ODG - messages in 2016

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Date Sender Topic
10 January Jason Neyers Post-doc at Harvard Law School
11 January Jason Neyers Hepple and Matthews' Tort Law
11 January Jason Neyers Congratulations
11 January Richard Peltz-Steele Congratulations
11 January Jason Neyers Tort of Deceit
13 January Stephen Pitel Economic Negligence and Illegality in the Court of Appeal for Ontario
14 January Matthew Harrington Research Help - Bradburn v. Great Western Rwy
23 January Daniel Friedmann Contribution from now immune to the injured person tortfeasors - a corrective justice rationale?
23 January Joe Campbell Contribution from now immune to the injured person tortfeasors - a corrective justice rationale?
25 January Sarah Green Causation in the Privy Council
25 January Vaughan Black Causation in the Privy Council
25 January Sarah Green Causation in the Privy Council
26 January Vaughan Black Causation in the Privy Council
26 January Neil Foster Causation in the Privy Council
26 January David Cheifetz Causation in the Privy Council
26 January Neil Foster Causation in the Privy Council
26 January David Cheifetz Causation in the Privy Council
26 January David Cheifetz Causation in the Privy Council
26 January Neil Foster Causation in the Privy Council
26 January Gerard Sadlier Query - Cases on Agent's Duty to Disclose Sub-Agent's Conflict of Interest
26 January Andrew Tettenborn Query - Cases on Agent's Duty to Disclose Sub-Agent's Conflict of Interest
26 January Gerard Sadlier Query - Cases on Agent's Duty to Disclose Sub-Agent's Conflict of Interest
26 January Richard Wright Causation in the Privy Council
26 January Andrew Tettenborn Query - Cases on Agent's Duty to Disclose Sub-Agent's Conflict of Interest
27 January Gerard Sadlier Query - Cases on Agent's Duty to Disclose Sub-Agent's Conflict of Interest
1 February James Lee Final Reminder of Advert: Chair in Private Law, Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London
6 February Neil Foster Personal duty owed by company director to worker
6 February Andrew Tettenborn Personal duty owed by company director to worker
6 February Bill Swadling Michael Worsley QC Obit
6 February Neil Foster Personal duty owed by company director to worker
9 February Jason Neyers A Restatement of the English Law of Contract
10 February Matthew Harrington 'Remedial fit' in Canada
10 February Jason Neyers Just Published x 3!
11 February Gerard Sadlier Irish Court of Appeal re: Solicitors' Negligence in Litigation
12 February Ken Oliphant The Personal Injury Claims Process - Comparing Legal Cultures, BIICL, 3rd March, 4-7 pm
12 February Colm McGrath Journal of Professional Negligence, Special Seminar Issue
17 February Neil Foster Private nuisance and blocking access to a car park entrance
22 February Adam Parachin Ontario Case Re Discriminatory Scholarships
29 February Jason Neyers Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary Law
1 March Jason Neyers Book Launch for Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia
1 March Jason Neyers Just Published The Law of Privacy and the Media
2 March Phillip Morgan UKSC on Vicarious Liability
2 March Matt Dyson UKSC on Vicarious Liability
2 March Jason Neyers Congratulations
7 March Christine Beuermann NEROG Seminar - Professor Peter Jaffey - Explaining the Trust
7 March Gerard Sadlier Limitation Period for Negligently Caused Financial Loss
7 March Neil Foster Limitation Period for Negligently Caused Financial Loss
7 March Joe Campbell Limitation Period for Negligently Caused Financial Loss
9 March Joe Campbell Limitation Period for Negligently Caused Financial Loss
10 March Gerard Sadlier Limitation Period for Negligently Caused Financial Loss
10 March Adam Parachin Ontario Court of Appeal Upholds Discriminatory Will
11 March Gerard Sadlier Liability of Irish Motor Insurers Bureau for Claims against Insolvent Motor Insurer
13 March Jason Neyers Accessories in Private Law
22 March Rajiv Shah Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law Fifth Annual Conference
28 March Francesco Giglio A Discourse on the Legal Method Conference
29 March Colin Liew Singapore Court of Appeal on Contributory Negligence in Using a Pedestrian Crossing
29 March Jason Neyers Just Published
7 April Jason Neyers Just Published
10 April Andrew Robertson Bargains, reliance and burial plots
10 April Nick McBride Bargains, reliance and burial plots
14 April Jason Neyers Just Published
20 April Gerard Sadlier Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April Robert Stevens Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April Gerard Sadlier Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April Andrew Tettenborn Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April Martin Hogg Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April Robert Stevens Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April Lionel Smith Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April Gerard Sadlier Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April Mark Gergen Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April David McLauchlan Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
