Date |
Sender |
Topic |
2 January |
Jason Neyers |
Happy New Year & AALS |
6 January |
Roderick Munday |
Tony Weir |
6 January |
Gerard McMeel |
Tony Weir |
6 January |
Roderick Munday |
Tony Weir |
10 January |
Hector MacQueen |
Tony Weir |
11 January |
Ken Oliphant |
Tony Weir |
12 January |
Jason Neyers |
Congratulations |
18 January |
Jason Neyers |
Torts in Commercial Law (just published) |
18 January |
Neil Guthrie |
Ontario CA recognises tort of invasion of privacy: Jones v Tsige, 2012 ONCA 32 |
19 January |
Kit Barker |
Job Vacancies at all Academic Levels |
19 January |
David Campbell |
Conference |
19 January |
Russell Brown |
Palsgraf done in Lego |
25 January |
Phillip Morgan |
Vicarious Liability and the Close Connection Test in the English Court of Appeal (Again) |
25 January |
James Lee |
Call for Papers for the Torts Subject Section at the 2012 SLS Conference |
26 January |
Duncan Sheehan |
SLS Conference 2012 - restitution section |
26 January |
Neil Foster |
Vicarious Liability and the Close Connection Test in the English Court of Appeal (Again) |
3 February |
Simone Degeling |
Journal of Equity Conference: Equity and Contract |
5 February |
James Lee |
Birmingham Law School Recruitment |
8 February |
Ken Oliphant |
European Tort Law Conference, Vienna (12-14 April) |
10 February |
Jason Neyers |
New Text on Estoppel |
13 February |
Neil Foster |
No duty of care on police to stop unauthorised demolition |
15 February |
Jason Neyers |
Visiting Positions at Western University Canada |
21 February |
Gerard Sadlier |
Ownership of Joint Property, Where One Joint Tenant Kills The Other |
27 February |
Duncan Sheehan |
SLS Conference 2012 - restitution section |
1 March |
James Lee |
Police liability to informers and suspects |
3 March |
David Cheifetz |
Academic lawyers as 'legal purists' |
4 March |
Colin Liew |
Omissions and Unlawful Means Conspiracy |
4 March |
Robert Stevens |
Omissions and Unlawful Means Conspiracy |
5 March |
Andrew Klein |
Prosser Award in Tort Law |
7 March |
Neil Foster |
'Chips are a type of food some people eat for lunch'; HCA on causation |
8 March |
Peter Radan |
Pitt v Holt - the rule in Re Hastings-Bass |
8 March |
Robert Ham |
Pitt v Holt - the rule in Re Hastings-Bass |
9 March |
Gerard Sadlier |
The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal |
9 March |
Robert Stevens |
The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal |
9 March |
Gerard Sadlier |
The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal |
9 March |
Robert Stevens |
The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal |
9 March |
Gerard Sadlier |
The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal |
12 March |
Robert Stevens |
Damages for Use |
13 March |
Kit Barker |
Damages for Use |
13 March |
Neil Foster |
The Non-delegable Duties of Schools Toward Their Pupils in the Court of Appeal |
14 March |
James Lee |
UK Supreme Court on Limitation |
15 March |
Simone Degeling |
Job at UNSW Law. Lawyers in Contemporary Society: Ethics, Values, Justice, Rule of Law |
15 March |
Jason Neyers |
Professor Richard Goldberg |
15 March |
Lionel Smith |
Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law / Centre Paul-André Crépeau de droit privé et comparé du Québec |
17 March |
Colin Liew |
Westdeutsche / Chase Manhattan |
19 March |
Jason Neyers |
Westdeutsche / Chase Manhattan |
19 March |
Colin Liew |
Westdeutsche / Chase Manhattan |
19 March |
Joshua Getzler |
Westdeutsche / Chase Manhattan |
21 March |
Neil Foster |
EWCA on Nuisance from smell |
21 March |
Mark Wilde |
Nuisance from smell |
21 March |
Barry Allan |
Nuisance from smell |
23 March |
Ross Macdonald |
Scots contract law reform |
26 March |
Martin Hogg |
New Discussion Paper on Formation of Contract |
26 March |
Lionel Smith |
Stateless Law? The Future of the Discipline: Faculty of Law, McGill University 28/29 September 2012 |
27 March |
Neil Foster |
UK Supreme Court on public interest defence in defamation |
29 March |
Simone Degeling |
Strategic Appointments in Law at UNSW |
30 March |
Neil Foster |
UKSC on Employer's Liability Insurance Trigger |
4 April |
Martin Hogg |
Liability for a car crash caused by reliance on a map |
4 April |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Liability for a car crash caused by reliance on a map |
4 April |
Neil Guthrie |
Liability for a car crash caused by reliance on a map |
4 April |
Jane Stapleton |
Liability for a car crash caused by reliance on a map |
4 April |
Jason Neyers |
Breach of Confidence |
11 April |
Neil Foster |
Negligence and Nuisance by smoke in WA |
15 April |
Neil Foster |
NSW case on Breach of Statutory Duty |
20 April |
Richard Wright |
As though Civ Pro weren't already sexy enough |
20 April |
Ken Oliphant |
As though Civ Pro weren't already sexy enough |
24 April |
Jason Neyers |
The Philosophical Foundations of Property Law (May 2012) |
2 May |
James Lee |
