ODG - messages in 2015

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Date Sender Topic
6 January Jason Neyers Causation
16 January Kit Barker High Court Challenge on the Tort of Intimidation: CFMEU v Boral Resources (Vic) Pty Ltd & Ors [2014] VSCA 348 (19 December 2014)
16 January Neil Foster High Court Challenge on the Tort of Intimidation: CFMEU v Boral Resources (Vic) Pty Ltd & Ors [2014] VSCA 348 (19 December 2014)
19 January Jason Neyers Torts - A Wider View
21 January Andrew Tettenborn UK litigation for consuming food contrary to belief-based dietary restrictions
21 January Gerard Sadlier UK litigation for consuming food contrary to belief-based dietary restrictions
21 January Gerard Sadlier UK litigation for consuming food contrary to belief-based dietary restrictions
21 January Andrew Tettenborn UK litigation for consuming food contrary to belief-based dietary restrictions
21 January Gerard Sadlier UK litigation for consuming food contrary to belief-based dietary restrictions
21 January John Kleefeld UK litigation for consuming food contrary to belief-based dietary restrictions
21 January Katy Barnett UK litigation for consuming food contrary to belief-based dietary restrictions
22 January Gerard Sadlier UK litigation for consuming food contrary to belief-based dietary restrictions
22 January Gerard Sadlier Irish Supreme Court on Incorporation of Terms, Sale of Goods and EU Technical Standards Directive
