ODG - messages in 2022

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Date Sender Topic
5 January Jason Neyers Just Published!
17 January Ken Oliphant Jobs at Bristol Digital Futures Institute
20 January Jason Neyers Obligations X -- Conference Update
27 January Jason Neyers Downing Professorship of the Laws of England
27 January Sarah Worthington Downing Professorship of the Laws of England
27 January Neil Foster Downing Professorship of the Laws of England
28 January Sam Beswick Canadian Law of Obligations III - Call for Abstracts
1 February Katy Barnett 'Guilty Pigs': animal law book
1 February Michael Symons 'Guilty Pigs': animal law book
1 February James Goudkamp Book Launch for Taking Law Seriously: Essays in Honour of Peter Cane
4 February Jason Neyers MSPL Conference | Inaugural Lecture (McFarlane) | Equity Conference
9 February James Lee Advert for Contract Law Post at King's College London
9 February Neil Foster HCA on the test for employment status
10 February Nuncio D'Angelo HCA on the test for employment status
10 February Prue Vines HCA on the test for employment status
10 February Peter Watts HCA on the test for employment status
11 February Paula Giliker HCA on the test for employment status
11 February Rob Stevens HCA on the test for employment status
11 February Neil Foster HCA on the test for employment status
11 February Rob Stevens HCA on the test for employment status
12 February Neil Foster HCA on the test for employment status
13 February Joachim Dietrich HCA on the test for employment status
24 February Katy Barnett New case on constructive trusts, knowing receipt, indefeasibility etc
26 February Gerard Sadlier Dishonest Assistance, Equitable Compensation and Account of Profits
1 March Henry Cooney UWALR Special Edition on Causation in the Law featuring many of the ODG
2 March Barbara Legate UWALR Special Edition on Causation in the Law featuring many of the ODG
8 March Jason Neyers Corporate Attribution in Private Law
8 March Jason Neyers The Province and Politics of the Economic Torts
15 March Neil Foster No duty of care in negligence owed by Minister re climate change
15 March Graeme Austin No duty of care in negligence owed by Minister re climate change
15 March Matthew Hoyle No duty of care in negligence owed by Minister re climate change
15 March Neil Foster No duty of care in negligence owed by Minister re climate change
31 March Jason Neyers Just Published!
1 April Jason Neyers Cryptocurrencies and the Regulatory Challenge
6 April Neil Foster HCA on breach of duty and obvious risk in camp-drafting event
6 April Jason Neyers Current Issues in Nuisance and Trespass
7 April Nicholas Tiverios UWA Private and Commercial Law Research Cluster: Annual Conference 2022 - Civil Remedies
13 April Neil Foster HCA on workplace psychological harm
13 April Jason Neyers The Immortal Snail 90 Anniversary Conference 26 May 2022
16 April Hector MacQueen Online seminar on Niall Whitty's Unjustified Enrichment 29 April 1500 BST (2 hours)
17 April Jason Neyers Helen Scott, Regius Professor of Civil Law at Cambridge
23 April Nate Oman Private Law Theory Seminar
25 April Matt Harrington $5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links
25 April Bruce Pardy $5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links
25 April Matt Harrington $5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links
25 April Stéphane Sérafin $5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links
25 April Ken Simons $5 Million for Golf Balls Landing in the Garden - Miller v Jackson Comes to the Links
2 May Jason Neyers Joseph Raz
17 May Jason Neyers Call for Papers, Fraud and Risk in Commercial Law
25 May Jason Neyers New in Paperback
8 June Neil Foster HCA on false imprisonment, Thoms v Cth
8 June Andrew Tettenborn HCA on false imprisonment, Thoms v Cth
14 June Matt Harrington Happy the Elephant
15 June Katy Barnett Happy the Elephant
15 June Jason Neyers Happy the Elephant
15 June Steve Hedley Happy the Elephant
15 June Cameron Stewart Happy the Elephant
15 June Matt Harrington Happy the Elephant
15 June Jack Enman-Beech Happy the Elephant
15 June Alan Hanna Happy the Elephant
15 June Matt Harrington Happy the Elephant
15 June Michael Symons Happy the Elephant
15 June Matt Harrington Happy the Elephant
15 June Gerard Sadlier Happy the Elephant
15 June Lionel Smith Happy the Elephant
16 June Neil Foster Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts
16 June Matthew Hoyle Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts
16 June Matthew Hoyle Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts
16 June Rob Stevens Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts
16 June Donal Nolan Authority of dicta and contributory negligence/intentional torts
20 June Sam Beswick Canadian Law of Obligations Conference - June 23 & 24 - Livestream links
27 June Joanna Langille Book Talk: The Function of Equity in International Law
28 June Jason Neyers Common Law and Civil Law Perspectives on Tort Law
30 June Henry Cooney 2022 Causation Conference (UWA AAL HSF)
