ODG - messages in 2014

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Date Sender Topic
6 January Jason Neyers Just Published
10 January Gerard Sadlier Authorities on Contributory Fault as a Defence to Claims for Inducement to Breach a Contract, Level of Corporate Knowledge Required to Attribute Knowledge to Company?
16 January Neil Foster Breach of Statutory Duty and Whistleblower Confidentiality
23 January Jason Neyers Civil Fraud
28 January Lionel Smith The Unbounded Level of the Mind: Rod Macdonald's Legal Imagination / Ni bornes, ni frontières : l'imaginaire juridique de Rod Macdonald
28 January Neil Foster USSC on causation
28 January Richard Wright USSC on causation
31 January Stephen Pitel Case on Novel Duty of Care - Duty and Standard of 'Ski Buddy'
3 February Duncan Sheehan Society of Legal Scholars Conference Restitution Section 2014
5 February Katy Barnett New Australian penalty fees case
5 February Stephen Pitel SCC on Unlawful Interference Tort
5 February Gerard Sadlier SCC on Unlawful Interference Tort
6 February Neil Foster Hospital liability for failure to detain psychiatric patient
7 February Kit Barker 2015 Distinguished Visiting Fellowships
8 February Richard Wright A Farewell to the bon père de famille
9 February James Lee Call for Papers, Torts Section, 2014 Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference
10 February James Lee Posts at the University of Birmingham
10 February Steve Hedley Mobile phones and the law
10 February Irit Samet Openings at KCL
11 February Stephen Pitel Caution - The Soup Mentioned in this Message is Hot
11 February Jason Neyers Just Published
12 February Neil Foster Continuing Negligent misrepresentation in UKSC
13 February Gerard Sadlier Abuse of Rights and Intentional Torts
13 February Andrew Tettenborn Abuse of Rights and Intentional Torts
13 February Phillip Morgan EWCA Vicarious Liability
13 February Jason Neyers Congratulations
13 February Neil Foster EWCA Vicarious Liability
14 February Christine Beuermann EWCA Vicarious Liability
17 February Peter Radan The Coronation Cases - A Footnote
19 February Phillip Morgan EWCA Vicarious Liability - Akin to Employment
20 February Neil Foster EWCA Vicarious Liability - Akin to Employment
21 February Sandy Steel Conference Announcement
24 February Jason Neyers Advanced Torts
25 February Peter Radan Written Judgements
25 February Nathan Tamblyn Written Judgements
25 February Gerard McMeel Written Judgements
25 February Lionel Smith Written Judgements
25 February Matthew Harrington Written Judgements
25 February Gerard Sadlier Written Judgements
25 February Matthew Harrington Written Judgements
25 February Matthew Harrington Written Judgements
25 February Peter Radan Written Judgements
26 February Michael Furmston Written Judgements
26 February Stephen Walmsley Written Judgements
27 February Neil Foster Conversion, tracing and other matters
28 February Phillip Morgan UKSC on Nuisance
28 February Richard Wright UKSC on Nuisance
28 February Jason Neyers UKSC on Nuisance
28 February Richard Wright UKSC on Nuisance
1 March Jason Neyers UKSC on Nuisance
1 March Duncan Sheehan Society of Legal Scholars Conference Restitution Section 2014
4 March James Lee Final Call for Papers for the Torts Subject Section at the Society of Legal Scholars Conference 2014
14 March Neil Foster Draft Australian Law of Contract
14 March Duncan Sheehan Society of Legal Scholars Conference: Restitution Section 2014
14 March James Lee Possession and Intangible Property
14 March Sarah Green Possession and Intangible Property
18 March Jason Neyers Killam Fellowship
18 March Lewis Klar Killam Fellowship
19 March Neil Foster Deprivation of Liberty, the UKSC and Strasbourg
20 March Bill Swadling Associate Professorship (or Professorship) of Civil Procedure
21 March Richard Wright News from the North - It's interesting, trust me
21 March Stéphane Beaulac News from the North - It's interesting, trust me
26 March Duncan Sheehan Society of Legal Scholars Conference: Restitution Section 2014
2 April Neil Foster HCA on Lord Campbell's Act claims and the deceased's earnings
9 April Bill Swadling Regius Chair of Civil Law
11 April Jason Neyers Rectification
11 April David McLauchlan Rectification
15 April Geoff McLay Sad news from New Zealand: Sir Owen Woodhouse has died
15 April Richard Peltz-Steele Sad news from New Zealand: Sir Owen Woodhouse has died
18 April Jason Neyers Just Published
18 April Jason Neyers Tuttle v Buck essentially overruled by Minnesota Supreme Court
19 April Jason Neyers More 'Just Published'
19 April Jason Neyers Health Law and Policy Position at Western
23 April Jason Neyers Leading Cases in Song
24 April Neil Foster US Supreme Court on causation in Paroline
30 April Jason Neyers White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor
1 May Neil Foster Tort committed in commission of offence
2 May Angela Swan White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor
2 May Andrew Tettenborn White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor
2 May Angela Swan White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor
3 May Keith Rowley White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor
7 May Neil Foster High Court of Australian on change of position defence in mistake cases
9 May Katy Barnett Blog post on Australian High Court case of Hills
19 May Katy Barnett Blog post on AFSL v Hills
19 May Neil Foster HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance
20 May Neil Foster Conversion, fraud, limitations and Rupert Bunny
21 May Katy Barnett HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance
21 May Jason Neyers HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance
21 May Stephen Pitel Scope of Tort Law
21 May Gerard Sadlier Scope of Tort Law
21 May Lewis Klar Scope of Tort Law
21 May Gerard Sadlier Scope of Tort Law
21 May Lewis Klar Scope of Tort Law
21 May Andrew Tettenborn Scope of Tort Law
22 May Andrew Robertson HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance
22 May David Wright HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance
22 May Neil Foster Scope of Tort Law
23 May Jason Neyers HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance
27 May Gerard Sadlier Contributory Negligence For Breach of Trust, Contract, Intentional Tort
27 May Tsachi Keren-Paz Contributory Negligence For Breach of Trust, Contract, Intentional Tort
