ODG - messages in 2013

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Date Sender Topic
3 January Jason Neyers Contract Theory Conference
29 January Robert Stevens Termination for Breach
29 January Lionel Smith Termination for Breach
29 January Jason Neyers Just Published
30 January Andrew Burrows New CA case on constructive trust
30 January Irit Samet Law Vacancies at KCL
30 January Onyeka Osuji Termination for Breach
30 January Paula Giliker Law Vacancies at University of Bristol Law School
30 January Robert Stevens Termination for Breach
31 January Andrew Tettenborn Termination for Breach
31 January Andrew Tettenborn Termination for Breach
4 February James Lee A Duty of Good Faith in English Contract Law?
4 February Colin Liew A Duty of Good Faith in English Contract Law?
4 February Neil Guthrie A Duty of Good Faith in English Contract Law?
5 February Andrew Robertson Call for papers - Obligations VII
6 February Neil Foster Google not liable for misleading sponsored links
6 February Gerard McMeel Remoteness of damage in contract
7 February Neil Foster Conversion of credit card?
7 February Nathan Tamblyn Conversion of credit card?
7 February Harold Luntz Conversion of credit card?
7 February John Randall Conversion of credit card?
7 February Andrew Tettenborn Conversion of credit card?
7 February Sarah Green Conversion of credit card?
7 February Keith Rowley Conversion of credit card?
7 February Andrew Tettenborn Conversion of credit card?
7 February Neil Foster Conversion of credit card?
7 February Neil Foster Conversion of credit card?
7 February Neil Foster Conversion of credit card?
7 February Kelvin Low Conversion of credit card?
7 February Simon Douglas Conversion of credit card?
7 February Kelvin Low Conversion of credit card?
7 February Sarah Green Conversion of credit card?
7 February Simon Douglas Conversion of credit card?
7 February Sarah Green Conversion of credit card?
11 February Neil Foster One more reference on Credit Card conversion
11 February Jason Neyers Congratulations
11 February Rande Kostal Congratulations to Justice Brown
11 February David Cheifetz Congratulations to Justice Brown
12 February Richard Goldberg Congratulations
13 February Neil Foster Vicarious liability for school teacher's sexual misconduct
15 February Jason Neyers Just Published, Forgotten Justice
18 February Jason Neyers Just Published
20 February Neil Foster Another Google case - defamation re Google-hosted blog
27 February Jason Neyers Sabbatical Opportunity at UWO
1 March Jason Neyers Unreported English Court of Appeal Case
1 March Jason Neyers Morton v Wheeler found
8 March Steve Hedley Government defeated in Lords over abolition of civil liability for H&S breaches
9 March Neil Foster Government defeated in Lords over abolition of civil liability for H&S breaches
9 March Andrew Tettenborn Government defeated in Lords over abolition of civil liability for H&S breaches
9 March Steve Hedley Government defeated in Lords over abolition of civil liability for H&S breaches
9 March Gerard Sadlier Government defeated in Lords over abolition of civil liability for H&S breaches
9 March Israel Gilead Government defeated in Lords over abolition of civil liability for H&S breaches
9 March Gerard Sadlier Government defeated in Lords over abolition of civil liability for H&S breaches
9 March Israel Gilead Government defeated in Lords over abolition of civil liability for H&S breaches
10 March Neil Foster Nuisance caused by public works in SCC
10 March Lewis Klar Nuisance caused by public works in SCC
13 March Jason Neyers Nuisance caused by public works in SCC
13 March Richard Wright Nuisance caused by public works in SCC
14 March Richard Wright Nuisance caused by public works in SCC
20 March Colin Liew Two recent decisions from the EWCA
25 March James Lee Objectivity and Subjectivity in the UK Supreme Court
25 March Jason Neyers Coase & Nuisance
25 March Jason Neyers SMU Contract Law Conference
27 March Steve Hedley 'Why extending exemplary damages is the best approach for public interest journalism'
27 March Andrew Tettenborn 'Why extending exemplary damages is the best approach for public interest journalism'
27 March David Campbell 'Why extending exemplary damages is the best approach for public interest journalism'
27 March Duncan Sheehan 'Why extending exemplary damages is the best approach for public interest journalism'
27 March Michael Jones 'Why extending exemplary damages is the best approach for public interest journalism'
27 March Andrew Tettenborn 'Why extending exemplary damages is the best approach for public interest journalism'
27 March David Campbell 'Why extending exemplary damages is the best approach for public interest journalism'
27 March Neil Foster 'Why extending exemplary damages is the best approach for public interest journalism'
28 March Richard Wright 'Why extending exemplary damages is the best approach for public interest journalism'
28 March Andrew Burrows Exemplary damages
28 March Normann Witzleb Exemplary damages
28 March Andrew Burrows Exemplary damages
3 April Neil Foster What is the 'Damage' when fraud prevents a loan being recovered?
4 April James Lee Edelman J on Dishonest / Knowing Assistance
4 April Steve Hedley 'As you were! Duty of good faith not implied into English law contract'
5 April Lionel Smith Medical causation
6 April David Cheifetz Medical causation
9 April Neil Foster Breach of Statutory Duty, Nuisance re sewerage
9 April Stephen Pitel Canadian Punitive Damage Award of $4.5 Million
17 April Jason Neyers 'Restitution of Overpaid Tax' Edited by Steven Elliott, Birke Häcker and Charles Mitchell
19 April Ken Oliphant Journal of European Tort Law (new issue)
25 April Martin Hogg Two cases about death and damages
1 May Sandy Steel Causation in Legal Theory Symposium May 15 2013, London
3 May Jason Neyers Amatory Torts
8 May Neil Foster Causation in medical cases HCA
8 May Simone Degeling Waltons Stores (Interstate) v Maher 25th Anniversary Conference: 20th September 2013
8 May Neil Foster Malicious Prosecution in the HCA
9 May James Lee Pitt v HMRC; Futter v HMRC - The UK Supreme Court on Trustees' Mistakes and The Rule Formerly Known As the Rule in Re Hastings-Bass
