ODG - messages in 2020

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Date Sender Topic
9 January Kit Barker Journal of Equity Conference 2020: Equity and Trusts in the Digital Economy Feb 20th 2020
14 January Nicholas Hoggard Auden McKenzie Ltd v Patel - EWCA on equitable compensation
14 January Robert Stevens Auden McKenzie Ltd v Patel - EWCA on equitable compensation
14 January Julius Grower Auden McKenzie Ltd v Patel - EWCA on equitable compensation
14 January Samuel Beswick Call for Applications: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Private Law at Harvard Law School
16 January Jason Neyers Just Published
17 January Jason Neyers Congratulations
23 January Jason Neyers Just Published!
24 January Samuel Beswick Obligations X ~ 14-17 July 2020 ~ Harvard Law School
24 January Matthew Harrington Call for Papers: Indigneous Private Law Conference - Montreal 8 May 2020
24 January Jason Neyers Recognizing Wrongs
28 January Andrew Tettenborn Human interest podcast
30 January Andrew Robertson Obligations X ~ 14-17 July 2020 ~ Harvard Law School
2 February Gerard Sadlier Setting Aside of Judgments for Fraud and Other Grounds
5 February Andrew Tettenborn Irish illegality
6 February Jason Neyers Just Published!
13 February Neil Foster UKSC on false imprisonment
13 February Paul Davies Commercial Contracts Conference - UCL - May 14 2020
1 March Steve Hedley Duty to pass on genetic information
1 March Andrew Tettenborn Duty to pass on genetic information
1 March Steve Hedley Duty to pass on genetic information
4 March Simon Baughen Supreme Court of Canada gives its decision in Nevsun v Arraya
4 March Andrew Tettenborn Supreme Court of Canada gives its decision in Nevsun v Arraya
4 March Stephen Pitel Supreme Court of Canada gives its decision in Nevsun v Arraya
6 March Barry Allan Torts v Climate Change
6 March Nathan Tamblyn Torts v Climate Change
6 March Ewan McGaughey Torts v Climate Change
18 March Paul Davies Intermediaries in Commercial Law
24 March Jason Neyers Non-pecuniary loss for damage to property
24 March Samuel Beswick Non-pecuniary loss for damage to property
24 March Hilary Young Non-pecuniary loss for damage to property
24 March Andrew Tettenborn Non-pecuniary loss for damage to property
24 March Jason Neyers Legal and Equitable Property Rights
27 March Catherine Valcke Non-pecuniary loss for damage to property
1 April Neil Foster A brief mention of causation in tort in USSC
1 April Lionel Smith A brief mention of causation in tort in USSC
1 April Richard Wright A brief mention of causation in tort in USSC
1 April James Lee Three Tort Cases from the UKSC
1 April Eoin Quill Three Tort Cases from the UKSC
1 April Craig Purshouse Three Tort Cases from the UKSC
1 April Christine Beuermann Three Tort Cases from the UKSC
1 April Robert Stevens Three Tort Cases from the UKSC
2 April Andrew Robertson Obligations X Conference update
2 April Lionel Smith Covid times call for covid measures
3 April Harold Luntz Language of causation
3 April Sandy Steel Three Tort Cases from the UKSC
3 April Robert Stevens Language of causation
3 April Lionel Smith Miller & Harding, eds., Fiduciaries and Trust; Ethics, Politics, Economics and Law
4 April Neil Foster Language of causation
4 April Harold Luntz Language of causation
4 April Robert Stevens Language of causation
7 April Richard Wright Language of causation
8 April Neil Foster Language of causation
8 April Richard Wright Language of causation
8 April Neil Foster Language of causation
8 April Richard Wright Language of causation
8 April Robert Stevens Language of causation
8 April Richard Wright Language of causation
8 April Robert Stevens Language of causation
8 April Jason Neyers Language of causation
8 April Robert Stevens Language of causation
9 April Richard Wright Language of causation
10 April Andrew Summers Language of causation
15 April Neil Foster HCA on post-tort injunctions and privacy
15 April Andrew Tettenborn HCA on post-tort injunctions and privacy
15 April Neil Foster HCA on post-tort injunctions and privacy
20 April Jason Neyers Just Published!
25 April Neil Foster HCA on whether travel disappointment is 'personal injury'
30 April Katy Barnett HCA on whether travel disappointment is 'personal injury'
30 April Jason Neyers Just Published
2 May Lionel Smith Mitchell and Watterson, eds., The World of Maritime and Commercial Law: Essays in Honour of Francis Rose
29 May Neil Foster HCA comments on goods torts and property issues - Hocking
29 May Jason Neyers The Law of Agency
3 June Neil Foster HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
3 June Andrew Tettenborn HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
3 June Neil Foster HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
3 June Samuel Beswick 'No buildings in the park' (... vehicles okay)
3 June Jason Neyers Just Published
3 June Jason Neyers Justice Burrows swearing in
3 June Andrew Tettenborn Justice Burrows swearing in
4 June Neil Foster Justice Burrows swearing in
4 June Barry Allan HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Christine Beuermann HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Robert Stevens HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Frederick Wilmot-Smith HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Andrew Tettenborn HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Donal Nolan HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Andrew Tettenborn HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Christine Beuermann HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Frederick Wilmot-Smith HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Robert Stevens HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Sandy Steel HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Sandy Steel HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Andrew Tettenborn HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Jason Neyers HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Andrew Tettenborn HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Matt Dyson HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
