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Canadian cases A-B Canadian cases C-E Canadian cases F-G Canadian cases H-K Canadian cases L-N Canadian cases T-Z

Nova Scotia Supreme Court
16 March 2000
Cohabitants' rights

British Columbia Supreme Court
5 December 1997
Quantum valebat
(also here)

Supreme Court
8 March 2002
Forfeiture rule

Ontario Superior Court
30 June 2006
Restitutionary damages

Ontario Court of Appeal
4 September 2002
(also here)

Ontario Superior Court of Justice
18 February 2004

Ontario Court of Appeal
9 April 2003
Constructive Trust

Orr v. Gordon    British Columbia

British Columbia Supreme Court
26 April 2004
Quantum meruit - writing

British Columbia Supreme Court
13 March 2008
Constructive trust

British Columbia Supreme Court
17 May 2001
(also here)

British Columbia Supreme Court
2 June 2003
Work by subcontractor

9 January 2002
Land zoning
7 May 2002
14 March 2003
19 November 2004
(also here) (aussi en français) (noted by Guy McDannold, also here ; and by Bull, Housser and Tupper; also by Speigel Nichols Fox ) (summarised by The Expropriation Law Centre)

British Columbia Supreme Court
31 January 2002
Quantum meruit

British Columbia Supreme Court
17 September 1996
Quantum meruit - assessment
(also here)

Alberta Court of Appeal
8 February 2005
Marital property

British Columbia Supreme Court
15 September 2008
Fraud - constructive trust

Alberta Queen’s Bench
28 January 2008
Cohabitants’ rights

British Columbia Supreme Court
23 August 2006

6 April 2006
Class action – excessive interest
1 May 2007

British Columbia Supreme Court
2 March 2000
Equitable estoppel
(also here)

Pawluk v. Pawluk    British Columbia

British Columbia Court of Appeal
13 January 1999
Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

British Columbia Supreme Court
22 June 2000
Economic duress

Supreme Court

3 May 2007

Presumption of advancement

Peel (Regional Municipality) v. Canada    

Supreme Court
19 November 1992
Recovery of money
(also here) (aussi en français)

Ontario Superior Court
8 February 2006
Cohabitants' rights

Peter v. Beblow    

Supreme Court
25 March 1993
Cohabitants' rights
(also here) (aussi en français)

British Columbia Supreme Court
23 February 2004
Constructive trust

Supreme Court
18 December 1980
Cohabitants' rights
(aussi en français)

Nova Scotia Supreme Court
20 September 2000
Quantum meruit

British Columbia Court of Appeal
21 February 1997
Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

Ontario Court of Appeal
29 January 2002
(also here, and here )

British Columbia Supreme Court
15 July 2003

British Columbia Supreme Court
5 November 2003

British Columbia Court of Appeal
1 June 2005
Commingling of oil

22 February 2006
Pension fund – representative action
30 March 2007

Alberta Queen's Bench
28 June 2001
Breach of contract

British Columbia Supreme Court
28 May 1999
Quantum meruit - commission
(also here)

6 July 2006
Profit from breach of competition law
24 November 2006
6 May 2008
12 November 2009

British Columbia Supreme Court
21 March 2001
Constructive trust

Ontario Superior Court
17 June 2008
Free acceptance

R v. Connolly    Newfoundland

Newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court
15 January 2007
Proceeds of crime

R v. Milne    

Supreme Court
26 March 1992
Knowing receipt
(also here) (aussi en français)

Rant v. Ward    British Columbia

British Columbia Supreme Court
27 February 1998
Promissory note - Contribution
(also here)

Ratzlaff v. Medical Services Commission    British Columbia

British Columbia Court of Appeal
12 January 1996
Change of position
(also here) 

Rawluk v. Rawluk    

Supreme Court
25 January 1990
Husband and wife
(also here) (aussi en français)

Reading and Bates Construction v. Baker Energy Resources    

Federal Court (CA)
17 October 1994
Patents - accounting of profit
(also here) (aussi en français) 

Reference re Goods and Services Tax    

Supreme Court
25 June 1992
Services rendered by agent
(also here) (aussi en français)

British Columbia Supreme Court
20 March 1997
Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

Ontario Superior Court
21 March 2003
Joint venture

British Columbia Supreme Court
3 May 2006
Waiver of Tort

Ontario Court of Appeal
27 August 2004
(also here and here )

Ontario Court of Appeal
14 May 2009
Life assurance premium - mistaken payment

16 February 2005
5 January 2006

British Columbia Supreme Court
28 April 1997
Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

18 April 2007
Separation agreement - unconscionability
19 February 2009
(aussi en français)

Manitoba Court of Appeal
9 May 1997
Quantum meruit

Alberta Queen's Bench
24 February 2004
Constructive Trust

Federal Court
17 March 1995
Tax mistakenly paid
(also here) (aussi en français)

