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Australian cases A-B Australian cases C-E Australian cases F-G Australian cases H-K Australian cases O-S Australian cases T-Z

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
15 March 2006
15 June 2006

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
25 July 1826
Supply of necessaries
(also here and here)

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Court
12 May 1999
Overpayment of tax
(also here)

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
7 September 2004
Effect of guarantee

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
Western Australia Supreme Court
3 November 2006
Lien over legal costs

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Court of Appeal
12 September 2006
Duty to account

Tasmanian Blue Gum, symbol of Tasmania
Tasmania Supreme Court
17 February 2009
Cohabitants’ rights

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
17 March 2008
Cohabitants’ rights

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales

New South Wales Supreme Court

21 March 2007

Incomplete contract


LED Builders Pty Ltd v. Eagle Homes Pty Ltd

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
13 November 1996 Breach of copyright - profits
7 May 1999

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Court of Appeal
5 May 2006
Legal services

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
Western Australia Supreme Court
18 September 2008

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Court of Appeal
17 June 2005
Breach of contract

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
19 May 2005
Breach of trust

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
23 May 2006

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
Western Australia Court of Appeal
3 February 2000
Confiscation of profits

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
10 August 2001
Constructive trust
23 October 2002

Sturt's Desert Pea, symbol of South Australia
South Australia Supreme Court
8 April 2005

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Supreme Court
16 February 2005
Confidential information

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Magistrates Court
31 October 2001
Marital property
(also here)

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
7 November 2006
Cohabitants' rights

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
24 April 2001
Cohabitants' rights
19 September 2001

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
11 May 2006
Cohabitants' rights

Sturt's Desert Pea, symbol of South Australia
5 March 1999
Quantum meruit
23 February 2000

Re Lord and the Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Court 2 August 1991 Constructive trust

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
29 November 2006
Conflict of duty and interest

Louth v. Diprose

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
High Court
2 December 1992 Undue influence
(On this case see: Bob Moles and Bibi Sangha, 'Gendered Stereotypes and the "Facts"')

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Court
23 March 2005

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
30 January 2007
Quantum meruit - building work
18 June 2008
(special leave to appeal granted 8 August 2007)
(transcript of oral argument on 26 February 2008 and 27 February 2008)
(comment by "Legal Eagle" 19 June 2008 and by Michael Bryan)

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Supreme Court
9 November 2005
Cohabitants' rights

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
29 June 2006
Contribution to purchase price

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
16 March 2009
Fiduciary - improvements

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
12 June 1833
(also here)

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
19 June 2006
Cohabitants' rights

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Court of Appeal
10 April 2006
Mistaken contract

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
12 August 2005
Resulting trust

Macquarie Bank Ltd v. Sixty Fourth Throne Pty

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Supreme Court
28 October 1997 Knowing receipt
(special leave to appeal refused 19 May 1998)

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
21 May 2009
Improvements to property

Sturt's Desert Pea, symbol of South Australia
South Australia Supreme Court
18 January 2007

Maguire v. Makaronis

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
High Court
25 June 1997 Fiduciary duty

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
29 January 2007
Unconscionable conduct

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
4 December 1998
Duty wrongly paid
15 March 2001

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
13 December 2002
Failure of consideration
(also )

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Court of Appeal
24 December 2003
Payment of another's land tax

Sturt's Desert Pea, symbol of South Australia
South Australian Supreme Court
30 May 1991
Worker's lien

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Court of Appeal
28 October 1997
Illegal contract
(also )

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
11 September 2003
Tax wrongly paid

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
High Court
27 February 1959
Recovery of charges

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
11 September 1828
Quantum meruit
(also here)

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
20 October 2005
Trustee's remuneration

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
29 April 2005
Fiduciary duty
4 July 2007

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
6 August 2008
Equitable estoppel

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
14 September 2007
Knowing receipt and defences
5 September 2008

Tasmanian Blue Gum, symbol of Tasmania
Tasmania Supreme Court
17 December 2001
Constructive trust

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Supreme Court
9 June 2006
Executor's commission

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
27 October 2005
Cohabitants' rights

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
21 February 2008
Joint venture - family property

