Date |
Sender |
Topic |
5 January |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published! |
17 January |
Ken Oliphant |
Jobs at Bristol Digital Futures Institute |
20 January |
Jason Neyers |
Obligations X -- Conference Update |
27 January |
Jason Neyers |
Downing Professorship of the Laws of England |
27 January |
Sarah Worthington |
Downing Professorship of the Laws of England |
27 January |
Neil Foster |
Downing Professorship of the Laws of England |
28 January |
Sam Beswick |
Canadian Law of Obligations III - Call for Abstracts |
1 February |
Katy Barnett |
'Guilty Pigs': animal law book |
1 February |
Michael Symons |
'Guilty Pigs': animal law book |
1 February |
James Goudkamp |
Book Launch for Taking Law Seriously: Essays in Honour of Peter Cane |
4 February |
Jason Neyers |
MSPL Conference | Inaugural Lecture (McFarlane) | Equity Conference |
9 February |
James Lee |
Advert for Contract Law Post at King's College London |
9 February |
Neil Foster |
HCA on the test for employment status |
10 February |
Nuncio D'Angelo |
HCA on the test for employment status |
10 February |
Prue Vines |
HCA on the test for employment status |
10 February |
Peter Watts |
HCA on the test for employment status |
11 February |
Paula Giliker |
HCA on the test for employment status |
11 February |
Rob Stevens |
HCA on the test for employment status |
11 February |
Neil Foster |
HCA on the test for employment status |
11 February |
Rob Stevens |
HCA on the test for employment status |
12 February |
Neil Foster |
HCA on the test for employment status |
13 February |
Joachim Dietrich |
HCA on the test for employment status |
24 February |
Katy Barnett |
New case on constructive trusts, knowing receipt, indefeasibility etc |
26 February |
Gerard Sadlier |
Dishonest Assistance, Equitable Compensation and Account of Profits |
1 March |
Henry Cooney |
UWALR Special Edition on Causation in the Law featuring many of the ODG |
2 March |
Barbara Legate |
UWALR Special Edition on Causation in the Law featuring many of the ODG |
8 March |
Jason Neyers |
Corporate Attribution in Private Law |
8 March |
Jason Neyers |
The Province and Politics of the Economic Torts |
15 March |
Neil Foster |
No duty of care in negligence owed by Minister re climate change |
15 March |
Graeme Austin |
No duty of care in negligence owed by Minister re climate change |
15 March |
Matthew Hoyle |
No duty of care in negligence owed by Minister re climate change |
15 March |
Neil Foster |
No duty of care in negligence owed by Minister re climate change |
31 March |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published! |
1 April |
Jason Neyers |
Cryptocurrencies and the Regulatory Challenge |
6 April |
Neil Foster |
HCA on breach of duty and obvious risk in camp-drafting event |
6 April |
Jason Neyers |
Current Issues in Nuisance and Trespass |
7 April |
Nicholas Tiverios |
UWA Private and Commercial Law Research Cluster: Annual Conference 2022 - Civil Remedies |
13 April |
Neil Foster |
HCA on workplace psychological harm |
13 April |
Jason Neyers |
The Immortal Snail 90 Anniversary Conference 26 May 2022 |
16 April |
Hector MacQueen |
Online seminar on Niall Whitty's Unjustified Enrichment 29 April 1500 BST (2 hours) |
17 April |
Jason Neyers |
Helen Scott, Regius Professor of Civil Law at Cambridge |
23 April |
Nate Oman |
Private Law Theory Seminar |
25 April |
Matt Harrington |
$5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links |
25 April |
Bruce Pardy |
$5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links |
25 April |
Matt Harrington |
$5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links |
25 April |
Stéphane Sérafin |
$5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links |
25 April |
Ken Simons |
$5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links |
2 May |
Jason Neyers |
Joseph Raz |
17 May |
Jason Neyers |
Call for Papers, Fraud and Risk in Commercial Law |
25 May |
Jason Neyers |
New in Paperback |
8 June |
Neil Foster |
HCA on false imprisonment, Thoms v Cth |
8 June |
Andrew Tettenborn |
HCA on false imprisonment, Thoms v Cth |
14 June |
Matt Harrington |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Katy Barnett |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Jason Neyers |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Steve Hedley |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Cameron Stewart |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Matt Harrington |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Jack Enman-Beech |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Alan Hanna |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Matt Harrington |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Michael Symons |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Matt Harrington |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Gerard Sadlier |
Happy the Elephant |
15 June |
Lionel Smith |
Happy the Elephant |
16 June |
Neil Foster |
Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts |
16 June |
Matthew Hoyle |
Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts |
16 June |
Matthew Hoyle |
Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts |
16 June |
Rob Stevens |
Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts |
16 June |
Donal Nolan |
Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts |
