ODG - messages in 2018

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Date Sender Topic
9 January Jason Neyers Positions Available at Brunel Law School
17 January Jason Neyers Revolution and Evolution in Private Law
18 January Jason Neyers Special Damage in the tort of Public Nuisance
22 January Neil Foster Some terrific video material on Lord Atkin and Donoghue
25 January Jason Neyers Opening at the University of Otago
28 January Neil Foster Call for papers for climate change conference at Newcastle, NSW
29 January Stephen Bogle Private law lecturership
31 January Jason Neyers Just Published!
4 February David Cheifetz Best Change of Position articles
7 February Richard Peltz-Steele Engel book for 1L class
7 February Gerard Sadlier Material on Russian Law in English
7 February Catharine MacMillan Material on Russian Law in English
7 February Penelope Crossley Material on Russian Law in English
8 February TT Arvind UKSC on negligence and police immunity
8 February Robert Stevens UKSC on negligence and police immunity
8 February Gerard Sadlier Material on Russian Law in English
9 February Craig Purshouse UKSC on negligence and police immunity
9 February Donal Nolan UKSC on negligence and police immunity
9 February Stéphane Beaulac Material on Russian Law in English
9 February Gerard Sadlier Impact on a Change in Choice of Law on Contractual Interpretation
12 February Gerard Sadlier Material on Russian Law in English
12 February Christian Witting UKSC on negligence and police immunity
13 February Donal Nolan UKSC on negligence and police immunity
13 February Jason Neyers Just published!
13 February Jason Neyers Just Published
16 February John Kleefeld Trustee's Obligation to Notify Beneficiaries of a Trust
18 February Gerard Sadlier Writing on Contractual Options
26 February Andrew Newcombe Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Nathan Tamblyn Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Andrew Tettenborn Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Martin Hogg Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Katy Barnett Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February David Wingfield Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February John Blackie Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Andrew Tettenborn Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Lionel Smith Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Caprice Roberts Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Jack Enman-Beech Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Matthew Harrington Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Heather McLeod-Kilmurray Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Matthew Harrington Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
27 February Heather McLeod-Kilmurray Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Gerard Sadlier Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Michael Furmston Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Andrew Tettenborn Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Nathan Tamblyn Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Andrew Tettenborn Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Nathan Tamblyn Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February James Lee UK Supreme Court on Assumptions of Responsibility and the Need for Reasonable Reliance
28 February David Wingfield Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Matthew Harrington Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Greg Bowley Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Matthew Harrington Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Greg Bowley Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
28 February Jack Enman-Beech Damages for killing a pig adopted from the SPCA
2 March Neil Foster Authority of comments in a case subsequently overturned
6 March Jason Neyers Just Published!
12 March Andrew Tettenborn Mother as defendant
12 March Claire McIvor Mother as defendant
13 March Joe Campbell Authority of comments in a case subsequently overturned
13 March Gerard Sadlier Mother as defendant
13 March Steve Hedley Mother as defendant
13 March Phillip Morgan Mother as defendant
13 March Paul Stanley Mother as defendant
21 March James Lee Two UKSC decisions on Tort: Actionable Damage and Unlawful Means Conspiracy
21 March Jason Neyers UKSC decision on Unlawful Means Conspiracy
21 March Robert Stevens UKSC decision on Unlawful Means Conspiracy
21 March Robert Stevens UKSC decision on Unlawful Means Conspiracy
2 April Haim Abraham Eschel Call for Papers - Public Aspects of Private Law
6 April Matthew Harrington Registration Open - Good Faith in Contract Conference May in Montreal
11 April Jason Neyers Fridman Private Law Workshop: Oct 12-13, 2018
13 April Simone Degeling Private Law Lectureships at UNSW Law
16 April Neil Foster Misfeasance in Public Office - foreseeability not enough
19 April Robert Stevens Morris-Garner on Wrotham Park
19 April Andrew Tettenborn Morris-Garner on Wrotham Park
19 April Robert Stevens Morris-Garner on Wrotham Park
19 April Andrew Tettenborn Illegality and tort
19 April Peter Radan Morris-Garner on Wrotham Park
1 May Cameron Stewart Collateral abuse of process
4 May Jason Neyers Defences In Equity
4 May Andrew Tettenborn Off-highway negligence
4 May Jason Neyers Off-highway negligence
4 May Andrew Tettenborn Off-highway negligence
4 May Andrew Dickinson Off-highway negligence
4 May Gerard Sadlier Off-highway negligence
4 May David Wingfield Off-highway negligence