27 May Francesco Giglio Conference Announcement
27 May Lewis Klar Contributory Negligence For Breach of Trust, Contract, Intentional Tort
28 May Neil Foster Can a partner be an employee of the firm?
28 May Hector MacQueen Can a partner be an employee of the firm?
2 June Steve Hedley New 'good samaritan' legislation planned
2 June Andrew Tettenborn New 'good samaritan' legislation planned
2 June Michael Jones New 'good samaritan' legislation planned
2 June Eoin O'Dell New 'good samaritan' legislation planned
2 June Bill Madden New 'good samaritan' legislation planned
3 June Benjamin Zipursky New 'good samaritan' legislation planned
3 June Andrew Tettenborn New 'good samaritan' legislation planned
3 June Gerard Sadlier New 'good samaritan' legislation planned
3 June Jason Neyers Contract Law in Russia
5 June Kelvin Low Call for Papers: Present Trends and Future Challenges in the Law of Trusts and Wealth Management
6 June Peter Radan Contractual Interpretation (in Australia)
6 June Matthew Harrington Human Tissue is Property in Canada
6 June Hector MacQueen Contractual Interpretation (in Australia)
6 June Angela Swan Human Tissue is Property in Canada
6 June James Lee Human Tissue is Property in Canada
6 June Matthew Harrington Human Tissue is Property in Canada
6 June Phillip Lister Human Tissue is Property in Canada
7 June David McLauchlan Contractual Interpretation (in Australia)
7 June Nicola Peart Human Tissue is Property in Canada
7 June Neil Foster Human Tissue is Property in Canada
7 June Hector MacQueen Human Tissue is Property in Canada
9 June Prue Vines Human Tissue is Property in Canada
11 June Neil Foster HCA on fiduciary obligations of directors, and tax
11 June Keith Rowley Human Tissue is Property in Canada
11 June Andrew Tettenborn Human Tissue is Property in Canada
11 June Lionel Smith Human Tissue is Property in Canada
11 June Angela Swan Human Tissue is Property in Canada
11 June Matthew Harrington Human Tissue is Property in Canada
15 June Daniel Carr Golfing in Scotland
17 June Barry Allan Electronic disabling and tracking devices
17 June Andrew Tettenborn Electronic disabling and tracking devices
17 June Sean Thomas Electronic disabling and tracking devices
17 June Andrew Steven Human Tissue is Property in Canada
19 June Matthew Harrington Nuns Sue Strip Club in Nuisance
21 June Gerard Sadlier Cases on Exemplary Damages under the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive
23 June Katy Barnett Howard v Commissioner of Taxation
24 June Jason Neyers Duties of Business Owners
26 June Martin Hogg Unjust enrichment claim (?) by MMR autism victim
26 June John Blackie Unjust enrichment claim (?) by MMR autism victim
27 June Colin Liew SGCA on trusts of the family home
3 July Simone Degeling Journal of Equity Conference in Sydney Friday 29 August: Trusts and Trustees
3 July Jason Neyers Just Published
3 July Lynda Collins More Just Published
4 July Hector MacQueen Good faith in contract
4 July John Blackie Good faith in contract
4 July Andrew Tettenborn Good faith in contract
4 July Lionel Smith Hot dog volenti
4 July Peter Radan Good faith in contract
9 July Jason Neyers Just Published
9 July Jason Neyers Pure Economic Loss and Rights
16 July James Lee UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
16 July Robert Stevens UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
16 July Charles Mitchell UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
16 July Robert Stevens UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
17 July Richard Wright Paris conference on Causation, Liability and Apportionment: Law, Economics and Philosophy
17 July Florence G'sell Paris conference on Causation, Liability and Apportionment: Law, Economics and Philosophy
17 July Gerard McMeel UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures
22 July Mark Wilde A Court at the Crossroads of Empire Exhibition
23 July Lu Tong Some thoughts about about wrong and liability
28 July Eoin Quill IALT Annual Conference, Kilkenny, 7-9 November 2014
28 July Richard Wright Susan Haack on Science, Proof, and Truth in the Law
29 July Neil Foster More on nuisance from UKSC, landlord liability, costs
30 July James Lee Two Cases on the Illegality Defence
31 July Neil Foster Two Cases on the Illegality Defence
31 July Hector MacQueen Two Cases on the Illegality Defence
31 July Hector MacQueen Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July Robert Stevens Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July Robert Stevens Two Cases on the Illegality Defence
31 July Gerard Sadlier Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July James Goudkamp Two Cases on the Illegality Defence
31 July Hector MacQueen Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July Hector MacQueen Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July Matthew Harrington Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July Gerard Sadlier Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July Robert Stevens Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July Gerard Sadlier Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July Andrew Tettenborn Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July Adam Parachin Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
31 July Lionel Smith Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
31 July Adam Parachin Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
31 July Alan Bogg Two Cases on the Illegality Defence
31 July Gerard Sadlier Improving, then returning, stolen goods
31 July James Goudkamp Two Cases on the Illegality Defence
31 July Lionel Smith Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
1 August Andrew Burrows Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Robert Stevens Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Gerard Sadlier Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Robert Stevens Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Eylem Apaydin Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Gerard Sadlier Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Andrew Tettenborn Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Robert Stevens Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Gerard McMeel Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Stephen Pitel Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