20 June |
Sam Beswick |
Canadian Law of Obligations Conference - June 23 & 24 - Livestream links |
27 June |
Joanna Langille |
Book Talk: The Function of Equity in International Law |
28 June |
Jason Neyers |
Common Law and Civil Law Perspectives on Tort Law |
30 June |
Henry Cooney |
2022 Causation Conference (UWA AAL HSF) |
6 July |
Eugene Volokh |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
6 July |
Eugene Volokh |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
7 July |
Neil Foster |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
7 July |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Eugene Volokh |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Greg Keating |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Eugene Volokh |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Rob Stevens |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Donal Nolan |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Rob Stevens |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Donal Nolan |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Rob Stevens |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Jason Neyers |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Donal Nolan |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Eugene Volokh |
McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Greg Keating |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Eugene Volokh |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Greg Keating |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Greg Keating |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Eugene Volokh |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Greg Keating |
McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Eugene Volokh |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Eugene Volokh |
McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Greg Keating |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Greg Keating |
McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Paul Stanley |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Eugene Volokh |
Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
8 July |
Eugene Volokh |
McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent |
15 July |
Nicholas Tiverios |
Call for Papers - UWA Private and Commercial Law Conference |
17 July |
Gerard Sadlier |
Reducing Damages due to Third Party Benefits |
18 July |
Neil Foster |
Reducing Damages due to Third Party Benefits |
18 July |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
20 July |
Jason Neyers |
Explaining Tort and Crime: Legal Development Across Laws and Legal Systems |
25 July |
Jason Neyers |
The Law of Contract Damages, 3rd ed |
5 August |
Jason Neyers |
Contracting and Contract Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence |
17 August |
Neil Foster |
HCA on defamation- publication by hyperlinks |
17 August |
Henry Cooney |
HCA on defamation- publication by hyperlinks |
18 August |
Geoff McLay |
Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court |
19 August |
Neil Foster |
Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court |
19 August |
Sam Beswick |
Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court |
19 August |
Ewan McGaughey |
Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court |
20 August |
Barry Allan |
Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court |
21 August |
Gerard Sadlier |
Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court |
5 September |
Jason Neyers |
The New French Law of Contract |
14 September |
Geoff McLay |
NZ case on fiduciary obligations of (abusive) parents |
23 September |
Jason Neyers |
Claiming a Promised Inheritance |
25 September |
Matt Harrington |
Trump Complaint |
26 September |
Bill Swadling |
Trump Complaint |
26 September |
Paul MacMahon |
Trump Complaint |
26 September |
Shawn Bayern |
Trump Complaint |
26 September |
Paul MacMahon |
Trump Complaint |
11 October |
Jason Neyers |
Stephen Todd Fellow of the Royal Society |
11 October |
Jason Neyers |
Reciprocal Freedom, Private Law and Public Right |
12 October |
Neil Foster |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
12 October |
Jordan English |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
12 October |
Rob Stevens |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
12 October |
Matthew Hoyle |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
12 October |
Bill Swadling |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
12 October |
Adam Parachin |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
12 October |
Lachlan Deyong |
Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court |
13 October |
Jason Neyers |
Book Launch Invitation |
13 October |
Bill Swadling |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
13 October |
Lionel Smith |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
13 October |
Adam Parachin |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
13 October |
Bill Swadling |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
13 October |
Adam Parachin |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
13 October |
Bill Swadling |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
13 October |
Paul Stanley |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
13 October |