5 May Hanna Wilberg Off-highway negligence
9 May Matthew Harrington Conference: Good Faith in Contract Montreal - This Week
14 May Neil Foster SCC says Duty of Care not owed to victims of car theft
14 May James Lee SCC says Duty of Care not owed to victims of car theft
14 May Jason Neyers Rankin's Garage
14 May Lewis Klar Rankin's Garage
15 May Donal Nolan Rankin's Garage
15 May Andrew Dickinson Rankin's Garage
15 May Jason Neyers Rankin's Garage
15 May Jason Neyers Rankin's Garage
15 May Jason Neyers Rankin's Garage
15 May Donal Nolan Rankin's Garage
15 May Jason Neyers Rankin's Garage
15 May Andrew Tettenborn Rankin's Garage
15 May Donal Nolan Rankin's Garage
15 May Jason Neyers Rankin's Garage
15 May Jason Neyers Rankin's Garage
15 May Donal Nolan Rankin's Garage
15 May Hector MacQueen Rankin's Garage
15 May Andrew Tettenborn Rankin's Garage
15 May Stephen Pitel Another Canadian Case on Foreseeability and Duty
15 May Jane Stapleton Another Canadian Case on Foreseeability and Duty
15 May Andrew Tettenborn Another Canadian Case on Foreseeability and Duty
15 May Ernest Weinrib Rankin's Garage
15 May Hilary Young Rankin's Garage
15 May Lewis Klar Rankin's Garage
15 May Donal Nolan Rankin's Garage
15 May Robert Stevens Rankin's Garage
15 May Frederick Wilmot-Smith Rankin's Garage
15 May John Kleefeld Rankin's Garage
16 May TT Arvind MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Christine Beuermann Rankin's Garage
16 May Judith Skillen MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Andrew Tettenborn MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Robert Stevens MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Robert Stevens Rankin's Garage
16 May Andrew Tettenborn MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Robert Stevens MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Andrew Tettenborn MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Robert Stevens MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Robert Stevens MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May TT Arvind MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Allan Beever Rankin's Garage
16 May Paul Stanley MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Robert Stevens MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May David Wingfield MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Robert Stevens Rankin's Garage
16 May John Kleefeld Rankin's Garage
16 May Robert Stevens Rankin's Garage
16 May Angela Swan MWB v Rock Advertising
16 May Jason Neyers MWB v Rock Advertising
18 May Gerard Sadlier MWB v Rock Advertising
18 May Adam Kramer MWB v Rock Advertising
18 May Gerard Sadlier MWB v Rock Advertising
20 May David McLauchlan MWB v Rock Advertising
20 May Catharine MacMillan MWB v Rock Advertising
21 May Harold Luntz Contract vs Tort
23 May Catherine Valcke MWB v Rock Advertising
23 May Angela Swan MWB v Rock Advertising
23 May Rosalie Jukier British Columbia Court of Appeal decision on Consideration
24 May David McLauchlan MWB v Rock Advertising
24 May Angela Swan British Columbia Court of Appeal decision on Consideration
25 May Bill Swadling British Columbia Court of Appeal decision on Consideration
25 May Angela Swan British Columbia Court of Appeal decision on Consideration
28 May Phillip Morgan Lectureship in Law
28 May Jason Neyers Conference Announcement
28 May Phillip Morgan Vicarious Liability - Independent Contractors
30 May Matt Dyson Justice by sleight of hand?
30 May Steve Hedley Justice by sleight of hand?
31 May Hilary Young Save the Date: Canadian Law of Obligations 2019
13 June Neil Foster HCA on economic loss and superannuation, and internet defamation
16 June Andrew Summers Wrongfully declining someone else's scholarship place
16 June Stephen Pitel Wrongfully declining someone else's scholarship place
17 June Stephen Todd Wrongfully declining someone else's scholarship place
17 June Andrew Tettenborn Wrongfully declining someone else's scholarship place
20 June Jason Neyers Illegality after Patel v Mirza
20 June Matthew Harrington Subrogation & Litigation Question
21 June Gerard Sadlier Subrogation & Litigation Question
21 June Andrew Tettenborn Subrogation & Litigation Question
21 June Richard Wright Subrogation & Litigation Question
21 June Matthew Harrington Subrogation & Litigation Question
21 June David Cheifetz Subrogation & Litigation Question
27 June James Lee New Appointments to the UK Supreme Court
8 July Harold Luntz New Appointments to the UK Supreme Court
8 July Andrew Tettenborn New Appointments to the UK Supreme Court
8 July Anne Rees New Appointments to the UK Supreme Court
10 July Gerard Sadlier Cases in which Injunction Granted to Prevent Continuation of Foreign Tort and/or Foreign Proceedings amounting to a Tort
25 July Robert Stevens Sempra Metals Gone
25 July Gerard McMeel Sempra Metals Gone
25 July Gerard Sadlier Sempra Metals Gone
26 July Neil Foster No duty of care owed by employer conducting litigation to protect reputation of employees
26 July Jason Neyers Causation in European Tort Law
27 Julu Neil Foster No duty of care for misrepresentation owed to undisclosed principal
1 August Kit Barker Teaching and Research Positions at the University of Queensland
2 August Jennifer Palmer Academic Positions at the University of Otago, New Zealand
3 August Matthew Campbell Illegality in tort post Patel
3 August Andrew Tettenborn Illegality in tort post Patel
5 August Gerard Sadlier Can a Solicitor on Record in Proceedings Stipulate that he has no Authority to Accept Service in those Proceedings?