UK Supreme Court on Obligations |
5 May |
Joshua Getzler |
Roddy Meagher on common lawyers |
18 May |
Jason Neyers |
Lottery Winnings |
19 May |
Katy Barnett |
Lottery Winnings |
19 May |
David Cheifetz |
Lottery Winnings |
24 May |
Steve Hedley |
Employer liability - piercing the corporate veil? |
25 May |
Neil Foster |
Employer liability - piercing the corporate veil? |
29 May |
Hector MacQueen |
Australian Contract Law Review |
29 May |
Gregory Tolhurst |
Australian Contract Law Review |
30 May |
Simone Degeling |
Journal of Equity (2012) 6(1) |
30 May |
John Goldberg |
'The New Private Law' Symposium |
8 June |
Jason Neyers |
Newly Published |
11 June |
Jason Neyers |
New Publication |
14 June |
Jason Neyers |
OBG v Allan in Canada |
14 June |
Robert Stevens |
OBG v Allan in Canada |
15 June |
Neil Foster |
OBG v Allan in Canada |
15 June |
Neil Foster |
Vicarious Liability for workplace prank, VSCA |
15 June |
Martin Hogg |
Liability of local authority to road user for failure to maintain road markings indicating approaching junction |
15 June |
Jason Neyers |
OBG v Allan in Canada |
21 June |
Christine Beuermann |
Vicarious Liability for workplace prank, VSCA |
21 June |
Andrew Dyson |
Damages in Car Accident Cases |
21 June |
Robert Stevens |
Damages in Car Accident Cases |
29 June |
Jenny Steele |
Job opportunities at York |
30 June |
David Cheifetz |
Canadian negligence law - causation jurisprudence |
8 July |
Stephen Pitel |
Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation |
8 July |
David Cheifetz |
Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation |
8 July |
Stephen Pitel |
Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation |
8 July |
David Cheifetz |
Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation |
10 July |
David Cheifetz |
Class Action Trial Decision - Medical Devices - Causation |
13 July |
Duncan Fairgrieve |
Vicarious Liability: JGE v The Trustees of Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust |
13 July |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
13 July |
Neil Foster |
Vicarious Liability: JGE v The Trustees of Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust |
17 July |
Ralph De Wit |
24 July |
Ken Oliphant |
Loss of Housekeeping Capacity |
30 July |
Andrew Robertson |
Obligations VI and VII |
8 August |
Neil Foster |
False Imprisonment and invalid legislation, NSWCA |
15 August |
David Cheifetz |
Employers Liability Ins Trigger Litigation 2012 UKSC 14 |
15 August |
Jason Neyers |
New Book |
15 August |
Jason Neyers |
Contract Theory |
16 August |
Lionel Smith |
Stateless Law? 28-29 September 2012 |
21 August |
Katy Barnett |
Application for special leave to appeal in Grimaldi refused |
27 August |
Simone Degeling |
Journal of Equity 2012 (2) |
4 August |
Sandy Steel |
Moral Values and Private Law conference |
4 September |
Barbara Legate |
Beldycki OCA causation of harm vs loss |
4 September |
Barbara Legate |
Beldycki OCA causation of harm vs loss |
5 September |
Hilary Young |
Requesting your advanced torts syllabi |
10 September |
Katy Barnett |
Australian High Court case on penalties |
10 September |
Jason Neyers |
Tarry v Ashton |
10 September |
Steve Hedley |
'Strict liability in workplace claims - the end of the line?' |
11 September |
Neil Foster |
'Strict liability in workplace claims - the end of the line?' |
11 September |
Neil Foster |
Tarry v Ashton |
11 September |
Jenny Steele |
'Strict liability in workplace claims - the end of the line?' |
11 September |
Israel Gilead |
'Strict liability in workplace claims - the end of the line?' |
12 September |
James Lee |
English Court of Appeal on Remoteness |
13 September |
Adam Kramer |
English Court of Appeal on Remoteness |
15 September |
David Cheifetz |
Canadian negligence law - a small causation conundrum |
15 September |
David Cheifetz |
Canadian negligence law - a small causation conundrum |
15 September |
Neil Foster |
Canadian negligence law - a small causation conundrum |
15 September |
David Cheifetz |
Canadian negligence law - a small causation conundrum |
19 September |
Jason Neyers |
The Fundamental Nature of the Trespass Torts |
27 September |
Jason Neyers |
Remedies for Breach of Contract: A Comparative Analysis of the Protection of Performance |
2 October |
Neil Foster |
HCA on Economic Loss, Actio per Quod and Baker v Bolton |
3 October |
Richard Wright |
Breach of (criminal) statute |
3 October |
Lewis Klar |
Breach of (criminal) statute |
3 October |
Matt Dyson |
Breach of (criminal) statute |
3 October |
Richard Wright |
Breach of (criminal) statute |
3 October |
Matt Dyson |
Breach of (criminal) statute |
4 October |
Neil Foster |
Breach of (criminal) statute |
4 October |
James Lee |
Rylands v Fletcher and Fire |
4 October |
Richard Wright |
Breach of (criminal) statute |
5 October |
Neil Foster |
Breach of (criminal) statute |
5 October |
Richard Wright |
