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RDG archives - 2011

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This page lists messages to the discussion group in 2011.

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Date Sender Topic
6 January Lionel Smith Hart Publishing Book Announcement
24 January Lionel Smith Restitution Rollout
30 January Lionel Smith Restitution Rollout Resend
31 January Lionel Smith Burrows on Restitution, 3 ed
7 February Lionel Smith Landmark Cases in Equity
14 February Doug Rendleman Restitution Rollout Program
16 February Lionel Smith [2010] RLR
18 February Lionel Smith New case from Supreme Court of Canada
22 February Jason Neyers New case from Supreme Court of Canada
22 February Duncan Sheehan New case from Supreme Court of Canada
2 March Ross Macdonald Restitution of movable property - law reform
15 March John McCamus New case from Supreme Court of Canada
16 Marchrch Lionel Smith Hastings-Bass and mistake
24 March Chaim Saiman UJER in Madoff suits
29 March Lionel Smith Melbourne Law School
30 March David Cheifetz Contribution claims and limitation periods
7 April Lionel Smith Versailles
14 April Charles Mitchell Amalgamated Metal Corporation Plc v Wragge & Co (A Firm) [2011] EWHC 887
15 April Lionel Smith J. Edelman J.
4 May Doug Rendleman Restitution Rollout
11 May Lionel Smith Evans on money had and received
11 May Ross Macdonald Evans on money had and received
12 May Lionel Smith New case from Supreme Court of Canada
12 May Leonard Rotman New case from Supreme Court of Canada
16 May Lionel Smith Expert evidence of local law
17 May Lionel Smith Change of position
14 June Neil Foster Bona Fide purchaser and tracing
14 June Neil Guthrie Bona Fide purchaser and tracing
28 June Lionel Smith Lord Rodger of Earlsferry
4 July Lionel Smith More Privy Council activity in offshore trusts ...
27 July Lionel Smith Mistakes in Jersey
1 August Ross Macdonald ALI Restatement of Restitution
2 August James Lee Unjust Enrichment and Contract
2 August Doug Rendleman Unjust Enrichment and Contract
8 August Lionel Smith Gifts with strings attached
9 August Lionel Smith Pitt v Holt
22 August James Lee Election of Remedies in the English Court of Appeal
8 September James Lee Constructive Trusts / Proprietary Claims
11 September Steve Hedley New website - Private Law Theory
22 September Francis Rose Duncan Sheehan
29 September Neil Foster Vic decision on change of position and estoppel
8 October Katy Barnett Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
9 October Lionel Smith Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
9 October Katy Barnett Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
9 October Charles Mitchell Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
10 October Katy Barnett Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
10 October Lionel Smith Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
10 October Charles Mitchell Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
10 October Katy Barnett Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
10 October Charles Mitchell Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
10 October Katy Barnett Victorian case on restitution and change of position defence
10 October James Lee Public Authority Capacity and Change of Position
11 October Lionel Smith Quasi-Contract?
19 October Lionel Smith LSN
9 November James Lee UK Supreme Court on Cohabitation and Constructive Trusts
9 November James Lee UK Supreme Court on Cohabitation and Constructive Trusts
9 November James Lee Hart Publishing New Publications
14 November Lionel Smith RLR
17 November Gerhard Dannemann Passengers 'told to buy fuel'
17 November Henry Smith Passengers 'told to buy fuel'
17 November Gerhard Dannemann Passengers 'told to buy fuel'
18 November Doug Rendleman Restitution endangered
23 November Andrew Tettenborn Non-refundable Deposits and Void Contracts
6 December James Lee High Court of Australia on knowing Assistance
8 December Lionel Smith Class action news
8 December Lionel Smith Class action news PS
9 December Ross Macdonald Scottish consultation on trustees' powers
9 December Lionel Smith Rights and Private Law
12 December Lionel Smith Goff & Jones: The Law of Unjust Enrichment, 8th Edition

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This page was compiled by Steve Hedley, to whom all comments should be addressed.
All suggestions for improvement are very welcome !

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