13 May Eoin Quill Tort reform conference Call for papers
13 May Eoin Quill Tort reform conference Call for papers
15 May Neil Foster Vicarious Liability of Head Solicitor for actions of Employed Solicitor
15 May Gerard Sadlier Vicarious Liability of Head Solicitor for actions of Employed Solicitor
16 May Neil Foster Vicarious Liability of Head Solicitor for actions of Employed Solicitor
16 May James Lee English Court of Appeal on Joint Tortfeasance and Common Design
16 May James Lee English Court of Appeal on Joint Tortfeasance and Common Design
16 May Jason Neyers Modern Defamation Law: Balancing Reputation and Free Expression
16 May Gerard Sadlier Vicarious Liability of Head Solicitor for actions of Employed Solicitor
17 May Kit Barker Lastest Edition of the Torts Law Journal - Contents
17 May Neil Foster Vicarious Liability of Head Solicitor for actions of Employed Solicitor
21 May Neil Foster Ex turpi and joint illegal enterprise in Eng CA
21 May Jason Neyers The Restatement Third: Restitution and Unjust Enrichment
23 May Charles Mitchell Electronic justice
23 May Russ Brown Electronic justice
24 May Jason Neyers Sex Trafficking: A Private Law Response
31 May Andrew Robertson Reminder - Obligations VII Call for Papers
3 June Eric Descheemaeker Workshop on Unjust Enrichment: Edinburgh, 24 January 2014
5 June Neil Foster False imprisonment and invalid orders - Kable revisited
6 June Penelope Watson False imprisonment and invalid orders - Kable revisited
7 June Barbara Legate Australian / NZ experience with Accutane litigation
13 June Neil Foster Intimidation as a tort
13 June Andrew Simester Intimidation as a tort
13 June David Campbell Intimidation as a tort
17 June Neil Foster Privy Council on Malicious Prosecution
17 June Tsachi Keren-Paz Intimidation as a Tort
20 June Neil Foster UKSC on liability for injuries to soldiers on active service
21 June Jason Neyers Just Published
25 June Jason Neyers UKSC on liability for injuries to soldiers on active service
26 June Steve Hedley UKSC on liability for injuries to soldiers on active service
26 June Jason Neyers UKSC on liability for injuries to soldiers on active service
26 June Steve Hedley UKSC on liability for injuries to soldiers on active service
1 July Duncan Fairgrieve UKSC on liability for injuries to soldiers on active service
7 July Ross Macdonald Just published (Burrows et al (ed), 'Judge and Jurist ...')
8 July Andrew Burrows Just published (Burrows et al (ed), 'Judge and Jurist ...')
8 July Charles Mitchell Just published (Burrows et al (ed), 'Judge and Jurist ...')
8 July David Cheifetz Just published (Burrows et al (ed), 'Judge and Jurist ...')
11 July Martin Hogg Employer's vicarious liability for murder - Vaickuviene v J Sainsbury plc [2013] CSIH 67
12 July Neil Foster Employer's vicarious liability for murder - Vaickuviene v J Sainsbury plc [2013] CSIH 67
12 July Jason Neyers Professor Tsachi Keren-Paz
23 July Stephen Pitel Torts - Duty of Care - Direct Involvement of Corporate Parent
23 July Joe Campbell Torts - Duty of Care - Direct Involvement of Corporate Parent
24 July Jason Neyers Unjust Enrichment in South African Law
28 July Andrew Tettenborn Bentley theft
28 July Steve Hedley Bentley theft
28 July TT Arvind Bentley theft
30 July Jason Neyers Principled Exception in the Ontario Court of Appeal
30 July Neil Guthrie Principled Exception in the Ontario Court of Appeal
30 July Jason Neyers Principled Exception in the Ontario Court of Appeal, Follow Up
30 July Angela Swan Principled Exception in the Ontario Court of Appeal
30 July Jason Neyers Principled Exception in the Ontario Court of Appeal
30 July Tsachi Keren-Paz Principled Exception in the Ontario Court of Appeal
30 July Jason Neyers Principled Exception in the Ontario Court of Appeal
1 August Simone Degeling Waltons Stores and Promissory Estoppel Anniversary Conference: Friday 20 September 2013
1 August Jason Neyers Just Published
5 August Neil Foster Vicarious liability - vehicle owners and dual liability
