ODG - messages in 2024

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Date Sender Topic
5 January Lionel Smith Jacob Ziegel 1927 - 2023
8 January Jason Neyers Politics, Policy and Private Law: Volume I
11 January Rob Stevens Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
11 January Matthew Hoyle Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
12 January Jason Neyers Landmark Cases in Consumer Law
12 January Zoë Sinel Martha Chamallas on 'Trauma Damages' - 12pm, January 19, 2024 (Zoom)
16 January Jason Neyers Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
16 January Rob Stevens Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
16 January Matthew Hoyle Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
16 January Rob Stevens Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
16 January Matthew Hoyle Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
16 January Jason Neyers Psychiatric Injury In UKSC
19 January Jason Neyers Invitation to Remembering Stephen Waddams: Scholar, Teacher and Colleague
19 January Jason Neyers Data and Private Law
22 January Jason Neyers The Law of Nuisance: From Victoria Park to the Tate Gallery
25 January John Goldberg Sad News
31 January Jason Neyers Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Express Trusts
31 January Zoë Sinel Sandra Sperino to deliver Tort Law and Social Equality Project Talk: Friday, February 16, 2024 at 1pm (EST) (Zoom)
2 February Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna Call for papers: Contract law conference, University of Bristol
5 February Michael Pressman Call for Applications for Fellowship
6 February Geoff McLay NZSC allows climate change public nuisance case to go to trial
14 February Rob Stevens Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
14 February Jason Neyers Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
14 February Stéphane Sérafin Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
14 February Jason Neyers Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
14 February Jason Neyers Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
14 February Stéphane Sérafin Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
14 February Rob Stevens Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
14 February Rob Stevens Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
15 February Neil Foster Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
15 February Varun Srinivasan Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
15 February Mark Gergen Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
15 February Craig Purshouse Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
15 February Christine Beuermann Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
15 February Rob Stevens Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
15 February Matthew Hoyle Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
15 February Matthew Hoyle Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
15 February Alexander Georgiou Unforeseen Damage in the Supreme Court
19 February Steve Hedley Moffatt v Air Canada, 2024 BCCRT 149 - negligent misrep by a chatbot
19 February Kelvin Low Moffatt v Air Canada, 2024 BCCRT 149 - negligent misrep by a chatbot
20 February Matthew Hoyle Moffatt v Air Canada, 2024 BCCRT 149 - negligent misrep by a chatbot
20 February Jack Enman-Beech Moffatt v Air Canada, 2024 BCCRT 149 - negligent misrep by a chatbot
21 February Barry Allan Moffatt v Air Canada, 2024 BCCRT 149 - negligent misrep by a chatbot
21 February Paul Daly Moffatt v Air Canada, 2024 BCCRT 149 - negligent misrep by a chatbot
26 February Steve Hedley Shams and Employment Contracts
13 March Neil Foster HCA on unjust enrichment, payment under mistake of law
13 March Rob Stevens HCA on unjust enrichment, payment under mistake of law
14 March Timothy Pilkington HCA on unjust enrichment, payment under mistake of law
25 March Jason Neyers The Scope and Structure of Unjust Enrichment
26 March Paul Davies UCL Conference - Private Law Perspectives on the Contract of Employment - 7 June 2024
27 March Gerard Sadlier Insurer's Post-Contractual Obligation of Good Faith
27 March Stephen Bogle PhD Scholarship in Private Law
4 April Eugene Volokh New tortlawprof@googlegroups.com discussion list, aimed at professors of U.S. tort law
9 April Zoë Sinel Tort Law and Social Equality Speakers Series: April 19, 2024 (12pm EST), Koshan and Sowter on the Tort of Family Violence
