ODG - messages in 2019

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Date Sender Topic
3 January Man Yip Journal of Equity Annual Conference 2019
5 January Jack Enman-Beech Unconscionability and boilerplate in Heller v Uber
7 January Andrew Tettenborn Contributory negligence and debt
9 January Jason Neyers Just Published!
10 January Jason Neyers The Humanity of Private Law
17 January Jason Neyers Just Published!
18 January Jason Neyers Duty to Inform third parties
18 January Laura Hoyano Duty to Inform third parties
21 January Hilary Young Reminder: Canadian Law of Obligations abstracts due Jan 30
21 January Gerard Sadlier Scope of Factual Matrix / Admissible Background under ICS
24 January Jason Neyers Angela Swan, LLD
25 January Jason Neyers Henson Trusts in the SCC
8 February Neil Foster Emeritus Professor Harold Luntz, AO
8 February Andrew Tettenborn Emeritus Professor Harold Luntz, AO
12 February Neil Foster HCA on WHS law and some comments on 'rights-based tort theory'
12 February Craig Purshouse HCA on WHS law and some comments on 'rights-based tort theory'
15 February Andrew Tettenborn UK mistake case - govt sold apt thinking it only a one-bedroom when was two
15 February Matthew Harrington UK mistake case - govt sold apt thinking it only a one-bedroom when was two
15 February Paul Stanley UK mistake case - govt sold apt thinking it only a one-bedroom when was two
15 February Nicholas Hoggard UK mistake case - govt sold apt thinking it only a one-bedroom when was two
15 February Nick Piska UK mistake case - govt sold apt thinking it only a one-bedroom when was two
20 February Neil Foster UKSC - no action where defendant cannot be identified
23 February Andrew Robertson Obligations X - Call for Papers
25 February Jason Neyers Just Published!
28 February Jason Neyers Contract Law Without Foundations
1 March Paul Davies Conferences at UCL
1 March Andrew Higgins The Civil Procedure Rules at 20 Anniversary Conference - Oxford 10 June 2019
4 March Matthew Harrington Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
4 March Gerard Sadlier Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Andrew Tettenborn Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Matthew Harrington Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Matthew Harrington Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Robert Stevens Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Simon Baughen Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Simon Baughen Some interesting decisions on transnational torts in the last few months
5 March Lionel Smith Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Matthew Harrington Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Robert Stevens Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Lionel Smith Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Ken Oliphant Some interesting decisions on transnational torts in the last few months
5 March Robert Stevens Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Andrew Tettenborn Some interesting decisions on transnational torts in the last few months
5 March Simon Baughen Some interesting decisions on transnational torts in the last few months
5 March David McLauchlan Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Robert Stevens Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Joe Campbell Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
5 March Barry Allan Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
6 March Shawn Bayern Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
6 March Nick Ferrett Parol evidence rule apply to shareholder resolutions?
8 March Matthew Harrington Corporate resolution and parol evidence rule
8 March James Lee Call for Papers for Subject Sections Programme at the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference
8 March Andrew Dickinson Call for Papers for Subject Sections Programme at the Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference
13 March Jason Neyers Empirical Legal Research and Tort Law
15 March Jason Neyers Sad News
15 March Angela Swan Sad News
19 March Neil Foster US Supreme Court on tort liability of manufacturers
20 March Andrew Tettenborn US Supreme Court on tort liability of manufacturers
20 March Eoin Quill US Supreme Court on tort liability of manufacturers
21 March Jason Neyers Just Published!
21 March Jason Neyers The creation of new torts
21 March Andrew Tettenborn The creation of new torts
21 March Steve Sugarman The creation of new torts
21 March Eoin O'Dell The creation of new torts
21 March Cameron Stewart The creation of new torts
24 March Richard Peltz-Steele Teaching queries - business torts précis; ESOL 1L
25 March Jason Neyers Sanctity of Contracts in a Secular Age
8 April Neil Foster The UKSC on the meaning of words on Facebook
21 April Simon Baughen Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
21 April Andrew Tettenborn Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Gerard Sadlier Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Simon Baughen Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Gerard Sadlier Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Simon Baughen Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Ewan McGaughey Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Lionel Smith Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Ewan McGaughey Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Donal Nolan Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Robert Stevens Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Andrew Dickinson Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Ewan McGaughey Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April David Wingfield Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Andrew Tettenborn Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Simon Baughen Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
23 April Andrew Dickinson Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
24 April Joe Campbell Vedanta v Lungowe: UK Supreme Court on parent company duty of care in respect of its overseas subsidiary
29 April Angela Swan Change to Crown Liability Act in Ontario
30 April Neil Foster Change to Crown Liability Act in Ontario
30 April Angela Swan Change to Crown Liability Act in Ontario
30 April Kit Barker Academic Position in Trusts (Lecturer / Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Law) University of Queensland
30 April Erika Chamberlain Change to Crown Liability Act in Ontario
30 April Angela Swan Change to Crown Liability Act in Ontario
30 April Jason Neyers Just Published!
6 May Martin Hogg Chair Vacancy
7 May Jason Neyers Just Published
8 May Neil Foster HCA on liability for psychological harm to relatives from air accident
14 May James Lee Advertisement: Positions at King's College London
15 May Gerard Sadlier Anti-Suit and Anti-Enforcement Injunctions
15 May Robert Stevens Lawful act duress
15 May Andrew Tettenborn Lawful act duress
15 May Andrew Tettenborn Anti-Suit and Anti-Enforcement Injunctions
15 May Robert Stevens Lawful act duress