22 January Steve Hedley No-fault in Scotland?
22 January Hector MacQueen No-fault in Scotland?
22 January John Blackie No-fault in Scotland?
26 January Gerard Sadlier Aggravated or Exemplary Damages in Consumer Cases
26 January Andrew Tettenborn Bureaucratic bungling
26 January Robert Stevens Bureaucratic bungling
26 January Sarah Green Bureaucratic bungling
26 January Nick McBride Bureaucratic bungling
26 January Robert Stevens Bureaucratic bungling
26 January Andrew Dickinson Bureaucratic bungling
26 January Robert Stevens Bureaucratic bungling
26 January Gerard Sadlier Irish High Court on Liability of Police in Negligence
26 January James Lee Irish High Court on Liability of Police in Negligence
26 January Matthew Harrington Aggravated or Exemplary Damages in Consumer Cases
26 January Katy Barnett Aggravated or Exemplary Damages in Consumer Cases
26 January Neil Foster Bureaucratic bungling
27 January Gerard Sadlier Aggravated or Exemplary Damages in Consumer Cases
27 January Gerard Sadlier Collateral Contracts and Variation in Writing only Clauses
28 January James Lee UK Supreme Court on Police Liability in Negligence
28 January Mark Davies UK Supreme Court on Police Liability in Negligence
28 January Robert Stevens UK Supreme Court on Police Liability in Negligence
29 January Joe Campbell Aggravated or Exemplary Damages in Consumer Cases
30 January Gerard Sadlier Limitation Periods for Breach of Fiduciary Duty?
30 January Robert Stevens Hoffmann on Constitutionalism on Private Law
30 January Adam Parachin Public Policy and Wills - Spence v BMO Trust Co
30 January Matthew Harrington Public Policy and Wills - Spence v BMO Trust Co
30 January Adam Parachin Public Policy and Wills - Spence v BMO Trust Co
30 January Gerard Sadlier Public Policy and Wills - Spence v BMO Trust Co
30 January Matthew Harrington Public Policy and Wills - Spence v BMO Trust Co
30 January Matthew Harrington Public Policy and Wills - Spence v BMO Trust Co
30 January Lionel Smith Public Policy and Wills - Spence v BMO Trust Co
30 January Adam Parachin Public Policy and Wills - Spence v BMO Trust Co
31 January Gerard Sadlier Collateral Contracts and Variation in Writing only Clauses
31 January Prince Saprai Collateral Contracts and Variation in Writing only Clauses
2 February Nicola Peart Public Policy and Wills - Spence v BMO Trust Co
2 February Gerard Sadlier Vicarious Liability of Undisclosed Principal?
2 February Matthew Harrington Vicarious Liability of Undisclosed Principal?
2 February Gerard Sadlier Vicarious Liability of Undisclosed Principal?
2 February Angela Swan Vicarious Liability of Undisclosed Principal?
2 February Gerard Sadlier Vicarious Liability of Undisclosed Principal?
2 February Peter Watts Vicarious Liability of Undisclosed Principal?
2 February Gerard Sadlier Vicarious Liability of More Than One Party
3 February John Kleefeld Vicarious Liability of More Than One Party
3 February Neil Foster Vicarious Liability of More Than One Party
3 February Gerard Sadlier Vicarious Liability of More Than One Party
3 February Charles Mitchell 'Contract Formation and the Fog of Rectification'
3 February Hector MacQueen Civil Liability under a Criminal Statute
4 February Neil Foster HCA on 'agency' (in passing)
4 February Neil Foster Civil Liability under a Criminal Statute
6 February Phillip Morgan Vicarious Liability for Workplace 'Horseplay'
6 February Neil Foster Vicarious Liability for Workplace 'Horseplay'
9 February Gerard Sadlier UK Supreme Court on Reference of Recovery of Medical Costs For Asbestos Diseases (Wales) Bill (Welsh Assembly)
10 February Jason Neyers New Publications
11 February Neil Foster HCA on Contribution and Co-ordinate Liability
11 February Gerard Sadlier Negligence in not Notifying Client of Previous breach of duty?
12 February Kit Barker International Conference Date Saver: Private Law in the 21st Century
12 February Andrew Tettenborn Good faith, White & Carter and penalties
12 February Jason Neyers Tuttle v Buck
13 February Gerard Sadlier Judgment on Liability in Woodland v Maxwell and Ors
14 February Gerard Sadlier Judgment on Liability in Woodland v Maxwell and Ors
15 February Neil Foster Judgment on Liability in Woodland v Maxwell and Ors
