ODG - messages in 2023

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Date Sender Topic
12 January Lionel Smith Jobs in Cambridge
18 January Nicole Moreham Obligations X: Private Law and the State
20 January Jason Neyers Concurrent Delay, Causation in Contract Law, and Contributory Negligence
20 January Andrew Tettenborn Concurrent Delay, Causation in Contract Law, and Contributory Negligence
20 January Richard Wright Concurrent Delay, Causation in Contract Law, and Contributory Negligence
22 January Gideon Shirazi Concurrent Delay, Causation in Contract Law, and Contributory Negligence
31 January Jason Neyers The Laws of Restitution
31 January Matthew Hoyle The Laws of Restitution
31 January Tim Liau The Laws of Restitution
31 January Tim Pilkington The Laws of Restitution
31 January Fred Wilmot-Smith The Laws of Restitution
31 January Tim Pilkington The Laws of Restitution
31 January Matthew Hoyle The Laws of Restitution
31 January Craig Purshouse The Laws of Restitution
31 January Tim Pilkington The Laws of Restitution
31 January Alex Georgiou The Laws of Restitution
1 February James Lee Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Tariq Baloch The Laws of Restitution
1 February Sean Thomas Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Jason Neyers Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Jason Neyers Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Tim Liau Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Jason Neyers Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Alexander Georgiou Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Alexander Georgiou Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Bill Swadling Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Stéphane Sérafin Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Jason Neyers Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Alexander Georgiou Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February John Kleefeld Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February David Wingfield Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Bill Swadling Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Jason Neyers Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February David Wingfield Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Craig Purshouse Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February David Wingfield Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Eoin Quill Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February David Wingfield Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Norman Siebrasse Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
1 February Nicole Moreham Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Peter Radan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Jason Grant Allen Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Katy Barnett Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Neil Foster Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Jeannie Paterson Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Christine Beuermann Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Jason Grant Allen Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Jason Neyers Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Christopher Essert Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Roderick Bagshaw Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Bill Swadling Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Jason Neyers Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Rob Stevens Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Matthew Hoyle Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
2 February Donal Nolan Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
3 February Jason Grant Allen Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
3 February Kelvin Low Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
3 February Jason Grant Allen Nuisance in the UK Supreme Court
7 February Jeevan Hariharan UCL Private Law Group Event on Fearn v Tate Decision (13 March 2023)
27 February Katy Barnett New case from NSWCA on reliance damages
28 February Adam Kramer New case from NSWCA on reliance damages
28 February Rob Stevens New case from NSWCA on reliance damages
28 February Katy Barnett New case from NSWCA on reliance damages
1 March Gerard Sadlier Constructive Trusts and Proprietary Estoppel Questions
1 March Henry Cooney Constructive Trusts and Proprietary Estoppel Questions
1 March Nuncio D'Angelo Constructive Trusts and Proprietary Estoppel Questions
1 March Timothy Pilkington Constructive Trusts and Proprietary Estoppel Questions
1 March Matthew Harrington Constructive Trusts and Proprietary Estoppel Questions
1 March Paul Davies UCL Commercial Contracts Conference - Friday 12 May
3 March Rob Stevens Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Matthew Hoyle Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Hector MacQueen Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Paul Stanley Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Matthew Harrington Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Matthew Hoyle Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Paul Stanley Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Rob Stevens Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Matthew Hoyle Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Rob Stevens Hancock v Oakeshott