5 June Donal Nolan HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
6 June Robert Stevens HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
6 June Neil Foster HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
6 June Jason Varuhas HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
6 June Donal Nolan HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
6 June Jason Varuhas HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
6 June Donal Nolan HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
6 June Jason Neyers Justice Burrows swearing in
6 June Jason Neyers HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
6 June Christine Beuermann HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
6 June Donal Nolan HCA on battery and use of force with passing comments on bystanders
7 June Katy Barnett New case on penalties doctrine from NZ
10 June Gerard Sadlier Business Interruption Insurance Cases
16 June Jason Neyers Just Published!
24 June Jason Neyers ODG Archive
25 June Neil Foster ODG Archive
26 June Stephen Pitel Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
26 June Andrew Tettenborn Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
26 June Gerard McMeel Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
26 June Jack Enman-Beech Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
26 June Robert Stevens Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
26 June Jack Enman-Beech Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
26 June Stéphane Sérafin Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
27 June Frederick Wilmot-Smith Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
27 June Paul Stanley Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
27 June Gerard Sadlier Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
27 June Andrew Tettenborn Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
27 June Paul Stanley Supreme Court of Canada on Unconscionability in Contract
3 July Matt Dyson Michael Furmston
9 July Jason Neyers Just Published!
20 July Jason Neyers Just Published!
20 July Jason Neyers Just Published!
22 July Jason Neyers Just Published!
23 July Lionel Smith BGB: commentary in English
24 July Stephen Pitel Supreme Court of Canada on Unjust Enrichment, Restitution and Waver of Tort
25 July Neil Foster Supreme Court of Canada on Unjust Enrichment, Restitution and Waver of Tort
27 July Katy Barnett Post on Commissioner of Police v Smethurst
29 July Jason Neyers The Right of Redress
5 August Neil Foster HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
5 August David Winterton HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
5 August Rob Stevens HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
5 August Jason Varuhas HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
5 August Christine Beuermann HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
5 August Rob Stevens HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
6 August Peter Radan Jamison v McClendon
7 August Prue Vines Jamison v McClendon
7 August Ken Simons Jamison v McClendon
8 August Katy Barnett New case on damages where the defendant is a deliberate wrongdoer: Berry v CCL Secure Ltd
13 August Neil Foster HCA on breach of duty, responsible medical opinion
16 August Rob Stevens HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
16 August Jordan English HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
16 August Rob Stevens HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
16 August Matthew Hoyle HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
16 August Steve Smith HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
16 August Lionel Smith HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
16 August Rob Stevens HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
17 August Steve Smith HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
17 August Andrew Tettenborn HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
21 August Jason Neyers Leave to Appeal, Policy vs Operational
23 August Harold Luntz HCA on Vindicatory Damages for False Imprisonment
8 September Jason Neyers Just Published!
11 September Neil Foster SCC on qualified privilege in defamation, SLAPP legislation
11 September Hilary Young SCC on qualified privilege in defamation, SLAPP legislation
17 September Jason Neyers Congratulations, Stephen Smith, FRSC
22 September Peter Radan Trespass to Person Case
22 September Richard Wright Trespass to Person Case
23 September Craig Purshouse Trespass to Person Case
23 September Andrew Tettenborn Trespass to Person Case
23 September Matthew Hoyle Trespass to Person Case
