Date |
Sender |
Topic |
6 January |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
10 January |
Gerard Sadlier |
Authorities on Contributory Fault as a Defence to Claims for Inducement to Breach a Contract, Level of Corporate Knowledge Required to Attribute Knowledge to Company? |
16 January |
Neil Foster |
Breach of Statutory Duty and Whistleblower Confidentiality |
23 January |
Jason Neyers |
Civil Fraud |
28 January |
Lionel Smith |
The Unbounded Level of the Mind: Rod Macdonald's Legal Imagination / Ni bornes, ni frontières : l'imaginaire juridique de Rod Macdonald |
28 January |
Neil Foster |
USSC on causation |
28 January |
Richard Wright |
USSC on causation |
31 January |
Stephen Pitel |
Case on Novel Duty of Care - Duty and Standard of 'Ski Buddy' |
3 February |
Duncan Sheehan |
Society of Legal Scholars Conference Restitution Section 2014 |
5 February |
Katy Barnett |
New Australian penalty fees case |
5 February |
Stephen Pitel |
SCC on Unlawful Interference Tort |
5 February |
Gerard Sadlier |
SCC on Unlawful Interference Tort |
6 February |
Neil Foster |
Hospital liability for failure to detain psychiatric patient |
7 February |
Kit Barker |
2015 Distinguished Visiting Fellowships |
8 February |
Richard Wright |
A Farewell to the bon père de famille |
9 February |
James Lee |
Call for Papers, Torts Section, 2014 Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference |
10 February |
James Lee |
Posts at the University of Birmingham |
10 February |
Steve Hedley |
Mobile phones and the law |
10 February |
Irit Samet |
Openings at KCL |
11 February |
Stephen Pitel |
Caution - The Soup Mentioned in this Message is Hot |
11 February |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
12 February |
Neil Foster |
Continuing Negligent misrepresentation in UKSC |
13 February |
Gerard Sadlier |
Abuse of Rights and Intentional Torts |
13 February |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Abuse of Rights and Intentional Torts |
13 February |
Phillip Morgan |
EWCA Vicarious Liability |
13 February |
Jason Neyers |
Congratulations |
13 February |
Neil Foster |
EWCA Vicarious Liability |
14 February |
Christine Beuermann |
EWCA Vicarious Liability |
17 February |
Peter Radan |
The Coronation Cases - A Footnote |
19 February |
Phillip Morgan |
EWCA Vicarious Liability - Akin to Employment |
20 February |
Neil Foster |
EWCA Vicarious Liability - Akin to Employment |
21 February |
Sandy Steel |
Conference Announcement |
24 February |
Jason Neyers |
Advanced Torts |
25 February |
Peter Radan |
Written Judgements |
25 February |
Nathan Tamblyn |
Written Judgements |
25 February |
Gerard McMeel |
Written Judgements |
25 February |
Lionel Smith |
Written Judgements |
25 February |
Matthew Harrington |
Written Judgements |
25 February |
Gerard Sadlier |
Written Judgements |
25 February |
Matthew Harrington |
Written Judgements |
25 February |
Matthew Harrington |
Written Judgements |
25 February |
Peter Radan |
Written Judgements |
26 February |
Michael Furmston |
Written Judgements |
26 February |
Stephen Walmsley |
Written Judgements |
27 February |
Neil Foster |
Conversion, tracing and other matters |
28 February |
Phillip Morgan |
UKSC on Nuisance |
28 February |
Richard Wright |
UKSC on Nuisance |
28 February |
Jason Neyers |
UKSC on Nuisance |
28 February |
Richard Wright |
UKSC on Nuisance |
1 March |
Jason Neyers |
UKSC on Nuisance |
1 March |
Duncan Sheehan |
Society of Legal Scholars Conference Restitution Section 2014 |
4 March |
James Lee |
Final Call for Papers for the Torts Subject Section at the Society of Legal Scholars Conference 2014 |
14 March |
Neil Foster |
Draft Australian Law of Contract |
14 March |
Duncan Sheehan |
Society of Legal Scholars Conference: Restitution Section 2014 |
14 March |
James Lee |
Possession and Intangible Property |
14 March |
Sarah Green |
Possession and Intangible Property |
18 March |
Jason Neyers |
Killam Fellowship |
18 March |
Lewis Klar |
Killam Fellowship |
19 March |
Neil Foster |
Deprivation of Liberty, the UKSC and Strasbourg |
20 March |
Bill Swadling |
Associate Professorship (or Professorship) of Civil Procedure |
21 March |
Richard Wright |
News from the North - It's interesting, trust me |
21 March |
Stéphane Beaulac |
News from the North - It's interesting, trust me |
26 March |
Duncan Sheehan |
Society of Legal Scholars Conference: Restitution Section 2014 |
2 April |
Neil Foster |
HCA on Lord Campbell's Act claims and the deceased's earnings |
9 April |
Bill Swadling |
Regius Chair of Civil Law |
11 April |
Jason Neyers |
Rectification |
11 April |
David McLauchlan |
Rectification |
15 April |
Geoff McLay |
Sad news from New Zealand: Sir Owen Woodhouse has died |
15 April |
Richard Peltz-Steele |
