ODG - messages in 2012

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Date Sender Topic
2 January Jason Neyers Happy New Year & AALS
6 January Roderick Munday Tony Weir
6 January Gerard McMeel Tony Weir
6 January Roderick Munday Tony Weir
10 January Hector MacQueen Tony Weir
11 January Ken Oliphant Tony Weir
12 January Jason Neyers Congratulations
18 January Jason Neyers Torts in Commercial Law (just published)
18 January Neil Guthrie Ontario CA recognises tort of invasion of privacy: Jones v Tsige, 2012 ONCA 32
19 January Kit Barker Job Vacancies at all Academic Levels
19 January David Campbell Conference
19 January Russell Brown Palsgraf done in Lego
25 January Phillip Morgan Vicarious Liability and the Close Connection Test in the English Court of Appeal (Again)
25 January James Lee Call for Papers for the Torts Subject Section at the 2012 SLS Conference
26 January Duncan Sheehan SLS Conference 2012 - restitution section
26 January Neil Foster Vicarious Liability and the Close Connection Test in the English Court of Appeal (Again)
3 February Simone Degeling Journal of Equity Conference: Equity and Contract
5 February James Lee Birmingham Law School Recruitment
8 February Ken Oliphant European Tort Law Conference, Vienna (12-14 April)
10 February Jason Neyers New Text on Estoppel
13 February Neil Foster No duty of care on police to stop unauthorised demolition
15 February Jason Neyers Visiting Positions at Western University Canada
21 February Gerard Sadlier Ownership of Joint Property, Where One Joint Tenant Kills The Other
27 February Duncan Sheehan SLS Conference 2012 - restitution section
1 March James Lee Police liability to informers and suspects
3 March David Cheifetz Academic lawyers as 'legal purists'
4 March Colin Liew Omissions and Unlawful Means Conspiracy
4 March Robert Stevens Omissions and Unlawful Means Conspiracy
5 March Andrew Klein Prosser Award in Tort Law
7 March Neil Foster 'Chips are a type of food some people eat for lunch'; HCA on causation
8 March Peter Radan Pitt v Holt - the rule in Re Hastings-Bass
8 March Robert Ham Pitt v Holt - the rule in Re Hastings-Bass
9 March Gerard Sadlier The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal
9 March Robert Stevens The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal
9 March Gerard Sadlier The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal
9 March Robert Stevens The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal
9 March Gerard Sadlier The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal
12 March Robert Stevens Damages for Use
13 March Kit Barker Damages for Use
13 March Neil Foster The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal
14 March James Lee UK Supreme Court on Limitation
15 March Simone Degeling Job at UNSW Law. Lawyers in Contemporary Society: Ethics, Values, Justice, Rule of Law
15 March Jason Neyers Professor Richard Goldberg
15 March Lionel Smith Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law / Centre Paul-André Crépeau de droit privé et comparé du Québec
17 March Colin Liew Westdeutsche / Chase Manhattan
19 March Jason Neyers Westdeutsche / Chase Manhattan
19 March Colin Liew Westdeutsche / Chase Manhattan
19 March Joshua Getzler Westdeutsche / Chase Manhattan
21 March Neil Foster EWCA on Nuisance from smell
21 March Mark Wilde Nuisance from smell
21 March Barry Allan Nuisance from smell
23 March Ross Macdonald Scots contract law reform
26 March Martin Hogg New Discussion Paper on Formation of Contract
26 March Lionel Smith Stateless Law? The Future of the Discipline: Faculty of Law, McGill University 28/29 September 2012