1 August Gerard Sadlier Improving, then returning, stolen goods
1 August Adam Parachin Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
1 August Lionel Smith Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
2 August Matt Dyson Improving, then returning, stolen goods
2 August Matthew Harrington Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
2 August Lionel Smith Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
2 August Lionel Smith Improving, then returning, stolen goods
2 August Matthew Harrington Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
2 August Phillip Lister Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
3 August Neil Guthrie Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
5 August Katy Barnett Interview with Sir Anthony Mason
5 August Angela Swan Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
5 August Adam Parachin Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
5 August Matthew Harrington Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
7 August Neil Foster Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
7 August Eugene Volokh Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy
7 August Martin Hogg Hotel fines guest $500 for every negative review
7 August Andrew Tettenborn Hotel fines guest $500 for every negative review
7 August Martin Hogg Hotel fines guest $500 for every negative review
12 August Robert Stevens Illegality Again
12 August Robert Stevens Illegality Again
12 August Gerard Sadlier Illegality Again
14 August Michael Furmston Illegality Again
14 August Gerard Sadlier Query on Inducement to Breach Contract
21 August Jason Neyers Personal Injury and Easements
22 August Neil Foster Personal Injury and Easements
22 August Donal Nolan Personal Injury and Easements
23 August Gerard Sadlier Personal Injury and Easements
23 August Richard Wright Personal Injury and Easements
24 August Lu Tong Personal Injury and Easements
27 August Neil Foster Forfeiture of gift where beneficiary kills the testator
1 September Jason Neyers Just published
1 September Gerard Sadlier Updates on Developments in Professional Negligence in Jurisdictions Outside The UK?
1 September Lewis Klar Comparative Tort Law Course
1 September Chaim Saiman Comparative Tort Law Course
2 September Neil Foster Comparative Tort Law Course
2 September Peter Radan Contractual Interpretation
2 September Duncan Fairgrieve Comparative Tort Law Course
3 September Peter Radan More on Contractual Interpretation from Down Under
4 September Gerard Sadlier Estoppel as a Bar to an Action for Inducement to Breach a Contract
10 September Eli Ball Two recent Australian unjust enrichment cases
10 September Neil Foster HCA rejects implied contractual duty of mutual trust and confidence
16 September Neil Foster Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
16 September Richard Wright Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
16 September Sarah Green Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
16 September Robert Stevens Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
16 September Laura Hoyano Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
16 September Robert Stevens Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
16 September Jason Neyers Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
16 September Richard Wright Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
16 September John Kleefeld Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
17 September David Cheifetz Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
17 September David Cheifetz Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria
30 September Jason Neyers Just Published
30 September Lionel Smith Just Published
7 October Charles Mitchell PhD private law scholarships at UCL
8 October Neil Foster HCA on duty of care re economic loss in building case
8 October Robert Stevens HCA on duty of care re economic loss in building case
9 October James Lee English Court of Appeal on Wilkinson v Downton and emotional / psychiatric harm claims against parents
9 October Andrew Tettenborn English Court of Appeal on Wilkinson v Downton and emotional / psychiatric harm claims against parents
10 October Andrew Dickinson English Court of Appeal on Wilkinson v Downton and emotional / psychiatric harm claims against parents
15 October Neil Foster Fund management costs as part of a damages award in the HCA
15 October Jason Neyers Just Published
15 October Eoin Quill Fund management costs as part of a damages award in the HCA