Sad news from New Zealand: Sir Owen Woodhouse has died |
18 April |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
18 April |
Jason Neyers |
Tuttle v Buck essentially overruled by Minnesota Supreme Court |
19 April |
Jason Neyers |
More 'Just Published' |
19 April |
Jason Neyers |
Health Law and Policy Position at Western |
23 April |
Jason Neyers |
Leading Cases in Song |
24 April |
Neil Foster |
US Supreme Court on causation in Paroline |
30 April |
Jason Neyers |
White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor |
1 May |
Neil Foster |
Tort committed in commission of offence |
2 May |
Angela Swan |
White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor |
2 May |
Andrew Tettenborn |
White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor |
2 May |
Angela Swan |
White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor |
3 May |
Keith Rowley |
White & Carter (Councils) v McGregor |
7 May |
Neil Foster |
High Court of Australian on change of position defence in mistake cases |
9 May |
Katy Barnett |
Blog post on Australian High Court case of Hills |
19 May |
Katy Barnett |
Blog post on AFSL v Hills |
19 May |
Neil Foster |
HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance |
20 May |
Neil Foster |
Conversion, fraud, limitations and Rupert Bunny |
21 May |
Katy Barnett |
HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance |
21 May |
Jason Neyers |
HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance |
21 May |
Stephen Pitel |
Scope of Tort Law |
21 May |
Gerard Sadlier |
Scope of Tort Law |
21 May |
Lewis Klar |
Scope of Tort Law |
21 May |
Gerard Sadlier |
Scope of Tort Law |
21 May |
Lewis Klar |
Scope of Tort Law |
21 May |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Scope of Tort Law |
22 May |
Andrew Robertson |
HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance |
22 May |
David Wright |
HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance |
22 May |
Neil Foster |
Scope of Tort Law |
23 May |
Jason Neyers |
HCA on equitable estoppel and reliance |
27 May |
Gerard Sadlier |
Contributory Negligence For Breach of Trust, Contract, Intentional Tort |
27 May |
Tsachi Keren-Paz |
Contributory Negligence For Breach of Trust, Contract, Intentional Tort |
27 May |
Francesco Giglio |
Conference Announcement |
27 May |
Lewis Klar |
Contributory Negligence For Breach of Trust, Contract, Intentional Tort |
28 May |
Neil Foster |
Can a partner be an employee of the firm? |
28 May |
Hector MacQueen |
Can a partner be an employee of the firm? |
2 June |
Steve Hedley |
New 'good samaritan' legislation planned |
2 June |
Andrew Tettenborn |
New 'good samaritan' legislation planned |
2 June |
Michael Jones |
New 'good samaritan' legislation planned |
2 June |
Eoin O'Dell |
New 'good samaritan' legislation planned |
2 June |
Bill Madden |
New 'good samaritan' legislation planned |
3 June |
Benjamin Zipursky |
New 'good samaritan' legislation planned |
3 June |
Andrew Tettenborn |
New 'good samaritan' legislation planned |
3 June |
Gerard Sadlier |
New 'good samaritan' legislation planned |
3 June |
Jason Neyers |
Contract Law in Russia |
5 June |
Kelvin Low |
Call for Papers: Present Trends and Future Challenges in the Law of Trusts and Wealth Management |
6 June |
Peter Radan |
Contractual Interpretation (in Australia) |
6 June |
Matthew Harrington |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
6 June |
Hector MacQueen |
Contractual Interpretation (in Australia) |
6 June |
Angela Swan |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
6 June |
James Lee |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
6 June |
Matthew Harrington |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
6 June |
Phillip Lister |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
7 June |
David McLauchlan |
Contractual Interpretation (in Australia) |
7 June |
Nicola Peart |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
7 June |
Neil Foster |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
7 June |
Hector MacQueen |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
9 June |
Prue Vines |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
11 June |
Neil Foster |
HCA on fiduciary obligations of directors, and tax |
11 June |
Keith Rowley |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
11 June |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
11 June |
Lionel Smith |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
11 June |
Angela Swan |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
11 June |
Matthew Harrington |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
15 June |
Daniel Carr |
Golfing in Scotland |
17 June |
Barry Allan |
Electronic disabling and tracking devices |