27 March Neil Foster UK Supreme Court on public interest defence in defamation
29 March Simone Degeling Strategic Appointments in Law at UNSW
30 March Neil Foster UKSC on Employer's Liability Insurance Trigger
4 April Martin Hogg Liability for a car crash caused by reliance on a map
4 April Andrew Tettenborn Liability for a car crash caused by reliance on a map
4 April Neil Guthrie Liability for a car crash caused by reliance on a map
4 April Jane Stapleton Liability for a car crash caused by reliance on a map
4 April Jason Neyers Breach of Confidence
11 April Neil Foster Negligence and Nuisance by smoke in WA
15 April Neil Foster NSW case on Breach of Statutory Duty
20 April Richard Wright As though Civ Pro weren't already sexy enough
20 April Ken Oliphant As though Civ Pro weren't already sexy enough
24 April Jason Neyers The Philosophical Foundations of Property Law (May 2012)
2 May James Lee UK Supreme Court on Obligations
5 May Joshua Getzler Roddy Meagher on common lawyers
18 May Jason Neyers Lottery Winnings
19 May Katy Barnett Lottery Winnings
19 May David Cheifetz Lottery Winnings
24 May Steve Hedley Employer liability - piercing the corporate veil?
25 May Neil Foster Employer liability - piercing the corporate veil?
29 May Hector MacQueen Australian Contract Law Review
29 May Gregory Tolhurst Australian Contract Law Review
30 May Simone Degeling Journal of Equity (2012) 6(1)
30 May John Goldberg 'The New Private Law' Symposium
8 June Jason Neyers Newly Published
11 June Jason Neyers New Publication
14 June Jason Neyers OBG v Allan in Canada
14 June Robert Stevens OBG v Allan in Canada
15 June Neil Foster OBG v Allan in Canada
15 June Neil Foster Vicarious Liability for workplace prank, VSCA
15 June Martin Hogg Liability of local authority to road user for failure to maintain road markings indicating approaching junction
15 June Jason Neyers OBG v Allan in Canada
21 June Christine Beuermann Vicarious Liability for workplace prank, VSCA
21 June Andrew Dyson Damages in Car Accident Cases
21 June Robert Stevens Damages in Car Accident Cases
29 June Jenny Steele Job opportunities at York
30 June David Cheifetz Canadian negligence law - causation jurisprudence
8 July Stephen Pitel Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation
8 July David Cheifetz Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation
8 July Stephen Pitel Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation
8 July David Cheifetz Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation
10 July David Cheifetz Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation
13 July Duncan Fairgrieve Vicarious Liability: JGE v The Trustees of Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust
13 July Jason Neyers Just Published
13 July Neil Foster Vicarious Liability: JGE v The Trustees of Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust
17 July Ralph De Wit CESL
24 July Ken Oliphant Loss of Housekeeping Capacity
30 July Andrew Robertson Obligations VI and VII
8 August Neil Foster False Imprisonment and invalid legislation, NSWCA
15 August David Cheifetz Employers Liability Ins Trigger Litigation 2012 UKSC 14
15 August Jason Neyers New Book
15 August Jason Neyers Contract Theory
16 August Lionel Smith Stateless Law? 28-29 September 2012
21 August Katy Barnett Application for special leave to appeal in Grimaldi refused
27 August Simone Degeling Journal of Equity 2012 (2)
4 August Sandy Steel Moral Values and Private Law conference
4 September Barbara Legate Beldycki OCA causation of harm vs loss
4 September Barbara Legate Beldycki OCA causation of harm vs loss
5 September Hilary Young Requesting your advanced torts syllabi
10 September Katy Barnett Australian High Court case on penalties
10 September Jason Neyers Tarry v Ashton
10 September Steve Hedley 'Strict liability in workplace claims - the end of the line?'
11 September Neil Foster 'Strict liability in workplace claims - the end of the line?'
11 September Neil Foster Tarry v Ashton
11 September Jenny Steele 'Strict liability in workplace claims - the end of the line?'
11 September Israel Gilead 'Strict liability in workplace claims - the end of the line?'
12 September James Lee English Court of Appeal on Remoteness
13 September Adam Kramer English Court of Appeal on Remoteness
15 September David Cheifetz Canadian negligence law - a small causation conundrum
15 September David Cheifetz Canadian negligence law - a small causation conundrum
15 September Neil Foster Canadian negligence law - a small causation conundrum
15 September David Cheifetz Canadian negligence law - a small causation conundrum
19 September Jason Neyers The Fundamental Nature of the Trespass Torts
27 September Jason Neyers Remedies for Breach of Contract: A Comparative Analysis of the Protection of Performance
2 October Neil Foster HCA on Economic Loss, Actio per Quod and Baker v Bolton
3 October Richard Wright Breach of (criminal) statute
3 October Lewis Klar Breach of (criminal) statute
3 October Matt Dyson Breach of (criminal) statute
3 October Richard Wright Breach of (criminal) statute
3 October Matt Dyson Breach of (criminal) statute
4 October Neil Foster Breach of (criminal) statute
4 October James Lee Rylands v Fletcher and Fire
4 October Richard Wright Breach of (criminal) statute
5 October Neil Foster Breach of (criminal) statute
5 October Richard Wright Breach of (criminal) statute
5 October Neil Foster HCA on defamation and qualified privilege
7 October Steve Hedley 'Why is the Law of Fire like a student fridge?'
15 October Ken Oliphant New Special Issues of JETL (Cultures of Tort in Europe)
18 October Barry Allan New Zealand Supreme Court on Defective Commercial Buildings
18 October Neil Foster New Zealand Supreme Court on Defective Commercial Buildings
18 October Robert Stevens Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October David Campbell Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Andrew Tettenborn Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Robert Stevens Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Miguel Angel Lopez Mateo Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October David Campbell Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Stephen Smith Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Stéphane Beaulac Job Opening - Comparative Private Law - University of Montreal
18 October Martin Hogg Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October David Campbell Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Andrew Tettenborn Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Angela Swan Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Robert Stevens Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Stephen Smith Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Jason Neyers Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Adam Kramer Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Robert Stevens Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Jason Neyers Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
18 October Matt Dyson Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
18 October James Shirley Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Lewis Klar Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
18 October Richard Wright Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
18 October Donal Nolan Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
18 October John Goldberg Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
18 October David Campbell Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
18 October Donal Nolan Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
18 October Richard Wright Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
18 October Jason Neyers Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
18 October Lewis Klar Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
19 October Gerard Sadlier Can an isolated event be a nuisance?
19 October Adam Kramer Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
19 October John Randall Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
19 October Robert Stevens Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
19 October Adam Kramer Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
19 October Robert Stevens Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation
24 October Jason Neyers Interesting Fact Pattern
29 October Jacob Ziegel Developments (or lack thereof) in Unconscionability
30 October Neil Foster Can mental disability be taken into account for contributory negligence?
30 October Richard Wright Can mental disability be taken into account for contributory negligence?
30 October Donal Nolan Content of UK Tort courses
1 November Alexander Loke Faculty Position at the National University of Singapore
4 November Ernest Owusu-Dapaa Content of UK Tort courses
6 November Jason Neyers Just Published
9 November Ken Oliphant Job Vacancy, Institute for European Tort Law, Vienna
13 November Neil Foster Detinue, Conversion, the Offspring of Sheep and Slavery
21 November Phillip Morgan UKSC on Vicarious Liability
21 November Ken Oliphant New Book on Employers' Liability and Workers' Compensation
22 November Neil Foster UKSC on Vicarious Liability
22 November Roderick Bagshaw UKSC on Vicarious Liability - a second view
23 November Christine Beuermann UKSC on Vicarious Liability - a second view
23 November Neil Foster UKSC on Vicarious Liability - a second view
26 November Simone Degeling Law Post Doctoral Research Fellowship at UNSW
27 November Jason Neyers Restatement of the English law of Unjust Enrichment
6 December James Lee High Court of Australia on Qualified Privilege
6 December Andrew Tettenborn Christmas lightheartedness
6 December Hector MacQueen Christmas lightheartedness
7 December Martin Hogg Christmas lightheartedness
13 December Neil Foster Some tort decisions from the HCA
13 December Neil Foster Some tort decisions from the HCA - correction
14 December Simone Degeling Journal of Equity TOC (2012) (3)
21 December Ken Oliphant European Tort Law News
27 December Steve Hedley BP Gulf Settlements

<== To the messages for 2011

To the messages for 2013 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com