9 August Katy Barnett New High Court Blog from Melbourne Law School
15 August Ken Oliphant ODG Fantasy Football
15 August John Murphy ODG Fantasy Football
15 August John Kleefeld ODG Fantasy Football
15 August Sarah Green ODG Fantasy Football
15 August John Murphy ODG Fantasy Football
16 August Katy Barnett Blog post on Quistclose trust case
16 August Ken Oliphant ODG Fantasy Football
16 August Matthew Harrington ODG Fantasy Football
19 August Ken Oliphant Puzzle about Rabone decision
19 August Andrew Tettenborn Puzzle about Rabone decision
19 August Nick Hoggard Puzzle about Rabone decision
19 August TT Arvind Bentley theft
20 August Neil Foster Bentley theft
21 August Geneviève Saumier Conference announcement
22 August Richard Wright NZ accident system on A(ustl.)BC
22 August Colin Liew Tort of harassment in Singapore
22 August Ken Oliphant Puzzle about Rabone decision
22 August Ken Oliphant Super injunction XI (and a new edition)
22 August Ken Oliphant NZ accident system on A(ustl.)BC
22 August Andrew Burrows Discount on new edition of English Private Law
22 August Jason Neyers Just Published
23 August Neil Foster NZ accident system on A(ustl.)BC
23 August Nicole Moreham NZ accident system on A(ustl.)BC
23 August Mamari Stephens NZ accident system on A(ustl.)BC
23 August Ken Oliphant NZ accident system on A(ustl.)BC
23 August Harold Luntz NZ accident system on A(ustl.)BC
24 August Nicole Moreham NZ accident system on A(ustl.)BC
27 August Vaughan Black A Nova Scotia statute
27 August Richard Wright A Nova Scotia statute
27 August Hilary Young A Nova Scotia statute
28 August Neil Foster A Nova Scotia statute
28 August Ross Macdonald Book on Scots law
29 August Jason Neyers Just Published
4 September Mark Wilde Reflected sunlight nuisance
4 September Andrew Tettenborn Reflected sunlight nuisance
8 September James Lee Professor Martin Hogg
19 September Neil Foster Negligence and economic loss in WA
19 September Jason Neyers Three New Books
24 September Ken Oliphant New Publication on Proportional Liability
24 September Ken Oliphant Journal of European Tort Law, Issue 2/2013
24 September Jason Varuhas Public Law Conference 2014
26 September Neil Foster Judicial Immunity and Defamation
2 October Jason Neyers Faculty Positions at Western Law
7 October Kit Barker User Principle in the Singapore Court of Appeal
10 October Jason Neyers Just Published
15 October Jason Neyers Principles of the Law of Agency
17 October Jason Neyers New Book
17 October John Blackie Scottish Parliament - Debate 29th on reversing burden of proof in negligence claims brought by cyclists
17 October Jason Neyers Compensation and the Common Law Colloquium
21 October Simone Degeling Journal of Equity (2013) 2
23 October Neil Foster NDD in the UKSC
24 October Phillip Morgan NDD in the UKSC
24 October Neil Foster NDD in the UKSC
25 October Andrew Dickinson NDD in the UKSC
25 October Prince Saprai Contract songs
25 October Marel Katsivela Contract songs
28 October Andrew Tettenborn Interest
28 October Charles Mitchell Interest
28 October Robert Stevens Interest
28 October Robert Stevens Interest
29 October Charles Mitchell Interest / Limitation
29 October Robert Stevens Interest / Limitation
29 October Charles Mitchell Interest / Limitation
29 October Duncan Sheehan Interest / Limitation
29 October Jason Neyers Symposium on Allan Beever's Work in Newcastle Law School (England)
30 October Jason Neyers Just Published
31 October Gerard McMeel Contract songs
1 November Richard Goldberg Contract songs