17 June |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Electronic disabling and tracking devices |
17 June |
Sean Thomas |
Electronic disabling and tracking devices |
17 June |
Andrew Steven |
Human Tissue is Property in Canada |
19 June |
Matthew Harrington |
Nuns Sue Strip Club in Nuisance |
21 June |
Gerard Sadlier |
Cases on Exemplary Damages under the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive |
23 June |
Katy Barnett |
Howard v Commissioner of Taxation |
24 June |
Jason Neyers |
Duties of Business Owners |
26 June |
Martin Hogg |
Unjust enrichment claim (?) by MMR autism victim |
26 June |
John Blackie |
Unjust enrichment claim (?) by MMR autism victim |
27 June |
Colin Liew |
SGCA on trusts of the family home |
3 July |
Simone Degeling |
Journal of Equity Conference in Sydney Friday 29 August: Trusts and Trustees |
3 July |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
3 July |
Lynda Collins |
More Just Published |
4 July |
Hector MacQueen |
Good faith in contract |
4 July |
John Blackie |
Good faith in contract |
4 July |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Good faith in contract |
4 July |
Lionel Smith |
Hot dog volenti |
4 July |
Peter Radan |
Good faith in contract |
9 July |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
9 July |
Jason Neyers |
Pure Economic Loss and Rights |
16 July |
James Lee |
UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures |
16 July |
Robert Stevens |
UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures |
16 July |
Charles Mitchell |
UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures |
16 July |
Robert Stevens |
UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures |
17 July |
Richard Wright |
Paris conference on Causation, Liability and Apportionment: Law, Economics and Philosophy |
17 July |
Florence G'sell |
Paris conference on Causation, Liability and Apportionment: Law, Economics and Philosophy |
17 July |
Gerard McMeel |
UK Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures |
22 July |
Mark Wilde |
A Court at the Crossroads of Empire Exhibition |
23 July |
Lu Tong |
Some thoughts about about wrong and liability |
28 July |
Eoin Quill |
IALT Annual Conference, Kilkenny, 7-9 November 2014 |
28 July |
Richard Wright |
Susan Haack on Science, Proof, and Truth in the Law |
29 July |
Neil Foster |
More on nuisance from UKSC, landlord liability, costs |
30 July |
James Lee |
Two Cases on the Illegality Defence |
31 July |
Neil Foster |
Two Cases on the Illegality Defence |
31 July |
Hector MacQueen |
Two Cases on the Illegality Defence |
31 July |
Hector MacQueen |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
Robert Stevens |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
Robert Stevens |
Two Cases on the Illegality Defence |
31 July |
Gerard Sadlier |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
James Goudkamp |
Two Cases on the Illegality Defence |
31 July |
Hector MacQueen |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
Hector MacQueen |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
Matthew Harrington |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
Gerard Sadlier |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
Robert Stevens |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
Gerard Sadlier |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
Adam Parachin |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
31 July |
Lionel Smith |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
31 July |
Adam Parachin |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
31 July |
Alan Bogg |
Two Cases on the Illegality Defence |
31 July |
Gerard Sadlier |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
31 July |
James Goudkamp |
Two Cases on the Illegality Defence |
31 July |
Lionel Smith |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
1 August |
Andrew Burrows |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Robert Stevens |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Gerard Sadlier |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Robert Stevens |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Eylem Apaydin |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Gerard Sadlier |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Robert Stevens |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Gerard McMeel |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Stephen Pitel |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
1 August |
Gerard Sadlier |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
1 August |
Adam Parachin |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
1 August |
Lionel Smith |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
2 August |