16 February Neil Foster SARAH Act 2015
16 February Robert Stevens SARAH Act 2015
16 February Frederick Wilmot-Smith SARAH Act 2015
16 February Hector MacQueen SARAH Act 2015
16 February Andrew Tettenborn SARAH Act 2015
16 February Robert Stevens SARAH Act 2015
16 February Andrew Tettenborn SARAH Act 2015
16 February Robert Stevens SARAH Act 2015
16 February Matthew Harrington Imposing a trust on damage awards - unjust enrichment
16 February Lionel Smith Imposing a trust on damage awards - unjust enrichment
16 February Duncan Sheehan Imposing a trust on damage awards - unjust enrichment
16 February Neil Foster SARAH Act 2015
17 February Jason Neyers Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law
19 February James Lee UK Supreme Court on Contributory Negligence and Apportionment
19 February Neil Foster UK Supreme Court on Contributory Negligence and Apportionment
19 February Matthew Harrington UK Supreme Court on Contributory Negligence and Apportionment
19 February Vaughan Black Strict Liability for Escape of Fire in Ireland
19 February Andrew Tettenborn Imposing a trust on damage awards - unjust enrichment
21 February Neil Foster UK Supreme Court on Contributory Negligence and Apportionment
21 February Neil Foster Onus of proof in medical battery
21 February Daniel Friedmann Imposing a trust on damage awards - unjust enrichment
24 February Matthew Harrington Civilising the Common Law
24 February Lewis Klar Civilising the Common Law
24 February Rosalie Jukier Civilising the Common Law
24 February Stephen Smith Civilising the Common Law
24 February Joost Blom Civilising the Common Law
25 February Hilary Young Civilising the Common Law
25 February Eric Descheemaeker Civilising the Common Law
27 February Catherine Valcke Civilising the Common Law
2 March John Kleefeld The Canadian Class Action Review, Tenth Anniversary Issue
3 March Neil Foster Duty of care re economic loss, res ipsa
4 March Matt Dyson Sea Shepherd and common design in tortious accessory liability ([2015] UKSC 10)
11 March Neil Foster Liability to labour hire worker for attempted murder
11 March Colm McGrath Disclosure of Medical Risks in the UKSC
12 March TT Arvind The Campbell Legacy: A Decade of Misuse of Private Information
13 March Denise RĂ©aume Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board
24 March Kit Barker Chair in Contract and/or Property Law - The University of Queensland
24 March Simone Degeling Contracts in Commercial Law registrations now open
27 March Gerard Sadlier When Statutory Prohibition Renders Contract Illegal in Irish Supreme Court - Quinn v IBRC
30 March Christine Beuermann Seminar - Sarah Green - Between a rock of uncertainty and a hard case: what Fairchild now means for negligence
30 March Andrew Tettenborn English Misrepresentation Act 1967
30 March Jason Neyers Coherence in the Law
31 March Sarah Green English Misrepresentation Act 1967
31 March Gerard Sadlier English Misrepresentation Act 1967
1 April Jason Neyers Just published
9 April Gerard Sadlier Woodland v Maxwell, The Contribution Claim
9 April Gerard Sadlier Confidentiality Agreements and Third Party Litigation
10 April Neil Foster Woodland v Maxwell, The Contribution Claim
13 April Daly Paul Public Authority Liability in Tort
14 April Neil Foster Constitutional invalidity of part of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW)
14 April Jason Neyers Congratulations
15 April Richard Wright Leading Cases in Song
22 April James Lee UK Supreme Court on Illegality Defence and Attribution
22 April Eoin O'Dell UK Supreme Court on Illegality Defence and Attribution
22 April Bill Swadling UK Supreme Court on Illegality Defence and Attribution
22 April Gerard Sadlier UK Supreme Court on Illegality Defence and Attribution
24 April Kelvin Low Modern Studies in the Law of Trusts and Wealth Management: Theory and Practice 30-31 July 2015
28 April Jason Neyers Leading Cases in Song
28 April Jason Neyers Henson Trusts in Quebec
28 April Matthew Harrington Henson Trusts in Quebec
6 May Neil Foster Causation and defamation
11 May Pauline Ridge Senior Lectureships in Equity & Trusts, Property and Tort
13 May Kit Barker Private Law in the 21st Century - 14th-15th December 2015 - Call for Papers and Opening of Registration