7 August Colm McGrath ODG FPL
9 August Jason Neyers Atiyah's Accidents, Compensation and the Law, 9th ed
9 August Jason Neyers Canadian Contract Law, 4th Edition
10 August Jason Neyers Remedies in Australian Private Law (2nd ed)
12 August Andrew Tettenborn Some silly season stuff ...
13 August Rohan Havelock Academic Positions at the University of Auckland, New Zealand
13 August Hanna Wilberg Academic Positions at the University of Auckland, New Zealand
13 August Robyn Carroll Some silly season stuff ...
13 August Jeannie Paterson Some silly season stuff ...
13 August John Kleefeld Some silly season stuff ...
13 August Gerard Sadlier Some silly season stuff ...
21 August Jason Neyers Justice Cardozo Special Issue
28 August James Lee Singapore Court of Appeal on Process Torts
29 August Jason W Neyers The Craft of University Teaching
4 September Geoff McLay Nominations for up to three classic 'obligations' articles that all good law postgrads should read
5 September John Kleefeld Nominations for up to three classic 'obligations' articles that all good law postgrads should read
6 September Peter Radan Equity, and Morality (and Donald Trump)
6 September Ewan McGaughey Nominations for up to three classic 'obligations' articles that all good law postgrads should read
10 September Richard Peltz-Steele Draft Chinese civil code in English?
10 September Mindy Chen-Wishart Draft Chinese civil code in English?
12 September Neil Foster HCA on part performance
13 September Katy Barnett HCA on part performance
13 September Matthew Harrington Recision, Reformation or Something Else?
13 September Neil Guthrie Recision, Reformation or Something Else?
14 September Lionel Smith Recision, Reformation or Something Else?
14 September Gerard Sadlier Recision, Reformation or Something Else?
24 September Jason Neyers Just Published!
26 September Jason Neyers Just Published!
10 October Neil Foster HCA on account of profits in equity
10 October Joe Campbell HCA on account of profits in equity
10 October James Lee UK Supreme Court on Duty of Care
10 October Craig Purshouse UK Supreme Court on Duty of Care
11 October Katy Barnett HCA on account of profits in equity
11 October Philippa Ryan HCA on account of profits in equity
11 October Katy Barnett HCA on account of profits in equity
11 October Robert Stevens HCA on account of profits in equity
12 October Phillip Morgan Bellman - Vicarious Liability for Senior Employee Violence
20 October Richard Wright ALI Elects 31 New Members
20 October Steve Hedley ALI Elects 31 New Members
20 October Katy Barnett ALI Elects 31 New Members
21 October Richard Wright ALI Elects 31 New Members
30 October Jason Neyers Just Published!
1 November Jason Neyers Just Published
2 November Eoin O'Dell Announcing the launch of the Palles Society for Private Law
12 November Geoff McLay Trusts Bill reported back to NZ parliament
15 November Hilary Young Canadian Law of Obligations call for abstracts
24 November John Kleefeld SCC on Unjust Enrichment
30 November Man Yip Call for papers: Modern Studies in the Law of Trusts and Wealth Management 2019
5 December Mark Wilde Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
5 December Gerard Sadlier Literature on Service in Russia via the Hague Service Convention
5 December Jason Neyers Just Published!
5 December Richard Wright Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
5 December Richard Wright Garbage list responses
5 December Robert Stevens Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
6 December Donal Nolan Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
6 December Robert Stevens Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
6 December Craig Purshouse Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
7 December Craig Purshouse Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
7 December Robert Stevens Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
7 December Craig Purshouse Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
7 December Steve Hedley Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
7 December Robert Stevens Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
7 December Paul Stanley Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
7 December Craig Purshouse Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
10 December Haim Abraham Eschel The 2nd Private Law Junior Scholars Conference
11 December Jason Neyers Crime Spectators and the Tort of Objectification
12 December Jason Neyers Defamation and Negligent Interference with Reputation
16 December Jason Neyers Just Published!
17 December Andrew Tettenborn Raising of healthy children
17 December Matt Dyson Raising of healthy children
17 December Laura Hoyano Raising of healthy children
17 December Andrew Tettenborn Raising of healthy children
17 December Lisa Laplante Brayshaw v the Partners of Apsley Surgery and Thomas O'Brien
18 December Nicole Moreham Raising of healthy children
18 December Andrew Tettenborn Raising of healthy children
18 December Jack Enman-Beech Raising of healthy children
18 December Craig Purshouse Raising of healthy children
20 December Andrew Tettenborn Non-pecuniary damages in contract
21 December Gerard Sadlier Non-pecuniary damages in contract
21 December Gerard Sadlier Research into Cross Effectiveness of Examination and Cross Examination in Ascertaining Truth?

<== To the messages for 2017

To the messages for 2019 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com