Matt Dyson |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
2 August |
Matthew Harrington |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
2 August |
Lionel Smith |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
2 August |
Lionel Smith |
Improving, then returning, stolen goods |
2 August |
Matthew Harrington |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
2 August |
Phillip Lister |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
3 August |
Neil Guthrie |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
5 August |
Katy Barnett |
Interview with Sir Anthony Mason |
5 August |
Angela Swan |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
5 August |
Adam Parachin |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
5 August |
Matthew Harrington |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
7 August |
Neil Foster |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
7 August |
Eugene Volokh |
Unconditional Bequest Struck on the Basis of Public Policy |
7 August |
Martin Hogg |
Hotel fines guest $500 for every negative review |
7 August |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Hotel fines guest $500 for every negative review |
7 August |
Martin Hogg |
Hotel fines guest $500 for every negative review |
12 August |
Robert Stevens |
Illegality Again |
12 August |
Robert Stevens |
Illegality Again |
12 August |
Gerard Sadlier |
Illegality Again |
14 August |
Michael Furmston |
Illegality Again |
14 August |
Gerard Sadlier |
Query on Inducement to Breach Contract |
21 August |
Jason Neyers |
Personal Injury and Easements |
22 August |
Neil Foster |
Personal Injury and Easements |
22 August |
Donal Nolan |
Personal Injury and Easements |
23 August |
Gerard Sadlier |
Personal Injury and Easements |
23 August |
Richard Wright |
Personal Injury and Easements |
24 August |
Lu Tong |
Personal Injury and Easements |
27 August |
Neil Foster |
Forfeiture of gift where beneficiary kills the testator |
1 September |
Jason Neyers |
Just published |
1 September |
Gerard Sadlier |
Updates on Developments in Professional Negligence in Jurisdictions Outside The UK? |
1 September |
Lewis Klar |
Comparative Tort Law Course |
1 September |
Chaim Saiman |
Comparative Tort Law Course |
2 September |
Neil Foster |
Comparative Tort Law Course |
2 September |
Peter Radan |
Contractual Interpretation |
2 September |
Duncan Fairgrieve |
Comparative Tort Law Course |
3 September |
Peter Radan |
More on Contractual Interpretation from Down Under |
4 September |
Gerard Sadlier |
Estoppel as a Bar to an Action for Inducement to Breach a Contract |
10 September |
Eli Ball |
Two recent Australian unjust enrichment cases |
10 September |
Neil Foster |
HCA rejects implied contractual duty of mutual trust and confidence |
16 September |
Neil Foster |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
16 September |
Richard Wright |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
16 September |
Sarah Green |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
16 September |
Robert Stevens |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
16 September |
Laura Hoyano |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
16 September |
Robert Stevens |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
16 September |
Jason Neyers |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
16 September |
Richard Wright |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
16 September |
John Kleefeld |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
17 September |
David Cheifetz |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
17 September |
David Cheifetz |
Causation, Fairchild cases, the CLA in Victoria |
30 September |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
30 September |
Lionel Smith |
Just Published |
7 October |
Charles Mitchell |
PhD private law scholarships at UCL |
8 October |
Neil Foster |
HCA on duty of care re economic loss in building case |
8 October |
Robert Stevens |
HCA on duty of care re economic loss in building case |
9 October |
James Lee |
English Court of Appeal on Wilkinson v Downton and emotional / psychiatric harm claims against parents |
9 October |
Andrew Tettenborn |
English Court of Appeal on Wilkinson v Downton and emotional / psychiatric harm claims against parents |
10 October |
Andrew Dickinson |
English Court of Appeal on Wilkinson v Downton and emotional / psychiatric harm claims against parents |
15 October |
Neil Foster |
Fund management costs as part of a damages award in the HCA |
15 October |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
15 October |
Eoin Quill |
Fund management costs as part of a damages award in the HCA |
15 October |
Jeffrey Berryman |
Fund management costs as part of a damages award in the HCA |