3 March Paul Stanley Hancock v Oakeshott
4 March Gerard Sadlier Hancock v Oakeshott
4 March Gerard Sadlier Hancock v Oakeshott
5 March Ying Liew Constructive Trusts and Proprietary Estoppel Questions
5 March Catherine Valcke Hancock v Oakeshott
5 March Nicole Moreham Hancock v Oakeshott
6 March Catharine MacMillan Hancock v Oakeshott
8 March Neil Foster HCA on effect on contract of COVID restrictions
8 March Audrey Driscoll HCA on effect on contract of COVID restrictions
8 March Henry Cooney HCA on effect on contract of COVID restrictions
8 March Bill Swadling HCA on effect on contract of COVID restrictions
8 March Gerard McMeel HCA on effect on contract of COVID restrictions
8 March Neil Foster HCA on effect on contract of COVID restrictions
23 March Katy Barnett Interesting new account of profits case
27 March Haim Abraham Call for Papers: Queering private law
12 April Neil Foster Liability of a bishop for abuse by clergy - on appeal
17 April Lionel Smith 5th World Congress, World Society of Mixed Jurisdictions
18 April Jason Neyers Statutory Exceptions to Privity
18 April Lionel Smith Statutory Exceptions to Privity
18 April Bill Swadling Statutory Exceptions to Privity
18 April Stéphane Sérafin Statutory Exceptions to Privity
18 April Michael Collins Statutory Exceptions to Privity
18 April Lionel Smith Statutory Exceptions to Privity
18 April Bill Swadling Statutory Exceptions to Privity
18 April Matthew Hoyle Statutory Exceptions to Privity
18 April Stéphane Sérafin Statutory Exceptions to Privity
18 April Angela Swan Statutory Exceptions to Privity
19 April Neil Foster Statutory Exceptions to Privity
19 April Nicholas Tiverios Call for Papers - UWA Private and Commercial Law Conference (December 2023)
21 April Irit Samet Early Career posts at KCL London
25 April Jason Neyers Law Merchant
25 April Catharine MacMillan Law Merchant
25 April Angela Swan Law Merchant
25 April Tariq Baloch Law Merchant
25 April Jason Neyers Law Merchant
26 April James Lee UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
26 April Rob Stevens UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
26 April Neil Foster UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
26 April David Wingfield UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
26 April Rachel Leow UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
26 April Rob Stevens UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
26 April Christine Beuermann UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
27 April Rob Stevens UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
27 April David Wingfield UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
27 April Lionel Smith UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
27 April David Wingfield UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
27 April Rachel Leow UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
28 April Jason Grant Allen UK Supreme Court on Vicarious Liability
2 May Gerard McMeel Law Merchant
2 May David Capper Advocates' negligence in USA
9 May Paul Davies Conference: Fraud and Risk in Commercial Law - NUS - 15&16 June 2023
10 May Paul Davies UCL Commercial Contracts Conference - Friday 12 May
10 May Neil Foster HCA on trespass to land and crime of "break and enter"
17 May Geoff McLay Suggestions for my reading course on "private law theory"
17 May Neil Foster UKSC on oil spill as a continuing nuisance
17 May Rick Hoyle Suggestions for my reading course on "private law theory"
17 May Andrew Dickinson UKSC on oil spill as a continuing nuisance
18 May Craig Purshouse Suggestions for my reading course on "private law theory"
18 May Eoin O'Dell Suggestions for my reading course on "private law theory"
21 May Neil Foster SCC on defamation, SLAPP and chilling effect
2 June Jason Neyers Sad news
2 June Harold Luntz Sad news
2 June Jason Neyers Symposium on Reciprocal Freedom
2 June Angela Swan Sad news
5 June Neil Foster Algorithmic Justice Symposium
16 June Colm McGrath JPN Opportunity
21 June Prue Vines UNSW School of Private and Commercial Law - Head of School Position
21 June Colm McGrath Journal of Professional Negligence
21 June Lionel Smith Conference: Private Law and Intellectual Property
26 June Haim Abraham Mapping civilians' tort claims against Israel and the Palestinian Authority - interactive database
3 July Lucas Clover Alcolea ULCC Website issues?
7 July Steve Hedley Emojis as agreement
7 July Peter Radan Emojis as agreement
7 July Steve Hedley Emojis as agreement
7 July Matthew Hoyle Emojis as agreement
7 July Jason Neyers Just Published!
7 July Jason Neyers Equity Today
7 July Erika Chamberlain Court of Appeal for Ontario rejects tort of "family violence"