Breach of (criminal) statute |
5 October |
Neil Foster |
HCA on defamation and qualified privilege |
7 October |
Steve Hedley |
'Why is the Law of Fire like a student fridge?' |
15 October |
Ken Oliphant |
New Special Issues of JETL (Cultures of Tort in Europe) |
18 October |
Barry Allan |
New Zealand Supreme Court on Defective Commercial Buildings |
18 October |
Neil Foster |
New Zealand Supreme Court on Defective Commercial Buildings |
18 October |
Robert Stevens |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
David Campbell |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Robert Stevens |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Miguel Angel Lopez Mateo |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
David Campbell |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Stephen Smith |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Stéphane Beaulac |
Job Opening - Comparative Private Law - University of Montreal |
18 October |
Martin Hogg |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
David Campbell |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Angela Swan |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Robert Stevens |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Stephen Smith |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Jason Neyers |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Adam Kramer |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Robert Stevens |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Jason Neyers |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
18 October |
Matt Dyson |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
18 October |
James Shirley |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Lewis Klar |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
18 October |
Richard Wright |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
18 October |
Donal Nolan |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
18 October |
John Goldberg |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
18 October |
David Campbell |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
18 October |
Donal Nolan |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
18 October |
Richard Wright |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
18 October |
Jason Neyers |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
18 October |
Lewis Klar |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
19 October |
Gerard Sadlier |
Can an isolated event be a nuisance? |
19 October |
Adam Kramer |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
19 October |
John Randall |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
19 October |
Robert Stevens |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
19 October |
Adam Kramer |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
19 October |
Robert Stevens |
Supreme Court of Canada on Specific Performance and Mitigation |
24 October |
Jason Neyers |
Interesting Fact Pattern |
29 October |
Jacob Ziegel |
Developments (or lack thereof) in Unconscionability |
30 October |
Neil Foster |
Can mental disability be taken into account for contributory negligence? |
30 October |
Richard Wright |
Can mental disability be taken into account for contributory negligence? |
30 October |
Donal Nolan |
Content of UK Tort courses |
1 November |
Alexander Loke |
Faculty Position at the National University of Singapore |
4 November |
Ernest Owusu-Dapaa |
Content of UK Tort courses |
6 November |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
9 November |
Ken Oliphant |
Job Vacancy, Institute for European Tort Law, Vienna |
13 November |
Neil Foster |
Detinue, Conversion, the Offspring of Sheep and Slavery |
21 November |
Phillip Morgan |
UKSC on Vicarious Liability |
21 November |
Ken Oliphant |
New Book on Employers' Liability and Workers' Compensation |
22 November |
Neil Foster |
UKSC on Vicarious Liability |
22 November |
Roderick Bagshaw |
UKSC on Vicarious Liability - a second view |
23 November |
Christine Beuermann |
UKSC on Vicarious Liability - a second view |
23 November |
Neil Foster |
UKSC on Vicarious Liability - a second view |
26 November |
Simone Degeling |
Law Post Doctoral Research Fellowship at UNSW |
27 November |
Jason Neyers |
Restatement of the English law of Unjust Enrichment |
6 December |
James Lee |
High Court of Australia on Qualified Privilege |
6 December |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Christmas lightheartedness |
6 December |
Hector MacQueen |
Christmas lightheartedness |
7 December |
Martin Hogg |
Christmas lightheartedness |
13 December |
Neil Foster |
Some tort decisions from the HCA |
13 December |
Neil Foster |
Some tort decisions from the HCA - correction |
14 December |
Simone Degeling |
Journal of Equity TOC (2012) (3) |
21 December |
Ken Oliphant |
European Tort Law News |
27 December |
Steve Hedley |
BP Gulf Settlements |