11 April Jason Neyers Irrevocable banking letters of credit and the fraud exception
11 April Jason Neyers Principles of the Law of Agency, 2nd ed
17 April Jason Neyers Book panel on Joaquin Reyes's Just Price Theory
19 April Jason Neyers Just published!
25 April Simone Degeling Journal of Equity Annual Conference 2024 - Equitable Property
1 May Jason Neyers Law at the Cutting Edge: Essays in Honour of Sarah Worthington
3 May Lionel Smith Virgo, The Principles of the Law of Restitution (4 ed)
7 May Stephen Pitel Duty on Police re: Traffic Lights
7 May James Lee Duty on Police re: Traffic Lights
7 May Nick McBride Duty on Police re: Traffic Lights
7 May Matthew Hoyle Duty on Police re: Traffic Lights
8 May Neil Foster HCA on "wasted expenditure" damages in contract law
8 May Katy Barnett HCA on "wasted expenditure" damages in contract law
8 May Adam Kramer HCA on "wasted expenditure" damages in contract law
8 May Rob Stevens HCA on "wasted expenditure" damages in contract law
8 May Katy Barnett HCA on "wasted expenditure" damages in contract law
8 May Matthew Hoyle HCA on "wasted expenditure" damages in contract law
8 May Zoë Sinel Tort Law and Social Equality project speakers series: Hanoch Dagan and Avihay Dorfman, May 17 at 12pm (Zoom)
8 May Gerard McMeel Damages in contract law
15 May Rob Stevens Procuring Trademark Infringements
15 May Norman Siebrasse Procuring Trademark Infringements
16 May Prue Vines New positions available at UNSW Faculty of Law & Justice
16 May Matt Dyson Procuring Trademark Infringements
21 May Matthew Hoyle Privy Council on duties to prevent theft
23 May Sandy Steel Tort/contract job at Oxford
3 June Colm McGrath Two upcoming workshops at King's
3 June Jack Enman-Beech The SGA at the SCC
3 June Stéphane Sérafin The SGA at the SCC
3 June Matthew Harrington CFP Canadian Law of Obligations
4 June Matthew Harrington US Court of Appeals on Race Discrimination in Contract
4 June Jason Neyers Todd on Torts
4 June Angela Swan The SGA at the SCC
4 June Lucas Clover Alcolea Procuring Trademark Infringements
12 June Christopher Essert Legal Personhood in Private Law
14 June Andrew Robertson Call for papers - Obligations XI
14 June Jason Neyers Just Published!
21 June Neil Foster UKSC on defamation re prior foreign conviction, serious harm, Jameel
21 June Jason Neyers Intention to Create Legal Relations
21 June Jason Neyers The Foundations of European Transnational Private Law
2 July Matthew Hoyle UKSC on statutory authorisation of torts
3 July Jason Neyers UWA Private and Commercial Law Conference (9-10 December 2024)
22 July Jason Neyers Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
22 July Matthew Hoyle Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
22 July Jason Neyers Salient Features
23 July Neil Foster Salient Features
23 July Matthew Bell Salient Features
23 July Donal Nolan Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Rob Stevens Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Donal Nolan Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Rob Stevens Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Rob Stevens Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Donal Nolan Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Rob Stevens Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Donal Nolan Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Rob Stevens Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Donal Nolan Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Matthew Hoyle Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Rob Stevens Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Maren Heidemann Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Donal Nolan Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Sandy Steel Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Jason Neyers Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Greg Bowley Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Donal Nolan Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July John Goldberg Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Rob Stevens Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Donal Nolan Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Donal Nolan Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Barbara McDonald Right of Access
23 July Bill Swadling Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Jason Neyers Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Rob Stevens Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Jason Neyers Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Matthew Hoyle Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Christopher Essert Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
23 July Jason Neyers Nuisance as an interference with the abstract useability of land
26 July Jason Neyers McBride & Bagshaw - Tort Law 7th ed
29 July Barbara Steininger Researcher position (part-time) at the Institute for European Tort Law
5 August Colm McGrath BACL Blog Call on Reforming Obligations
7 August Neil Foster HCA on duty of care re pure economic loss, Mallonland
9 August Jason Neyers Free Movement of Legal Ideas: Towards a Dynamic Europeanisation of Private Law
12 August Matthew Harrington 4th Canadian Law of Obligations Conference | 4e Conférence de droit canadien des obligations | Montréal 17-18 October 2024