10 July Gerard Sadlier Court of Appeal for Ontario rejects tort of "family violence"
12 July Matt Dyson McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board [2023] UKSC 26 and information on alternative treatments
26 July Nicholas Tiverios New Journal of Contract Law Editors and Editorial Board
28 July Neil Foster Tort essay prize on offer from the Australian Academy of Law
28 July Jason Neyers Tenure track faculty position at Western Law
2 August Neil Foster HCA on vicarious liability, CCIG v Schokman
2 August Rob Stevens HCA on vicarious liability, CCIG v Schokman
2 August Matthew Hoyle HCA on vicarious liability, CCIG v Schokman
2 August Marcus Moore HCA on vicarious liability, CCIG v Schokman
3 August Neil Foster HCA on vicarious liability, CCIG v Schokman
10 August Nicholas Tiverios Call for Papers - UWA Private and Commercial Law Conference (December 2023)
10 August Jack Enman-Beech Sheehan v Samuelson 2023 NSSM 27
10 August Gerard Sadlier Sheehan v Samuelson 2023 NSSM 27
10 August Stéphane Sérafin Sheehan v Samuelson 2023 NSSM 27
10 August Tsachi Keren-Paz Sheehan v Samuelson 2023 NSSM 27
22 August Jason Neyers Just Price Theory
23 August Ken Oliphant Conference on Medical Liability in the Digital Age, Innsbruck, 28 Sept
25 August Jason Neyers Just Published - The Law of Civil Penalties
30 August Neil Foster No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
30 August Neil Foster No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
30 August Matthew Hoyle No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
30 August Bill Swadling No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
1 September Sam Beswick No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
2 September Gerard Sadlier No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
5 September Stephen Pitel No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
5 September Lionel Smith No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
5 September Paul MacMahon No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
5 September Lionel Smith No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
5 September Paul MacMahon No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
6 September Jason Neyers Justice in Private Law
8 September Jason Neyers The Law of Loyalty
9 September Gerard Sadlier No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
9 September Gerard Sadlier No judicial immunity for inferior court, false imprisonment
17 September Lionel Smith Donovan WM Waters 1928-2023
22 September Prue Vines Positions available in equity and trusts, property and contract at UNSW Law
27 September Jason Neyers Just published!
29 September Jason Neyers Contributory Negligence (2nd ed)
13 October Lionel Smith Hon. Paul Finn, 1946-2023
17 October Jason Neyers New Directions in Private Law Theory
18 October Jason Neyers Pao On test, step 3
20 October Jodi Gardner Australian and New Zealand Tort and Compensation Researchers and Teachers Network Symposium 2024
1 November Neil Foster HCA on limitation periods and child sexual abuse claims
7 November Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna Call for papers: Contract law conference, University of Bristol
7 November Jason Neyers Questions of Liability: Essays on the Law of Tort
7 November Jason Neyers The American Law Institute: A Centennial History
10 November Jason Neyers Just Published!
17 November Matthew Hoyle Privy Council on contributory negligence
19 November Elise Bant Invitation to Unravelling Corporate Fraud Conference
22 November Lionel Smith Postdoctoral Scholar - Berkeley Center for Private Law Theory
23 November Jason Neyers Freedom under the Private Law
24 November Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna Call for papers: Contract law conference, University of Bristol
28 November Lionel Smith Cambridge Freshfields Annual Law Lecture 2024
3 December Jason Neyers Landmark Cases in the Law of Punitive Damages
20 December Matt Dyson HXA v Surrey County Council; YXA v Wolverhampton City Council [2023] UKSC 52
20 December James Lee UK Supreme Court on Knowing Receipt
21 December Jason Neyers HXA v Surrey County Council; YXA v Wolverhampton City Council [2023] UKSC 52
21December Rob Stevens HXA v Surrey County Council; YXA v Wolverhampton City Council [2023] UKSC 52
21 December Jason Neyers HXA v Surrey County Council; YXA v Wolverhampton City Council [2023] UKSC 52
21 December Jason Neyers Fleming's Law of Torts 11th Edition
22 December Barbara McDonald Intersections of Private Law Colloquium
22 December Jason Neyers The Law of Equitable Remedies

<== To the messages for 2022

To the messages for 2024 ==>




  Comments and suggestions are welcome - contact hedley26@gmail.com