6 July Eugene Volokh Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
6 July Eugene Volokh Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
7 July Neil Foster Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
7 July Andrew Tettenborn Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Eugene Volokh Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Greg Keating Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Eugene Volokh Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Andrew Tettenborn Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Rob Stevens Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Donal Nolan Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Rob Stevens Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Donal Nolan Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Rob Stevens Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Jason Neyers Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Donal Nolan Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Eugene Volokh McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Greg Keating Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Eugene Volokh Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Greg Keating Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Andrew Tettenborn Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Greg Keating Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Eugene Volokh Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Greg Keating McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Eugene Volokh Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Eugene Volokh McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Greg Keating Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Greg Keating McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Paul Stanley Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Andrew Tettenborn Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Eugene Volokh Kinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
8 July Eugene Volokh McKinsey identifying dissident for Saudi government isn't negligent
15 July Nicholas Tiverios Call for Papers - UWA Private and Commercial Law Conference
17 July Gerard Sadlier Reducing Damages due to Third Party Benefits
18 July Neil Foster Reducing Damages due to Third Party Benefits
18 July Jason Neyers Just Published
20 July Jason Neyers Explaining Tort and Crime: Legal Development Across Laws and Legal Systems
25 July Jason Neyers The Law of Contract Damages, 3rd ed
5 August Jason Neyers Contracting and Contract Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
17 August Neil Foster HCA on defamation- publication by hyperlinks
17 August Henry Cooney HCA on defamation- publication by hyperlinks
18 August Geoff McLay Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court
19 August Neil Foster Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court
19 August Sam Beswick Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court
19 August Ewan McGaughey Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court
20 August Barry Allan Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court
21 August Gerard Sadlier Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court
5 September Jason Neyers The New French Law of Contract
14 September Geoff McLay NZ case on fiduciary obligations of (abusive) parents
23 September Jason Neyers Claiming a Promised Inheritance
25 September Matt Harrington Trump Complaint
26 September Bill Swadling Trump Complaint
26 September Paul MacMahon Trump Complaint
26 September Shawn Bayern Trump Complaint
26 September Paul MacMahon Trump Complaint
11 October Jason Neyers Stephen Todd Fellow of the Royal Society
11 October Jason Neyers Reciprocal Freedom, Private Law and Public Right
12 October Neil Foster HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
12 October Jordan English HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
12 October Rob Stevens HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
12 October Matthew Hoyle HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
12 October Bill Swadling HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
12 October Adam Parachin HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
12 October Lachlan Deyong Hearing of Climate Change tort case in the NZ Supreme Court
13 October Jason Neyers Book Launch Invitation
13 October Bill Swadling HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
13 October Lionel Smith HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
13 October Adam Parachin HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
13 October Bill Swadling HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
13 October Adam Parachin HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
13 October Bill Swadling HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
13 October Paul Stanley HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
13 October Matthew Hoyle HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