20 April Gerard Sadlier Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
21 April Neil Foster Statutory Tort in the UKSC
21 April Neil Foster Tracing, restitution, and volunteers
21 April David McLauchlan Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
21 April Gerard Sadlier Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
21 April Angela Swan Enforceability of Contractual Clause Specifying way in Which Variations of Contract may be made
22 April Angela Swan A Fundamental Right to Punitive Damages
22 April Andrew Tettenborn A Fundamental Right to Punitive Damages
22 April Angela Swan A Fundamental Right to Punitive Damages
22 April Gerard Sadlier A Fundamental Right to Punitive Damages
22 April Andrew Spurgeon A Fundamental Right to Punitive Damages
22 April Matthew Harrington A Fundamental Right to Punitive Damages
23 April Jason Taliadoros A Fundamental Right to Punitive Damages
29 April Gerard Sadlier What Amounts to Physical Injury Sufficient to Give Rise to a Cause of Action?
3 May Sarah Worthington Obligations VIII conference in Cambridge, 19-22 July 2016 - accommodation update
4 May Neil Foster HCA on advocate's immunity for consent order
4 May John Kleefeld HCA on advocate's immunity for consent order
4 May Eli Ball HCA on advocate's immunity for consent order
9 May Gerard Sadlier HCA on advocate's immunity for consent order
10 May Martin Hogg Recruitment of Lord President Reid Chair of Law
11 May Neil Foster HCA on duty owed by solicitor to intended beneficiary of will, and causation
11 May Gerard Sadlier HCA on duty owed by solicitor to intended beneficiary of will, and causation
13 May Gerard Sadlier Cases Concerning MiFID from Civil law Systems
16 May Gerard McMeel Cases Concerning MiFID from Civil law Systems
20 May Gerard Sadlier Cases Concerning MiFID from Civil law Systems
23 May Gerard Sadlier BA Case Recusal, Latest Developments
24 May Andrew Tettenborn Sharma v Simposh
24 May Lionel Smith Postdoctoral fellowship in comparative unjust enrichment
26 May Paul Daly Supreme Courts and the Common Law, Friday, May 27, University of Montreal
28 May Jason Neyers UNSW Professor / Associate Professor in private law / corporate and commercial law
31 May Jason Neyers Just Published
4 June Jason Neyers Academic and Postdoc positions at Melbourne Law School
7 June Neil Foster Vicarious liability and transfer of employment pro hac vice
7 June Gerard Sadlier Irish Court of Appeal's View on Solicitor's Liability for Sale Lost because the Solicitors Failed to have their Client's Interest in Property Registered
8 June Andrew Tettenborn Irish Court of Appeal's View on Solicitor's Liability for Sale Lost because the Solicitors Failed to have their Client's Interest in Property Registered
8 June Gerard Sadlier Irish Court of Appeal's View on Solicitor's Liability for Sale Lost because the Solicitors Failed to have their Client's Interest in Property Registered
9 June Jason Neyers Just Published
10 June Bill Swadling Art Expert Liability Cases
10 June Ken Oliphant Art Expert Liability Cases
10 June Martin Hogg Art Expert Liability Cases
10 June Andrew Tettenborn Art Expert Liability Cases
10 June Colm McGrath Art Expert Liability Cases
16 June Gerard Sadlier EWCA Judgment Regarding Inter Alia Peter Smyth J's Letter to Blackstone Chambers
18 June Stephen Pitel EWCA Judgment Regarding Inter Alia Peter Smyth J's Letter to Blackstone Chambers
18 June John Kleefeld EWCA Judgment Regarding Inter Alia Peter Smyth J's Letter to Blackstone Chambers
18 June Gerard Sadlier EWCA Judgment Regarding Inter Alia Peter Smyth J's Letter to Blackstone Chambers
18 June David Wingfield EWCA Judgment Regarding Inter Alia Peter Smyth J's Letter to Blackstone Chambers
20 June Gerard Sadlier Solicitors Held Liable for Dishonest Misappropriation of Funds which they had Deposited in the Ivory Coast