1 November Matthew Harrington Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Jason Neyers Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Steve Hedley Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Matthew Harrington Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Sean Thomas Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Jane Stapleton Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Steve Hedley Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Matthew Harrington Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Duncan Sheehan Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Jason Neyers Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Robert Stevens Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Bill Swadling Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Angela Swan Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Robert Stevens Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Steve Hedley Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Andrew Tettenborn Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Gerard Sadlier Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Robert Stevens Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Gerard Sadlier Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Jason Neyers Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Gerard Sadlier Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
1 November Gregory Keating Research Help: Definition of Public Policy
2 November Jason Neyers Interesting New Article
4 November Ross Macdonald That snail again - essays
5 November John Blackie That snail again - essays
5 November John Kleefeld That snail again - essays
5 November Ross Macdonald That snail again - essays
6 November Neil Foster No fault scheme for catastrophic injuries for motor accidents in NSW
7 November Jason Neyers New articles on Strict Legalism
11 November Duncan Sheehan Causes of Action
11 November Andrew Burrows Causes of Action
11 November John Randall Causes of Action
11 November Duncan Sheehan Causes of Action
11 November Michael Furmston Causes of Action
11 November Phil Lister Causes of Action
11 November John Kleefeld Causes of Action
11 November Mark Gergen Causes of Action
12 November Barbara MacDonald Causes of Action
12 November James Goudkamp Causes of Action
13 November Robert Stevens Causes of Action
13 November James Goudkamp Causes of Action
13 November Duncan Sheehan Causes of Action
13 November Peter Jaffey Causes of Action
14 November Andrew Dickinson Causes of Action
18 November Ken Oliphant New Book: Medical Malpractice and Compensation for Medical Injuries
24 November Robyn Carroll Research network - apology and law - invitation to join email list
26 November Andrew Robertson Obligations VII web site and registration
29 November Jason Neyers Illegality in Contract Law
29 November Andrew Tettenborn Illegality in Contract Law
29 November Dennis Klimchuk Aristotle and the law of equity
29 November Richard Wright Aristotle and the law of equity
30 November Peter Watts Aristotle and the law of equity
3 December Chaim Saiman Aristotle and the law of equity
5 December Gerard Sadlier Can a Discretionary Benefit Constitute Consideration?
6 December Andrew Robertson Can a Discretionary Benefit Constitute Consideration?
6 December Mindy Chen-Wishart Can a Discretionary Benefit Constitute Consideration?
6 December Gerard Sadlier Can a Discretionary Benefit Constitute Consideration?
6 December Jason Neyers Can a Discretionary Benefit Constitute Consideration?
6 December Ken Oliphant European Tort Law 2012 (just published)
7 December Catherine Valcke Principled Exception in the Ontario Court of Appeal, Follow Up
8 December Ross Macdonald New book: Reynolds, Judicial decision-making
9 December Tobias Barkley Can a Discretionary Benefit Constitute Consideration?
10 December Jason Neyers Consequences of Impaired Consent Transfers: A Structural Comparison of English and German Law
11 December Ken Oliphant JETL 3/2013
12 December Jason Neyers Just Published
12 December James Lee European Court of Justice in FII
13 December Jason Neyers SCC on Collateral Benefits
13 December Andrew Dyson SCC on Collateral Benefits
16 December Jason Neyers Fiduciary Duty in the McGill Law Journal
17 December Gerard Sadlier Caselaw on Duty to Advise Where Both Lawyer and Accountant Advising on Transaction
18 December Neil Foster Value of loss in contract claim for frozen sperm

<== To the messages for 2012

To the messages for 2014 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com