Matthew Hoyle |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
14 October |
Adam Parachin |
HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement |
14 October |
Jason Neyers |
Just Published |
17 October |
Jason Neyers |
The Canadian Law of Unjust Enrichment and Restitution, 2nd Edition |
19 October |
Jason Neyers |
Liability of Financial Supervisors and Resolution Authorities |
20 October |
Kit Barker |
Visiting Fellowships - The University of Queensland |
20 October |
Jason Neyers |
Privity in relation to sealed contracts |
23 October |
Jason Neyers |
Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World |
29 October |
Gerard Sadlier |
Rule in Henderson v Henderson |
3 November |
Jason Neyers |
Guest v Guest |
4 November |
Andrew Robertson |
Guest v Guest |
4 November |
Bill Swadling |
Guest v Guest |
4 November |
John Enman-Beech |
Guest v Guest |
4 November |
Rob Stevens |
Guest v Guest |
4 November |
Bill Swadling |
Guest v Guest |
4 November |
Jason Neyers |
Guest v Guest |
4 November |
Timothy Pilkington |
Guest v Guest |
5 November |
Bill Swadling |
Guest v Guest |
6 November |
Rob Stevens |
Guest v Guest |
6 November |
Matthew Hoyle |
Guest v Guest |
6 November |
Timothy Pilkington |
Guest v Guest |
15 November |
Jason Neyers |
Intermediaries in Commercial Law |
17 November |
Craig Purshouse |
Private law jobs |
17 November |
Jason Neyers |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
17 November |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
17 November |
Stéphane Sérafin |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
17 November |
Paul MacMahon |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
17 November |
Steve Hedley |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
17 November |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
17 November |
Rob Stevens |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
17 November |
Paul Stanley |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
17 November |
Rob Stevens |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
17 November |
Gerard Sadlier |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Andrew Dickinson |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Jack Enman-Beech |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Steve Hedley |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Jack Enman-Beech |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Stéphane Sérafin |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Rob Stevens |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Lionel Smith |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Stéphane Sérafin |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
18 November |
Matthew Hoyle |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
19 November |
Steve Hedley |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
19 November |
Matthew Hoyle |
Vicarious Performance in Contract Law |
24 November |
Jason Neyers |
Great Debates in Tort Law |
24 November |
Jason Neyers |
Account of Profits in the SCC |
24 November |
Norman Siebrasse |
Account of Profits in the SCC |
24 November |
Rob Stevens |
Account of Profits in the SCC |
24 November |
Norman Siebrasse |
Account of Profits in the SCC |
24 November |
Rob Stevens |
Account of Profits in the SCC |
24 November |
Norman Siebrasse |
Account of Profits in the SCC |
24 November |
Rob Stevens |
Account of Profits in the SCC |
24 November |
Rick Hoyle |
Account of Profits in the SCC |
25 November |
Jason Neyers |
Obligations X: Private Law and the State |
30 November |
Matthew Hoyle |
Subrogation, discharge of another's obligation and incidental benefits |
1 December |
Jason Neyers |
Intrusion upon Seclusion |
1 December |
Stephen Pitel |
Intrusion upon Seclusion |
1 December |
Hilary Young |
Intrusion upon Seclusion |
1 December |
Duncan Sheehan |
Subrogation, discharge of another's obligation and incidental benefits |
1 December |
Lionel Smith |
Steve Smith |
1 December |
Andrew Tettenborn |
Steve Smith |
1 December |
Marcus Moore |
Steve Smith |
1 December |
Ken Oliphant |
Steve Smith |
1 December |
Geoff McLay |
Steve Smith |
1 December |
John Murphy |
Steve Smith |
2 December |
Eoin Quill |
Intrusion upon Seclusion |
2 December |
John Goldberg |
Steve Smith |
3 December |
Jason Neyers |
Intrusion upon Seclusion |
3 December |
Jason Neyers |
Congratulations |
4 December |
Jason Neyers |
Remembering Stephen Smith |
5 December |
Adam Kramer |
Remembering Stephen Smith |
6 December |
Yehuda Adar |
Remembering Stephen Smith |
7 December |
Neil Foster |
HCA on duty of care owed by a statutory authority |
7 December |
Matthew Hoyle |
HCA on duty of care owed by a statutory authority |
12 December |
Nate Oman |
Exploitation |
12 December |
Jack Enman-Beech |
Exploitation |
12 December |
Ken Simons |
Exploitation |
12 December |
Shawn Bayern |
Exploitation |
12 December |
Angela Swan |
Exploitation |
12 December |
Fernando Araya |
Exploitation |
20 December |
Norman Siebrasse |
Atlantic Lottery |
20 December |
Matt Harrington |
Atlantic Lottery |
28 December |
Stephen Pitel |
Obligations: Public Authorities, Long-Term Care Homes and Duties of Care |
28 December |
Matt Hoyle |
Obligations: Public Authorities, Long-Term Care Homes and Duties of Care |
28 December |
Lewis Klar |
Obligations: Public Authorities, Long-Term Care Homes and Duties of Care |