14 October Adam Parachin HCA on Resulting Trusts and Presumption of Advancement
14 October Jason Neyers Just Published
17 October Jason Neyers The Canadian Law of Unjust Enrichment and Restitution, 2nd Edition
19 October Jason Neyers Liability of Financial Supervisors and Resolution Authorities
20 October Kit Barker Visiting Fellowships - The University of Queensland
20 October Jason Neyers Privity in relation to sealed contracts
23 October Jason Neyers Vicarious Liability in the Common Law World
29 October Gerard Sadlier Rule in Henderson v Henderson
3 November Jason Neyers Guest v Guest
4 November Andrew Robertson Guest v Guest
4 November Bill Swadling Guest v Guest
4 November John Enman-Beech Guest v Guest
4 November Rob Stevens Guest v Guest
4 November Bill Swadling Guest v Guest
4 November Jason Neyers Guest v Guest
4 November Timothy Pilkington Guest v Guest
5 November Bill Swadling Guest v Guest
6 November Rob Stevens Guest v Guest
6 November Matthew Hoyle Guest v Guest
6 November Timothy Pilkington Guest v Guest
15 November Jason Neyers Intermediaries in Commercial Law
17 November Craig Purshouse Private law jobs
17 November Jason Neyers Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
17 November Andrew Tettenborn Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
17 November Stéphane Sérafin Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
17 November Paul MacMahon Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
17 November Steve Hedley Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
17 November Andrew Tettenborn Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
17 November Rob Stevens Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
17 November Paul Stanley Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
17 November Rob Stevens Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
17 November Gerard Sadlier Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Andrew Tettenborn Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Andrew Dickinson Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Jack Enman-Beech Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Steve Hedley Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Jack Enman-Beech Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Stéphane Sérafin Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Rob Stevens Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Lionel Smith Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Stéphane Sérafin Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
18 November Matthew Hoyle Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
19 November Steve Hedley Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
19 November Matthew Hoyle Vicarious Performance in Contract Law
24 November Jason Neyers Great Debates in Tort Law
24 November Jason Neyers Account of Profits in the SCC
24 November Norman Siebrasse Account of Profits in the SCC
24 November Rob Stevens Account of Profits in the SCC
24 November Norman Siebrasse Account of Profits in the SCC
24 November Rob Stevens Account of Profits in the SCC
24 November Norman Siebrasse Account of Profits in the SCC
24 November Rob Stevens Account of Profits in the SCC
24 November Rick Hoyle Account of Profits in the SCC
25 November Jason Neyers Obligations X: Private Law and the State
30 November Matthew Hoyle Subrogation, discharge of another's obligation and incidental benefits
1 December Jason Neyers Intrusion upon Seclusion
1 December Stephen Pitel Intrusion upon Seclusion
1 December Hilary Young Intrusion upon Seclusion
1 December Duncan Sheehan Subrogation, discharge of another's obligation and incidental benefits
1 December Lionel Smith Steve Smith
1 December Andrew Tettenborn Steve Smith
1 December Marcus Moore Steve Smith
1 December Ken Oliphant Steve Smith
1 December Geoff McLay Steve Smith
1 December John Murphy Steve Smith
2 December Eoin Quill Intrusion upon Seclusion
2 December John Goldberg Steve Smith
3 December Jason Neyers Intrusion upon Seclusion
3 December Jason Neyers Congratulations
4 December Jason Neyers Remembering Stephen Smith
5 December Adam Kramer Remembering Stephen Smith
6 December Yehuda Adar Remembering Stephen Smith
7 December Neil Foster HCA on duty of care owed by a statutory authority
7 December Matthew Hoyle HCA on duty of care owed by a statutory authority
12 December Nate Oman Exploitation
12 December Jack Enman-Beech Exploitation
12 December Ken Simons Exploitation
12 December Shawn Bayern Exploitation
12 December Angela Swan Exploitation
12 December Fernando Araya Exploitation
20 December Norman Siebrasse Atlantic Lottery
20 December Matt Harrington Atlantic Lottery
28 December Stephen Pitel Obligations: Public Authorities, Long-Term Care Homes and Duties of Care
28 December Matt Hoyle Obligations: Public Authorities, Long-Term Care Homes and Duties of Care
28 December Lewis Klar Obligations: Public Authorities, Long-Term Care Homes and Duties of Care

<== To the messages for 2021

To the messages for 2023 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com