21 June Gerard Sadlier Can Assignee who Bought Asset With Notice of Negligence Sue Professional for Damages
21 June Andrew Tettenborn Can Assignee who Bought Asset With Notice of Negligence Sue Professional for Damages
22 June Duncan Fairgrieve Reform of the French law of obligations
23 June Craig Purshouse Fossilisation and Innovation in the Law Conference
24 June Jason Neyers Causation in the SCC
28 June Jason Neyers What is a contract?
28 June Jason Neyers The Life of William Prosser
28 June Jason Neyers Congratulations!
28 June Matthew Campbell Specific restitution over knowing receipt in the Full Federal Court of Australia
29 June Neil Foster No duty of care owed by driver not to cause psych harm to driver's relative
29 June Gerard Sadlier Latest UKSC Judgment in Bancoult
1 July Adam Kramer Consideration, practical benefit, estoppel
6 July Jason Neyers New Books from Hart Publishing at OBS VIII
7 July Neil Foster Breach of Statutory Duty action against director in the UKSC
15 July James Lee Two Major UK Supreme Court decisions to be handed down next week
18 July Gerard Sadlier Is a Supportive Expert Report Required before a Professional Negligence Claim is Initiated in your Jurisdiction
19 July Andrew Tettenborn Is a Supportive Expert Report Required before a Professional Negligence Claim is Initiated in your Jurisdiction
19 July Martin Hogg Is a Supportive Expert Report Required before a Professional Negligence Claim is Initiated in your Jurisdiction
20 July James Lee UK Supreme Court decisions: Illegality, Malicious Prosecution and Precedent
20 July Andrew Tettenborn UK Supreme Court decisions: Illegality, Malicious Prosecution and Precedent
20 July Neil Foster UK Supreme Court decisions: Illegality, Malicious Prosecution and Precedent
20 July Gerard Sadlier UK Supreme Court decisions: Illegality, Malicious Prosecution and Precedent
20 July Peter Radan High Court of Australia Decision on Equitable Estoppel
20 July Robert Stevens UK Supreme Court decisions: Illegality, Malicious Prosecution and Precedent
20 July Frederick Wilmot-Smith UK Supreme Court decisions: Illegality, Malicious Prosecution and Precedent
21 July Gerard Sadlier Damages for Deceit in the EWCA
26 July Matthew Harrington Woman Sues to Ban Neighbours from Cooking Spicy Food
27 July Neil Foster HCA on contractual penalties
27 July Andrew Tettenborn HCA on contractual penalties
27 July James Lee Misrepresentation and Rescission in the UK Supreme Court
27 July Andrew Tettenborn White & Carter, Geys, repudiation and all that
27 July Jason Neyers Congratulations
27 July Jason Neyers Misrepresentation and Rescission in the UK Supreme Court
30 July Richard Wright Sandy Steel wins Wedderburn Prize
4 August Jason Neyers Just Published
11 August Colm McGrath ODG Fantasy Premier League
11 August Jason Neyers Just Published
11 August Matthew Harrington Trusts Course: The Duke of Westminster's Tax Bill
11 August Neil Guthrie Trusts Course: The Duke of Westminster's Tax Bill
12 August Gerard Sadlier Trusts Course: The Duke of Westminster's Tax Bill
12 August Andrew Tettenborn Trusts Course: The Duke of Westminster's Tax Bill
12 August Matthew Harrington Trusts Course: The Duke of Westminster's Tax Bill
12 August Aditya Basrur Trusts Course: The Duke of Westminster's Tax Bill
12 August Lionel Smith Trusts Course: The Duke of Westminster's Tax Bill
19 August Andrew Tettenborn Lord Goff
24 August Neil Foster HCA on Breach of Statutory Duty, Deal v Kodakkathanath
25 August Jason Neyers Just published
25 August Andrew Tettenborn Obligations in a specialised setting
26 August Jason Neyers Just Published!
30 August Jason Neyers Just Published
31 August Andrew Tettenborn Product liability poser
2 September Richard Peltz-Steele SOL in Mass. SJC
7 September Richard Peltz-Steele ISO teaching ideas on castle/SYG, CIVIL side
8 September Jason Neyers Lewis Klar Fleming Award for Tort Law
9 September Richard Peltz-Steele The Savory Tort: blog soft launch
13 September Neil Foster Vale Emeritus Professor Francis (Frank) Bates, died 12 September 2016
16 September Jason Neyers Contractual Interpretation in the SCC
16 September Angela Swan Contractual Interpretation in the SCC
16 September Jason Neyers Contractual Interpretation in the SCC
16 September Sean Thomas Contractual Interpretation in the SCC
16 September Angela Swan Contractual Interpretation in the SCC
16 September Keith Rowley Contractual Interpretation in the SCC
20 September Jason Neyers Congratulations
20 September Jason Neyers Special Edition of the Alberta Law Review
24 September Gerard Sadlier Irish High Court makes Norwich Pharmacal Order Against Facebook Concerning Posts Regarding a Ugandan Election
25 September Richard Peltz-Steele A swing and a miss ... in American football