14 August Neil Foster HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Matthew Hoyle HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Jeannie Paterson HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Matthew Hoyle HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Kayleen Manwaring HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Jeannie Paterson HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Rob Stevens HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Jonathon Moore HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Jeannie Paterson HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Václav Janaček HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Nicholas Hoggard HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Gerard McMeel HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Matt Dyson HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Rob Stevens HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Richard Blakeley HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Rob Stevens HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Jeannie Paterson HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Norman Siebrasse HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Sam Walpole HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Paul Daly HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Hector MacQueen HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Lionel Smith HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
14 August Jordan English HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
15 August Lusina Ho Trusts, Wealth Management, and Philanthropy Conference - July 2025
15 August Eoin Quill HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
15 August Lucas Clover Alcolea Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Matthew Hoyle Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Lucas Clover Alcolea Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Elise Bant HCA on unconscionable conduct and accessory liability
16 August Aruna Nair Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Lucas Clover Alcolea Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Aruna Nair Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Lucas Clover Alcolea Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Matthew Hoyle Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Lucas Clover Alcolea Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Matthew Hoyle Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
16 August Lucas Clover Alcolea Dishonest assistance/knowing receipt against a creditor?
28 August Jason Neyers Just Published!
29 August Lucas Clover Alcolea Call for Papers 'Charting the Future of Private Law in Aotearoa New Zealand Symposium' Monday 10 Feb 2025
6 September Jason Neyers Injunctions in Private Law
9 September Brandon Stewart Australian negligence law - unique
10 September Jason Neyers Australian negligence law - unique
10 September Tim Paine Australian negligence law - unique
10 September Prue Vines Australian negligence law - unique
10 September Anna Broadmore Australian negligence law - unique
10 September Prue Vines Australian negligence law - unique
10 September Neil Foster Australian negligence law - unique
10 September David Tan Australian negligence law - unique
10 September Jason Neyers Critical Trusts Law
11 September Jason Neyers 2024 Peter Birks Book Prize
12 September Jordan English Tesco Stores Ltd v Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers [2024] UKSC 28
13 September Jordan English Tesco Stores Ltd v Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers [2024] UKSC 28
17 September Neil Foster UKSC on employee status
17 September Jason Neyers Torts on Three Continents: Honouring Jane Stapleton
18 September John Blackie Torts on Three Continents: Honouring Jane Stapleton
18 September Jason Neyers Dean of Law Western University
19 September Jason Neyers Winnipeg Condo and Maple Leaf Foods
20 September Jason Neyers Good Faith in Canadian Contract Law
1 October Jodi Gardner The Second Annual Australian and New Zealand Tort and Compensation Researchers and Teachers Network Symposium
2 October Jason Neyers The Nadir of Common Law?
2 October Norman Siebrasse The Nadir of Common Law?
2 October Matthew Hoyle The Nadir of Common Law?
2 October Paul Daly The Nadir of Common Law?
2 October Lucas Clover Alcolea The Nadir of Common Law?
2 October Stéphane Sérafin The Nadir of Common Law?
2 October Paul Daly The Nadir of Common Law?
2 October Peter Radan The Nadir of Common Law?
3 October Neil Foster The Nadir of Common Law?
3 October Sam Beswick The Nadir of Common Law?
3 October Barbara Legate The Nadir of Common Law?
3 October Rande Kostal The Nadir of Common Law?
3 October Lucas Clover Alcolea The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Stéphane Sérafin The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Lucas Clover Alcolea The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Steven Elliott The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Rob Stevens The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Matthew Hoyle The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Lucas Clover Alcolea The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Sean Thomas The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Sean Thomas The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Mitchell McInnes The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Matthew Hoyle The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Stéphane Sérafin The Nadir of Common Law?