23 September Christine Beuermann Trespass to Person Case
23 September Andrew Tettenborn Trespass to Person Case
24 September Neil Foster Trespass to Person Case
6 October Jason Neyers Cambridge Freshfields Annual Law Lecture 2020 on ZOOM
6 October Paul Miller Oxford Studies in Private Law Theory, Vol. II
6 October Barbara von Tigerstrom Law reform consultation on the Contributory Negligence Act
7 October Jason Neyers Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort
7 October Jason Neyers Challenging Private Law
9 October Lionel Smith Online seminars
11 October Lionel Smith Call for presenters
13 October Maren Heidemann Event information for Friday 16th Oct 2020
14 October Maren Heidemann Event information for Friday 16th Oct 2020
21 October Jason Neyers Just Published!
22 October Matt Harrington Sessional Lecturer Sales of Goods - Université de Montréal Winter Term 2021
23 October Jason Neyers Vicarious Liability after Barclays and Morrison - A New Direction?
23 October Jason Neyers Contract Formation by Conduct in the SCC
27 October Maren Heidemann Call for papers (comparative common law of contract)
28 October Peter Radan Variation of Contracts and Consideration
30 October Matt Dyson Illegality in the UKSC
31 October Neil Foster Illegality in the UKSC
3 November Katy Barnett New mesne profits case
3 November Matthew Hoyle Illegality in the UKSC
6 November Jason Neyers 1688782 Ontario Inc. v. Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
6 November Jason Neyers 1688782 Ontario Inc. v. Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
6 November John Kleefeld 1688782 Ontario Inc. v. Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
10 November Eoin Quill Irish Tort Articles
10 November Andrew Tettenborn Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Andrew Dickinson Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Matthew Hoyle Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Philippa Ryan Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Robert Stevens Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Andrew Tettenborn Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Matthew Hoyle Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Robert Stevens Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Matthew Hoyle Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Donal Nolan Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Martin Hogg Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Robert Stevens Stealing aeroplanes
10 November Neil Foster Stealing aeroplanes
11 November Eoin Quill Stealing aeroplanes
13 November Matthew Harrington Nuisance, Mandatory Injunction, Punitive Damages in the ONCA
13 November Jason Neyers Just Published!
19 November Alan Bogg Bristol Studies in Law and Social Justice
26 November Matt Harrington Indigenous Private Law Conference - OnLine - December 3-4
26 November Matt Harrington Correction : Conference on Indigenous Private Law
30 November Andrew Robertson Obligations X conference
4 December Richard Wright Superspreader liability
4 December John Kleefeld Superspreader liability
9 December Neil Foster HCA on trespass to land and police intent
11 December Yip Man Call for papers: Modern Studies in the Law of Trusts and Wealth Management 2021
11 December Gerard Sadlier Justification in Inducement to Breach of Contract and the Economic Torts
11 December Jack Pembroke-Birss Justification in Inducement to Breach of Contract and the Economic Torts
14 December Rob Stevens Mistake in the Privy Council
14 December Matthew Hoyle Mistake in the Privy Council
14 December Barry Allan Mistake in the Privy Council
14 December Sam Beswick Mistake in the Privy Council
16 December Peter Radan The Penalties doctrine in Singapore
16 December Maren Heidemann Event information for Thursday 17th Dec 2020
18 December Jason Neyers Duty of Honest Performance in the SCC
18 December Stéphane Sérafin Duty of Honest Performance in the SCC
18 December Jack Enman-Beech Duty of Honest Performance in the SCC
18 December Stéphane Sérafin Duty of Honest Performance in the SCC
18 December Stéphane Sérafin Duty of Honest Performance in the SCC
19 December David Cheifetz Duty of Honest Performance in the SCC
19 December Stéphane Sérafin Duty of Honest Performance in the SCC
21 December Jason Neyers Fridman's The Law of Torts in Canada
22 December Gerard Sadlier Anti-Enforcement Injunctions
22 December Angela Swan Anti-Enforcement Injunctions
24 December David Cheifetz Contribution, Unjust Enrichment, Wrongs

<== To the messages for 2019

To the messages for 2021 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com