13 May James Lee Conference: 'Fifty Years of the Law Commissions: The Dynamics of Law Reform Now, Then and Next'
14 May Vaughan Black Punitive damages in Nova Scotia
18 May Matthew Harrington 'The Thickest Stick in the Bundle'
19 May Neil Foster Passing off in the UKSC - Starbucks v BSB
19 May Adam Parachin Public Policy and Targeted Scholarships
19 May Matthew Harrington Public Policy and Targeted Scholarships
19 May Jason Neyers UTS Private Law Discussion Group - Invitation
20 May James Lee Two Tort Decisions from the UK Supreme Court
21 May Neil Foster Zurich Insurance v IEG
21 May Gerard Sadlier Zurich Insurance v IEG
21 May Robert Stevens Zurich Insurance v IEG
21 May Sarah Green Zurich Insurance v IEG
21 May Alexander Steel Zurich Insurance v IEG
21 May Robert Stevens Zurich Insurance v IEG
21 May Sarah Green Zurich Insurance v IEG
21 May Alexander Steel Zurich Insurance v IEG
21 May Jason Neyers Zurich Insurance v IEG
22 May Jason Neyers The Tort of Intimidation
22 May Steve Hedley Damages for invasion of privacy
22 May Andrew Tettenborn Damages for invasion of privacy
22 May Tsachi Keren-Paz Question on Californian contract / consumer law: Popovitch v Denny's Restaurant
22 May Matthew Harrington Question on Californian contract / consumer law: Popovitch v Denny's Restaurant
24 May Jane Stapleton Zurich Insurance v IEG
24 May Tsachi Keren-Paz Question on Californian contract / consumer law: Popovitch v Denny's Restaurant
25 May Matthew Harrington IBM v Waterman
25 May Matthew Harrington IBM v Waterman
25 May Sarah Green Zurich Insurance v IEG
26 May Jane Stapleton Zurich Insurance v IEG
26 May Eric Descheemaeker Damages for invasion of privacy
26 May Roderick Bagshaw Damages for invasion of privacy
26 May Eric Descheemaeker Damages for invasion of privacy
26 May Roderick Bagshaw Damages for invasion of privacy
27 May Simone Degeling Contracts in Commercial Law: 18-19 December 2015
27 May Paula Conference on Vicarious Liability / Non-delegable duties (London, 25 Sept 2015)
27 May Matt Dyson Launch of Comparing Tort and Crime (CUP): 20 July 2015, BIICL, London
27 May Jason Neyers Quotation on Special Damage
28 May James Lee Teaching Fellow in Private Law Opportunity at KCL - Please Share
30 May Andrew Robertson Obligations VIII call for papers
1 June Gerard Sadlier Cases Where Subsequent Negligent Act or Omission Stops Limitation Period
1 June Gerard Sadlier Rescission and Limitation Periods - Recent Cases?
3 June Bill Swading Chair of Comparative Law
4 June Jason Neyers Some Recent ONCA decisions
10 June Neil Foster High Court of Australia on psych injury and motor accident
18 June Lee, James Reminder: Conference 'Fifty Years of the Law Commissions: The Dynamics of Law Reform Now, Then and Next'
18 June Nate Oman Discrimination and Tort
18 June Andrew Tettenborn Discrimination and Tort
18 June Tsachi Keren-Paz Discrimination and Tort
18 June Angela Swan Discrimination and Tort
22 June Andrew Burrows SLS conference 2016
22 June Hugh Collins Senior Research Fellowships, All Souls College
29 June Jason Neyers Money Awards in Contract Law
1 July James Lee UK Supreme on Contract Damages and Anticipatory Breach
1 July Robert Stevens UK Supreme on Contract Damages and Anticipatory Breach
3 July Lusina Ho Academic job at University of Hong Kong
6 July Kit Barker Reminder - Call For Papers Deadline 1st August - Private Law in the C21st
8 July Andrew Robertson Melbourne Postdoctoral Fellowships
10 July Steve Hedley New tort of sexual grooming?
10 July Andrew Tettenborn New tort of sexual grooming?
10 July Gerard Sadlier New tort of sexual grooming?
10 July Craig Purshouse New tort of sexual grooming?
10 July Matthew Harrington New tort of sexual grooming?
10 July Steve Hedley New tort of sexual grooming?
10 July Matthew Harrington New tort of sexual grooming?
10 July Gregory Keating New tort of sexual grooming?
16 July Gerard Sadlier Limitation Periods in Cases of Bribes / Secret Commissions
17 July Neil Foster Limitation Periods in Cases of Bribes / Secret Commissions
21 July Charles Mitchell Contract Rectification lecture
21 July Richard Wright Jane Stapleton elected a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy
28 July Neil Foster Duty of care to beneficiary to advise re TFM application
28 July Prue Vines Duty of care to beneficiary to advise re TFM application
28 July Tracey Carver Duty of care to beneficiary to advise re TFM application
28 July Robert Stevens Duty of care to beneficiary to advise re TFM application
28 July Neil Foster Duty of care to beneficiary to advise re TFM application
28 July Andrew Tettenborn Duty of care to beneficiary to advise re TFM application
28 July Gerard Sadlier Duty of care to beneficiary to advise re TFM application
28 July Daniel Carr Duty of care to beneficiary to advise re TFM application
28 July Gerard Sadlier A Novel Recusal
28 July Philippa Ryan A Novel Recusal
28 July Adam Parachin Duty of care to beneficiary to advise re TFM application
28 July Mitchell McInnes ODG Member Appointed to Supreme Court of Canada
31 July Steve Hedley 'Bye Bye Bolitho? The Curious Case of the Medical Innovation Bill'
3 August Ernest Owusu-Dapaa 'Bye Bye Bolitho? The Curious Case of the Medical Innovation Bill'
3 August Andrew Tettenborn 'Bye Bye Bolitho? The Curious Case of the Medical Innovation Bill'
3 August Andrew Tettenborn 'Bye Bye Bolitho? The Curious Case of the Medical Innovation Bill'
5 August Ken Oliphant ODG Fantasy Football League
7 August Richard Wright Res ipsa and standards of persuasion
8 August Ken Oliphant ODG Fantasy Football League
10 August Gerard Sadlier Secret Commissions, Further Queries
14 August Jason Neyers Interesting Case?
18 August Christopher Robinette Request for Scholarship Citations
23 August David Cheifetz Contribution from now immune to the injured person tortfeasors - a corrective justice rationale?
24 August Matt Dyson Contribution from now immune to the injured person tortfeasors - a corrective justice rationale?
25 August David Cheifetz Contribution from now immune to the injured person tortfeasors - a corrective justice rationale?
