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Lionel Smith
Mon, 23 Oct 2000 14:05:54 -0400
Class action


Hi all,

It looks as though we will move to the new server soon. I hope to announce this later in the week.

Meanwhile here is something I learned about at the 30th annual Workshop on Commercial and Consumer Law, held in Toronto this past weekend. There is a service in the US called "Uncover" which allows you to search for and order copies of articles. There is a class action in the US District Court (ND Cal) pending against this outfit for breach of copyright. The action is being settled without admission of liability. The settlement is over US$7 million (although expect the lawyers to take a chunk). Friday 27 October 2000 is the deadline for registering a claim that you are a member of the plaintiff class, which would allow you to share in the settlement. To be a member of the class, all of these things need to be true (1) you published an article after 1977; (2) it was copied via the service and (3) you retained copyright. There is a search engine to help you determine (2).

Further info at <http://www.uncoversettlement.com/>. Spread the word as the service is by no means confined to law journals. I am sorry to say that I am not a class member, but eg Andrew Kull, Stephen Waddams, Graham Virgo, there could be a new toaster in this for you. Or maybe several. Cheques are due to be mailed out in December of this year. If you are in the class, I think you can claim over the web.

This is not a joke.



(I am copying this to workshop participants Jacob Ziegel, Sir Roy Goode, Martin Boodman and Ronald Cuming, since Rick Bowes announced that you were all class members but you might not know how to follow it up ... Jacob maybe you could pass it on to Mr. Justice Sharpe as time is running short for that toaster ...)

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