15 May Nathan Tamblyn Lawful act duress
31 May Gerard Sadlier Applicable Test Re: Stay Pending Appeal
4 June Neil Foster 'Fettering doctrine' re Government contracts in the NSWCA
6 June Robert Stevens UKSC Poole v GN, negligence liability of a public body
20 June Katy Barnett Summary of ASIC v Kobelt - case on statutory unconscionability
27 June Jason Neyers Just Published!
30 June Ross MacDonald Honour for Professor Hector MacQueen
1 July Andrew Tettenborn Honour for Professor Hector MacQueen
5 July Lisa Laplante Principle of horizontality and corporate accountability
6 July Simon Baughen Principle of horizontality and corporate accountability
8 July Jason Neyers Sir Owen Dixon's Legacy
8 July Dmitry Karshtedt Online marketplaces as sellers for products liability purposes
10 July Jason Neyers Just Published!
12 July Bruce Pardy Osgoode recruiting for contracts and torts
18 July Matthew Harrington Another Good Faith Case Goes to the SCC
18 July Peter Watts Brian Coote CBE FRSNZ (1929-2019)
19 July Jason Neyers Just Published
21 July Gerard Sadlier Disposition of Property Between Judgment and Order Amounting to Contempt
24 July Jason Neyers New Appointment to the UKSC
24 July Geoff McLay Trusts Act 2019 (NZ) is now the law
25 July Neil Foster New Appointment to the UKSC
25 July Andrew Tettenborn New Appointment to the UKSC
25 July Robert Stevens New Appointment to the UKSC
25 July Stephen Pitel New Appointment to the UKSC
25 July Joe Campbell New Appointment to the UKSC
26 July Jason Neyers Todd on Torts
30 July Matthew Campbell Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken v Conway
1 August David Lascelles New Court of Appeal decision on rectification
1 August Robert Stevens New Court of Appeal decision on rectification
5 August Colm McGrath ODG Fantasy Football
8 August Joost Blom Faculty positions at Allard School of Law, UBC
12 August Haim Abraham Eschel Call for Papers: State Accountability under Private, Public, and International Law
14 August Jason Neyers Congratulations
14 August Andrew Tettenborn Congratulations
15 August Gerard Sadlier Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Katy Barnett Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Colin Liew Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Andrew Tettenborn Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Robert Stevens Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Andrew Dickinson Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Katy Barnett Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Andrew Tettenborn Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Andrew Higgins Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Robert Stevens Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Andrew Dickinson Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Frederick Wilmot-Smith Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Gerard Sadlier Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Katy Barnett Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
15 August Gerard Sadlier Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
16 August Andrew Higgins Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
21 August Haim Abraham Eschel Reminder: Call for Papers - State Accountability under Private, Public, and International Law
21 August Simon Baughen Okpabi going to Supreme Court but not AAA v Unilever
23 August Stephen Pitel Privilege without Confidentiality in the HCA
27 August Jason Neyers Equity and Law: Fusion and Fission
28 August Neil Foster Can the government be sued for the failures of the home insulation scheme?
28 August Jason Neyers Congratulations!
6 September Jason Neyers Just Published!
9 September Jason Neyers Just Published
25 September Peter Radan The Miller Case and Standing
25 September Lionel Smith The Miller Case and Standing
26 September Gerard Sadlier Case law on Delaying Exchange of Discovery Pending Jurisdiction Challenge
29 September Jason Neyers The Oxford Handbook of Fiduciary Law
1 October Kit Barker Journal of Equity Conference 20th February 2020 - Equity and Trusts in the Digital Economy
4 October Lionel Smith Law on Secret Commissions in Canada
4 October Jason Neyers Just Published!
4 October Matthew Harrington Wrongful Arrest Case - Supreme Court of Canada
9 October Peter Radan HCofA on Restitution
9 October Robert Stevens HCofA on Restitution
10 October Eli Ball HCofA on Restitution
16 October Katy Barnett Note on Mann v Paterson Constructions for Opinions on High
20 October Jason Neyers Just Published!
30 October Jason Neyers Congratulations
31 October Jason Neyers 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
31 October Eoin Quill 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
31 October Andrew Tettenborn 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
31 October Ewan McGaughey 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
31 October Matthew Harrington 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
1 November Moshood Abdussalam 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
1 November John Murphy 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November Gerard Sadlier 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November David Wingfield 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November Matthew Harrington 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November David Wingfield 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November Gerard Sadlier 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November Matthew Harrington 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November David Wingfield 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November David Wingfield 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November Gerard Sadlier 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November Jack Enman-Beech 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November Greg Bowley 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
2 November David Wingfield 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
3 November Gerard Sadlier 2-party Intimidation and Breach of Contract
6 November Adam Kramer Negotiating damages after Morris-Garner: the Priyanka decision of the English High Court
6 November Jason Neyers Just Published
25 November Jason Neyers Just Published!
27 November Jason Neyers Just Published
28 November Jason Neyers Just Published
1 December Jason Neyers Just Published!
4 December Neil Foster Power of arrest and false imprisonment in HCA
4 December Andrew Tettenborn Power of arrest and false imprisonment in HCA
4 December Lionel Smith Power of arrest and fault in SCC
4 December Andrew Tettenborn Power of arrest and fault in SCC
4 December Jason Neyers Rights, Wrongs, and Injustices: The Structure of Remedial Law
5 December Neil Foster (Corrected) Power of arrest and false imprisonment in HCA
5 December Matthew Harrington Good Faith in Contract

<== To the messages for 2018

To the messages for 2020 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com