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RDG archives - 2014

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This page lists messages to the discussion group in 2014.

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Date Sender Topic
28 January Lionel Smith Symposium 7-8 February: The Unbounded Level of the Mind: Rod Macdonald's Legal Imagination / Ni bornes, ni frontières: l'imaginaire juridique de Rod Macdonald
30 January Charles Mitchell 'Recovering Overpaid Tax: The Shifting Role of the ECJ'
3 February Duncan Sheehan Society of Legal Scholars Conference Restitution Section 2014
10 February James Lee Posts at the University of Birmingham
19 February James Lee UK Supreme Court on 'Constructive Trustees', Dishonest Assistance and Limitation
19 February Lionel Smith UK Supreme Court on 'Constructive Trustees', Dishonest Assistance and Limitation
1 March Duncan Sheehan Society of Legal Scholars Conference Restitution Section 2014
9 March Lionel Smith [2013] RLR
14 March Duncan Sheehan Society of Legal Scholars Conference: Restitution Section 2014
28 March Charles Mitchell New cases
28 March Charles Mitchell Another new case
1 April Lionel Smith Georgia Teen Spent $26K Mistakenly Deposited Into His Account
2 April Angus Johnston Georgia Teen Spent $26K Mistakenly Deposited Into His Account
2 April Lionel Smith Undue tax and statutory limitations
10 April Peter Watts Georgia Teen Spent $26K Mistakenly Deposited Into His Account
18 April Robert Chambers New book on unjust enrichment and restitution
18 April Lionel Smith New book on unjust enrichment and restitution
7 May Michael Rush Change of Position in the High Court of Australia
7 May Neil Foster High Court of Australian on change of position defence in mistake cases
9 May Katy Barnett Blog post on yesterday's Hills decision in the Australian High Court
19 May Katy Barnett Graham Virgo's post on AFSL v Hills
21 May Lionel Smith Journal of Equity
30 May Francesco Giglio Conference on Legal Reasoning
5 June Kelvin Low Call for Papers: Present Trends and Future Challenges in the Law of Trusts and Wealth Management
3 July Simone Degeling Journal of Equity Conference in Sydney Friday 29 August: Trusts and Trustees
10 July Peter Watts FHR European Ventures LLP and others (Respondents) v Cedar Capital Partners LLC (Appellant)
10 July Paul McGrath FHR European Ventures LLP and others (Respondents) v Cedar Capital Partners LLC (Appellant)
16 July James Lee UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
16 July Robert Stevens UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
16 July Charles Mitchell UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
16 July Robert Stevens UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
17 July Gerard McMeel UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
29 July Lionel Smith Kiefel J. on change of position
31 July Andrew Tettenborn UE, wrongs and information
31 July Gerard McMeel UE, wrongs and information
2 August Lionel Smith Improving, then returning, stolen goods
12 August Robert Stevens Illegality Again
12 August Gerard Sadlier Illegality Again
12 August Robert Stevens Illegality Again
12 August Gerard Sadlier Illegality Again
13 August James Lee Lord Neuberger on Remedial Constructive Trusts
13 August Andrew Dyson Illegality Again
13 August Gerard Sadlier Illegality Again
13 August Gerard Sadlier Susan Kiefel, Lessons from a 'Conversation' About Restitution
14 August Michael Furmston Illegality Again
19 August Gerhard Dannemann Illegality Again
19 August Andrew Tettenborn Illegality Again
19 August Gerhard Dannemann Illegality Again
10 September Eli Ball Two recent Australian unjust enrichment cases
30 September Lionel Smith Just Published
7 October Charles Mitchell PhD private law scholarships at UCL
15 October Jason Neyers Just Published
24 October Andrew Tettenborn Necessaries
27 October Lionel Smith Memorial for HP Glenn
28 October James Lee Advert for Chair in Private Law, King's College London
29 October Gerard Sadlier Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
29 October Robert Stevens Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
29 October Robert Stevens Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
29 October Duncan Sheehan Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
29 October Robert Stevens Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
29 October Andrew Tettenborn Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
29 October Gerard Sadlier Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
29 October Gerard Sadlier Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
29 October Joachim Dietrich Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
30 October Robert Stevens Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
5 November James Lee UK Supreme Court on Breach of Trust and Equitable Compensation
5 November Robert Stevens Account
13 November James Lee Reminder of Advert for Chair in Private Law, King's College London
4 December Lionel Smith Doctoral scholarship opportunity
7 December Eli Ball Status of Menelaou v Bank of Cyprus?
8 December James Lee Equitable Mistake under Pitt v Holt
15 December Simone Degeling Contracts in Commercial Law Conference: 18-19 December 2015
15 December Lionel Smith Fellowship Opportunity at Harvard Law School
18 December Gerard Sadlier Test Claimants in FII Group Litigation, Latest Judgment

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This page was compiled by Steve Hedley, to whom all comments should be addressed.
All suggestions for improvement are very welcome !

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