25 August Kit Barker Private Law in the C21st December 14th-15th 2015 - Early Bird Reminder
27 August Jason Neyers Congratulations
27 August Duncan Fairgrieve Just published
28 August Gerard Sadlier Contributory Negligence as a Defence to Undue Influence and Fraudulant Misrepresentation
2 September Neil Foster HCA - Decisions of fact best left to trial judge
2 September Gerard Sadlier Implied Term of Good Faith Recognized in Irish Contract Law
2 September Jason Neyers The Law of Misstatements
8 September Colm McGrath Conference on Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duties
14 September Neil Foster Two Mass. cases of intervening criminal cause, questions of law/fact
16 September Andrew Tettenborn Bankruptcy and acceleration of payment
16 September Gerard Sadlier Bankruptcy and acceleration of payment
17 September Colin Liew Bankruptcy and acceleration of payment
17 September Gerard Sadlier Bankruptcy and acceleration of payment
18 September Neil Foster Direct liability of school for sexual battery
23 September Martin Hogg Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
23 September Eoin O'Dell Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
24 September John Kleefeld Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
24 September Robert Stevens Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
24 September Hector MacQueen Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
24 September Gerard Sadlier Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
24 September Robert Stevens Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
24 September Gerard Sadlier Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
24 September Stephen Pitel US Blog - New Private Law
25 September Tsachi Keren-Paz ECR/Ph.D Bursaries to attend 4 UK seminars on liability v innovation
28 September Jason Neyers Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
28 September John Halladay Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
29 September Eoin Quill Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
29 September Nick Ferrett Volkswagen and breach of contract/tort
29 September Jason Neyers Just Published
30 September John Blackie Just Published
6 October Jason Neyers Just Published
7 October Neil Foster HCA on causation in asbestos case
8 October Gerard Sadlier High Court in Ireland Renders Significant Tort Decision
8 October Gerard Sadlier High Court in Ireland Renders Significant Tort Decision
22 October Jason Neyers Congratulations
28 October Tsachi Keren-Paz The defensive medicine debate - ESRC seminar 1
3 November Jason Neyers Is projecting a message onto the side of another's building a trespass?
3 November Matt Dyson Is projecting a message onto the side of another's building a trespass?
3 November Neil Foster Is projecting a message onto the side of another's building a trespass?
3 November Richard Wright Is projecting a message onto the side of another's building a trespass?
3 November Richard Wright Is projecting a message onto the side of another's building a trespass?
4 November James Lee Two UK Supreme Court Decisions: Unjust Enrichment and Penalty Clauses
4 November Jason Neyers Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
4 November Hector MacQueen Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
4 November Gerard Sadlier Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
4 November Philip Girard Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
8 November Penelope Watson Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
8 November Penelope Watson Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
8 November Eugene Volokh Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
8 November Julia Davis Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
8 November Matthew Harrington Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
8 November Eugene Volokh Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
8 November Hilary Young Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
9 November John Goldberg Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
9 November Gerard Sadlier Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
9 November Ken Oliphant Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
9 November Penelope Watson Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
9 November Penelope Watson Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
9 November John Kleefeld Projecting message onto side of another's building: trespass, nuisance, something else?
9 November Ken Simons R3 Intentional Torts treatment of intentionally shining a light in another's face
12 November Gerard Sadlier English Court of Appeal's Latest Judgment on Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duties of Care
18 November Neil Foster English Court of Appeal's Latest Judgment on Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duties of Care
18 November Michael Furmston English Court of Appeal's Latest Judgment on Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duties of Care
18 November Andrew Robertson Cobbe and Thorner
19 November Phillip Morgan Remoteness of Damage & Concurrent Liability
20 November Barbara McDonald Just Published
21 November Adam Kramer Remoteness of Damage & Concurrent Liability
21 November Gerard Sadlier Remoteness of Damage & Concurrent Liability
21 November Andrew Tettenborn Remoteness of Damage & Concurrent Liability
30 November Hugh Cumber English High Court awards substantial damages for Wilkinson v Downton tort over sexting
30 November Martin Olszynski 'But for' or material contribution? Causation problem involving Zoolander
30 November Janet O'Sullivan 'But for' or material contribution? Causation problem involving Zoolander
30 November Bruce Pardy 'But for' or material contribution? Causation problem involving Zoolander
1 December Richard Peltz-Steele 'But for' or material contribution? Causation problem involving Zoolander
1 December Alain Roussy 'But for' or material contribution? Causation problem involving Zoolander
2 December Andrew Robertson Obligations VIII website and registration
2 December Andrew Robertson UKSC on implied terms
2 December Angela Swan UKSC on implied terms
2 December Hector MacQueen UKSC on implied terms
2 December Adam Kramer UKSC on implied terms
3 December David McLauchlan UKSC on implied terms
4 December Lee Pey Woan Call for papers - Protecting Business and Economic Interests: Contemporary Issues in Tort Law, 18-19 August 2016, Singapore
9 December Simone Degeling Contracts in Commercial Law - 18-19 December 2015
9 December Neil Foster HCA on intoxication and seatbelts in a motor accident
9 December Gerard Sadlier HCA on intoxication and seatbelts in a motor accident
18 December James Lee Chair in Private Law, Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London
23 December Ken Oliphant Xmas diversion - comparative torts
23 December Hector MacQueen Xmas diversion - comparative torts
23 December Bill Swadling Xmas diversion - comparative torts
24 December Ken Oliphant Xmas diversion - comparative torts
24 December Ken Oliphant Xmas diversion - comparative torts
24 December Ken Oliphant Xmas diversion - comparative torts

<== To the messages for 2014

To the messages for 2016 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com