15 October |
Harold Luntz |
Fund management costs as part of a damages award in the HCA |
22 October |
Gerard Sadlier |
Inducement to Breach of Contract Again |
24 October |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Necessaries |
28 October |
James Lee |
Advert for Chair in Private Law, King's College London |
29 October |
Gerard Sadlier |
Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court |
29 October |
Robert Stevens |
Turpitude in the UK Supreme Court |
30 October |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Advert for Chair in Private Law, King's College London - and further private law opportunities elsewhere |
31 October |
PG Turner |
Cambridge Law Journal PhD Studentships |
31 October |
Matthew Harrington |
Bad Faith Conduct in Employment Case |
31 October |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
31 October |
Richard Peltz-Steele |
Bad Faith Conduct in Employment Case |
31 October |
Angela Swan |
Bad Faith Conduct in Employment Case |
4 November |
Neil Foster |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
4 November |
Ken Oliphant |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
4 November |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
4 November |
Neil Foster |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
5 November |
Ken Oliphant |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
5 November |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
5 November |
Eoin Quill |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
5 November |
Andrew Dickinson |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
5 November |
Ken Oliphant |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
5 November |
James Lee |
UK Supreme Court on Breach of Trust and Equitable Compensation |
5 November |
Robert Stevens |
Account |
5 November |
Michael Jones |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
5 November |
Ken Oliphant |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
5 November |
Neil Foster |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
6 November |
Andrew Dickinson |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
6 November |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Breach of Statutory Duty in the UKSC |
12 November |
Neil Foster |
HCA on duty of care owed by psychiatrist on release of patient |
12 November |
Gerard Sadlier |
Principles for Award of Exemplary or Aggravated Damages in Consumer Cases, under UCP |
13 November |
James Lee |
Reminder of Advert for Chair in Private Law, King's College London |
13 November |
Lionel Smith |
SCC on Good Faith in Contracts |
13 November |
Stephen Smith |
SCC on Good Faith in Contracts |
13 November |
Andrew Tettenborn |
SCC on Good Faith in Contracts |
13 November |
Angela Swan |
SCC on Good Faith in Contracts |
14 November |
Mark Gergen |
SCC on Good Faith in Contracts |
14 November |
Matthew Harrington |
SCC on Good Faith in Contracts |
17 November |
Martin Olszynski |
Regulatory Negligence meets 'Fracking' |
17 November |
Gerard Sadlier |
Recent Cases on Lawyers Liabilities |
19 November |
Gerard Sadlier |
Help in Finding Unreported English Case |
19 November |
Gerard Sadlier |
Judgment Obtained, With Thanks |
19 November |
Matthew Harrington |
Tort of insurer bad faith in New Zealand? |
20 November |
Stephen Todd |
Tort of insurer bad faith in New Zealand? |
20 November |
Gerard Sadlier |
Partnership, Where Profits from Different Aspects of Business Kept by Partners? |
20 November |
Geoff McLay |
Tort of insurer bad faith in New Zealand? |
27 November |
Jason Neyers |
Bhasin v Hrynew: the conspiracy angle |
27 November |
Jason Neyers |
Promissory Fraud |
27 November |
Barry Allan |
Promissory Fraud |
27 November |
Neil Foster |
Promissory Fraud |
28 November |
Gerard Sadlier |
Help in Finding Australian Decision |
29 November |
Kelvin Low |
Promissory Fraud |
8 December |
Gerard Sadlier |
Ireland: Consultation on Forfeiture of Benefits and Joint Property, Where Beneficiary Kills Testator |
15 December |
Simone Degeling |
Contracts in Commercial Law Conference: 18-19 December 2015 |
15 December |
John Goldberg |
Fellowship Opportunity at Harvard Law School |
16 December |
Stephen Pitel |
Decision on Municipal Road Standards |
17 December |
Katy Barnett |
Post on Brookfield |
17 December |
Andrew Robertson |
Photos from Obligations Conferences |
18 December |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Xmas light relief - cause of action puzzle |
18 December |
Gerard Sadlier |
Test Claimants in FII Group Litigation, Latest Judgment |
19 December |
Matthew Harrington |
Assent, Jest and Unilateral Contract |
19 December |
Keith Rowley |
10th International Conference on Contracts: Las Vegas, February 27 & 28, 2015 |