28 September Eoin O'Dell Irish High Court makes Norwich Pharmacal Order Against Facebook Concerning Posts Regarding a Ugandan Election
30 September Jason Neyers Just Published
4 October Stephen Pitel Equity in the 21st Century: Problems and Perspectives
5 October Neil Foster HCA clarifies vicarious liability for intentional torts, limitation periods
5 October Andrew Tettenborn HCA clarifies vicarious liability for intentional torts, limitation periods
5 October Pascale Chapdelaine Invitation Round Table - Good Faith in Contract Law - Wednesday October 26
6 October Jason Neyers 5th Edition of A Casebook on Contract by Burrows
11 October Richard Peltz-Steele Mass. landowner liability decision
14 October Stephen Pitel Duty of Care to Car Thief
14 October Eoin Quill Duty of Care to Car Thief
14 October John Kleefeld Duty of Care to Car Thief
14 October Ken Oliphant Duty of Care to Car Thief
14 October Lewis Klar Duty of Care to Car Thief
14 October Jason Neyers Duty of Care to Car Thief
14 October Lewis Klar Duty of Care to Car Thief
14 October Robert Stevens Duty of Care to Car Thief
17 October Jason Neyers University of Sydney - Associate Professor or Professor in Contract Law
18 October Gerard Sadlier Irish High Court Holds that a Prisoner of Full Age and Capacity may be Subjected to Forceable Medical Treatment to Save Their Life
19 October Jason Neyers Nervous Shock Claim by Juror
20 October Angela Swan Cases Remanded for Reconsideration
20 October John Randall Cases Remanded for Reconsideration
20 October Lionel Smith Cases Remanded for Reconsideration
20 October James Lee Cases Remanded for Reconsideration
20 October Robert Sitkoff Cases Remanded for Reconsideration
24 October Simone Degeling Private Law at UNSW Law: UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship Scheme 2017
24 October Alistair Price Grossly careless infliction of 'mere distress'
25 October Eric Descheemaeker Grossly careless infliction of 'mere distress'
25 October Eylem Apaydin Grossly careless infliction of 'mere distress'
26 October Kit Barker Defaming the Mullet
27 October David Cheifetz Trumped: small potatoes but ...
27 October Jason Neyers Just Published!
27 October Jason Neyers Intensive Courses at UWO
27 October Jason Neyers Lipkin Gorman in Ontario
28 October Alistair Price Grossly careless infliction of 'mere distress'
28 October Jason Neyers Damages and Compensation Culture
28 October Eric Descheemaeker Emotional harm and juridical persons
28 October Ken Oliphant Emotional harm and juridical persons
28 October Andrew Tettenborn Emotional harm and juridical persons
30 October Matthew Harrington Contract Damages and Assent
7 November Jason Neyers The Canadian Law of Obligations Conference, May 2017
8 November Jason Neyers Just Published
8 November Jason Neyers Just Published II
9 November Neil Foster HCA on causation in statutory context
10 November Jason Neyers Fifty Years of the Law Commissions
11 November Gerard Sadlier Claims against Auditors
11 November Neil Guthrie Claims against Auditors
11 November Matthew Harrington Claims against Auditors
15 November Jason Neyers Causation in the SCC
16 November David Cheifetz Causation in the SCC
18 November Richard Peltz-Steele Mass. App. on landowner duty for adjacent sidewalk
18 November Jason Neyers Mass. App. on landowner duty for adjacent sidewalk
18 November John Kleefeld Mass. App. on landowner duty for adjacent sidewalk
18 November Matthew Harrington Mass. App. on landowner duty for adjacent sidewalk
18 November David Cheifetz Benhaim - Causation in the SCC - draft
20 November Richard Wright Benhaim - Causation in the SCC - draft
20 November David Cheifetz Benhaim - Causation in the SCC - draft
21 November John Kleefeld Causation in the SCC - draft
21 November Ken Oliphant Benhaim - Causation in the SCC - draft
21 November David Cheifetz Benhaim - Causation in the SCC - draft
21 November Allan Hutchinson Benhaim - Causation in the SCC - draft
22 November Geoff McLay NZ Trusts Bill Released
23 November Gerard Sadlier Cases on Aggravated and/or Exemplary Damages for Fraud, Deceit etc.?
28 November Andrew Robertson High Court of Australia appointments
30 Nov Richard Peltz-Steele Good Sam / affirmative duty / insurance / call for amici in RI SCt
5 December Richard Nolan Call for Papers: Modern Studies in the Law of Trusts and Wealth Management
8 December Neil Foster HCA on construing performance bond and rectification
9 December Jonathan Pagan English Misrepresentation Act 1967
9 December Jason Neyers SCC on Rectification
12 December John Kleefeld Fatherhood by Estoppel
12 December Colm McGrath Special Seminar: Professional Negligence in the 21st Century

<== To the messages for 2015

To the messages for 2017 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com