British Columbia Supreme Court
20 March 1998
Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

Ontario Court of Appeal
24 December 2002
Married couple

Ross v. R    

Federal Court
29 April 2003
(also here) (aussi en français)

16 April 2007
Mistake - rectification
3 September 2008

Alberta Queen's Bench
22 February 2000

British Columbia Supreme Court
15 April 2002
Husband and wife

4 June 2004
Fiduciary duty
12 October 2006

Federal Court
30 April 1999
(aussi en français)

Manitoba Queen's Bench
24 December 2004
Rectification of contract

Supreme Court
29 June 1964
Implied contract

British Columbia Supreme Court
4 May 2000
Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

British Columbia Supreme Court
2 October 2000
Improvements to property

9 September 2005
Rescission for fraud
14 February 2008

Saskatchewan Court of Appeal
8 March 2007
Profit from unlawful charges

18 October 2004
Domestic services
17 November 2005

British Columbia Supreme Court
6 June 2008
Fiduciary duty - constructive trust

Supreme Court
8 August 2002
(aussi en français)

Federal Court (CA)
24 June 1997
Wrongful retention of land - constructive trust
(also here) (aussi en français)

Ontario Court of Appeal
22 February 2008
Tax wrongly paid

6 July 2004
Constructive trust
15 June 2006
(Superior Court judgement summarised by Stikeman Elliott)

British Columbia Court of Appeal
27 September 1999
Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

Ontario Superior Court
13 May 2005
Presumption of advancement

Ontario Court of Appeal
20 March 2001
Quantum meruit
(also here)

British Columbia Supreme Court
25 April 2000
Tracing and knowing assistance

Manitoba Queen's Bench
7 March 2007
Improvements to property

Ontario Court of Appeal
13 July 1998

British Columbia Supreme Court
2 June 2003
Resulting trust

British Columbia Supreme Court
25 April 2002

Saskatchewan Queen's Bench
29 October 2002
Quantum meruit
(also here )

British Columbia Supreme Court
27 March 1995
Use of trade name

British Columbia Supreme Court
17 March 2005
Quantum meruit - logging services

British Columbia Supreme Court
1 June 2005
Work on property

Ontario Court of Appeal
8 May 2006
Illegal lending

2 June 2007
Constructive trust – limitation
10 July 2008

Alberta Queen's Bench
27 March 1998
Cohabitants' rights

British Columbia Supreme Court
5 May 2004
Rectification of contract

Alberta Queen's Bench
27 July 2001
Forum conveniens

Manitoba Court of Appeal
23 January 2006

Supreme Court
31 July 1986
Cohabitant's rights
(also here) (aussi en français)

Soulos v. Korkontzilas    

Supreme Court
22 May 1997
Fiduciary duties
(also here and here) (aussi en français) (noted by Blumberg, 'Supreme Court Decides on Agent's Duty') (summarised by Esmail Bharwani)

Ontario Superior Court
2 August 2007
Fiduciary duty

Alberta Queen's Bench
30 April 2002
Quantum meruit

Alberta Queen’s Bench
11 January 2008
User principle

British Columbia Supreme Court
12 December 1996
Unconscionability and cohabitants' rights
(also here)

British Columbia Supreme Court
6 August 2008
Breach of competition law

Ontario Court of Appeal
19 April 2000
Undue influence
(also here)

Ontario Court of Appeal
4 April 2000

British Columbia Supreme Court
5 March 2003
Undue influence

Ontario Superior Court
12 September 2005
Marital property - constructive trust

Ontario Court of Appeal
10 July 2006
Constructive trust of matrimonial home

British Columbia Supreme Court
6 July 2007

Alberta Queen's Bench
16 January 2002
Quantum meruit

British Columbia Supreme Court
21 April 1997
Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

Ontario Court of Appeal
13 September 2005
Constructive trust

Supreme Court
1 June 2007

British Columbia Supreme Court
29 March 1996
Improvement of property - claim against estate
(also here)

British Columbia Supreme Court
13 November 1998
Cohabitants' rights
(also here)

31 January 2000
6 October 2000

British Columbia Court of Appeal
10 July 2008
Remedial constructive trust – limitation

Alberta Queen's Bench
19 December 2001

British Columbia Supreme Court
19 March 2001
Quantum meruit - interest

Alberta Queen's Bench
17 November 1998
Husband and wife

Canadian cases A-B Canadian cases C-E Canadian cases F-G Canadian cases H-K Canadian cases L-N Canadian cases T-Z

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Case law courtesy of CANLII, LEXUM and the courts of Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario.
This page was compiled by Steve Hedley, to whom all comments should be addressed.
Many thanks to Sandra Bernstein for enhancements to this page.
All suggestions for improvement are very welcome !
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