4 October Angela Swan Canada's Chief Justice
8 October Marcus Moore Canada's Chief Justice
9 October Adam Parachin Canada's Chief Justice
9 October Jack Enman-Beech Canada's Chief Justice
9 October Adam Parachin Canada's Chief Justice
11 October Rob Stevens Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Rob Stevens Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Hector MacQueen Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Alexander Georgiou Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Rob Stevens Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Alexander Georgiou Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Steve Hedley Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Rob Stevens Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Alexander Georgiou Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Paul Stanley Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Varun Srinivasan Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Rob Stevens Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Paul Stanley Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
11 October Matthew Hoyle Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Rob Stevens Carriers/Shippers and force majeure?
12 October Lionel Smith Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Norman Siebrasse Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Lionel Smith Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Matthew Hoyle Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Norman Siebrasse Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Nick Liu Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Adam Parachin Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Lionel Smith Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Peter Radan Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Norman Siebrasse Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Matthew Hoyle Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Nick Liu Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Norman Siebrasse Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October David Capper Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
12 October Matt Frey Newcomer injunctions in the English courts
15 October Jason Neyers Borderlines in Private Law and Book Launch
17 October Anthony Sangiuliano Tort Law and Social Equality Speakers Series: October 18, 2024 (12pm EST)
21 October Mitchell McInnes Supreme Court of Canada -- illegal contracts -- corporate attribution -- limitation period
23 October James Lee UK Supreme Court on Duty of Care
23 October Matthew Hoyle UK Supreme Court on Duty of Care
28 October Adam Hofri-Winogradow Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal call for papers
29 October Jason Neyers Just Published, Omissions in Tort Law
30 October Jason Neyers Private Law and the State
1 November Jason Neyers Hogg's Liability of the Crown
2 November Jason Neyers Law, Death, and Robots
11 November Anthony Sangiuliano David Wasserman on "Prenatal Damages for Parental Negligence" - 12pm, November 15, 2024 (Zoom)
12 November Jason Neyers Tort Liability in Warfare: States' Wrongs and Civilians' Rights
13 November Neil Foster HCA on Vicarious Liability of bishop for priests
13 November Paula Giliker HCA on Vicarious Liability of bishop for priests
13 November Rob Stevens HCA on Vicarious Liability of bishop for priests
13 November Rob Stevens RMT v Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport
13 November Jason Neyers HCA on Vicarious Liability of bishop for priests
14 November Jason Neyers Subrogation and Marshalling by Gregson
14 November Mark Gergen RMT v Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport
14 November Barbara Legate An update re the SCC and translation from Canadian Lawyer
19 November Jason Neyers Summers on Mitigation in the Law of Damages
21 November John Kleefeld Pre-1970 SCC Decisions on the Internet Archive (1/x)
21 November John Kleefeld Pre-1970 SCC Decisions on the Internet Archive (2/x)
21 November Peter Radan Pre-1970 SCC Decisions on the Internet Archive (2/x)
30 November Jason Neyers Just Published
4 December Anthony Sangiuliano TLSE Speaker Series - Sarah Morales (UVic) - 12 pm EST, Dec 13, 2024 (Zoom)
11 December Neil Foster HCA on proportionate liability for breach of building duty
11 December Neil Foster HCA on contract damages for psychological harm, dismissal
11 December Jason Neyers Estoppel
12 December Václav Janeček Two academic jobs at the University of Bristol Law School
13 December Adam Kramer HCA on contract damages for psychological harm, dismissal
13 December Matthew Hoyle HCA on contract damages for psychological harm, dismissal
13 December Donal Nolan HCA on contract damages for psychological harm, dismissal
16 December Jason Neyers Just Published!
18 December Normann Witzleb Call for Papers: CUHK CCTL Obligations Lab Asia Conference - 'Protecting the Digital Consumer in Asia' (Deadline: 17 January 2025)

<== To the messages for 2023

To the messages for 2025 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com