15 October Jeffrey Berryman Fund management costs as part of a damages award in the HCA
15 October Harold Luntz Fund management costs as part of a damages award in the HCA
22 October Gerard Sadlier Inducement to Breach of Contract Again
24 October Andrew Tettenborn Necessaries
28 October James Lee Advert for Chair in Private Law, King's College London
29 October Gerard Sadlier Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
29 October Robert Stevens Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court
30 October Andrew Tettenborn Advert for Chair in Private Law, King's College London - and further private law opportunities elsewhere
31 October PG Turner Cambridge Law Journal PhD Studentships
31 October Matthew Harrington Bad Faith Conduct in Employment Case
31 October Jason Neyers Just Published
31 October Richard Peltz-Steele Bad Faith Conduct in Employment Case
31 October Angela Swan Bad Faith Conduct in Employment Case
4 November Neil Foster Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
4 November Ken Oliphant Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
4 November Andrew Tettenborn Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
4 November Neil Foster Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
5 November Ken Oliphant Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
5 November Andrew Tettenborn Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
5 November Eoin Quill Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
5 November Andrew Dickinson Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
5 November Ken Oliphant Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
5 November James Lee UK Supreme Court on Breach of Trust and Equitable Compensation
5 November Robert Stevens Account
5 November Michael Jones Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
5 November Ken Oliphant Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
5 November Neil Foster Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
6 November Andrew Dickinson Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
6 November Andrew Tettenborn Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC
12 November Neil Foster HCA on duty of care owed by psychiatrist on release of patient
12 November Gerard Sadlier Principles for Award of Exemplary or Aggravated Damages in Consumer Cases, under UCP
13 November James Lee Reminder of Advert for Chair in Private Law, King's College London
13 November Lionel Smith SCC on Good Faith in Contracts
13 November Stephen Smith SCC on Good Faith in Contracts
13 November Andrew Tettenborn SCC on Good Faith in Contracts
13 November Angela Swan SCC on Good Faith in Contracts
14 November Mark Gergen SCC on Good Faith in Contracts
14 November Matthew Harrington SCC on Good Faith in Contracts
17 November Martin Olszynski Regulatory Negligence meets 'Fracking'
17 November Gerard Sadlier Recent Cases on Lawyers Liabilities
19 November Gerard Sadlier Help in Finding Unreported English Case
19 November Gerard Sadlier Judgment Obtained, With Thanks
19 November Matthew Harrington Tort of insurer bad faith in New Zealand?
20 November Stephen Todd Tort of insurer bad faith in New Zealand?
20 November Gerard Sadlier Partnership, Where Profits from Different Aspects of Business Kept by Partners?
20 November Geoff McLay Tort of insurer bad faith in New Zealand?
27 November Jason Neyers Bhasin v Hrynew: the conspiracy angle
27 November Jason Neyers Promissory Fraud
27 November Barry Allan Promissory Fraud
27 November Neil Foster Promissory Fraud
28 November Gerard Sadlier Help in Finding Australian Decision
29 November Kelvin Low Promissory Fraud
8 December Gerard Sadlier Ireland: Consultation on Forfeiture of Benefits and Joint Property, Where Beneficiary Kills Testator
15 December Simone Degeling Contracts in Commercial Law Conference: 18-19 December 2015
15 December John Goldberg Fellowship Opportunity at Harvard Law School
16 December Stephen Pitel Decision on Municipal Road Standards
17 December Katy Barnett Post on Brookfield
17 December Andrew Robertson Photos from Obligations Conferences
18 December Andrew Tettenborn Xmas light relief - cause of action puzzle
18 December Gerard Sadlier Test Claimants in FII Group Litigation, Latest Judgment
19 December Matthew Harrington Assent, Jest and Unilateral Contract
19 December Keith Rowley 10th International Conference on Contracts: Las Vegas, February 27 & 28, 2015

<== To the messages for 2013

To the messages for 2015 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com