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Supreme Court
8 April 1998

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
25 October 2006

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Court of Appeal
15 February 1993
Improvement to property

Sturt's Desert Pea, symbol of South Australia
South Australia Supreme Court
22 July 2005
Fiduciary duty

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
22 March 2004
Frustrated contract

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
4 December 1996
Compensation wrongly paid

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
10 August 2001
Stamp duty wrongly paid
17 September 2002

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
15 April 1996

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland District Court
15 February 2005

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Supreme Court
9 February 2006

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Court of Appeal
20 May 1993
Constructive trust

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
13 September 2006

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
14 February 1996
22 December 1997

Sturt's Desert Pea, symbol of South Australia
South Australian Industrial Relations Court
18 September 1998

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
16 April 2004
Transfer of land by mistake

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
27 August 1997
Profit from confidence

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
Western Australia Supreme Court
31 May 2005
'Fair dealing' rule

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Supreme Court
22 February 2006
Unconscionable conduct

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
18 August 2006
Economic duress and unconscionability

Sturt's Desert Pea, symbol of South Australia
South Australia Supreme Court
14 September 2005

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Court of Appeal
30 April 2003

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
25 August 2006

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
14 April 2000
Contribution and indemnity

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
16 July 2008

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Court
23 December 1999
Constructive trust

Re Morris, ex parte Donnelly

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Court
15 August 1997 Conversion of cheques
(also here)

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland District Court
26 November 2001
Quantum meruit

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
30 May 2005
Recovery of deposit

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Commercial and Consumer Tribunal
4 August 2004
Illegal contract

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
20 September 2006
Cohabitants' rights

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
Western Australia Supreme Court
29 June 2006
Constructive trust

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Court
12 March 2001
Fraudulent trade practices

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
11 April 2005

Muschinshi v. Dodds

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
High Court
6 December 1985 Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

Mutual Pools and Staff Pty Ltd v. Commonwealth of Australia

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
High Court
9 March 1994 Ultra vires demand

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
Western Australia District Court
21 July 2006
Building work – illegality

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
12 February 2001
Tracing and subrogation

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
28 May 2001

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Court
9 July 1996

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
23 February 2007
Joint venture

Natural Extracts Pty Ltd v. Stotter

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Court
16 May 1997 Fiduciary duty - Account of profits

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
14 January 2004
Knowing assistance

Mangles' Kangaroo Paw, symbol of Western Australia
Western Australia Supreme Court
1 June 2005
Total failure of consideration

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
6 December 2005
Cohabitants' rights
22 September 2006

Nelson v. Nelson

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
High Court
10 May 1995 Illegality

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
24 August 2005
Conflict of duty and interest

Newitt v. Leitch

Tasmanian Blue Gum, symbol of Tasmania
Tasmania Supreme Court
20 March 1997 Mistake - Failure of consideration

Golden Wattle, symbol of the Commonwealth Government
Federal Court
4 October 1996
Constructive trust

Waratah, symbol of New South Wales
New South Wales Supreme Court
2 June 1998
Agency - commission

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Supreme Court
7 July 2005
Cohabitants' rights

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Supreme Court
27 February 2009
Undue influence – will

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
8 November 2004
Knowing receipt
19 June 2006

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Court of Appeal
24 April 2003
Constructive trust

Common Heath, symbol of Victoria
Victoria Supreme Court
29 November 2006
Cohabitants' rights

Cooktown Orchid, symbol of Queensland
Queensland Commercial and Consumer Tribunal
8 July 2004
Building work

Sturt's Desert Pea, symbol of South Australia
South Australia Supreme Court
21 November 2008
Indemnity and subrogation

Nunkuwarrin Yunti v. AL Seeley Constructions

Sturt's Desert Pea, symbol of South Australia
South Australia Supreme Court
11 September 1998
Illegality - quantum meruit

Australian cases A-B Australian cases C-E Australian cases F-G Australian cases H-K Australian cases O-S Australian cases T-Z

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This page was compiled by Steve Hedley, to whom all comments should be addressed.
For Australian case law generally go to the AUSTLII site.
All suggestions for improvement are very welcome !
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