore)

Restitution Law (Robert Chambers, Alberta)

Restitution outlines (Maddaugh)

Restitution problem questions (Charles Mitchell, King's College London)

Restitution seminar sheets (Charles Mitchell, King's College London)

The Common Law of Restitution (Margaret Halliwell, City)

The fundamentals of a valid trust

The Law of Restitution (Duncan Sheehan, East Anglia)

Tracing and Third party Liability (Mavrky Law of Trust)

Trusts outline (AALSA, Washburn)

Unjust enrichment (Transnational Law Database)

Unjust enrichment (Universitat de Girona)

Unjust Enrichment and Restitution 2004 - Course Outline - Extract (Elise Bant and James Edelman, UWA)

Unjustified Enrichment (Ius Commune Casebooks)

Unjustified enrichment - the general principle (Niall Whitty, Edinburgh)

Void and voidable contracts (Ansgar Ohly, Bayreuth) (also )

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This page was compiled by Steve Hedley, to whom all comments should be addressed.
All suggestions for improvement are very welcome !

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